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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Not sure if this will happen, but I figure I should say something in case I do go quiet for a few days, but I woke up majorly sick in the middle of the night with the flu and god I feel awful so my activity here may go down for a few days though given there won’t be much I can do, maybe it won’t lol. Just wanted to make sure it doesn’t become a concern

I believe this is the conclusion Pit would come to: the gods aren't supposed to interfere with the free will of humans, so that is why good humans, heroic humans, are so important.
That’s something Joker could accept and get behind. The core concept lines up with what he has disliked most about the gods he’s dealt with. They manipulate humanity, try and strike deals with humans who threaten them and if that isn’t successful they forcefully try to get rid of said humans even though they are doing good for humanity. If gods aren’t doing this, then what does he care? It wasn’t as if he even wished to get involved with such affairs to begin with. He only started doing what he does to give courage and help others who were suffering. His path merely led him to gods
Sorry to hear! Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

If we look at Greek mythology, (which KI follows as closely as Disney’s Hercules does lol) the gods interfere in mortal affairs all the time. That Palutena does not want to interfere with the free will of humans is my own assumption, but there are hints in Uprising that may imply such. When the humans went to war over the Wish Seed, Palutena tells Pit to focus on the Underworld army without doing anything to interfere with the humans’ war. Even though the war was caused by Hades tricking humanity, and as such was interfering with human affairs, Palutena doesn’t just do what he did and directly tell the humans that they have been tricked. Then, in “Thanatos Rising,” Pit was given the task of stopping Thanatos from wiping out a human city for lulz. Pit was actually about to leave the scene when he thought the humans could handle things, when the situation suddenly got more dire. In this case, it’s Pit and Palutena stopping Thanatos from going beyond his duty as the God of Death and messing with mortals just for his amusement. Pit had to take a moment to ponder if working directly with Magnus was okay for him to do.

I like to think that sometimes Pit and Palutena do bend the rules. “I was actually going after that Monoeye! It’s not my fault I just so happened to run into a group of bandits attacking that merchant, and they got scared off!” “Oh no, the wolves left that human alone because I was passing through. That woman wearing the garb of a Priestess of Palutena had nothing to do with it!”

Pit definitely cares for humans, but I’d say his job is more of keeping the other gods in line and protecting the Cosmic Balance than really playing the role of guardian angel. Joker might respect that.
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Sorry to hear! Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

If we look at Greek mythology, (which KI follows as closely as Disney’s Hercules does lol) the gods interfere in mortal affairs all the time. That Palutena does not want to interfere with the free will of humans is my own assumption, but there are hints in Uprising that may imply such. When the humans went to war over the Wish Seed, Palutena tells Pit to focus on the Underworld army without doing anything to interfere with the humans’ war. Even though the war was caused by Hades tricking humanity, and as such was interfering with human affairs, Palutena doesn’t just do what he did and directly tell the humans that they have been tricked. Then, in “Thanatos Rising,” Pit was given the task of stopping Thanatos from wiping out a human city for lulz. Pit was actually about to leave the scene when he thought the humans could handle things, when the situation suddenly got more dire. In this case, it’s Pit and Palutena stopping Thanatos from going beyond his duty as the God of Death and messing with mortals just for his amusement. Pit had to take a moment to ponder if working directly with Magnus was okay for him to do.

I like to think that sometimes Pit and Palutena do bend the rules. “I was actually going after that Monoeye! It’s not my fault I just so happened to run into a group of bandits attacking that merchant, and they got scared off!” “Oh no, the wolves left that human alone because I was passing through. That woman wearing the garb of a Priestess of Palutena had nothing to do with it!”

Pit definitely cares for humans, but I’d say his job is more of keeping the other gods in line and protecting the Cosmic Balance than really playing the role of guardian angel. Joker might respect that.
I appreciate it. Hopefully it passes quickly enough otherwise I might go crazy lol

That probably is something Joker can respect. Like that probably the best case scenario because whether good or bad intentions, he’s not going to like gods meddling, but if said interaction with humanity is something that occurs while trying to keep gods from meddling, he wouldn’t be as bothered

Honestly one of these days I need to actually go finish Uprising, though I’d likely need to restart since it’s been that long. I played like 10-12 chapters then my 3ds died and I couldn’t find the charger at the time LOL

Completely off topic but I saw this little clip from a P5 mod and it feels like such a silly premise
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Golly gosh gee, if there's anything in here that I need to read but didn't see, lemme know- paragraphs too big, brain too small XD
Anyways, posted for Link, Sheik, and Lucas! I really like how they turned out and yeah
Dgsjckfofkf omg that comic is absolutely adorable, poor Isabelle’s so confused!
Lmfao I know! Corrin's just trying to show love to her fellow fighters! Buuuut it won't fly with most, so her obsession with petting Isabelle is a no-go XD

For some reason, it was removed in the Western Version, but in the JP version of FE Fates, Kamui can pet her allies to grow their bond.

Corrin uses her wings to block the eyes of others and give Zelda and Dark Pit a moment of privacy, then casually uses a claw to hook Tetra by her waist sash and keep her from interrupting.

I think if Toon Link knew of how OoT Zelda felt, he'd reassure her that she did the best she could on what she had. In his timeline, life has gone on, the people have rebuilt and adapted, and Toon Link took out Ganondorf for good. Her actions may not have had the results she wanted, but it did pave the way for a future Link and Zelda to stop Ganondorf once and for all!

Another upside is that OoT Zelda gets to meet her granddaughters from three different timelines in the Smash Tournaments!
IF Corrin can get ahold of Tetra, that is. Those two might just have to resign to the fact that they won't be able to have a discussion in private lul

Aww, that's really sweet. I'm sure in due time she'd realize that it's time to move on, but the guilt is constant for her as of right now. She just can't shake the feeling that she should have done more.

Yep! She has met TP Zelda, ALTTP Zel, and Tetra now too! All from 3 different timelines!
Golly gosh gee, if there's anything in here that I need to read but didn't see, lemme know- paragraphs too big, brain too small XD
Anyways, posted for Link, Sheik, and Lucas! I really like how they turned out and yeah

Lmfao I know! Corrin's just trying to show love to her fellow fighters! Buuuut it won't fly with most, so her obsession with petting Isabelle is a no-go XD

For some reason, it was removed in the Western Version, but in the JP version of FE Fates, Kamui can pet her allies to grow their bond.

IF Corrin can get ahold of Tetra, that is. Those two might just have to resign to the fact that they won't be able to have a discussion in private lul

Aww, that's really sweet. I'm sure in due time she'd realize that it's time to move on, but the guilt is constant for her as of right now. She just can't shake the feeling that she should have done more.

Yep! She has met TP Zelda, ALTTP Zel, and Tetra now too! All from 3 different timelines!

I just imagined Corrin being like:

Dark Pit gets back at Tetra by looming over her when she is trying to reconnect with Toon Link. He says and does nothing, just STARES. He can be petty too!
Here's a silly prompt that just popped into my head:

Master Hand has caught a cold. After your PC asked how a giant floating hand could catch a cold, Master Hand decided that, since they're so clever, they will be put in charge of the Smash House until he feels better. They are given a to-do list. What do they do?
Heyooooo my lovely people! ^u^
I see that it is around that time where I should post again. Posts for Corrin, Marth, Tetra, and Min Min will be going up tonight (hopefully)!
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forevermore Forevermore

I had a thought of Tetra being a little shit by never allowing Dark Pit to have a moment alone with Zelda. She simply interjects herself between them whenever she catches the two together. She’s not doing it to get under Dark Pit’s skin, DEFINITELY not! She’s just looking out for her fellow Zelda! 😇

Though I’m imagining Dark Pit getting too annoyed and punting Tetra lol

Perhaps Zelda and Pittoo are having a special moment (maybe Zelda is expressing her doubts and Pittoo is making a genuine effort to help) and Corrin or Sheik snatches Tetra before she could interrupt it, much to her displeasure!
Lol, that would be hilarious! I'm preeeetty sure that Tetra knows that Zelda's having a teenage edgy-bad-boy phase. She's juuuuuust tryna help her grow out of it!
Though Tetra's comeuppance will probably come sooner or later.

Hmm, maybe Corrin would, if it's something really serious. She doesn't want to deal with Tetra kicking and punching her to try and free herself! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Corrin uses her wings to block the eyes of others and give Zelda and Dark Pit a moment of privacy, then casually uses a claw to hook Tetra by her waist sash and keep her from interrupting.
Again, if it's something real serious. Poor Corrin has already learned her lesson from just trying to hug Tet XD
Now if I had to pinpoint someone to serve as an example as a toxic partner, it would most DEFINITELY have to be Zelda! So let's check off the boxes, shall we?:

1. Intensity - Zelda, she's like a hurricane of emotions. Always making a big deal out of everything, especially when it comes to her precious kingdom. It's like, calm down, not everything is the end of the world!

2. Possessiveness - Have you seen how she hovers around Link? It's like she's marking her territory or something. Can't let the guy breathe without her keeping a watchful eye.

3. Manipulation - She's the queen of getting Link to do her bidding. Always playing the damsel in distress card, making him feel obligated to rescue her AND her kingdom! That HE isn't even apart of! Classic manipulation if you ask me.

4. Isolation - Oh, you want to hang out with your buddies? Good luck with that. Zelda will find a way to keep you all to herself, making sure you forget what a social life even is.

5. Sabotage - Ever heard her talk about Ganon? It's like she's on a mission to make him look like the ultimate villain. Sabotaging his reputation left and right. The man was LITERALLY trying to do honest work for her dad so he can put in a good name for his people, and you know what she says the moment he looks at him? "He's too poor and his nose is too long, he's DEFINITELY evil!" and proceeeds to set him up from there! Let's not forget that she contaminated the Sacred Realm by sending the Triforce of Power WITH GANON STILL IN POSSESSION OF IT! She sabatoged the WHOLE time stream like someone contaminating an entire gallon of milk by drinking it directly from the jug! UGGGGHHHHH!!!

6. Belittling - She's got this subtle way of making you feel like you're not doing enough. Always with that disappointed look when you don't meet her ridiculously high expectations. If not that, she'll just smile and give a passive-agressive comment while SWEARING everything's alright when she's very much wishing you'd stub your toe!

7. Guilting - "Link, I need you to save Hyrule again. If you don't, everything will be lost, and it'll be all your fault!" Classic guilt trip, right?

8. Volatility - Don't even get me started on her mood swings. One moment she's all regal and composed, and the next, she's throwing a tantrum like a child. It's exhausting. Wait . . . I was thinking about Peach for a second, never mind about that one.

9. Deflecting Responsibility - It's never her fault. Like seriously, it NEVER is! It's always some prophecy, or destiny, or some ancient curse. Never once does she own up to her mistakes. You know. Being a TERRIBLE ruler! What, were you destined to be trash?! Huh?!

10. Betrayal - She literally sends Link home empty handed . . . The guy spends hours traversing an entire kingdom heading into dungeons, slaying evil beasts, solving irritating puzzles, running errands for strangers, witnessing eldritch horrors, all while Zelda is stacking on the pressure that the fate of THOUSANDS of lives that she's responsible for are on his shoulders and when he FINALLY saves the kingdom, what does Zelda do for him? Just thanks. That's it. Just a thanks. No gold, no grand announcement to the Hyrule, no holiday in his honor, no statue, no money! The most she could do for you is "The Hyrule Royal Family will never forget what you've done for Hyrule." . . . . . . WHAT FAMILY?!?!?! Both of your parents are dead and you have no siblings! You're the only one left of the royal family! The most you did was mention him in one of your history books AND YOU DIDN"T HAVE THE GUTS TO MENTION HIM BY NAME! YOU SPINELESS CRETIN! GAH, YOU SUCK SO MUCH, ZELDA!

In conclusion, students, be on the lookout for these traits in your relationships. And if you find yourself dealing with a Zelda, well, good luck. You might need it. looks to Pittoo. And don't let the love of your partner convince you to stay with them. Cause the moment your relationship becomes one-sided, then it's all over. It's sad but it's true. You can't fix something that doesn't want to be fix. I know it can hurt seeing someone you respected or loved and trusted just...Turn into this totally different person before your eyes and in some cases, some people will fool themselves into thinking they're just going through a phase and that they just need to be there for them. In some cases, sure that can be the case. but other times, they'll just keep taking and taking and taking from you until you too, are a shell of yourself. Never let a leech drain you dry. Always keep your eyes open, folks.
Tetra: "I agree with most of what you're saying, but LAY OFF MY GRANDMA, MAN!!!"

Marth, Corrin, Lucina, and Byleth be like: "This seems familiar..."

Np! I love Corrin and I love hunting for fanart.

Ohhh, gotcha. That's so unexpected, considering that one thing from FEF
corrin, corrin, isabelle, and corrin (fire emblem and 3 more) drawn by  raydango | Danbooru
With THAT in mind, you'd expect Corrin to be even more hug- and- touch-thirsty than she already is-

Lmao, that'd be pretty funny. I feel like Sheik would become jaded pretty quickly to Tetra's antics tho- perhaps she wouldn't even go through the trouble.

Happy Senior Man Giving Thumb Up-foton och fler bilder på Pensionärsmän -  Pensionärsmän, Tummen upp, Pensionär - iStock
"Smilin' through the pain-"

To be honest, Sheik wouldn't even be upset with Captain Falcon. The reason being that she, at least, my take on her, is genuinely disappointed in herself a year or two after everything is all said and done. Her Hyrule is already being re-built, Link has already been sent back so he can relive his childhood, etc. Now that she has had so much time to reflect on what had happened during her mission to save her kingdom from the clutches of Ganondorf, she sees all the grave errors she had made.

She sees how little she appreciated Link when he was aiding her cause. She sees how she lacked proper rationale at times and made rash and immature decisions. And most of all, she sees how much of a failure she was, not only to her present Hyrule and fellow Hylians, but to the past and future ones as well.
She just wanted to be as good as the Zeldas before her.
She just wanted to be as remarkable of a princess as she could be during her lifetime.
She just wanted to preserve Hyrule as best she could so her descendants would have a kingdom to cherish.
But, of course, she made errors along the way. And those errors not only messed up the present she currently found herself in, they also messed up Link's childhood (*cough*Majora's Mask - well, at least based on my theory of the two games' correlations*cough*) and pretty much divided the timeline of Hyrule, so it would never be whole again. Being in Smash Bros. taught her that her timeline isn't the only one out there, meaning that she learned she had messed up pretty bad.

So now, that she's alone now, with a struggling Hyrule and no family, no Link, and herself and her instincts alone to guide her, she realizes how much of a pathetic Zelda she is. And it's too late to change anything. It's all said and done.

So yeah, she'd agree with Falcon and not get bitter over anything he says, because she already thinks lowly of the princess side of herself. In fact, I headcanon that she actually REALLY prefers going around as Sheik when she can. Masquerading as her alter-ego that is frankly viewed in much higher favor than her normal self. Because she'd rather look in the mirror and see someone else than let her true appearance remind her of her failures to everyone and everything that she holds closest to her heart.
That comic is SO CUTE!!!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Though I feel like this Corrin is probably from Sm4sh or from the early days of Ultimate. She has long since learned to respect the personal space of others, though maybe Corrin would have a very weak spot for cuties like Isabelle!

Lol, jaded Sheik is everything. The girl's been through too much, she's seventeen and she already has gray hairs-

Aww, poor OoT Zelda. Yknow, considering everything, she is probably the most influential Zelda and honestly, arguably the most courageous and amazing Zelda to ever exist. To train for so long, to devise such a clever alter-ego, and to guide Link so thoroughly, even though in one of the timelines, Link fell and she ended up defeating Ganon herself (with the help of the Sages), she's such an icon. Sooo to have her think of herself like that is so depressing.

I like to think that whenever Sheik is feeling down, Tetra gives aggressive pep-talks.
Tetra: "Come on, Grandma!! Don't let these losers get you down!! When life gives you lemons, throw them back at life and kick it in the ass!!!!!"
Meanwhile Corrin tries to cheer Sheik up by giving her the best trinkets in her hoard, to show how much she is valued, at least to her.
Golly gosh gee, if there's anything in here that I need to read but didn't see, lemme know- paragraphs too big, brain too small XD
Anyways, posted for Link, Sheik, and Lucas! I really like how they turned out and yeah

Lmfao I know! Corrin's just trying to show love to her fellow fighters! Buuuut it won't fly with most, so her obsession with petting Isabelle is a no-go XD

For some reason, it was removed in the Western Version, but in the JP version of FE Fates, Kamui can pet her allies to grow their bond.

IF Corrin can get ahold of Tetra, that is. Those two might just have to resign to the fact that they won't be able to have a discussion in private lul

Aww, that's really sweet. I'm sure in due time she'd realize that it's time to move on, but the guilt is constant for her as of right now. She just can't shake the feeling that she should have done more.

Yep! She has met TP Zelda, ALTTP Zel, and Tetra now too! All from 3 different timelines!

Yup! That's where I got the extra-cuddly Kamui headcanon from! (๑>◡<๑)
She just tries to give Marth headpats to up their bond, and Marth is so confused, meanwhile she's just like: "Doesn't it work like this in every FE game?"

Lol, Tetra's as wriggly as an eel, she's totally not wrangling her lmfao
Here's a silly prompt that just popped into my head:

Master Hand has caught a cold. After your PC asked how a giant floating hand could catch a cold, Master Hand decided that, since they're so clever, they will be put in charge of the Smash House until he feels better. They are given a to-do list. What do they do?
-Min Min: She tries to get all the DLC characters together to help her out. She's quite good with dealing with stress, but she still needs help with taking care of over 80 fighters! She'd try to split up the to-do list so that everything can get done the most efficently.
-Agent 8: He would panic at the long ass list and end up breaking down. He didn't mean to get the list pinned on him, but he's stuck with it. He'd eventually cave and ask friends for help.
-Tetra: Everything goes to shit. Why? She crumples up the list and pretends that she was never in charge of the Smash House.
-Marth: He accepts the fact that he had wronged Master Hand and therefore accepts his punishment. He then attempts to do everything by himself, and actually succeeds in keeping order and peace. They don't call him the Hero-King for nothing!
-Corrin: She also accepts the burden that Master Hand placed on her shoulders, and tries to shoulder the whole of the responsibility herself. However, as she's newer to ruling stuff and whatnot, she suffers from panic attacks, burnout, and anxiety along the way. Eventually someone has to come and tell her to take a break for her mental health's sake! ☆o(><;)○
Heyooooo my lovely people! ^u^
I see that it is around that time where I should post again. Posts for Corrin, Marth, Tetra, and Min Min will be going up tonight (hopefully)!

Lol, that would be hilarious! I'm preeeetty sure that Tetra knows that Zelda's having a teenage edgy-bad-boy phase. She's juuuuuust tryna help her grow out of it!
Though Tetra's comeuppance will probably come sooner or later.

Hmm, maybe Corrin would, if it's something really serious. She doesn't want to deal with Tetra kicking and punching her to try and free herself! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Again, if it's something real serious. Poor Corrin has already learned her lesson from just trying to hug Tet XD

Tetra: "I agree with most of what you're saying, but LAY OFF MY GRANDMA, MAN!!!"

That comic is SO CUTE!!!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Though I feel like this Corrin is probably from Sm4sh or from the early days of Ultimate. She has long since learned to respect the personal space of others, though maybe Corrin would have a very weak spot for cuties like Isabelle!

Lol, jaded Sheik is everything. The girl's been through too much, she's seventeen and she already has gray hairs-

Aww, poor OoT Zelda. Yknow, considering everything, she is probably the most influential Zelda and honestly, arguably the most courageous and amazing Zelda to ever exist. To train for so long, to devise such a clever alter-ego, and to guide Link so thoroughly, even though in one of the timelines, Link fell and she ended up defeating Ganon herself (with the help of the Sages), she's such an icon. Sooo to have her think of herself like that is so depressing.

I like to think that whenever Sheik is feeling down, Tetra gives aggressive pep-talks.
Tetra: "Come on, Grandma!! Don't let these losers get you down!! When life gives you lemons, throw them back at life and kick it in the ass!!!!!"
Meanwhile Corrin tries to cheer Sheik up by giving her the best trinkets in her hoard, to show how much she is valued, at least to her.

Yup! That's where I got the extra-cuddly Kamui headcanon from! (๑>◡<๑)
She just tries to give Marth headpats to up their bond, and Marth is so confused, meanwhile she's just like: "Doesn't it work like this in every FE game?"

Lol, Tetra's as wriggly as an eel, she's totally not wrangling her lmfao

-Min Min: She tries to get all the DLC characters together to help her out. She's quite good with dealing with stress, but she still needs help with taking care of over 80 fighters! She'd try to split up the to-do list so that everything can get done the most efficently.
-Agent 8: He would panic at the long ass list and end up breaking down. He didn't mean to get the list pinned on him, but he's stuck with it. He'd eventually cave and ask friends for help.
-Tetra: Everything goes to shit. Why? She crumples up the list and pretends that she was never in charge of the Smash House.
-Marth: He accepts the fact that he had wronged Master Hand and therefore accepts his punishment. He then attempts to do everything by himself, and actually succeeds in keeping order and peace. They don't call him the Hero-King for nothing!
-Corrin: She also accepts the burden that Master Hand placed on her shoulders, and tries to shoulder the whole of the responsibility herself. However, as she's newer to ruling stuff and whatnot, she suffers from panic attacks, burnout, and anxiety along the way. Eventually someone has to come and tell her to take a break for her mental health's sake! ☆o(><;)○
Tetra demands to know how Zelda can stand Dark Pit's company. Rather than answer the question, Zelda points out that Tetra has a lot in common with Pittoo. Tetra probably doesn't take that well lol

Meanwhile, Corrin is in awe that Zelda has wing-petting privileges and wonders how she earned them!
Tetra demands to know how Zelda can stand Dark Pit's company. Rather than answer the question, Zelda points out that Tetra has a lot in common with Pittoo. Tetra probably doesn't take that well lol

Meanwhile, Corrin is in awe that Zelda has wing-petting privileges and wonders how she earned them!
Nope, she definitely doesn't adhdhdhdh
She'd probably ask around for someone to back her up on her claim that she and DP aren't similar at all, but to her dismay, most people agree qwq

Yea lol, she probs might! She'd find it rather surprising until she sees their friendship. Only then will she really get it :p
Tetra and Dark Pit end up bonding by pulling tricks on Pit.

Dark Pit: Hey, Pit-Stain! Get over here! Tetra has a way we can fly!

Pit: WOW! Really?? 8D

(*Cue an exact recreation of the barrel-catapult scene from Wind Waker, but with Pit instead of Toon Link*)

It would be very sweet if Corrin finally gets the chance to touch the wings. One day, Dark Pit opens one wing in Corrin's direction, giving her silent permission to touch. It is probably the only time he allows this, but it really makes Corrin's day!
I’ll try to get Zelda’s post done this week since I’ve been neglecting her for a bit 😅 but anyways-

Here's a silly prompt that just popped into my head:

Master Hand has caught a cold. After your PC asked how a giant floating hand could catch a cold, Master Hand decided that, since they're so clever, they will be put in charge of the Smash House until he feels better. They are given a to-do list. What do they do?

Isabelle: Izzie of course readily accepts the job and immediately gets to it! With her secretary skills she’ll go above and beyond when it comes to meeting all of the smash house’s needs. Restocking items? Check! Feeding the Nintendogs? Check! Discussing wages with the Assist Trophies? Checkity Check! By the end of the day she’s probably going to have the entire place running dang near better than when Master Hand was in charge of things! lol Master Hand’ll be dragging her away from her desk as she’s clinging on, begging him to let her finish organizing all of his papers and forms.

Inkling: Man you better call the Smash House Ranked Battle cus shit’s gonna be Anarchy! Girlie is going to forget half of the items on the list and do a half assed job on the rest of them! If someone doesn’t step in then hoo boy is the house in trouble 💥

Pichu upon being handed the to do list:

Zelda: She’s going to be the most normal about her duties lmao. She’s going to put her queenly skills in use when it comes to accomplishing any of the feasible duties, but once the list gets into things only a powerful magical floating hand has the assets to complete, Zelda’s going to be a little stumped 😅
Wrote for Corrin, Marth, and Tetra. Sadly, I have no brainpower left over for Min Min tonight o(TヘTo)
Tetra and Dark Pit end up bonding by pulling tricks on Pit.

Dark Pit: Hey, Pit-Stain! Get over here! Tetra has a way we can fly!

Pit: WOW! Really?? 8D

(*Cue an exact recreation of the barrel-catapult scene from Wind Waker, but with Pit instead of Toon Link*)

It would be very sweet if Corrin finally gets the chance to touch the wings. One day, Dark Pit opens one wing in Corrin's direction, giving her silent permission to touch. It is probably the only time he allows this, but it really makes Corrin's day!
Dude that's fukin beautiful XD He might have to pay her to send Pit flying via her ship's catapult!
Tetra: "Listen, kid! Stop struggling, my crew and I are pros, we're gonna launch you good!"

Awwwh! She'd ask no questions other than "Are you sure?" because she knows how little people get to touch DP's wings like that. I'm sure she'd treasure that little moment.
Maybe afterwards she'd let him touch her wings too- it'd only seem fair to her! (*^^*)♡
Here's a silly prompt that just popped into my head:

Master Hand has caught a cold. After your PC asked how a giant floating hand could catch a cold, Master Hand decided that, since they're so clever, they will be put in charge of the Smash House until he feels better. They are given a to-do list. What do they do?
I don’t have much brain power rn, but I’ll offer what I can:

-Joker while not happy about having everything thrown on him is surprisingly good at taking care of such things. While it’s a lot different from how he has to approach doing chores back home given he is dealing with taking care of others as well, but he gets what needs to be done done. He’s also 100% wearing some goofy af outfit while doing his work

-Yoshi kinda lazes his way through doing the chores thrown his way, probably gets about 4 in then decides he’s done enough. Nothing else is getting done until he has a bit of a break

-Pyra will take care of things pretty damn well and make sure things are in running order. It’s a bit stressful but she manages. Mythra on the other hand would leave the whole house in shambles. Cooking was probably on that list and welp, goodbye everyone’s stomaches after that

-Sora tries to do some of the things on the list, but he’s not exactly great at these kinds of things and he definitely goes to others to help him get things done. Working with others makes it surprisingly more fun to get the things on the list done!

-Byleth is used to taking on big responsibilities like that. He’d often do lots of work around the Monastery back home so stuff like this is no different to the likes of him. He works rather diligently and quietly

-Shulk would make a good attempt at getting things on the list done, but housework and taking care of others in this degree are not his forte at all. He’d likely be seeking help after awhile so everything can get done
-Joker while not happy about having everything thrown on him is surprisingly good at taking care of such things. While it’s a lot different from how he has to approach doing chores back home given he is dealing with taking care of others as well, but he gets what needs to be done done. He’s also 100% wearing some goofy af outfit while doing his work
Bonus thought: With Master Hand out sick he is also taking this chance to cause shenanigans with the whole similar voices thing he probably has Arsene do it though since his voice is more distorted like the Hands. Sure he does a good job, but he’s likely never being put up to this task again due to some of the ridiculous things he made it seem like Master Hand was saying.
Wrote for Corrin, Marth, and Tetra. Sadly, I have no brainpower left over for Min Min tonight o(TヘTo)

Dude that's fukin beautiful XD He might have to pay her to send Pit flying via her ship's catapult!
Tetra: "Listen, kid! Stop struggling, my crew and I are pros, we're gonna launch you good!"

Awwwh! She'd ask no questions other than "Are you sure?" because she knows how little people get to touch DP's wings like that. I'm sure she'd treasure that little moment.
Maybe afterwards she'd let him touch her wings too- it'd only seem fair to her! (*^^*)♡
Thankfully, Pit has been shot from a cannon into space (why that was necessary when Pit was shown to be capable of reaching space with just the Power of Flight, I dunno) and survived being crushed between Hades' hands, so I think the worst that will come from that is an angry Pit!

Dark Pit probably won't take Corrin up on that because of my HC that stroking the wings is a very intimate gesture of affection on the level of kissing, inspired by RL bird behavior. While he knows that is not Zelda's or Corrin's intention when they stroke his wings, it may be weird for him to do it back lol

I imagined Tetra being a pest to Dark Pit and trying to make him look like a fool to Zelda and I can only think:

This sequel is awful, but that's what came to mind lol
Very random, but since I'm actually able to sit up at my desk again I can post this doodle I made the night before I got sick and I hesitated to even share cuz ahhhh anxiety. So yeah just take like a quick doodle I made based off a possible reaction that might occur with Pit buying Pyra/Mythra flowers
Leave it to me to make a random silly doodle of things in the RP or OOC, especially if I can either 1. Make silly shippy art or 2. Draw Joker. The two surest ways get me to draw something
There was also that tiny bit of playfulness from Pit toward Pyra while he was playing his violin.

I plan to make my posts on the weekend if not earlier. My order is Layton/Luke, Pit/Toon Link, and Dark Pit/Pikachu.
Here's something silly:

I have the Grease soundtrack on my YT playlist, and thanks to this RP whenever it plays "Greased Lightning," I imagine Joker singing and dancing to it. I've never played any Persona game so I don't know if it's even IC or not lol

Honestly I wouldn't put it past him to sing and dance, though probably more dancing than singing. Around the right group of people or under the right circumstances he definitely would let loose and sing too though. He is a goof after all.

I think the most amusing thought I had based off this is there is one specific line (one which I'll let you figure out cuz I'm not typing it) in the song that is purely made funnier if you imagine Joker singing it while his car is quite literally a cat bus. Yeah, I'll leave it at that
XD I know which one because I thought the same thing. The leader of the group is also hyping up his friend (it’s his friend’s car) in the song, and that seemed like something Joker might do based off what I learned about him through this RP. That, and Joker perched on an engine while a crane lowers it was a fun mental image for me.
Joker will definitely hype up the homies. He may not be on Falcon's level of hyping people up, but he'll do it for his friends!

Now let's just imagine Joker using his grappling hook and descending like that as he arrives at a big moment in an important fight or meeting up with another group. Ah yes perfect LOL. And he's supposed to be the cool, mature leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Well depending on the scenario, if Joker is dangling over him as a car, he's transforming back and questioning what the hell he's doing. If he's doing this in battle, he'd be unsurprised, but telling him now isn't the time to clown around. He's about to lose his grappling hook rights if he keeps this up

Now I just had a dumb thought so I'm gonna attempt to doodle it

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