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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Pridius laughs. "Is this how you're going to help her? By dying alongside her? Fine by me."

Tyson shoots a fireball out of each hand. One destroys the spike that hit Allustra. The other destroys the trap ensnaring Hunter. Then, he spreads his wings and flies at Pridius.

Pridius laughs. "Come on, bird boy. We both know you're too weak to fight me. You couldn't even protect them. Face it. You're a failure. A bunch of wasted potential that only brings misery and death to those who foolishly decide to care for you."

Tyson snaps and flies straight at Pridius who puts up an ice wall. Tyson smashes through it and punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground. He laughs as he quickly gets back up.

"Not bad. You're getting better, but it changes NOTHING!" Pridius yells. Then, he lets out an explosive frost wave that freezes the fair and the civilians in place. "Look around you. All of these people are just like the ones you couldn't save. All of them are in peril because YOU'RE here and still living!"
"shut up ice boy!" Hunter shouted
"Wonderful. I hope our work will be fruitful." Rage replied "Now please... have fun with my pet."

Walter nodded "Of course Maddy, I will ensure Petunia shows him his room."

"So Josh... want to start with world history or American history?" Demy asked

"It's always fun to watch a play, but when you're the performer, you're ready to collapse." Makoto said.
"Okay" Maddy nods.
"you do realize who you're talking to. Two assassins who have worked with heroes to save the world a few times." Hunter chuckled

Allyson nods. "Okay be safe."

Roxie helps him up. "Let's go."
Cassandra as she became quiet as her presence seemed to vanish so she can be careful to not alert Jeremy as she get ready to leave the place.
"shut up ice boy!" Hunter shouted
Allustra's body falls to the ground.

Tyson charges up a large fireball.

"You're willing to risk killing these innocent people from the heat waves of that fire blast of yours?" He asks.

Tyson glares and lets the fireball dissipate. He flies straight at him again. This time, Pridius counterattacks by hitting him with a massive ice block. Tyson flies through it into a bunch of ice spikes that he breaks as they scratch him up.
"It's difficult to put into words." He said

Maddy nodded and healed the arm

"World history it is." She said
"Good." He said. He looked at Rage. "If you can give me a steady stream of subjects you have my assistance."

They walked in to the world history center.
Allustra's body falls to the ground.

Tyson charges up a large fireball.

"You're willing to risk killing these innocent people from the heat waves of that fire blast of yours?" He asks.

Tyson glares and lets the fireball dissipate. He flies straight at him again. This time, Pridius counterattacks by hitting him with a massive ice block. Tyson flies through it into a bunch of ice spikes that he breaks as they scratch him up.
Hunter went over to Allustra.
"Okay" Maddy nods.
"Now then here we are on the first floor for many recreational activities. The backyard is vast and also has room for a few aircraft thanks to the underground hanger with help from the X-Men. There is also a full bar and living room with an 8k mega screen for your viewing pleasure as well as a home theater. The theater supports both digital projection and 35mm for an authentic feel. We also have a copy of Seven Samurai in 35mm. The master wishes to expand his movie collection. The digital collection is simple to operate as you just choose a movie from the computer hooked up. There is also a self serve lobby with a hot dog machine, popcorn machine, buckets, draft alcohol and some imports in bottles, pretzel maker, and your very own soda fountain. The bar is designed to be similar to an average sports bar with table arrangements for guests to come over and enjoy the games on the TV screens. Most of this floor is purely entertainment. Speaking of, if you are fond of video games there is a full fledged arcade room with video entertainment going from the original Nintendo to the modern systems with some of the latest arcade games as well as classics. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat as well as games that are Asian exclusive. There is a snack bar in that room and finally the personal library with a fireplace that has books from all over the world in various languages at your disposal. Books from Architecture to history and so forth. Some books are in glass cases as they are the collectible books. We ask that if you wish to read those, please see one of us to acquire gloves as those books are very old. One of them is the entire works of Shakespeare in French printed in 1647... so do be careful."
"Good." He said. He looked at Rage. "If you can give me a steady stream of subjects you have my assistance."

They walked in to the world history center.
"A steady stream? He took over our fucking universe..." Maddy said with a cough only for Rage to punch her "You speak... when I say so..." She nodded "I have more than enough test subjects... all willing... unwillingly of course." He smirked

"So, which country you want to start with?" She asked as they approached a map of the world.
"I agree" she replied
"Well.. enough about my life... let's talk about yours." He said
"Now then here we are on the first floor for many recreational activities. The backyard is vast and also has room for a few aircraft thanks to the underground hanger with help from the X-Men. There is also a full bar and living room with an 8k mega screen for your viewing pleasure as well as a home theater. The theater supports both digital projection and 35mm for an authentic feel. We also have a copy of Seven Samurai in 35mm. The master wishes to expand his movie collection. The digital collection is simple to operate as you just choose a movie from the computer hooked up. There is also a self serve lobby with a hot dog machine, popcorn machine, buckets, draft alcohol and some imports in bottles, pretzel maker, and your very own soda fountain. The bar is designed to be similar to an average sports bar with table arrangements for guests to come over and enjoy the games on the TV screens. Most of this floor is purely entertainment. Speaking of, if you are fond of video games there is a full fledged arcade room with video entertainment going from the original Nintendo to the modern systems with some of the latest arcade games as well as classics. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat as well as games that are Asian exclusive. There is a snack bar in that room and finally the personal library with a fireplace that has books from all over the world in various languages at your disposal. Books from Architecture to history and so forth. Some books are in glass cases as they are the collectible books. We ask that if you wish to read those, please see one of us to acquire gloves as those books are very old. One of them is the entire works of Shakespeare in French printed in 1647... so do be careful."

"A steady stream? He took over our fucking universe..." Maddy said with a cough only for Rage to punch her "You speak... when I say so..." She nodded "I have more than enough test subjects... all willing... unwillingly of course." He smirked

"So, which country you want to start with?" She asked as they approached a map of the world.

"Well.. enough about my life... let's talk about yours." He said
She nods. "Understood" she looked at her phone remembering scout wanted to see a movie. Maybe he wanted to watch one here.
Hunter went over to Allustra.
Allustra was bleeding a lot, but the spike miraculously missed any vital organs when it impaled her shoulder. "I knew it...I betrayed him, so he'll kill me too. Just like he said he would."

Tyson and Pridius continue fighting while Tyson wisely lures the fight away from the fair so no one gets caught in the crossfire.
Allustra was bleeding a lot, but the spike miraculously missed any vital organs when it impaled her shoulder. "I knew it...I betrayed him, so he'll kill me too. Just like he said he would."

Tyson and Pridius continue fighting while Tyson wisely lures the fight away from the fair so no one gets caught in the crossfire.
"Just hold on." She texted her uncle and a door appeared. She helps her up. "My uncle Apollo will patch you up."
"Now then here we are on the first floor for many recreational activities. The backyard is vast and also has room for a few aircraft thanks to the underground hanger with help from the X-Men. There is also a full bar and living room with an 8k mega screen for your viewing pleasure as well as a home theater. The theater supports both digital projection and 35mm for an authentic feel. We also have a copy of Seven Samurai in 35mm. The master wishes to expand his movie collection. The digital collection is simple to operate as you just choose a movie from the computer hooked up. There is also a self serve lobby with a hot dog machine, popcorn machine, buckets, draft alcohol and some imports in bottles, pretzel maker, and your very own soda fountain. The bar is designed to be similar to an average sports bar with table arrangements for guests to come over and enjoy the games on the TV screens. Most of this floor is purely entertainment. Speaking of, if you are fond of video games there is a full fledged arcade room with video entertainment going from the original Nintendo to the modern systems with some of the latest arcade games as well as classics. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat as well as games that are Asian exclusive. There is a snack bar in that room and finally the personal library with a fireplace that has books from all over the world in various languages at your disposal. Books from Architecture to history and so forth. Some books are in glass cases as they are the collectible books. We ask that if you wish to read those, please see one of us to acquire gloves as those books are very old. One of them is the entire works of Shakespeare in French printed in 1647... so do be careful."

"A steady stream? He took over our fucking universe..." Maddy said with a cough only for Rage to punch her "You speak... when I say so..." She nodded "I have more than enough test subjects... all willing... unwillingly of course." He smirked

"So, which country you want to start with?" She asked as they approached a map of the world.

"Well.. enough about my life... let's talk about yours." He said
Peater nodded. "Good."

Josh looked around. "Japan."
Peater nodded. "Good."

Josh looked around. "Japan."
She nods. "Understood" she looked at her phone remembering scout wanted to see a movie. Maybe he wanted to watch one here.
Maddy didn't react. She just averted her gaze. "Any other questions?" Rage asked

"Why Japan?" Demy asked

"After this floor is the basement floors. These are purposed with functionality in mind. It is how you access the hangar, armaments, danger room, shooting range, funds vault, laboratory and mechanic room, garage, and the panic room stairway to take you down to the panic room. However such a need for a panic room would be unlikely with your skills." His phone beeped "Ah, time for tea. Would you like to conclude the tour for now and have tea with us? Petunia and Madeline would like to meet you."

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