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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

Red. That's all I could see. I tried to move, but I was being restrained by something cold, metal no doubt. I cried out as something pierced my skin, and slid down my arm. White suddenly filled my vision and I heard a sickening laughter. I tried getting away, but the metal closed in harder on my wrists and ankles.

Needles pierced my arms and neck, making me cry out as burning liquid flowed through my veins. I screamed in agony, praying someone could hear me.
"Natasha? Natasha! Wake up!" Darren shook her firmly by the shoulders as she thrashed underneath him. Waking to the sound of her screams nearly gave him a heart attack and he yelled her name, praying she would wake from whatever nightmare that was plaguing her mind.
I felt a hand close around my throat and I felt the air leave my body…and then my eyes flew open.

Air flooded my lungs and I felt two familiar hands on me. I stared up, wide-eyed, into Darren's blue orbs. I tentatively put my hands on either side of his face, not sure that it was truly him.
"Nat are you ok? Please tell me you're OK," Darren relaxed as her hands came up and touched his face, the fearful expression leaving him.
He cringed at the words and stared at the floor. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - I mean I guess i did but I didn't know it," He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to explain that feeling he'd gotten. He looked back up at her, unsure of what to do.
"They call us ferals," He said thoughtfully. "I guess because our X gene is similar to that of a certain animal, weather it be feline, lupine, or even reptilian. Not really sure how it happens, but it seems to be hereditary."
"Not my mother," He replied instinctively. No, his mother never hat to deal with this...curse.
Darren froze like a deer in headlights and his back went rigid as she looked at him like she could see right through him. Recovering a moment later his gaze flitted to their hands as he shook his head. "Nope."
"What would I not be telling you?" He asked, exasperated, hoping she would just forget he had said anything at all.
I raised my eyebrow at his tone of voice. "You just bit my neck and you're going to play stupid?" I shook my head and moved away from him.
Darren sighed and looked at her pleadingly. "I'm not, I just don't want to tell you..." He trailed off, realizing that was just going to make her more upset. "Just trust me ok? You don't want to know."
He got up to go after her, but nearly knocked over Wade before he left the room. His friend's cheerful expression somewhat dwindled as he noticed Darren's. "What's up, DC?" He asked, using the old nickname before crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame. Darren just shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. "It's nothing." Wade held up a hand as Darren moved to exit. "Hold on a sec," he started, not buying it. "I know you. And you always mess with your hair when you're on edge. Just tell me, maybe I can help," he offered.

Darren put his hands in his pockets. "I do...?" He wondered out loud before looking back at Wade. "She knows I'm hiding something. I mean what am I supposed to say? That my father happens to be a bat shit insane supervillian? Or how about that I've been sent on a mission to kill her for HYDRA? Because I'm sure that bit of information would go over well."

Wade just clapped Darren on the shoulder and led him into the living room. "You'll think of something. in the meantime, I really wanna watch Miami get their asses handed to them..."
I stormed outside, past Wade and got into my Camaro. I slammed my hands on the steering wheel before starting the car and speeding away from Darren's flat. I didn't stop until I was well out of the city, on a back road. I slammed on the brakes and sat there.

After about twenty minutes, I sped away towards the highway. I got on and began weaving through the traffic towards the airbase, going around 80mph.
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