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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Pit would probably be standing there silently, his bangs covering his eyes and making him seem uncharacteristically cold. He had to do it, not just out of mercy for their friend, but to save Sora's life; he was going to keep futilely trying to save them until he died. Pit couldn't allow that. Unable to say anything, he leaves Sora to grieve. There is still a job to be done and a world to save. I think such an event would drastically change how one views the other.

If it was Dark Pit, I can see him staring straight into Sora's eyes and saying something along the lines of, "I'd expect you to do the same for me," then walk off.
Thing is Sora probably doesn’t outright grieve. He’s going to be desperately trying to use his Power of Waking to cheat death. He could probably succeed in that though maybe not since I have early KH2 Sora and all that kind of stuff is KH3 Sora. But imagine a scenario where their friend is killed and Sora does successfully trigger the Power of Waking. Basically he would be saving that person but in exchange for saving them he disappears, being punished for abusing his power in ways he shouldn’t be. Yes he’s alive but he’d trapped far away and would presumingly be dead to everyone because they just watched him fade from existence and all (and well that’s entering KH4 territory which we don’t know what happens lol)

Now I think of this happening and the other revives still corrupted making it so they have to be killed again and the group lost Sora in the process because he quite literally gave himself up to bring them back. Yep that’s not a depressing thought at all. I didn’t need to wake up at 5am and think of this hahaha 😭
I think it'd be interesting if Sora had to come to the hard reality that, despite all his powers and positivity, he is still a human being with human emotions and human flaws. He can have all the power in the world, and it will not be enough to save everyone, and that is no one's fault; it's just life. Imagine Sora being unable to be near Pit or look him in the eye because he's unsure if he could forgive him, and feeling awful about himself for that. He could get angry and exclaim that he would have found a way to save their friend if Pit had given him more time! Really! He could have! But when Sora is finally made to think about the situation objectively, he comes to realize that Pit was forced to make a very hard decision at a split second, and he chose to save Sora. All the emotions that the Pillars of Destruction represent are also very normal human emotions and it is not wrong of Sora to feel them; it's how one reacts in response to those emotions that make a difference. Not saying this would all be IC or OOC, just an interesting situation to ponder.

One situation I have thought about more than once is Pit being unable to save someone, and another person blames him for their death. "You're an angel! You're supposed to guide and protect us! Why didn't you save him?? What good are angels and gods if horrible things keep happening to us?? Were we not faithful?? Then WHY??"
I mean that is a possible outcome. Sora does have moments where he is forced to see those harsh realities in the KH games (notably KH3). One of my favorite scenes in the game is the one in which he quite literally has to watch the other keyblade wielders of light +Donald and Goofy get engulfed by darkness and essentially die and we actually see him have a major breakdown. It's one of the few times Sora shows extreme weakness/flaws in himself. The exploration of Sora's emotions in those moments is definitely very interesting and actually forces him to let out emotions he doesn't normally show others because he always tries to be a constant source of positivity. If he isn't aware of how he can abuse his Power of Waking, he is forced to face those realities much more than he would otherwise, but if he is aware of it, then I cannot see him not going through and abusing it given that is just how he is. So likely the Sora I am portraying would fall into the former and have a lot of unpleasant emotions to work through
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Just to throw this in, since I did every other character, I had thoughts on Roxas so here they are:

Roxas had the unique case of "been there, done that" in a way. He has had to face the harsh reality of fighting and taking the life of a friend given his fight with Xion and all that. Does it make it any easier on him? No, but he is much faster to accept things for what they are though he'll likely hold a lot of resentment and anger over it all. He doesn't feel good about what he has to do, but he has a strong will to live and he will fight for himself if he must. He does make an effort to save them first, but when he's out of options, he doesn't plan on dropping dead to someone else. Once it's all said and done, it's probably best to leave him be. He's likely working through a hurricane of emotions on the inside even if he doesn't show it on the outside
I mean that is a possible outcome. Sora does have moments where he is forced to see those harsh realities in the KH games (notably KH3). One of my favorite scenes in the game is the one in which he quite literally has to watch the other keyblade wielders of light +Donald and Goofy get engulfed by darkness and essentially die and we actually see him have a major breakdown. It's one of the few times Sora shows extreme weakness/flaws in himself. The exploration of Sora's emotions in those moments is definitely very interesting and actually forces him to let out emotions he doesn't normally show others because he always tries to be a constant source of positivity. If he isn't aware of how he can abuse his Power of Waking, he is forced to face those realities much more than he would otherwise, but if he is aware of it, then I cannot see him not going through and abusing it given that is just how he is. So likely the Sora I am portraying would fall into the former and have a lot of unpleasant emotions to work through
Unrelated, I'm still perplexed by how Terranort almost squad-wiped the whole 7 Lights group despite being defeated by Aqua alone the last time we saw him. And that was with the assistance of Guardian. Like Donald gave his life to nuke Terranort of all Norts. That's still crazy imo.
Unrelated, I'm still perplexed by how Terranort almost squad-wiped the whole 7 Lights group despite being defeated by Aqua alone the last time we saw him. And that was with the assistance of Guardian. Like Donald gave his life to nuke Terranort of all Norts. That's still crazy imo.
They nerfed Aqua so much in KH3 I swear. Home girl almost lost to lil bitch Vanitas. Like okay maybe she was weak from being trapped in the Realm of Darkness or something like that, but damn.

Like Terranort lead to character character development for Sora, but come on. Aqua didn't deserve to be done dirty like that
They nerfed Aqua so much in KH3 I swear. Home girl almost lost to lil bitch Vanitas. Like okay maybe she was weak from being trapped in the Realm of Darkness or something like that, but damn.

Like Terranort lead to character character development for Sora, but come on. Aqua didn't deserve to be done dirty like that
I'm saying! This was the same Vanitas who got washed by each of the Wayfinder Trio! Like bro was catching Ls back to back in BBS and THAT'S the guy Aqua jobs out to? #JusticeForAqua 😤 ✊
I'm saying! This was the same Vanitas who got washed by each of the Wayfinder Trio! Like bro was catching Ls back to back in BBS and THAT'S the guy Aqua jobs out to? #JusticeForAqua 😤 ✊
Not even just that. Like you're telling me the dude who got manhandled and yeeted by Sully almost bested Aqua???? SMH. She would have yeeted his ass too
Not even just that. Like you're telling me the dude who got manhandled and yeeted by Sully almost bested Aqua???? SMH. She would have yeeted his ass too
Exactlyyyyy! Bro got yeeted by an overgrown plushie through like 3 different doors and somehow Aqua couldn't floor this fraud? That hurt me soul 😭
I mean that is a possible outcome. Sora does have moments where he is forced to see those harsh realities in the KH games (notably KH3). One of my favorite scenes in the game is the one in which he quite literally has to watch the other keyblade wielders of light +Donald and Goofy get engulfed by darkness and essentially die and we actually see him have a major breakdown. It's one of the few times Sora shows extreme weakness/flaws in himself. The exploration of Sora's emotions in those moments is definitely very interesting and actually forces him to let out emotions he doesn't normally show others because he always tries to be a constant source of positivity. If he isn't aware of how he can abuse his Power of Waking, he is forced to face those realities much more than he would otherwise, but if he is aware of it, then I cannot see him not going through and abusing it given that is just how he is. So likely the Sora I am portraying would fall into the former and have a lot of unpleasant emotions to work through
Another interesting thing to consider in this situation is the fact that while Sora is human, Pit is not. He is a divine being, likely centuries old as Palutena's Guidance for Ike implies, and as such may possibly be beyond human understanding especially in regards to things such as morality and good vs. evil. In Uprising, though Pit showed some distress about the harm being brought to humans due to the Chaos Kin brainwashing Palutena and using Pit's soulless body as a killing machine, his reaction was pretty toned down compared to how we might expect most folks to react to such a thing. Instead of being shell-shocked or crying out in anguish as one might expect most to do, Pit's reaction was pretty much, "This is bad, and I have to stop this!" then goes right into making jokes and conversation with Magnus. This may give the incorrect impression that Pit doesn't care. Imagine after killing the corrupted ally, Sora reunites with Pit and the others, and is shocked to see Pit easily holding a conversation and making jokes after what had just happened!

EDIT: I forgot to add that it's canon that Pit has died before and Palutena revives him each time he does. Pit knows what it is like to die. Such an understanding of death may also be what makes it easier for the Pits to make that decision to strike down a suffering ally that is beyond saving. They know there are far worse things!
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Figure I should say this, but GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow don't worry about giving me anything specifically to reply to in regards to Joker himself. I figure once I'm able to make another post for Ann, I'll make one for him bringing him back to the group. He's in a good spot as of now to accomplish that so I'm fine with letting him chill for now, unless you did have more plans, but if not no sweat at all. I left him where I did completely on purpose. I figured it'd be too awkward for him to return before the others reacted to anything

Exactlyyyyy! Bro got yeeted by an overgrown plushie through like 3 different doors and somehow Aqua couldn't floor this fraud? That hurt me soul 😭
We love when they cannot be consistent!!! Woooooo!!!

Another interesting thing to consider in this situation is the fact that while Sora is human, Pit is not. He is a divine being, likely centuries old as Palutena's Guidance for Ike implies, and as such may possibly be beyond human understanding especially in regards to things such as morality and good vs. evil. In Uprising, though Pit showed some distress about the harm being brought to humans due to the Chaos Kin brainwashing Palutena and using Pit's soulless body as a killing machine, his reaction was pretty toned down compared to how we might expect most folks to react to such a thing. Instead of being shell-shocked or crying out in anguish as one might expect most to do, Pit's reaction was pretty much, "This is bad, and I have to stop this!" then goes right into making jokes and conversation with Magnus. This may give the incorrect impression that Pit doesn't care. Imagine after killing the corrupted ally, Sora reunites with Pit and the others, and is shocked to see Pit easily holding a conversation and making jokes after what had just happened!

EDIT: I forgot to add that it's canon that Pit has died before and Palutena revives him each time he does. Pit knows what it is like to die. Such an understanding of death may also be what makes it easier for the Pits to make that decision to strike down a suffering ally that is beyond saving. They know there are far worse things!
I could see Sora becoming a bit distant after all of it. He definitely isn't himself and he may even become wary of being around the others. Death shakes him hard and even more so when it was an ally killing another ally. If asked, he probably tries to put up his usual happy front to assure them he's okay, but he's really not. He's likely not going to understand the complexity of the whys and all that, so it'll take him time to accept things. He might even feel resentment and anger from what he witnessed because he does not fully understand why he wouldn't be given more of a chance to save the other
Figure I should say this, but GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow don't worry about giving me anything specifically to reply to in regards to Joker himself. I figure once I'm able to make another post for Ann, I'll make one for him bringing him back to the group. He's in a good spot as of now to accomplish that so I'm fine with letting him chill for now, unless you did have more plans, but if not no sweat at all. I left him where I did completely on purpose. I figured it'd be too awkward for him to return before the others reacted to anything

We love when they cannot be consistent!!! Woooooo!!!

I could see Sora becoming a bit distant after all of it. He definitely isn't himself and he may even become wary of being around the others. Death shakes him hard and even more so when it was an ally killing another ally. If asked, he probably tries to put up his usual happy front to assure them he's okay, but he's really not. He's likely not going to understand the complexity of the whys and all that, so it'll take him time to accept things. He might even feel resentment and anger from what he witnessed because he does not fully understand why he wouldn't be given more of a chance to save the other
👍 Cool beans!

This discussion shows me that there can be a lot of interesting things that can come from Sora and Pit interacting with each other, and just simply making them BFFs right off the bat would be a waste. Wouldn't it be ironic if Pit was starting to warm up to Sora, then that whole thing happens and it ends with Sora having a bad impression of Pit in return? And Sora, who is normally very upbeat and friendly having to deal with emotions such as resentment would be fun to see. It's even more ironic if Dark Pit and Roxas are friends at that moment in time, even if they may battle with each other pretty often. Pit and Sora finally trade blows and when they finally calm down they are able to work out their differences.

Lol Roxas and Dark Pit are in a fist fight and folks eventually learn to leave them be because it turns out they enjoy getting into scraps with each other. It's play for them! Something is wrong if one wants to fight but the other doesn't.
This discussion shows me that there can be a lot of interesting things that can come from Sora and Pit interacting with each other, and just simply making them BFFs right off the bat would be a waste. Wouldn't it be ironic if Pit was starting to warm up to Sora, then that whole thing happens and it ends with Sora having a bad impression of Pit in return? And Sora, who is normally very upbeat and friendly having to deal with emotions such as resentment would be fun to see. It's even more ironic if Dark Pit and Roxas are friends at that moment in time, even if they may battle with each other pretty often. Pit and Sora finally trade blows and when they finally calm down they are able to work out their differences.

Lol Roxas and Dark Pit are in a fist fight and folks eventually learn to leave them be because it turns out they enjoy getting into scraps with each other. It's play for them! Something is wrong if one wants to fight but the other doesn't.
I'm not sure if Sora would resort to trading blows even with pent up anger and resentment, especially if it's well after the fact and he was avoiding contact of any kind. If it was soon after it'd be more likely or if for some reason Pit got under his skin when trying to approach him about it (if he would even do that), but if it's had time to sit, he'd likely be more tamed. I see him being more of the verbal type when it comes to letting out his feelings, even though he does struggle greatly with that as well. If he's letting out anger on a physical level I'd assume he'd target it more towards enemies or inanimate objects poor Sandbag about to get beat up by an angry Sora
If Sora were to ever strike out of anger, I'd think it would be over something such as an ally killing another ally then acting as though nothing happened. It comes off as incredibly heartless. While the Pits might view it as a mercy killing, Sora may see it as murder. I definitely agree that if it were to ever happen, it would be while the wounds were still very fresh and Sora hadn't had time to come to terms with it. I think it'd be likely that if Pit knew the source of Sora's anger and resentment, he wouldn't fault him for it and might even sincerely tell Sora to go to town on him if it would help him feel better. I don't think Sora would take him up on that offer though.

In an odd way, Pit might be glad that Sora feels so strongly over the whole thing because it's out of love for their fallen companion, something Pit isn't really allowed to express himself most of the time. Now I'm imagining a heart-to-heart where Pit tells Sora that as an angel, he has seen so much tragedy and he can't do anything about it because of his orders to never interfere in human affairs. He talks about witnessing things such as a family being murdered by bandits, or a child being kidnapped, or a tyrannical ruler starving his people to death, and always being ordered to never interfere despite wanting so much to help them. If Pit allowed every hardship and tragedy to emotionally devastate him, he'd be a very broken angel unable to carry out his duties. Dark Pit's existence implies that Pit does feel a lot of anger and resentment over his situation and that of the humans caught in-between the gods' petty squabbles, but represses it. It's possible all the jokes and silliness are Pit's way of coping, similar to how military and emergency response folks may have a dark sense of humor. Such a conversation might give Sora a new perspective of things, even if he may not entirely understand or agree with it. He might feel sympathy for Pit's situation as I think Sora would have a very hard time with the idea of seeing someone in trouble, not being allowed to help when he could do something about it, and not even being allowed to feel bad about it all. Sora seems like the type who would have the mentality of, "To hell with the rules! If someone is in trouble, you help them!" Meanwhile, there is Palutena, who in Uprising briefly laments being unable to give mankind everything they could ever want and need to be happy; and Pit, who is ordered to not directly interfere in human affairs. It goes back to my previous point of Pit not being human, but a being who is beyond human comprehension of morality.
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This whole talk got me thinking about something in the opposite direction. So I ask, what would your character(s) do if their allies/friends/other Smash Bros were to be brought into a reality (or just be effected in some manner) in which they would be happy and not feel pain? Their friends would be blissfully unaware of pain that they were once inflicted by and they are basically living the best life (in extreme cases people who died are brought back just to ease pain), even though it was all falsely created and basically traps them in good emotions rather than bad. Your character is the only one that seems to know something is off and isn’t entirely inflicted by it. Are they accepting it or do they do something about it and try to snap their friends out of it?

Basically think of it as other character is forced into this against their will, but it's not exactly a bad situation. They just lose their choice of how to deal with the difficult parts of life because it's as if they don't experience them

Thank you Persona 5 Royal for putting this specific kind of scenario in my brain
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If Sora were to ever strike out of anger, I'd think it would be over something such as an ally killing another ally then acting as though nothing happened. It comes off as incredibly heartless. While the Pits might view it as a mercy killing, Sora may see it as murder. I definitely agree that if it were to ever happen, it would be while the wounds were still very fresh and Sora hadn't had time to come to terms with it. I think it'd be likely that if Pit knew the source of Sora's anger and resentment, he wouldn't fault him for it and might even sincerely tell Sora to go to town on him if it would help him feel better. I don't think Sora would take him up on that offer though.

In an odd way, Pit might be glad that Sora feels so strongly over the whole thing because it's out of love for their fallen companion, something Pit isn't really allowed to express himself most of the time. Now I'm imagining a heart-to-heart where Pit tells Sora that as an angel, he has seen so much tragedy and he can't do anything about it because of his orders to never interfere in human affairs. He talks about witnessing things such as a family being murdered by bandits, or a child being kidnapped, or a tyrannical ruler starving his people to death, and always being ordered to never interfere despite wanting so much to help them. If Pit allowed every hardship and tragedy to emotionally devastate him, he'd be a very broken angel unable to carry out his duties. Dark Pit's existence implies that Pit does feel a lot of anger and resentment over his situation and that of the humans caught in-between the gods' petty squabbles, but represses it. It's possible all the jokes and silliness are Pit's way of coping, similar to how military and emergency response folks may have a dark sense of humor. Such a conversation might give Sora a new perspective of things, even if he may not entirely understand or agree with it. He might feel sympathy for Pit's situation as I think Sora would have a very hard time with the idea of seeing someone in trouble, not being allowed to help when he could do something about it, and not even being allowed to feel bad about it all. Sora seems like the type who would have the mentality of, "To hell with the rules! If someone is in trouble, you help them!" Meanwhile, there is Palutena, who in Uprising briefly laments being unable to give mankind everything they could ever want and need to be happy; and Pit, who is ordered to not directly interfere in human affairs. It goes back to my previous point of Pit not being human, but a being who is beyond human comprehension of morality.
I mean Sora is that kind of person. He always feels a duty to help those in need and do what he can for them. Not being able to do that is a weird notion to him. He very much would break rules if it meant saving someone and he does do that when he abuses his Power of Waking to cheat death even when he is warned what could happen. If he can save, he will do what he can. Just look how much he does just to bring Roxas back simply because he believes he should be able to have his own life or how many times he suggests letting himself go to the Realm of Darkness to help Riku and Mickey find Aqua. Be constrained always forces him to struggle greatly in almost every regard
Nice idea for a prompt! I’ll have to think on that one.

Lol Pit and Sora attempt to discuss why supposedly all-loving, all-seeing gods can do horrible things, or allow mortals to go through hardship and suffering, but fail to get anywhere because they’re simpletons.
This whole talk got me thinking about something in the opposite direction. So I ask, what would your character(s) do if their allies/friends/other Smash Bros were to be brought into a reality (or just be effected in some manner) in which they would be happy and not feel pain? Their friends would be blissfully unaware of pain that they were once inflicted by and they are basically living the best life (in extreme cases people who died are brought back just to ease pain), even though it was all falsely created and basically traps them in good emotions rather than bad. Your character is the only one that seems to know something is off and isn’t entirely inflicted by it. Are they accepting it or do they do something about it and try to snap their friends out of it?

Basically think of it as other character is forced into this against their will, but it's not exactly a bad situation. They just lose their choice of how to deal with the difficult parts of life because it's as if they don't experience them

Thank you Persona 5 Royal for putting this specific kind of scenario in my brain
Just to put out the thoughts on my characters regarding this

-Joker: Given this is a very concept explored in Persona 5, I actually can say with certainty what he would do, and that is defy the very will placed upon his friends and save them from it. It's not an easy choice to make and even the temptation of having his own happiness be met is something hard to deny, but he knows it's not right and people are merely being manipulated against their own will. It may not be harming them, but he knows there is growth in fighting through hardship and that is exactly what defined himself and even his fellow Phantom Thieves. Of course he wanted his friends to be happy and live good lives, but not in exchange of living a lie. He doesn't fault those who would be tempted by something like this. He understands it, but as a rebellious spirit, he will stand tall in the belief that all should be able to follow their own choices and being controlled by happy emotions isn't doing that.

Throwing Ann in here a little since she does have this too, she would struggle and would likely feel guilt for trying to change it. I don't see her having the sheer determination to stand up to it like Joker would, but given she does get pulled out of this kind of state and finds will in rebelling it, I could see her coming around at some point

While what I explained above is the basis for what leads to the game's true ending, making it the canon choice of Joker, he does have 2 other options explored if the player so choses. One is to accept it entirely and live in this world of no pain, allowing everything that forced them to become Phantom Thieves fade away as if it was nothing. He trades memories of him and his friends in exchange for their happiness and comfort in this ending, and the sad part is, he is the one of the only ones fully aware of it. He is choosing not to let himself or his friends grow from hardships and going against the very thing that brought them all together. His friends even forget how they met which is super sad!

The other option explored is Joker trying to stand up against it and failing. He stuck to his guns and tried to make change and save his friends, but he couldn't do it. Instead of punishing his friends who he had managed to convince to rebel as well, he is the lone one to be punished. In this ending, he is straight up put into a long term coma to "fix him" and his friends are forced to completely forget he even existed. So it could be very likely if he was ever "fixed" he would be used as a mere puppet to keep the peace since he would be a valuable asset as such a strong persona user. So yay depression!

-Shulk: He has very strong sense of letting people have the choice of freewill. I mean this dude was given the chance to shape his world however he wanted and he left it to the choice of the people. I believe he would be firmly against letting people be control solely by happiness against their will. If they wished to run from their own hardship and all that, fine, but nobody else should be making that decision for them. Much like Joker, he's a firm believer in growing through hardship and that is what he and his friends did on their journey. He'd be sure many of the other Smash Bros are similar, thus he'd want to free them at all costs so they don't lose who they are, merely to live happily

-Byleth: I think there could be part of Byleth that would fall into the temptation of allowing such a thing to stay true. The thought of not needing to rewind time to save and to see his students and friends at peace is something he could have never thought of given his lifestyle, but at the same time he is likely logical enough to see that is no way to live. To never experience hardship will never allow one to grow, even if the hardship is something minor. He'd likely fight against it in the end after a long and hard internal struggle. Having the thought of his own father being brought back would make wanting to save those already stuck very difficult for him

-Pyra / Mythra: A life of happiness without strife or hardship. That is something they believed they might help accomplish by begging their father to kill them, so I feel they might let it stand. I could see them seeing it as a form of saving them, and maybe they'd even let themselves be saved by it to rid themselves of that pain they have had for so long. They may understand how it may hinder their friends, but what's wrong with wanting happiness and to see ones friends not suffering? That would be the line they might have a hard time pushing past given how much pain and resentment they hold for themselves

-Yoshi: He is likely doing nothing to change such a thing. As a creature of happiness, he'd probably be very drawn to seeing his friends like that. It would feel peaceful and content to him. Having the complex feelings and thoughts of if it is morally right wouldn't click with him. To him it's simple: his friends are happy, so he is happy and there is nothing wrong with that!

-Sora: Oh boy. Sora, Sora, Sora. This is something he would certainly fall into and allow to happen even if he could see some of the consequences of allowing it. In his eyes it might even be a benefit since he has seen people get lost to the darkness and in this scenario it would be impossible for that to happen. They would be safe and happy! What more could he ask for? There could be complex feelings that come up if he were to be questioned about said decision, but I don't think he'd be one to immediately jump into action to prevent it unless something bad started to arise from it all.

Tying into that, Roxas might be tempted by it as well. He always wanted a normal life, one without all the issues he had. If he saw his friends experiencing that and he might fall victim to it as well. However, he might also be resistant to the idea because he is strong in himself and he doesn't like the idea of someone/something else toying with him. Also if the idea of losing precious memories because they inflict pain were to come up, he'd 100% be pissed and upset about losing them, or having his friends lose theirs
Captain Falcon: To him, that's right now. Everytime he sees the Smash Bros. they're all usually happy anyways, so this would be no different for him. But I can imagine him still thinking something didn't feel the same or he'd just give in. All he had left was to see everyone happy and if that's what's happening, then he'd probably just disappear knowing that everyone is living the best lives they can live. If they're happy then his mission is done, and he can leave with a clear conscious. So he'd probably wouldn't know the difference and simply remove himself all together.
I'm pretty sure both Pits would fight against the illusion and break it. The reason he and Palutena may not be able to interfere directly with human affairs is because humans have free will, and they cannot tamper with that (at least, that's my assumption). This also comes back to the previous mention of supposedly good and caring gods allowing hardship and suffering to exist: if there is no understanding of what is bad, how can one know what is good? If there is only goodness, how can one know what is considered bad? If the gods granted mankind everything they could possibly desire, then what is the point of faith? Even if Pit might not be able to properly articulate this train of thought, he may have an inner understanding of this. Dark Pit may also have this understanding, but as the manifestation of Pit's repressed feelings and desire for freedom, he would also find the idea of people being forced to live a lie, even if it is a happy and "harmless" lie, to be wrong. And Dark Pit would be pissed to find out someone has been trying to control him.

I think Toon Link would find this happy illusion to be tempting, but he knows it is only that: an illusion. Those are not really his parents. That is not really his island and his home. How could he go along with this when he knows it is all a lie? How can he just forget everything he has been through as though it never happened? I do not think Toon Link would take well to being tricked or lied to, and, typical of his reckless nature, he'd act to end it.

Pikachu is simple: upon realizing this is all wrong and everyone is in some sort of trap, she would become terrified and try to escape. I can see her using Thundershock in an attempt to snap her allies out of their weird trance. I try to portray Pikachu as more of an animal, a very intelligent animal, but still an animal, so she is not one to think deeply on things such as morality.

Now I'm wondering what a conversation between Joker and Pit about the presence of gods in the lives of man, and man's free will would have been like? At first, I thought maybe it'd end with Joker and Pit being angry with each other, but since Joker believes in free will, and Pit cannot interfere with the free will of man even if humans do terrible things, perhaps there is some understanding they come to.
Just to add to this prompt a little not really but maybe somehow it adds to it, this is the song that plays in the final boss fight Joker has as he's freeing the world from a false, happy reality

Now I'm wondering what a conversation between Joker and Pit about the presence of gods in the lives of man, and man's free will would have been like? At first, I thought maybe it'd end with Joker and Pit being angry with each other, but since Joker believes in free will, and Pit cannot interfere with the free will of man even if humans do terrible things, perhaps there is some understanding they come to.
There might be an understanding to be had, though I do feel Joker himself would be rather wary of divine beings and gods given his experiences. Even so it is possible he would see how different the gods he has faced are from the likes of Palutena. The three gods (four if you wanna count Maruki and his persona on a godlike level given they can alter reality itself) Joker has under his belt, they stem from humans themselves. Yaldabaoth, the god of control, is the manifestation of humanities wish for control and order. Then there is Demiurge/EMMA, a false god created by humans given she was a program become sentient and sought to guide humanity forward. And now in P5T poor Joker is given another god to face, Salmael, god of stagnation. He was born from the human desire of self-preservation. So you see the gods Joker has to face all come from the fault of humanity itself. He'd probably have the view that gods created from humanities own faults and desires are bad, whereas gods who exist otherwise aren't as bad, as long as they leave humans alone.

I do think him and Pit could come to an understanding between them. He isn't one who would look for an angel to interfere with humans after all. Humans should be righting the wrongs of themselves, not beings from above. Hell there might even be some understanding on Joker's part given before he got his powers, he felt utterly helpless when it came to dealing with horrible humans. For him, he had experienced the unjust law system which deemed him a criminal and then was immediately thrown into a school in which one teacher was abusing students, but the school itself would turn a blind eye to it all because they were so well known for volleyball due to his coaching. To see suffering and be unable to actually do anything was a huge struggle for him, especially since he was already on a short leash and even when he did try, he was immediately threatened to be expelled. Obviously it's on a different level to what Pit would experience when seeing the cruelties of man, but it would allow a base level understanding.

Honestly interactions between Joker and Pit would be rather interesting

Also a bonus just to show Joker feeling pretty hopeless and the very cutscene I wish he actually spoke in
Fhskfhdkf I got half way through writing before I had a brain fart so I’ll post two of characters’ for now and the other two later 😅

Zelda: I think this is a pretty interesting question when it comes to her! After all, as a future leader of a nature her entire goal would be to create a place without conflict or pain so on the surface she might totally be all in on that sort of thing. A world without worrying about Ganon or the endless cycle of hurt might just sound like pure heaven to her. However, I don’t think she’d be blind enough to just fully accept this new reality without any sort of reservations. The Triforce of Wisdom would certainly be ringing alarm bells that it’d be pretty dang unwise to do so lmao. So after a looooong mental back and forth with herself I think she’d probably eventually decide that a world without pain or struggle isn’t a world fit for living in and would work to getting the other fighters out. Although…I could see there also being an interesting narrative to be had if Zelda accepted this new reality as well. Maybe she willingly ignores the triforce for the sake of existing in this pretend world without pain or hurt. After all, getting kidnapped twice, watching your dad die (even if he got better afterwards), and witnessing your kingdom nearly fall to ruin probably left a bit of a mark on Zelda mentally. So, maybe she would accept this new reality just for the selfish sake of guaranteeing that such a thing would never happen to her or anyone else again. Would it be OOC? lol probably but shhh 🤫

Inkling: Tbh as soon as Inkling picks up on something shady going on she is immediately going to work towards escaping this reality. she’s too straightforward to philosophize about the morality of being he in a perfect world and is going to take the simplest approach to it which is “Some guy screwed with reality so I have to set things back to normal”. Plus all things considered, her life isn’t exactly terrible enough where a perfect world would be a vast improvement big enough to warrant a change in literal reality. Sure, there’s definitely some not great aspects about her life and living in a world where the octarians and inklings get along fine would definitely be nice but like, is it really worth taking away everyone’s free will?
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I do think him and Pit could come to an understanding between them. He isn't one who would look for an angel to interfere with humans after all. Humans should be righting the wrongs of themselves, not beings from above.
I believe this is the conclusion Pit would come to: the gods aren't supposed to interfere with the free will of humans, so that is why good humans, heroic humans, are so important.

Zelda: I think this is a pretty interesting question when it comes to her! After all, as a future leader of a nature her entire goal would be to create a place without conflict or pain so on the surface she might totally be all in on that sort of thing. A world without worrying about Ganon or the endless cycle of hurt might just sound like pure heaven to her.
I think there could be a sweet interaction between Zelda and Dark Pit regarding this. Maybe Zelda expresses her fears and doubts as a leader, her burden of possessing the Triforce of Wisdom, and so on. Dark Pit responds that Zelda is foolishly killing herself trying to reach a standard of perfection that not even the gods themselves can maintain. After all, if the gods are so perfect and all-knowing, why do they always need him and Pit to fix their screw ups? Zelda is only human, and shouldn't beat herself up over it.

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