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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I'll just put this here for everyone

If Annette was in the same party as Pit, the two of them would be improvising songs together! 🎶

I want to work on more stories about Lunaris's past, but I can't decide if I want to write about his time as a street magician first, or of his turn to darkness. Of course, getting RP posts done takes the higher priority, and I'm hoping to get them done either today or tomorrow.
Have you decided where you want to place her? I know we talked about her joining Sora’s group but I don’t think anything was set in stone.
All things considered, I don't really mind which group Annette stumbles upon, except for the fact that she shouldn't immediately find herself returning to Falcon's group for obvious reasons, or find herself in Console City due to preexisting character conflict.
Nurse joy: Sephiroth poses a real threat!
Seph just obliterates a whole squad. 😭
Nurse Joy you’re not wrong.. 👀
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Just a small question because I don't want to come off as a dick in my next Joker post by doing it without asking first, but would it be alright if I sped up the process of the poem a bit. I don't want to skim over it, obviously, but I also don't want it to drag on for what feels like forever and have each post feel repetitive as well. I also don't want to brush off the work you put into though which is why I figured I should ask before I do anything of that nature. Obviously I plan to touch on each part, but I figure instead of one stanza at a time I could just do the rest in one go
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Just a small question because I don't want to come off as a dick in my next Joker post by doing it without asking first, but would it be alright if I sped up the process of the poem a bit. I don't want to skim over it, obviously, but I also don't want it to drag on for what feels like forever and have each post feel repetitive as well. I also don't want to brush off the work you put into though which is why I figured I should ask before I do anything of that nature. Obviously I plan to touch on each part, but I figure instead of one stanza at a time I could just do the rest in one go
Sure, I totally understand why you'd want to speed things up. I have no problem with the group moving on and trying to solve the riddle along the way, or as it becomes more relevant to do so, or do it all in one go.
Sure, I totally understand why you'd want to speed things up. I have no problem with the group moving on and trying to solve the riddle along the way, or as it becomes more relevant to do so, or do it all in one go.
Alrighty thank you! I will think on how I want to approach it. I figure Futaba can likely help since I do HC that she helped Joker learn about things regarding other fighters upon his inclusion into the Smash universe and such. Poor girl doing far more than I anticipated for her, but oh well lol
A part of me wants to design a hypothetical Demonic Beast Layton. That'd be incredibly dark, though!

I just looked up the Crest Stones. If Byleth ever learns about the Night Dragon and how his heart and powers were stolen, he's gonna get some feelings of deja vu, isn't he? Lunaris's mask is also made from the Night Dragon's bones. It's spooky to think his bones might have been made into other artifacts, but maybe the Link and Zelda of that era managed to destroy what remained of the Night Dragon so he couldn't be defiled further.
A part of me wants to design a hypothetical Demonic Beast Layton. That'd be incredibly dark, though!

I just looked up the Crest Stones. If Byleth ever learns about the Night Dragon and how his heart and powers were stolen, he's gonna get some feelings of deja vu, isn't he? Lunaris's mask is also made from the Night Dragon's bones. It's spooky to think his bones might have been made into other artifacts, but maybe the Link and Zelda of that era managed to destroy what remained of the Night Dragon so he couldn't be defiled further.
He would if he had the full knowledge of what Heroes Relics and Crest Stones actually were, but that is found out rather late in the game so in the timeframe I have him based it he probably wouldn't. The knowledge of the Relics, Crest Stones and Crests being from the Children of the Goddess was a fact hidden in the teachings of Fodlan's history and instead manipulated to be gifts from the Goddess herself to make it seem less brutal and horrific

I probably butchered explaining that so for anyone who wants a relatively short, and a lil silly, rundown of the lore of FE3H, I offer this
So I hope to get a Joker post up by the end of the week to keep moving that group along so they don't get hung up and I'll likely breakdown the rest of the poem within said post to make things easier on us and help open the group to moving on in their adventure

Another thing I wanna bring up and I have spoke with Grumpy on this already, but figure it would be nice to bring up to everyone, is once Yoshi is likely kidnapped and written out of his current scene I will be doing 1 of 2 things, either putting him on a small hiatus given he has been a bit of a struggle for me and I'm not sure where he should go so I'd wait for an future opportunity for him or having him wind up in a group someone would like him in. Grumpy suggested a few ideas to me, but I wasn't entirely sure on them and thought it would be nice to ask here to see if anyone might have interest in Yoshi joining their group. If not, don't feel bad. I honestly don't expect much in this regard, but still thought I'd ask because maybe it'd spark an idea with more minds involved
So I hope to get a Joker post up by the end of the week to keep moving that group along so they don't get hung up and I'll likely breakdown the rest of the poem within said post to make things easier on us and help open the group to moving on in their adventure

Another thing I wanna bring up and I have spoke with Grumpy on this already, but figure it would be nice to bring up to everyone, is once Yoshi is likely kidnapped and written out of his current scene I will be doing 1 of 2 things, either putting him on a small hiatus given he has been a bit of a struggle for me and I'm not sure where he should go so I'd wait for an future opportunity for him or having him wind up in a group someone would like him in. Grumpy suggested a few ideas to me, but I wasn't entirely sure on them and thought it would be nice to ask here to see if anyone might have interest in Yoshi joining their group. If not, don't feel bad. I honestly don't expect much in this regard, but still thought I'd ask because maybe it'd spark an idea with more minds involved
I don’t have any suggestions for Yoshi I’m sorry you’re struggling. In regards to your Joker post I say go for going through all the poem. I feel like it gets repetitive after a few posts. 👍
Sorry, but I'm wondering if there's anything that Pauline can really do now. Considering that she left Lunaris' sight and very likely is going to return to the comfort of her office to plan the rest of her work, I'm just wondering if she's going to be available for anything else at the current moment.
Sorry, but I'm wondering if there's anything that Pauline can really do now. Considering that she left Lunaris' sight and very likely is going to return to the comfort of her office to plan the rest of her work, I'm just wondering if she's going to be available for anything else at the current moment.
Pauline could stumble upon Cia after she had just finished plotting with Wizzro? She went to hide behind some topiary not too far from Pauline and Lunaris.
Looking at the post, it seems like it was the last thing that Cia had done, although I'm not one-hundred percent certain Pauline knows that she's hiding there judging from the fact that Cia had vanished in that post as well.
Cia didn't vanish, Wizzro did. That could be something Pauline saw as she was leaving, spotting a movement of shadow from the corner of her eye or something.
I've been working bit by bit on my Joker post and my dumbass didn't notice that the section before I've even reached breaking down the rest of the poem is so damn long already. I apologize in advance for the novel that will soon come. It's gonna be even worse than usual

Because of this I feel obligated to post this silly just so we remember what Joker is in this rp /j
Woooo there we go! I apologize for so much dialogue, but that was bound to happen with how much information I was having Futaba go over. Very happy with how it all came out though and surprisingly had a lot of fun writing it all out and making small references while also giving Joker some silly little internal thoughts on everything. Also I thought it'd be fun to tie in the concept of Ann's VA being a huge fan of Sora by having Ann think Sora was a sweet kid since the Phantom Thieves are NPC characters on Joker's stage and all that!
Woooo there we go! I apologize for so much dialogue, but that was bound to happen with how much information I was having Futaba go over. Very happy with how it all came out though and surprisingly had a lot of fun writing it all out and making small references while also giving Joker some silly little internal thoughts on everything. Also I thought it'd be fun to tie in the concept of Ann's VA being a huge fan of Sora by having Ann think Sora was a sweet kid since the Phantom Thieves are NPC characters on Joker's stage and all that!
Bruh I loved how Ren acts like a big protective older brother to Paula and Inkling 😭😭 It made me tear up
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Bruh I loved how Ren acts like a big protective older brother to Paula and Inkling 😭😭 It made me tear up
Well Ren does play the big brother role well. He does it for Futaba as well so it's only fitting for him to extend it to others he might care about
Dark Pit: Psst! Hey, Joker, switch places with me.

Joker: (*Looks at the ladies of the Lake Group, intrigued*)

Ann: (*death glare*)

Joker: Sorry, no can do, Pittoo!

Dark Pit: >:C
Dark Pit: Psst! Hey, Joker, switch places with me.

Joker: (*Looks at the ladies of the Lake Group, intrigued*)

Ann: (*death glare*)

Joker: Sorry, no can do, Pittoo!

Dark Pit: >:C
Joker understands most men would love to be in Pittoo's position, but he is not most men. He is a boyfriend who must remain a good, loyal man. No harem Joker in this household

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