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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

Wiping the rain out of his eyes, he peered through the window and watched as the man walked towards him, reaching out to shut the window. Darren cocked his head menacingly as the guy noticed him.

"Well, you don't look much like a nurse..." Darren mused, before his hand shot out and clutched him around the neck, his claws puncturing the vein before he drew his arm back. He hopped down from the window, wiping his hand on his jeans as he stared at the second intruder coldly, his body rigid as he recognized the figure.
I felt someone's cold hands touching me and opened my eyes, coming face to face with a burly man. He smirked and covered me with the bag. "Don't worry, sweetheart," he said with a rough voice. "You'll be dead in no time." I heard a strangled cry nearby and shouts, but it blended together as I slipped back into unconsciousness.
Darren snarled and stepped forward menacingly, but the other man held up a finger, almost amused. "Ah ah ah," He said, sneering at Darren. "You touch me, and she goes." Darren kept his expression stoic. "What makes you think I care about her anyway?"

"You did just try to attack me - "

"Well I don't take kindly to people interfering with my operations!"

The man that Darren had strangled earlier twitched, and Darren stomped down on his head, the heel of his boot going through the guy's skull. The hydra henchman tsked under his breath. "No wonder Lascombe sent us to check on you," He said mockingly. "You've really lost your touch." Darren opened his mouth to answer angrily but the man cut him off again. "We came to give you a warning. The time we had issued you was purely precautionary - it does not take all of 38 days to kill a shield agent - especially one you seem to have gotten so close to." The man turned his back to the mutant, and walked away, only stopping in the doorway for one last word. "Oh, and feel free to kill Clouse...he's just the hired help."

Eyes holding a murderous expression, Darren's gaze snapped to the man who was crouched over Natasha's bed. He calmly walked up to him, snapped his neck in one fluid motion, dragged the bodies across the room, and threw them out of the window.
I awoke to see Darren hauling a body out of a window. "Darren," I said, my voice hoarse. I reached out for him, whatever liquid they used on me slowing down my movements.
He blinked, uncertain, before softly tilting her head to the side, and letting his face hover over her neck. Leaning forward, his fangs elongated, and slipped through her skin like knives. His eyelids fluttered closed, and he gripped the side of the bed tightly until his knuckles were white. Waiting until her breathing went back to normal he pulled away with a gasp and shut his mouth. The veins in his neck were plainly visible, and colored black, though they slowly faded away as he healed himself.
I moaned softly, but the color returned to my face and my breathing went back to normal. I looked up at him, a faint smile on my lips.
Darren pulled away after a few seconds, brushing the hair away from her face. "I love you ok? Whatever happens, just know that i'm telling the truth."
"Okay," I say softly, leaning into his touch slightly. I signed before closing my eyes. "Why me...?" I said quietly.
"Thats a really good question - that I can't answer." He grinned at her. "We'd better go before hospital staff freaks about your missing injuries," He added, looking at the open door.
He nodded thoughtfully. "You are healing fast...but those broken bones will still take a while." he gingerly slipped an arm under her knees and one under her back, picking her up slowly. "You ok?"
I smiled and kissed him. "I am now," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. I put my head on his chest. "My knight in shining armor."
"Mmm," Darren grimaced over her shoulder before walking to the window. Balancing on the ledge, he gripped eh side of the building. "I'm going to have to do this with one hand... No sudden movements, ok?"
After ten minutes of scrabbling for purchase on the wet building, his boots landed on solid land. He carried her to his bike, grabbing the helmet. "Think you can hold on?"
He set her down gently, holding her until he was sure she could bear her own weight before straddling the bike and holding out the helmet. "Here - I don't really need it anyway."
I gingerly put it on before wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you, Darren, but...how did you know where I was? How did you find me?"
Pulling out of the lot he had parked in, he cocked his head at the question. 'Sometimes, these powers aren't always a curse," he answered, flipping through the radio stations.

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