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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

"Come on...come on...YAHHHH!" Darren jumped up and pumped his fist in the air as the final buzzer went off as Wade scowled at him, arms crossed tightly. "Oh shut up," He growled and munched on a potato chip.

Darren grinned like a banshee. "Heh, I think you mean shut out," he said smugly. Watching the wizards loose to the heat managed to boost his mood, and he collapsed back on the couch beside Wade.

"Just like old times, eh?" He looked over at the brunette, who was still sulking.

"Oh come on, it's not even playoffs yet. They can still make it in," Darren scooted over and stole a chip from him. Wade looked at him thoughtfully before suddenly leaning forward and dumping the entire contents of the bag all over Darren's head before smiling sweetly.

"I think we're even," he stated, nonchalantly taking a sip of his spiked coke, but yelping as Darren snatched it from him and whacked him in the face with a pillow. Wade snickered and grabbed one of his own, throwing it at the other man while laughing. Darren blocked it and hit him again, contracting a roar from Wade as he moved to retaliate, when he slipped on the carpet and ended up knocking them both backwards onto the floor. The two looked at each other before erupting into peals of uncontrolled laughter.

"You're grinning like an idiot," Wade said, sticking out his tongue at Darren, who scoffed. "So immature, Wilson."

"Go away."

"I can't," replied Darren smugly. "You're on top of me."

Wade leered at him. "Well maybe I like it here," he said, suddenly watching Darren with great interest. Darren, sensing the change in mood, looked back at him questioningly. Wade suddenly grabbed Darren's head in both hands and kissed him hard, before springing off a mement later and going into the other room, shutting the door behind him, and leaving Darren in a daze.
Not having been paying attention, I didn't realize that I was going a solid 100mph. I sighed and looked to the right at a passing field, then straight ahead, just in time to see a large black SUV cross over from the other side of the highway. I tried slamming on the breaks, but I was too late. We hit head-on, sending my Camaro flying.
Darren lay on the living room floor, still shocked at the events that had just transpired. He sat up, rubbing his head, and slowly got to his feet. One thing was for sure - now he was definitely sober. After a few more minutes, he forced himself to shuffle over to the bedroom door. He knocked, quiet at first, but louder when Wade didn't answer. he sighed, and reached toward the doorknob when a sudden and enveloping pain hit him out of nowhere. With a strangled cry, he dropped to the floor as several of his ribs shattered and blood began pouring from his side. He lay there in agony, and the last thing he saw before the darkness filled his eyesight was the door above him opening.
I scream left my body as I was thrown from the impact. Glass flew everywhere and I felt liquid covering me. I couldn't feel or see anything except darkness. I tried to move, but found it impossible. So I let the darkness envelope me and sank into unconsciousness.
[unknown POV]

I smiled at the sight: her battered body inside the burning car. The other cars on the highway had stopped and many got out to assist her, but none made it to her. Gunshots and screams resounded and bodies dropped. No one could help her now.
Darren groaned as he woke, his body ached but was slowly healing. He clawed at the wall, trying to find a way to get up, when suddenly Wade was there,supporting him. Leaning against Wade's shoulder he breathed heavily opening his mouth to say something but closing it again when the effort pained him. He tried to move toward the door as soon as his leg bones snapped back into place, stepping forward and almost falling on his face.

"Woah woah woah, slow down," Wade steadied him. Darren shook his head. "Natasha..."

His friend scowled. "Can't you wait until morning to go have make up sex with your girlfriend? You know, when you don't look like a train wreck?" Darren growled menacingly and shot him a look as the gash in his throat finished healing. "I'ts the bond. These," He gestured to himself. "These wounds aren't mine, their hers. And I'f I don't find her now, she is definitely going to die."
A shock ran through my body and I let my eyes open. All I could see was a blurry mix of colors and all I could hear was a full roar. I felt the darkness return and willed myself to close my eyes, slipping away.
Darren sped through traffic, weaving in and out of cars as he tracked her down. He hadn't bothered to grab his helmet, sensing her was easier when his head wasn't covered. He screeched to a stop as he reached a nearly impenetrable jam, and he cursed in frustration. He hopped off his bike, and began running forward on foot. As he neared the scene he could hear sounds of pandemonium filling the air and his heart clenched as he saw fire ignite under a familiar vehicle. Ignoring the danger of gunshots, he dropped to all fours and sprinted through the mess, barely even noticing as a bullet struck him in the shoulder.

Reaching the damaged car, he lengthened his claws, dug them into the metal, and wrenched the door off of its hinges. Natasha was out cold, still strapped in upside down, while scarily large amounts of blood pooled under her. He severed the seat belt, and pulled her out, hoping the car wouldn't blow before he got her out of there. Gathering her in his arms, he stood, carrying her toward the nearest EMS, when the car behind him shook violently. Throwing himself to the side, he covered Natasha with his body as the car erupted in a fireball. He grimaced as he felt the heat melt the back of his shirt to his skin, but stayed until it was over. Ignoring the screams, he trudged toward the ambulance, cradling her until the paramedics took her.
A flicker. That's all I saw. A small, white flicker of light, accompanied with a strange warmth. My body felt nonexistent and I was almost positive I was dead or dying.

The little flicker disappeared, but was soon replaced with a burst of light as air filled my lungs (from an AED shock). I heard more noise, saw more colors, but didn't feel the warmth. I lifted an arm slowly, hoping to regain it.
[unknown POV]

I watched as the man—no doubt a mutant—pulled her from the blaze just before her vehicle exploded. I took this oppurtunity to fire a few more gunshots before speeding away.
He grasped her hand, pressing his cheek against it, willing her to wake to him. "Come on Nat, fight it," he murmured, looking down at her as they rode to the hospital in the ambulance.
I opened my eyes as the warmth spread throughout my arm and a silken voice spoke in my ear. Breathing shallowly, I looked over at the man.
He breathed out in relief, staring into her green eyes. "Jesus Christ...what happened?"
Darren sighed. "Very funny. You know I don't speak Russian," He said, looking at her pointedly.
Darren turned as a nurse entered the room, holding some painkiller in her hand. "Hey, can you help her? She's...disoriented I guess, babbling something in Russian," he asked her, gesturing to Natasha.
"Brain damage?"

The nurse nodded at him as she fixed the IV drip. "She'll be out of it for a couple days, maybe even weeks at the worst," she answered him. Darren was silent as she left the room, partly out of worry and partly out of guilt. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed as he stared at her.
I looked back at him, wanting him closer. "Come here," I said softly in Russian. I motioned for him to come closer.

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