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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars


Location: The Swamp | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
wigi wigi NimbusWing NimbusWing
His question would never receive a formal answer, nor would his conversation with Annette continue as Falcon was attacked by an arrow of unknown origin. Cocking his head, Yoshi could feel his own confusion taking over. It seemed it was just one thing after another with this particular group, which wasn't a bad thing, but it was tiresome. There was only so much a more mellowed creature like himself could keep up with after all. His mind was constantly needing to flip flop from one thing to the next without much warning. It was a lot for him, though he refused to vocally admit it.

Listening to the captain express his annoyance initially at Link, the dino let a soft sigh escape his mouth. Was this about to begin all over again? He sure hoped not. It was clear they were under attack after all, and it hadn't been Link's doing. Thankfully the exchange between the two was short and there was no need for him, or even one of the others, to step in a defuse the situation. However, it did lead to their attacker making himself known.

His eyes were quick to avert to the mysterious voice and as his gaze settled upon the masked archer, his eyes narrowed. Staring the newcomer down, his hands slowly balled up into fist, readying himself for a fight if needed. Unlike his companions though, he was severely at a disadvantage. He wielded no weapons after all, and most of his combat revolved around kicks and punches, which wouldn't be easy to land on a long-ranged opponent.

To make matters worse, the man announced he wasn't alone, after previously declaring that they had trespassed. What a turn of events. Allowing his usual happy-go-lucky demeanor to drop, Yoshi flared his nostrils in a display of annoyance. He was ready to speak his own mind on the matter, but before he could Annette did. Listening to her try to convince the man to let them go given they had no clue they had trespassed, he gave a small nod of his head. Even if her words were in vain, he still wholeheartedly agreed with them. Leaving was the best option they had, if it were to even be permitted.

Of course it would not come to be though. The archer outright ignored the woman. Hearing Shadow speak up on how they had no choice and reasoning wasn't going to get through, Yoshi frowned. This day was a never ending adventure, if he could even call it that.

Pushing his own concerns aside, he steeled himself for a fight. Raising both fists, Yoshi's eyes darted about, trying to find a hole in which he could make an opening through, but nothing seemed to exist. It was hard to judge what was safe and what was not given how well the archers were hidden away in the trees. Huffing to himself, he was pulled from his own battle strategy, and pulled towards Falcon.

Watching the man argue as he continued to get pelted by arrows, the dino couldn't help sighing once again. This really was problematic, and in more than one way. While he wished to move over to the captain's aid, he decided against it, not wanting to find himself the target of an arrow, though perhaps he could eat an oncoming arrow and begin gathering a collection of eggs to use in the upcoming fight. It was decent risk to take, though before his brain could even finish running through his own idea, he heard Shadow speak again. After repeating himself, he gave no warning and immediately launched a counterattack at the foes that were now beginning to circle them.

Eyes widening in fear, Yoshi took a small step back. He wasn't fearful of the enemies themselves, but rather the lack of any solid teamwork. There wasn't much he could do though. Still, he could attempt to help.

Seeing an come flying in Shadow's direction in attempt to halt the hedgehog's attack, the dino shot his tongue out and caught the arrow mid-flight. Securely wrapping his tongue around it, he pulled it into his mouth and swallowed it without much thought. Only seconds after said action, an egg popped out behind him and he carefully picked it up in his hand. "Yoshi not like stranger and company threatening, Yoshi and friends. Yoshi give one final warning before Yoshi throw egg and bring pain!"
Location: The Forest, outside Samus's hip
With: Samus Aran ( Develius Develius ), Princess Peach ( Minako Minako ), Princess Zelda ( SheepKing SheepKing ), Cream & Cheese ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 )

Odessa appeared to be about Samus's age, give or take a few years, yet her eyes had the tired look of one who had endured great hardship and tragedy. Despite being a solemn-faced woman, Odessa had never been particularly brave. She feared Samus, though anyone who could call her an enemy would be a fool not to be. Samus herself was also no fool and the priestess knew it. Odessa found her nerve and looked up into the visor of the other woman's helmet, not daring to try and peek inside the ship. "We have not met, but I do know of you, Samus Aran, as do many who make this world their home. I am Odessa. I am a wandering healer. I have been in these woods for a while, trying to be of as much help as I could, though admittedly there wasn't much I could do against the monsters and corruption. When the taint had been cleared up and I saw your ship, I assumed it to be you who was responsible and came to offer my services in case there was need of my skills. It's the least I can do after what you've done for the forest."

Odessa took a breath as though talking took a lot of energy from her. "The return of the Super Smash Brothers will bring hope to the hearts of many, as it does my own. If you've no need of my services as a healer, perhaps there is another way I can be of assistance? A lot has happened in this past year."

Gripping her staff with both hands, the woman bowed her head humbly. Upon hearing Cream's voice, she raised her head to see the little rabbit girl greeting her. A smile, albeit a small one, appeared on her face, though a sharp eye may see her eyes squint with well-hidden sorrow.
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Location: Battlefield Fortress | Interactions: Open
Silence. Complete and utter silence was all that filled the head of the one known as Byleth. His thoughts were nonexistent as was his consciousness. All was still. His body made no movements. Even his chest didn't move from the shallow breaths his body drew in. To most, it would appear as if he were dead, or at least close to it, yet the young professor laid in a state between being conscious and the opposite. It was a state he had been in far longer than one might have expected an individual to be capable of, yet here he was. A year ago, was when he had entered such a state, finding his body pleading with the world to let him survive the fatal error he had made.

It all had happened not long after his return home from the Smash Realm. Of all things Byleth had expected, being thrown directly into war had not been one of them, though perhaps he should have expected as much. The cracks had begun showing themselves before he had been invited to the World of Smash, yet he had hardly put much thought into what it had meant. The Empire had been raising its army, and Edelgard had been plotting right under the Church's nose the entire time. Her comrades had attacked not only the Church, but Byleth and his students on several occasions. None of that had been known until they marched upon the Monastery though. Still, war was what rose from it all, and at the forefront of such conflict had stood the professor. However, his efforts would only bring him to the state which he found himself in now; a soul clinging to life as it drifted through the vacant flows of time.

Playing the hero had brought him where he was. The moment he saw Rhea in danger, Byleth had given it no second thought and went against the orders she had originally given him, and as such, he paid for it, though thankfully not with his life. The goddess wouldn't let him perish so easily; not after gifting him her powers. As such, his life had been spared, but he was left in a slumber to recover from his fall. Where his body had gone had become a mystery to all those in Fodlan. Most had declared him dead, though the lack of a body gave no proof of such a thing. Others had clung to the hope that he simply had gone missing, though it was a farfetched thought even among the most devout, but then again, many did not know exactly how his disappearance took place, allowing them to cling on to such ideas. Even so, their searches would never find the professor.

For months, Byleth was stowed away. Where exactly? Only the Goddess knew. However, as time passed cries from another world seemed to reach the dormant professor. Such calls for help weren't enough to draw the professor from his slumber, yet they were enough to pull him from the void which had come to protect him. Those pleas would come from none other than the Smash Realm itself. How they reached him specifically was something that could hardly be explained, yet one could say prayer was far stronger than one might think, and as a "goddess" himself, the people's wishes were something he strived to adhere to the best he could. And thus, the divine one from Fodlan was once again returned to the world, albeit not the one which he belonged to.

Days had passed since his arrival, and yet Byleth remained in slumber. Not a soul had found him either. The fortress in which he had been pulled to had been abandoned for quite some time, leaving the professor to remain asleep for the time being. It was hard to miss him though. Despite usually wearing a face of stone, his expression while asleep was much softer, hinting that his time in said sleep had been far more peaceful than one might think. Along with his expression, his arms were neatly folded over his chest, with his hands resting atop the center of it. Such a proper posture was only added to by the attire Byleth now donned. Being heeded as the next coming of the goddess by the archbishop, the professor had long abandoned the armor many of this realm had known him to wear, and instead wore a more ornate attire. Soft, white and gold robes hung over dark underclothing, and upon his head of now pale green hair was a golden headpiece, befit for a royal. Truly everything about him demanded the sight to be seen as tranquil, yet it couldn't be farer from the truth.

You... How long do you intend to sleep? A feminine voice cut through the silence that had long laid over him and pulled him closer to consciousness. Still, fogginess clung to his very being and held him hostage. Your body has been slowly awakening... All that remains is for you to open your eyes and find the strength to stand upon those legs of yours. The voice, it was familiar, yet Byleth couldn't place it. His head pounded in pain, making it difficult in itself to remain focused on the disembodied voice echoing in his head. The words of whoever this was were quick to pass the professor by, and even so, it continued on. Can't you hear it? This world weeps... In order to survive, the people of this world either fight or cower in fear as this new threat sweeps across the land... Those people weep too...

Such words went far over Byleth's head in the moment. They weren't complex by any means, but the poor professor could hardly focus, and yet the entity that spoke to him refused to acknowledge such a thing. You understand what you must do, don't you? It was only then the voice seemed to take notice, but even so, it simply waited for an answer directly from him. I'm...still tired... Those were the only words he could muster out and they were more than enough to enrage the voice.

You complete and utter fool! Have you not changed one bit?! The sudden shift in tone only made his head pound harder, though signs of this would be far from evident upon his actual face. You are like a child and I will-

The voice seemed to come to an abrupt end, allowing silence to fall over Byleth once more. His mind was now awake, yet his eyes still did not open. He was simply left to ponder the words that had been spoken to him until he could find it in himself to finally awaken in full.
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Princess Peach’s reaction to news of their criminality was entirely warranted, though Zelda found herself unsurprised that such a figure would go so far as to denounce all of the roster. After all, it strongly reminded her of Ganon donned the disguise of Agahnim to take control of her kingdom. In fact, one of the first steps he took to remain in power was ordering the immediate arrest and execution of the hero of legend. While many of the populace found such a claim suspect, there were still many more who took his word for granted. And, with the people of the land turned against the only one who could save them, it made it all the more easier for Ganon to maintain his power over the land. So no, despite the depravity of Declaring all tournament participants as fugitives, Zelda could not muster anything other than pure disgust for the one who’d made the order, which based on Princess Peach’s own agreement, was very likely to be the result of Lunaris’s hand.

Despite Zelda’s lack of shock, she still wasn’t so callous as to discard her friend’s own reaction to such news, as the other princess appeared visibly shaken. As a small gesture, Zelda placed her hand onto Peach’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as well as a few words of comfort.

“No matter what we will dispel this libel against us and the other fighters. We have done far too much for this realm for such an absurd claim to be able to take hold of the minds of the people. And though there may be those motivated by ignorance and greed to act in accordance with this decree, there will undoubtedly be many more who will see through these thinly veiled lies and instead choose to place their trust in us. It is our duty to stay strong for the later, as it is they who will support us in this time of crisis”

Removing her hand from Peach, Samus shifted the topic to address possible communication with the other fighters, confirming the risk of leaking their position if the bounty hunter was to set off the beacon. As well, it sounded as if a portion of the fighters might entirely be unable to locate such a signal, as without the proper machinery, it would go entirely unnoticed. As for other non technological options, Zelda raised her hand to suggest a possible alternative.

“If we were to use other means of communication, my power of telepathy might be an asset. During the time of my kingdom’s own period of crisis it was the method I used to call The Hero of Legend to action”

Zelda’s gaze lowered,

“…But it too has limitations. While I am unaware of any specific spells that could be used to locate the use of such an ability, it would be careless to assume that there are no other means of detecting its use. Even then, it takes great focus to contact even just one individual and the distance from them as well as their mental fortitude would impact the viability of my power”

With the hero, there was little worry of these limitations impacting his quest, as Hyrule was such a small kingdom there was no fear of losing contact so long as he remained within its boundaries. And, as the one destined to save the kingdom, one could say he was wired to allow Zelda to make contact with his mind. But now? The factors were far different. The Smash Realm dwarfed the size of her kingdom and many of the fighters surely had mental boundaries that would be far too strong for her to pierce. What was such a pivotal part in ensuring safety of Hyrule was now nothing but a hindrance and potential risk to their mission. It was clear there were no definitive means to ensure contact will all of their allies

“ But regardless of the means, I concur that for now we should wait unless action is deeply necessary or until we can find a way to prevent the leaking our location…Though I suppose that will make reconnecting with our allies all the more difficult”

Giving an apologetic smile, Zelda found that wasn’t the most encouraging thing for the group to hear, so she knew she couldn’t end off on such a dour note. Lightly a finger against her temple, Zelda fell silent, displaying an expression of what appeared to be contemplation.

But soon enough such a face would completely vanish, as a surprisingly cheeky smile stretched across Zelda’s cheeks.

“But difficult doesn’t mean impossible does it? The Goddesses Know that we’ve dealt with far worse situations! I’m sure if we think hard enough we’ll be able to come up with some kind of solution

Ending with a wink, it was a departure from the prior pragmatic attitude of the Princess, though in her mind it made perfect sense. After all, while one needed to be realistic when dealing with potentially scenarios, it was equally imperative to not fall into the pit of nihilism. Operating without any expectation of victory would only serve to become a self fulfilling prophecy. No, they needed to hold tightly onto hope for a positive outcome. Furthermore, with the likes of the courageous and headstrong Samus alongside the ever sweet and creative Princess Peach, she didn’t doubt for a second that their combined prowess would yield positive results.

Zelda listened on as Samus next informed her of the Hands’ status being unknown, with Princess Peach backing up the very same claim. For all the group knew Master and Crazy hand could be kidnapped, in hiding, or even deceased, which was a terrifying thought in of itself. Beings of that manner of power could on their own turn the tide of any conflict. And, as peculiar as the two were, Zelda would admit to feeling a sort of fondness for the eccentricities of the Hands. Without them she would have never found a means to prove her own strengths nor have been able to meet the friends she now holds dearly today.

For now, Princess Zelda won’t make any specific assumptions regarding their status save only for the possibility that they potentially may have to face Lunaris without any of their assistance.

Before any further discussion could take place, a voice outside stole their attention. It was feminine, and based on the other’s reactions, entirely unfamiliar to the group. For better or worse it appeared someone had managed to stumble upon Samus’ ship just as the young Mii and Mobian had moments ago.

Princess Peach and Samus made their way to the exit, though Zelda herself would stay behind for a brief moment, giving a passing glance to the solemn Pikachu sulking by the corner. She’d hesitate for a moment before calling out to the Pokémon. “If it ends up being anything problematic or dangerous, we’ll be sure to call for you” and with that she went to catch up with the other women, a hand clenched tightly in preparation to defend herself if the situation so required.


At the ship’s entrance she’d be met with the sight of a woman downed in a long white gown, donned in some manner of violet cloak and holding onto a staff that suggested a humble background. The princess had walked in right as Samus for her name, to which the woman would helpfully supply. She identified herself as Odessa, a wandering physician that had been doing her best to aid the forest until Samus, Pikachu, and Princess Peach were able to heal it. In thanks she wanted to offer her service, citing that the return of the Smash Fighters would sprout hope in the hearts of the realm’s populace.

While Cream the rabbit greeted Odessa with open arms, Princess Peach seemed unsure of how to approach the stranger and her offer, giving a rather dire glance towards the other blonde women. Was it a tad hypocritical of her to err on the side of caution after just telling her friends to believe in the hearts of the realm? Perhaps. But she had too mentioned the party of people who would let their mind be clouded by greed and the possibility of reward. After all, Zelda had already faced off against bounty hunters who tricked her. From donning the disguise of friendly coachmen or that of a humble healer, discerning the pure hearted from the malicious was a real issue.

Still, if Odessa was indeed telling them the truth, the could surely benefit from gaining a first hand perspective regarding the status of the realm. They very well could gather information in relation to this mysterious Lunaris, especially in regards to their abilities, weaknesses, and level of control of the realm. And, though unlikely, perhaps the maiden might even know further information regarding the Ten Pillars or location of the other fighters.

So, to put their trust into this stranger or not? Zelda needed to think through her next actions very carefully lest she find herself tricked once more. And in order to do so she’d surely benefit from the other’s input on the issue.

Providing a soft smile, Zelda addressed the healer. “We truly thank you for your kindness Miss Odessa, however before we reach any decisions regarding possible assistance we would like to briefly discuss the offer in private”

Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Odessa and Pikachu) Develius Develius (Samus Aran) Minako Minako (Princess Peach) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream the Rabbit)
Location: Forest, Samus Ship Exterior (Map in process of rehaul)
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Shovel Knight
Interactions; Funnier President Funnier President AvidElmV2 AvidElmV2 Ploegy Ploegy
The blue knight looked around him, the man in the bandanna and the boy seemed to be looking around trying to find the source of the sound, which in turn caused him to look around the cave before blocky like creatures appeared everywhere. He noticed that they ordered a man named,‘Steve’ to keep on digging straightforward.

He then spun his mighty shovel and prepared for majestic combat!

Prepare to be slain you foul creatures! Face thy shovel! Face thy SHOVEL KNIGHT!”

He said before rushing into the undead creatures, swinging his shove side to side, and lifting the mighty weapon and putting a mighty amount of force into a zombies head that was closet too him. Though instead of slaying it, it turned a bright red before getting knocked back.

Shovel knight clearly looked puzzled by the situation, the creature should be slain by now! Though knowing he doesn’t have the time to be confused, he quickly swung his shovel at the Minecraft zombie.

After a couple of seconds of the zombie getting knocked back quite a lot the zombie turned to dust.

HAZZAH! No beast could dare slay THY SHOVEL KNIGHT!”

He placed his arm by his chest proudly as sparkles floated above his head, quite obviously showing that he was proud of slaying one zombie.

Approach me if you dare beasts! You will find the same fate as your silly friend ! “

He said as he pointed the mighty shovel and rushing in too prevent zombies following Steve and the boy with the key as his weapon.

Even if he looked a bit….unusual no doubt the knight was skilled with the shovel he used as a weapon. He was named shovel knight after all!
interactions; Develius Develius GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

The leader of the space pirates looked at bowser, and then looked at the beet introduced ‘Lord Lunaris’. He snickerd at his talking of bowsers precious Princess Peach. He was confused on how the koopa king could be so obsessed with her, honestly, she wasn’t that good looking, she was also a human so minus points on the looks, but still it was who the koopa king desired most, and his ambition for her was quite…..odd.

Though what peaked his interested was when he mentioned princess peach with Samus. SAMUS? Now that there were no rules, he could easily destroy the Samus bloodline without having to spare the brat! His deadly claws were clenched in pure joy at the thought of wiping out her bloodline for good!

AHAHA! Yes yes! You had me at the mere word of Samus! I will be your ally in this time of war against the smash brothers, my space pirates will arrive shortly too, us three will conquer theese lands! As long as I get to destroy that BRAT SAMUS, we have a deal.”
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Toon Link & Pit
Where: Ghost Ship, out in the sea
With: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Jeff ( Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat )

"I'm your good buddy?" Pit asked Mythra, brows up and one corner of his mouth raised in a half-smile. Quicky remembering the situation at hand, he returned his focus to Krook. "Uh, I mean, yeah! We're ghost hunters! The very best!"

It wasn't that far from the truth. Pit fought demons and other wicked spirits often; all part of being an angel! Toon Link had the most experience with ghost ships, having ventured into them on two other occassions. Toon Link couldn't believe he would be going through a ghost ship yet again! At least his expertise would hopefully be of use to his companions.

Klay stood nearby with the four Smash Brothers' weapons, clearly unhappy with being given the order to arm their captives. Pit moved toward the Kremling, taking his bow back while sending his foot straight into the reptile's gut and sending him overboard. In one swift movement, he tossed Toon Link and Jeff their weapons then grabbed Jeff to put him onto his shoulders (the boy didn't look too athletic) before hopping onto the ship railing. Facing Krook, Pit saluted.

"We'll get you your treasure, Kap'n'! We're pros!"

Though Pit could not use his wings, years of having to run, jump, and climb everywhere had given him very strong legs, and he made it to the deck of the Ghost Ship in a single leap. Toon Link balanced himself on the ropes of the grappling hooks and tight-rope walked the way over to the haunted ship with little problem. They had little time to breathe as the Reaper and its spectral passengers turned their gazes upon them. Pit had expected the Reaper to throw the alarm, believing the angel to be interfering with its work, but it remained silent to his surprise. In fact, the Reaper seemed smug, like it knew something. The departed spirits of Zora and pirate rushed over to the fighters, grabbing at them, moaning and pleading for redemption or vengeance. Their grasping hands moved through the Smash Brothers, harmless as a breeze.

Toon Link and Pit, being boys of action, did not dwell on it for long. The Hylian called out to his companions and pointed to the ship's sterncastle. That's where the captain's quarters should be and as such, the first place to be searched. Without a moment's hesitation, that was where Hylian and angel ran. They didn't bother to knock or check to make sure the door was unlocked; Pit forced it open with a straight kick. What they saw was what they had expected: old rotten wooden furniture, waterlogged books and scrolls, and decorative weapons so rusted that they might fall apart with a touch. The only thing of interest was the ancient remains of the ship's captain draped over what was once a navigation table.

As they cautiously approached the remains, the old bones began to glow a pale blue. A whispering voice filled their heads, the spirit's words branding themselves within their minds.

"Champions of the realm... if you seek to save this world... remember these words:

Fear haunts the night sea,

Sorrow rains eternally,

Anger erupts in fire and ash,

Ego gazes upward to the stars vast,

Death's shrill cry chills the land,

All a finger on Madness's hand..."

The blue glow faded and the voice went silent.

"Ah, a riddle," Pit said with a sheepish tone. "I've never been good at riddles. I'm kinda dumb."


Airship Flotilla
| R U S T R U S T (Ridley)| GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Lord Lunaris) |

Bowser's eyes rolled upon hearing the disappointing, yet unsurprising, fact that the Princess was in another stadium- or more specifically another random location. "Hmph..." he grunted neutrally, "I had the feeling that was the case... THOUGH finding YOU there would've also been worth it." Though what he didn't expect was the fact Lunaris KNEW precisely not WHERE she was, but rather WHO she was with. Both of the Koopa King's fiery eyebrows branched upwards with a stunned interest. Low and behold, his unrequited love interest was apparently with Ridley's arch-nemesis; the legendary bounty hunter Samus Aran. It was, as what Lunaris pointed out, oddly convenient for the two to be together at this very moment. Bowser's stunned look squinted into a furrowed glance, suspicious about his so called "claim", but kept his peace for the moment.

Furthermore, Lunaris explained how he viewed the Smash Brother contestants as threats to his rulership. Unsurprising there, considering this guy oozed "main antagonist" energy... well, second to Bowser's own "alpha antagonist energy" that is. Two totally different categories. Nonetheless, he proclaims the two "bosses" to form an alliance with their armies - given his assumption that they were not on good terms with the other Smash Brothers. Their rewards would be given territory that they can rule over and Lunaris' support with their conquering of other realms like the Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, and so forth. Ridley found himself agreeing with Lunaris passionately, swearing so long that she would get to destroy Samus that he has a deal.

Bowser, meanwhile, also found himself being swayed by the jester's deal. He was certainly right about their relationships with the other "heroic" Smash Brothers; he didn't like them and they him. However, he knew deep down how these evil alliances tend to go. After all, the amount he's been in were definitely enough to prove how dynamic such relationships are. Some were good. Most were terrible. Yet everyone was out for their own gains, usually at the expense of others. How this arrangement was going to go solely depended on one particular outcome.

"You know what?" the gruff monarch asked with excitement in his breath, "Yeah! That sounds like a pretty sweet deal!" He then rose his finger as his expression tightened. "BUT. Before I come fully onboard with it... PROVE to me that both Peach and Samus are together at this very moment and WHERE they are. I don't take kindly to lyin' punks! Prove THAT... and I'll gladly accept the deal."
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Outside Samus' Ship
| SheepKing SheepKing (Zelda) | GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Odessa) | Minako Minako (Princess Peach) | SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream & Cheese) |

Samus continued to loom over the wandering healer - who made herself known as Odessa - hearing her side of the events in her perspective. Her silence and "unblinking" glare would no doubt be intimidating for many, but she was attentive and willing to give this weary-eyed traveller a chance to plead her case. Though the final say on whether or not she was accepted was solely up to her. Listening intently, it would seem reasonable that Odessa would be telling the truth. Certainly she looked the part and gave a fairly decent explanation as to what she was doing during their Deku Tree incident. To add on, she seemed grateful for their help, offering her healing services to assist the Smash Brothers in their quest to save the realm in exchange.

By all means, this Odessa individual looked to be rather harmless if not determined to help. But Samus was perceptive. Her line of work as a bounty hunter occasionally found her in situations much like this one, where she had to figure out the motives and intentions of individual targets and POIs based on subtle cues and verbal inconsistencies. While she was no psychologist by any means, she had learned certain tricks during her days in the Galactic Federation that helped her identify those considered guilty.

In this instance, she sensed a bit of tensed movement when she initially approached the healer. Granted it could be a natural reaction to seeing something as big and intimidating like herself that caused a more defensive posture. Still, something felt... just off about this. She just couldn't place her arm cannon where. And even she could feel that the other Princess were unsure about Odessa's sudden appearance. Frankly, they had every right to be. Indeed, it would be Princess Zelda that offered that the Smash Sisters would have to discuss the matters in private before giving the final verdict. The armored huntress slowly glanced back, as if to acknowledge her request, before looking back at Odessa.

"Wait here." Samus ordered sternly. Slowly she began to walk backwards, her gaze not leaving the healer's eyes, before reluctantly turning her back to face the sisterly council. She leaned over the two Princesses, taking a moment to glance back at their visitor, before returning her full attention to them. "What's the verdict?" the bounty hunter admitted, "All of you feel the same way as I do?"
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link had his bow pulled back and ready to fire...
he awaited any movement seeing his friends grabbing their weapons too.
he quickly attached a bomb to his arrow , a move he used a lot on the tournament.
he nudged falcon almost as if he's waiting for his plan.
he grunted holding on to his bow as steady as he can . he pointed the bow at the guy who appeared to be the leader of the group , the one who spoke.
then link realised what he was doing , he fought in his fare share of temples but it was never against humans or whatever these guys are .
maybe there's a way to peacefully get out of this situation.
the hero of time put down his bow geturing the other to do the same.
he took a deep breath and tried to approach the masked man white trying to calm him down with some hand gestures.

NimbusWing NimbusWing Ploegy Ploegy Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Princess Peach

As suspected, Zelda and Samus were also quite suspicious of this new traveler.

The phrase "too good to be true" might ring true in this situation... It was better to be safe than sorry, after all...

"Mmmm, I think so, yes," Peach nodded as she responded, adding, "We're in a pretty bad spot and suddenly a great help just HAPPENS to waltz by nearly exactly when we need it?"

To NOT be skeptical in this scenario would be near IMPOSSIBLE.

"...But..." She then exhaled, exasperated, trying to take BOTH options into consideration, continuing with, "If we send a signal or a beacon AND it... Goes wrong... We might need her help to escape any dangerous predicaments we find ourselves in IF she is who she says she is, Although..."

She looked at Pikachu, Cream, and Cheese with concern in her eyes...

"We aren't just looking out for ourselves, but them as well..." The pink Princess muttered, almost under her breath, but not quite.

Hmmmm... Now that Peach thought about it... Cream, she would almost safely bet, was probably friends with a particular blue blur of a hedgehog who was also a participant in the Tournament last year... A blue hedgehog who had a very different type of rivalry with her dear Mario than he did with bone-headed Bowser: Whereas Bowser and Mario would get so caught up in themselves that they try to destroy each other in proving who was the best SONIC and Mario were much more amiable towards each other. Mario's face almost lights up when he's competing with the blue blur, while it seems like he has a permanent SCOWL whenever Bowser was near (not that the Mushroom Princess blamed him!)...

Yes, her heroic Plumber and the blue Hedgehog had an ALMOST sibling-like rivalry, though funnily enough the ACTUAL Mario Brothers didn't really even bicker (except on the rare occasion, of course), let alone fight or compete with each other... The brothers were much more cooperative.

The Mushroom Princess, without a doubt, preferred Mario's friendly rivalry with Sonic the Hedgehog to the destructive adversarial association Mario and Bowser have... This was probably why now the pink Princess suddenly felt responsible for protecting Cream for Sonic's sake... Like she owed it to him...

She exhaled with a heavy heart as she looked away from Zelda and Samus guiltily, making up her mind at that very moment despite how awkward things were going to get once the ship was ready to go WITHOUT the newly dubbed Odessa... They're essentially abandoning her...

"I think we can't be too careful," Peach finally spoke more decisively as she thought through this situation more, concluding, "We could be hoisted by our own petard sending the signals, and if this Odessa IS a wolf in sheep's clothing, we may be giving her the perfect opportunity to cripple us further IF her intentions aren't pure... I just think the timing is too convenient for this not to be a trap, I'm afraid... Though she certainly doesn't LOOK like bad news... But then again, not all bad news looks like obvious bad news..."

As soon as Peach thought of "bad news" she couldn't help but think of the persistent King Koopa who clearly wouldn't know of the concept of CONSENT if it grabbed him by his stupid, spiky tail and threw him by it!


Samus' Ship! (Forest Entrance)


Develius Develius (Samus), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pikachu and Odessa), SheepKing SheepKing (Zelda), and SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream & Cheese)​
Shadow the hedgehog
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- wigi wigi Ploegy Ploegy NimbusWing NimbusWing
"You here...Captain Falcon,right? If you are the leader,then I suppose you have a plan?!" Shadow asked Captain Falcon. He turned to who Link pointed with his sword. He suppose that it was the leader of the group.
"I suppose you DO have a plan?" Shadow asked Link.
Cream the rabbit and Cheese the Chao
Minako Minako SheepKing SheepKing Develius Develius GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Cream looked at Odessa. Still be young, Cream was still abit naive,but less then she was before she met Sonic. The young woman,Odessa,looked friendly and needed help,but can she be trusted?
Pokey nodded his head going into the thick of the chaos believing it’s time to put his PSI StarStorm to use. He did that to a small group of Primids heading in his direction. It was such a sight as the creatures were taken down by his PSI StarStorm.

A thought entered his mind believing this is far from over. Just as he thought, more of those damn primids appeared amongst the escalating chaos but the former captured Pokemon came to help them lower their numbers. It’s a much needed aid.

He watched astonished as the two Bunearies and Pichu worked seamlessly together to take down their enemies. It’s the sting that made him realize loneliness hurt terribly. Not just the painful feeling of loneliness hurt his heart, but also the feeling of being alone when his father was at his worst. His lips turned downward, hearing the sounds of his dad’s belt as he struck Pickey and him. He held his head as that night was one of those he’ll never forget. It was just one single strike..

Make it g.. go.. go away. Not now!! WHY?! WHY?! WHYYY??!!! PLEASE GO AWAY!!

No thanks to Ness. He ground his teeth, clearly hearing Pickey’s scream. At least the flash back was gone, shorter than last time. Pokey stood straight acting as if nothing happened. Preparing for the second wave, he glanced in the direction of the forest. “ We could use more help.” Pokey, mumbles, and the pokemon were amazing help. He’s not even lying or hinting at malice.

Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing
Annette Fantine Dominic1675844803079.png

The Swamp
Mentions: Ploegy Ploegy , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 and wigi wigi

In Annette's shoes, it didn't take a genius to understand that things were looking dire between her and her newly acquired 'friends' of sorts. She looked through the confusing conflict as Link put down his weapons - an attempt that she tried to no avail. Then there was Captain Falcon, who explained that things clearly weren't going to work peacefully and that the battle was inevitable.

To the mind of the tactician and spellcaster that was Annette, it honestly felt like a firm contradiction. On one hand, Falcon explained that there was no convincing these masked men, but on the other, here was Link still trying to find an option to get out of this unscathed. Nevertheless, she kept her grasp on Crusher firm all the same - at this point, she just didn't know what could have been the absolute best course of action.

Peace was already explained to be inefficient and violence would only be met with arrows being shot in her general direction. The third and final option, escape, was far from the question either granted that all exits were cut off by the surrounding invaders. She turned her head to Captain Falcon slowly, keeping a firm eye on those who kept their own gaze affixed to her. She didn't dare take any chances, if so much as another arrow was shot in her direction then she knew that a battle was afoot. As much as she despised his attempts to hit on her... she couldn't deny what combat prowess he could have had.

"If you have a plan, then I've got your back. I'm not going to just die here when those who I've been looking for could still be here in this world!"
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon takes a deep breathe and remains silent for a few seconds to gather his thoughts before speaking. "As much as I would love to put the smack down every single person surrounding us, I'm a patient man...Despite the justified amounts of rage coursing through my mind at the moment, I'm willing to explore all my non-violent options first before throwing down. And that option is Link. Shadow, Yoshi, stand down and let Link communicate with them. If you noticed, boss man up there has pointed ears, while also having the same green and brown color scheme as Link. That could be total coincidence and have absolutely no merit whatsoever but let me just distract myself from the pain by pretending I'm smarter than I actually am...If words won't reach these guys, then maybe charades will. And Link is the king of charades." Captain Falcon remarks proudly.

The archers evade Shadow's attacks with ease; however, they don't attack him but return to their initial formation with their arrows still trained on the group. The masked archer looks at Link as Hylian attempts to communicate with him through his multitude of different gestures all the while slowly lowering his bow.
wigi wigi Ploegy Ploegy SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 NimbusWing NimbusWing
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Lord Lunaris
Where: Bowser's Airship
With: Bowser ( Develius Develius ), Ridley ( R U S T R U S T )

Well, that was easy enough, Lunaris thought with a smirk as Ridley agreed to the alliance with great eagerness. The addition of the Space Pirates was a pleasant bonus to the wizard: surely their technology and scientific discoveries will be a great boon to his forces! There were no depths the Space Pirates will not sink for the sake of science and power, and Lunaris respected that.

Bowser seemed excited to take up the bargain as well, but only on one condition, one that Lunaris can very easily meet. Lunaris couldn't help but find it fascinating that King Bowser was the more thoughtful and suspicious of the two Lords, though he theorized it was the result of the massive Koopa being burned more than once by past alliances. Besides Samus, Ridley didn't have any great enemies, at least from what Lunaris learned through his own research; they're all dead!

At Bowser's demand of proof in regards to Princess Peach and Samus Aran's location, Lunaris shrugged casually, an optimistic tone in his smooth voice. "No problem!" He dug into his robe and pulled out a baseball-sized Golden Eye. The blue pupil glowed and a small laser shot out of it, the laser then expanding into a hologram. The hologram depicted Princess Peach, Samus Aran, and Pikachu at a great smoldering pile of ash within a forest.

"One of my satellites picked this up not too long ago," Lunaris explained. "It came from the forest to the south."

Lunaris lightly tossed it toward Bowser just in case the other lord needed to feel it in his own hand before he could trust the information.

"How you capture or dispose of the other Super Smash Brothers matters not to me. There's a high bounty on each member, and I am willing to pay you two the bounty for every Super Smash Brother you take care of, along with what we've already agreed to. I will spread the word that you and yours, and your armies are to be seen as my allies, but just as a precaution I will give you these." Lunaris raised his left fist, turned it palm-up, and opened his hand to reveal two round emblems with a simplified depiction of the sorcerer's grinning silver and gold mask. "If you run into trouble with the, uh, slower of my minions or hunters, show them this emblem. They will know you are officially under my protection. Don't worry about losing them: I've put a simple soul-binding spell on them just in case. As soon as you wear your medals for the first time, it truly becomes yours; another being cannot wear it. I've had to take such a measure after a small resistance group tried using my emblems to sneak into my citadel. King Koopa, if you are suspicious about its magic, I will not be offended if you let your magikoopa appraise the enchantment to verify what I said."

The Master of Creation and Destruction went silent to allow Bowser the time to think over his decision. It would be rude to be pushy!


Where: The Forest
With: Samus Aran ( Develius Develius ), Princess Peach ( Minako Minako ), Princess Zelda ( SheepKing SheepKing ), Cream & Cheese (@SirPrompto )

Odessa nodded once at Samus's stern order. Truth be told, she would not be too upset if the Super Bash Sisters denied her entry. She already got plenty of information just from this small interaction alone, and going onto that ship meant she would be heavily outnumbered and outmatched should things turn ugly. Odessa knew this when she went with her plan, but it was still a frightening risk.

As the three women talked amongst themselves, Odessa returned her attention to Cream and a small, yet genuine smile appeared on her weary features. It seemed she was quite taken by the sweet little rabbit girl. Odessa wanted to talk to her but kept her silence, believing the other women may take it as an attempt to weasel information or entry to the ship from her.

Odessa unconsciously raised her free hand and placed the clenched fist to her heart. Though the women in the ship were very right in being wary, she could not help but wonder if her soul had become so darkened that it showed on her person.
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Joker’s words confirmed her suspicions. The older boy named drop the other two who are with Bowser as Lord Ridley and Lord Lunaris. It explains some things. Like of course she heard of Lunaris in her short time in the smash realm. He’s supposed to be a powerful figurehead of the realm so it makes sense that Joker seemed worried.

He told them that things will be dangerous from here on out. She nods,” Is there any way I can be of help? Joker? Inkling? Everyone?” Paula meant everyone as in Anne, Prompto, and Noctis. She thinks she can handle danger pretty well considering her travels and facing dangerous creatures who know some PSI. Then there’s the final showdown with Giygas himself. She knows some deadly PSI spells though her praying ability isn’t reliable. She only used it to call for help as the last resort on Giygas. “ I can handle myself anyway. I faced dangerous alien enemies that know PSI.. ” She was almost a human sacrifice if it weren’t for Ness who came through for her in the end. She can count on him always. She thought of the time Ness and her were kidnapped by that strange lady and the zombies back in Threed. She was able to get through to Jeff with her telepathy he’s one of her closest friends and like a brother to her. “ By the way that cloaked figure is Lord Lunaris he’s supposed to be one of the rulers of the smash realm. As for how we move on maybe we go to the stadium, hopefully the other smash fighters there. and make preparations there. I don’t think going headlong against Bowder and the others without a plan is a good idea..” Paula suggested.

Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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"Well,I Prompto faced demonic powered machines created by an evil empire as well as monsters..." Noctis replied,scratching his head awardly."I'm glad the power of the kings is still kicking for me. So I can still fight."
"Don't forget about me Dude!! It works for me as well!" Prompto replied.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing
As soon as Pit set him down on the ship’s deck Jeff felt his muscles tensing up perhaps it’s because he’s on a ghost ship. He hates ghosts due to a run in the past in Zombie Central Threed. Although they’re more of a pain in the ass than a threat it still kept him on high alert. At least he’s not vulnerable anymore without his weapons. It seems all his multi bottle rockets are accounted for which is a breath of relief for him. He squinted at the riddle. It seems like he’s not the only one who can’t solve riddles as far as you can throw him. He’s more of a scientist and a budding inventor so riddles aren’t exactly his forte.

Rubbing his blonde locks,” I won’t be too much help either with this riddle. I’m sorry.” He smiled sheepishly. Taking a look around the ship feeling uneasy. The voice in his head told him something isn’t right here. Pit and Toon Link did not seem to notice anything strange going on. He can’t read any expression on Mythra other than that apparently she’s made of tough stuff. He respects her for that. Perhaps he’s reading too much into their situation and letting his distaste for his experiences in Threed clouding his judgment.

He thought he heard some faint moaning and shuffling in the opposite direction, perhaps a mind trick of some sorts. No, it’s not his mind playing tricks, the sounds were getting louder and more distinctive. His eyes widened in horror as his friends and father stepped out of the darkness except they weren’t human anymore.

He noticed the mushrooms sprouting from their heads next. Jeff didn’t know those evil ramblings mushrooms had that kind of effect on the human body at all. He learned from Ness, the mushroomized makes the victim attack their friends or it makes the enemy get infected, sure. Jeff never saw the spores turn humans into actual zombies.

Although cordyceps fungus do turn insects into zombies before they die, scientifically speaking. Perhaps this is the case with his friends and father. According to Ness, only a blue haired healer or a sanctuary spot can cure this. “ N..no.. this can’t be real.” Jeff’s voice cracked, his knees shaking. He feared Zombies, the smell of rotting flesh, decrepit look, and their bite. He didn’t even debating on killing their brains or not. He pointed his gun at them. He couldn’t put down his friends or his dad. It was a difficult decision.


Hold on, this isn’t real, this can’t be real. He grits his teeth, this is some kind of illusion of course. Shaking his head, he narrowed his eyes. “ My friends they’re a lot stronger than that. We’ve been through a lot together on our travels! They won’t fall easily even if it’s those mushroom’s spores! I don’t believe for a second this is real.” He gripped his hand tighter on his gun, someone or something is responsible for this illusion.
Ploegy Ploegy GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
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Sephiroth freed his mother without speaking a word, not that he needed to. His actions are proof of his devotion to her. He displayed tenderness he rarely showed outside of those who know him personally. It almost made him look and feel human like the way he was before discovering his origin years ago. Although that softer side was replaced by sorrow that he’s nothing but a meat shield, no a monster to Shinra. The memory brought out the ice in him out of him again. Once again he’s the cold, and cruel former SOLDIER first class.

“ What is the next plan? Just tell me, mother, I’ll enforce it.” He’s ready for what his mothers plans are. It’s evident on his cold, unfeeling face. Unlike a second ago, he’s ready for action knowing nothing or anyone will stand in his way. Perhaps the smash fighters will be a problem.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


Airship Flotilla
| R U S T R U S T (Ridley)| GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Lord Lunaris) |

For the briefest of moments, the grand King of the Koopas felt his blood go cold upon seeing the yellow sphere being tossed upon him. Considering his fleet had been previously attacked by much larger yellow spheres shortly prior, there was more than enough reasons why Bowser nearly flinched at the object. He thought he was about to be tricked for questioning him! It was spewing a blue laser from it after all! Despite this, his meaty hand firmly clamped down upon the soulless sphere, finding it to be no bigger than a baseball. But what this so-called "satellite" shown, was more than enough to subdue his doubts.

"My beloved... Peach..."

Bowser's eyes widened. There, presented on the glowing cyan-blue hologram, was the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom herself, alongside Samus Aran. Oh, and Pikachu was also there too. Bit of a random addition to him, but nonetheless an interesting one. It seemed as if the mysterious overlord was telling the truth. As he continued watching the recording, Lunaris explained everything that he'd need to know and then some. For starters, Peach and the others were last scene to the Forest in the south end of the Subspace Emissary. That took care of the "WHERE" aspect. Additionally, he explained how there was a bounty on every Super Smash Brother here; each sporting a high bounty on their heads. How they took care of them, whether by capturing or "disposing" them, was up to their discretion.

Good. He certainly knew which were on his personal hit list... particularly those two meddling Italian plumbers.

Both Bowser and Ridley's armies will also be seen as allies; with the leaders each receiving an emblem that certified them as being under Lunaris' direct control. Looks like the Koopa King wasn't the only personal to have the occasional "slow thinking" minions within his ranks, so it would certainly be useful to have on hand. Though despite the through explanation regarding its functions, including the fact it's soul-bound to only the individual, once again Bowser wouldn't find himself wearing it immediately. Inspecting the emblem, he studied the components and began running his thoughts about whatever said about it was true. While he already considered Lunaris to be more of the "trusting" sort of mob-bosses, nor see anything conspicuously odd, he nonetheless continued keeping a critical eye for any potential "slips" in the deal.

Yet Lunaris, as if he was reading Bowser's mind, allowed for Kamek to inspect the emblem's enchantment if he was still on the fence. The dragon turtle's head suddenly cocked back at him, taken slightly aback by their aligned thoughts, as he took a second to contemplate his offer. With eyes squinting curiously, Bowser then glanced back at a nearby Kamek and silently lifted the emblem towards him.

"As you wish." The magikoopa bowed, before adjusting his spectacles. Hovering both hands over the orb, Kamek began searching the enchantment for any additional elements of spells within its "code"; searching every nook and cranny to ensure his Master wasn't being screwed over. After a few seconds of searching, Kamek retracted both hands into his robe and turned to say:

"It appears Lunaris speaks true Your Wariness," Kamek confirmed to his Master with a nod, "There appears to be no other abnormal or unusual additions to the enchantment."

Bowser grunted approvingly, before slowly attaching the emblem upon his shell. So long as it remained his, he could do whatever - or almost whatever - he wanted with it. With that out of the way, the Koopa King chuckled as he lifted his right fist upwards with a malevolent chuckle. "Right then," he stated confidently, while facing his new comrades, "With our new evil club now in session, I reckon we quickly bring the hammer down upon the other Super Smash Dweebs!"
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Location: Forest on Floating Island | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Despite having his back turned to them, Sora was glad to hear his allies jump into action like he had hoped. It was a bit impromptu, but it seemed like it was working for the time being. Briefly glancing over his shoulder, the boy took in the scene. Pichu's playful taunt seemed more than enough to draw the primids off his back for the time being. That was good, although he admittedly hated putting all the combat burden on the shoulders of Pichu and Pokey. In this moment though, it was all he could do. He was the one with the big key that could unlock just about anything after all.

Not allowing his gaze to linger for much longer, the keyblade wielder went back to his own part of the "plan." Darting forward from the next cage, Sora quickly pressed the tip of his weapon against the lock and released the next creature that had been trapped- an awoofy. Offering the creature a smile as it poked its head out of its former prison, the teen expected it to take off running immediately, but instead, it looked up at the boy with big, beady eyes and jump up to lick his face happily. A joyous laugh managed to escape Sora's throat and he gave the canine-like creature a pat on the head. "You're welcome! Now you better be on your way," he said. "And I better get to these other cages."

Expecting it to end then and there, the keyblade wielder watched as the awoofy ran towards the fight instead. Eyes widening, Sora stared for a moment, watching it join Pichu and the Bunearies which had returned to help. It warmed his heart, even if he would have preferred them to run off to safety. Having more help wasn't something he would complain about after all.

Breaking his gaze from the scene, Sora turned himself towards the next cage and proceeded forward once more. The next few were quick opens, and much like the awoofy, the creatures inside were quick to take up arms against those that had trapped them. Mutts, Mankeys, even a Feris all jumped into the fight once the keyblade wielder had freed them. However, things couldn't remain easy.

Hurrying to the next set of cages, Sora was taken by surprise by a rabid looking Sabrecub. It came at him like a shadow of the night and immediately knocked him aside. Its movements were swift and unlike the primids, it was light on its paws, hardly making a sound as it ran about. Seeing it come running at him once it noticed he was off his feet, the boy quickly rolled out of its path and watched as the feline crashed into a nearby tree after its pounced failed. Breathing out softly under his breath, Sora scrambled back to his feet and held his keyblade across his body in preparation for the creature's next attack.

The Sabrecub was quick to recover from its failed attempt and turned to face the boy once more. Showing no signs of hesitation, it darted forward again and leapt out towards Sora with claws extended. Swinging his keyblade, he figured it would be enough to knock the creature aside, but much to his surprise the feline didn't give in that easily. Clamping its jaw firmly around the neck of the blade, it held on for dear life as Sora's swing swept through the air. Its snarls of determination and the foam oozing from the edges of its mouth were enough to tell the boy this fight was far from over, but he wasn't about to give up either.

Without a second thought, Sora let go of the key's hilt, causing it and the Sabrecub to go flying. Once again, the creature found itself meeting with a tree, though this time its back slammed into. Watching it slide down the trunk, the feline dropped the key in its mouth before slouching over in a brief display of defeat. A sharp breath escaped Sora's lips at the sight of it and in that moment he held his hand out to his blade. Key manifesting in hand again, he was prepared to continue on again with his own job, but in one last attempt to claim victory, the cub came running at him again.

Unlike before, its movements were sloppy. Its steps were much heavier and its heavy breaths were enough of a warning to allow Sora to quickly react. Raising his keyblade skyward, sparks of lightning sparked from its tip before fully erupting around the boy. Beams of electricity danced around the keyblade wielder, protecting him from the oncoming attack and even putting it down. The shock from the attack was more than enough to cause the poor sabretooth to drop to the ground in clear pain.

Bringing his key back down, Sora quietly eyed the previously rabid feline and noticed that it seemed to have calmed down, though perhaps it was only because of the beating it had taken. Still, he assumed it was only acting in such a manner due to whatever the primids had done to it. How sad. He couldn't let it suffer like that. Moving over to its side, the boy crouched at the Sabrecub's side and once again lifted his keyblade. Anticipating a killing blow, the cub cowered in fear, squeezing its eyes shut, but such did not come. Instead, a soothing feeling overcame it and its eyes opened once more. A green glow had encompassed its body as the boy healed it, causing whatever remained of the primid's experimentation to leave its body.

"All better now," Sora spoke, a gentle smile gracing his features. "How about you help us now. I'm sure you'd like to save your home, right? Then let's do that, okay?" The cub stared in disbelief as the boy offered such kindness. It was something that a creature much like itself couldn't comprehend in full, but it could understand a gesture of kindness when it saw one. Letting an eager roar rumble in its throat, it jumped up to its paws and bobbed its head in agreement. The smile on Sora's face only grew when he realized he had gotten through to it. "Good, now let's go! You can help me free all the others."

Rising to his full height, Sora turned towards the cages again and moved forward with the cub close behind. The two worked quickly with the keyblade wielder taking on the role of unlocking the cages and the cub defending him from any incoming primids. Luckily for them the attacks were minimal thanks to the efforts of Pokey and Pichu. It made unlocking the remaining cages far easier.

Nearing the last few, including the one containing the Fletchling, Sora was prepared to continue on his path with ease, but yet another roadblock presented itself. Before him stood a fire primid along with the small, colorful stickmen enemies known as mites. All together, six enemies stood before the duo and to make matter worse, shouts from one of the locked cages echoed out.

"HELP MEEMEE! MEEMEE NEED OUT! HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!" The cries of the Nopon accompanied with his violent rattling of the cage bars was more than enough to distract Sora. Finding his attention briefly drawn to the odd little furball begging for its life, a soft sigh escaped his lips, but before he could offer any words of comfort he felt a sudden kick to his gut.

"GAH!" he spat out in both pain and surprise. He hadn't anticipated the enemy to jump on him that quickly, yet it was clear the mites had no desire in waiting around. The five of them had immediately jumped on the attack and while the Sabrecub had tried to defend Sora, it hadn't been enough. It only had managed to swat three of the five aside, leaving the other two to get in on the unsuspecting keyblade wielder. Well, they had his attention now.

Swinging his blade at them, he failed miserably. Unlike everything he had fought before, the mites were small and nimble, allowing them to easily avoid the boy's simple swing. All Sora managed to accomplish with such an attack was giving himself space to prepare for his next attack.

Glancing momentarily at his temporary companion, he could see the cub struggling to keep up with the three mites that occupied it. The little devilish beings bounced around, taking turns kicking and pummeling the poor feline as it recklessly swatted at them. As much as he wanted to help, he had his own issues. He hardly had time to see the trouble his partner was in before the other two were flying at him again. Throwing his keyblade, the weapon quickly circled around him in a defensive manner and easily knocked the stickmen back.

While the mites were on the attack though, the fire primid was preparing an attack of its own. Sucking in its breath, it was ready to let its fiery breath burst upon both Sora and the Sabrecub, though it waited for the right moment. Frying its allies wasn't something it wished to do after all. It waited for the mites to notice it was ready. The little stickmen took note of their allies preparation and quickly scattered. It was then Sora noticed what was happening.

Eyes widening in fear, he snatched his key out of its defensive attack and darted forward with it in the air. 'WATCH OUT!" he cried out, and in his moment of panic, he quickly cast aero, but not upon himself. Instead the winds formed around the cub in hopes of protecting it from the oncoming flames. As an extra stage of precaution, Sora protectively moved in front of it, using his own body as a shield as well. There was no time to cast aero upon himself before the fire primid spat out its fiery breath.

There was a brief moment of silence that hung in the air before Sora's cries of pain echoed out. Feeling the fire burn at his skin, the teen squeezed his eyes shut and bit down on his lip in attempt to subdue his cries. He couldn't afford to worry his companions. No, he needed to protect them, and be their shield, even if it meant bearing this kind of pain.

As the flames died down, the scene of Sora with his keyblade held across his chest standing protectively in front of the Sabrecub became visible for all to see. The cub, unscathed by the attack, but the boy not so lucky. Seconds passed before the boy dropped his keyblade and his posture began to crumble. In an instant, he dropped to one knee and his shoulders visibly began heavily moving up and down with his breaths.

Struggling to find strength in his body, the boy was prepared to give up, but feeling the cub nuzzle its way under his arm and cry out to him was enough to push such negative thoughts to the back of his mind. "I-I'm glad you're okay," he breathed out. "But don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Even in his current shape, a smile managed to still make itself present on his face. Petting the cub's mane, he calmed the beast once again before lifting his keyblade arm. Finding what strength he could, he threw the key forward, but not towards the primid or even the mites- he sent it towards the remaining cages. "Be free, all of you..."

The key gracefully spun at the cages, its light grazing over each of the locks and opening them before completing its arc and returning to Sora's waiting hand. Watching the Nopon and Fletchling escape their confinements along with a few other various creatures, the smile on the boy's face grew. Despite the positivity it was meant to give off, hints of pain were etched into it, but he didn't care. No pain was going to keep him from protecting those around him.

Forcing the teeth of his key down onto the ground, he used the blade to help himself up to his feet once again. While his posture wasn't as confident as before, and his body even showed signs of trembling, he stood nonetheless, and slowly raised his weapon up in preparation to continue fighting. At his side the cub stood, looking more eager to fight than it previously had been. That wasn't the only creature that stood at his side though. Scampering forward from its fight with the primids elsewhere around the camp, the awoofy joined the keyblade wielder's side along with the newly freed Nopon.

Seeing the creatures come to his side, Sora felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes. No, he couldn't cry now, even if it was tears of joy. Quickly rubbing them away, he turned his head to look in Pokey and Pichu's direction, offering them the same kind smile he did to the creatures. "My friends, let's finish this fight together, okay?"
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Location: The Swamp | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
wigi wigi NimbusWing NimbusWing
Seeing Link step forward, Yoshi's head tilted in confusion. From the looks of it the Hylian looked to be trying a peaceful approach yet again, even going as far to lower his weapon as he approached the leader of the other group. Unlike him though, the dino wasn't sure another peaceful attempt was even worth it. Didn't they learn anything from what had happened thus far? It seemed not. Still, it wasn't like Yoshi to go against orders.

Hearing Falcon speak up for them to stand down was more than enough to force his hand. Lowering the egg, he wrapped his arm around it and kept it tucked against his side just in case. If things did go bad, he was more than ready to attack. He was sure it would come to violence again. As much as he wanted to trust that Link could settle the situation peacefully, there was the problem that the Hylian did not speak, and Yoshi was sure hand gestures alone would only go so far. But maybe he would be proven wrong. Words hadn't been getting through after all so maybe hand gestures was exactly what they needed.

Still, Yoshi had his doubts. Not voicing his opinion though, his eyes warily scanned the archers that still circled them and narrowed his eyes as a small form of intimidation. It hardly came off as such, but it was worth the attempt to keep the other side at bay. If they even thought to make any moves upon him or his allies, he wouldn't hesitate to jump into action this time and immediately protect them. He had played nice far too long and his patience was worn far too thin to hold himself back if this attempt ended up failing as well.
yra / ythra

Location: Ghost Ship | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
It seemed her story was enough to convince their captors. That was a relief. Mythra figured it wouldn't have really done the trick, yet here she was being proven otherwise. That was one less thing to worry about. Glancing over her shoulder to see the others receive their weapons, she decided against immediately manifesting her own. It could wait until they were out of sight, especially since her sword was rather iconic. There was no doubt it would instantly give her away, thus for now she'd keep it hidden.

Letting her companions pass her by as they moved to the Ghost Ship, the Aegis gathered her thoughts for a moment before following suit. Launching herself with ease, she landed on the other ship's deck, nearly losing her hat in the process, but managing to snag it from the air before it could get too far. Forcing it back onto her head, she was ready to push herself forward when she noticed the ghosts circling her. Wrinkling her face in annoyance, Mythra huffed soft and gave a shake of her head. "I don't have time for you."

Her words were cruel and while her expression showed no signs of compassion either, deep down she did feel guilt. While she never dealt with the dead, she knew she had sent many people to their deaths. Had they ended up like this? Maybe. She didn't have the luxury to think about such things though. Any time she thought of the dead, she was only plagued by her own guilt after all. Now was no different, though Mythra showed little of the emotion that ate away internally. Instead, she pushed on head first, not wanting herself to be left behind and lost in her own mind.

Jogging after her companions while trying to keep her mind clear, Mythra heard Toon Link call out and turned her attention to him immediately. Seeing him point towards the captain's quarter's, she gave a small nod of her head before running towards it herself.

Entering the room herself, she was greeted by the same sight the others had. The room was old and musty, though perhaps she could say that about most of the ship, or at least the parts they had been through thus far. Allowing her eyes to skim over the old furniture and rusty weapons, they stopped upon seeing the ancient remains of what could be assumed to be the former captain. Grimacing at the sight of it, she did her best to ignore how disgusting it was and stepped forward to investigate, though both Pit and Toon Link beat her to it.

Seeing the bones glow blue was more than enough to cause Mythra to extend her arm out and finally manifest her aegis sword in her grasp. Despite being summoned though, she didn't allow the blade to flare up with its usual light energy, forcing it to stay in its base form. Summoning it was a precaution after all. Nothing more.

Hearing whispers begin to fill her head, speaking riddles which she did not understand caused her brows to crease and a frown of irritation to form upon her lips. Riddles had never been a forte of hers nor was Pyra good at them either, though the redhead was far more willing to think them through than Mythra ever was. Before she could even think to ask her other half what she thought of it all, she saw the blue glow die down. At least she didn't need to worry about some old bones attacking her. It had been a silly concern in the first.

Pushing that aside, she listened as both Pit and Jeff voiced that they weren't particularly good with riddles. Great, that made three of them, though the blonde didn't bother voicing her position. It was probably better she didn't. Instead, she decided to reach out to Pyra in hopes that she might have the answers she was looking for.

Pyra, do you have any idea what any of this means? A soft hum meet her question, indicating that the other was thinking it over. Luckily for Mythra's sake she didn't need to wait long for one. I don't know if it's a riddle for our current situation, if I'm being honest. What did she mean it wasn't a riddle for their current situation? Why would it be of any use to them if that was the case? It seemed pointless to be told such things if it wasn't useful in some manner. Sensing the blonde's frustration, Pyra decided to go on in attempt to put her mind at ease. What I mean is, I think it has to do with things in general. It said to remember those words in order to save this world, so that's why I think this. We can probably move forward without worrying too much about them right now.

It made sense and besides, she had no reason to try and argue with her other half's thought. It was better than anything she could come up with in the moment. Offering a thank you to the redhead, Mythra pulled herself from her own mind only to notice Jeff seemingly struggling with something, though when she looked in the direction he was faced, she saw nothing. Perhaps he was panicking over the eeriness the ship gave off. Whatever it was, she couldn't ponder it for long.

Her attention pulled away from the boy and she turned her back towards her companions. "Pyra says she thinks it's a riddle for later. Best to keep it in mind for once we find this treasure," she stated before taking a step back towards the exit of the room. "We best keep moving forward. I doubt there's anything left in this room for us to see."

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