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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I would draw silly crackships but I always feel like I’m overstepping boundaries or something felt the same with fan kiddos so I just don’t do it. Instead I simply draw Joker and Ann

But you should totally do it. Doing silly crackship art is fun and silly
I can understand that feeling. I think everyone in here knows it's all just for fun and no one is trying to force anything into the RP itself. These aren't "our" characters anyway.
I just stay in my lane with it all to be safe with it even though ship art is clearly right in my wheelhouse lol

And that is a fair point that they aren’t our characters. But that being said, I’ll still say if y’all wanna crackship any of the characters I play, then go for it. It hardly bothers me and I find it amusing to talk about it all actually
You know I’ve talked about how I have struggled with trying to find specific songs in the Xenoblade OSTs but now I’m having a new problem. I have this thought for my Pyra/Mythra post but i wanted to refresh the details about said thing by rewatching the cutscene it’s from so ofc I go to look for it only to quickly realize I cannot find it by just searching my way. Now I’m staring down the daunting task of finding it in XC2’s 14 hours of cutscenes. The things I put myself through
I sometimes make myself do the dumbest things just for my posts. If I was smart I'd simply open the game and go through the cutscene gallery and it'd be much faster, but here we are
Welp I didn't plan on getting two posts up today, but I ended up having more time on my hands than I thought so double post, yay! Now I'll have to think of Joker a bit so he'll probably come this weekend since we know I don't let him sit for long lol
Sora spends 2 hours on a friendship speech and then follows it up with 2 more hours of pulling a FE Engage final boss moment to bring back all the other fighters during it. He has to properly introduce each and every one of them

FE is so corny yet god I love this dumb shit LOL

Marth, Corrin, Lucina, and Byleth be like: "This seems familiar..."
Yep, you're right (for the most part). Big eyes and bigger heart, that's Kamui all right.
That image. I love it. Thanks for the new pfp <3
Like I've mentioned before, her cute ahh face is also a farce to distract the enemy and/or make them lower their guard.

Lol, while that's really cute, I have mentioned before that Corrin isn't overbearing despite seeming like it at first. She doesn't overstep boundaries with what I like to call 'no-touchy' people. For example, she wouldn't pet/touch people if they didn't want her to and/or if she knew they wouldn't be chill with it. Corrin would probs quickly understand that Tet isn't a very touchy-feely girl, similar to DP, and keep her distance.
The only exception to this would probably be Sheik, as we have already discussed how they warm up to each other very quickly. In all honesty, Corrin would probably see Sheik in the same light as her advisor Azura. Most of the hugs, pets, and wing cuddles would be reserved for her (+maybe Marth too).
Np! I love Corrin and I love hunting for fanart.

Ohhh, gotcha. That's so unexpected, considering that one thing from FEF
corrin, corrin, isabelle, and corrin (fire emblem and 3 more) drawn by  raydango | Danbooru
With THAT in mind, you'd expect Corrin to be even more hug- and- touch-thirsty than she already is-
@A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forevermore Forevermore

I had a thought of Tetra being a little shit by never allowing Dark Pit to have a moment alone with Zelda. She simply interjects herself between them whenever she catches the two together. She’s not doing it to get under Dark Pit’s skin, DEFINITELY not! She’s just looking out for her fellow Zelda! 😇

Though I’m imagining Dark Pit getting too annoyed and punting Tetra lol

Perhaps Zelda and Pittoo are having a special moment (maybe Zelda is expressing her doubts and Pittoo is making a genuine effort to help) and Corrin or Sheik snatches Tetra before she could interrupt it, much to her displeasure!
Lmao, that'd be pretty funny. I feel like Sheik would become jaded pretty quickly to Tetra's antics tho- perhaps she wouldn't even go through the trouble.
Now if I had to pinpoint someone to serve as an example as a toxic partner, it would most DEFINITELY have to be Zelda! So let's check off the boxes, shall we?:

1. Intensity - Zelda, she's like a hurricane of emotions. Always making a big deal out of everything, especially when it comes to her precious kingdom. It's like, calm down, not everything is the end of the world!

2. Possessiveness - Have you seen how she hovers around Link? It's like she's marking her territory or something. Can't let the guy breathe without her keeping a watchful eye.

3. Manipulation - She's the queen of getting Link to do her bidding. Always playing the damsel in distress card, making him feel obligated to rescue her AND her kingdom! That HE isn't even apart of! Classic manipulation if you ask me.

4. Isolation - Oh, you want to hang out with your buddies? Good luck with that. Zelda will find a way to keep you all to herself, making sure you forget what a social life even is.

5. Sabotage - Ever heard her talk about Ganon? It's like she's on a mission to make him look like the ultimate villain. Sabotaging his reputation left and right. The man was LITERALLY trying to do honest work for her dad so he can put in a good name for his people, and you know what she says the moment he looks at him? "He's too poor and his nose is too long, he's DEFINITELY evil!" and proceeeds to set him up from there! Let's not forget that she contaminated the Sacred Realm by sending the Triforce of Power WITH GANON STILL IN POSSESSION OF IT! She sabatoged the WHOLE time stream like someone contaminating an entire gallon of milk by drinking it directly from the jug! UGGGGHHHHH!!!

6. Belittling - She's got this subtle way of making you feel like you're not doing enough. Always with that disappointed look when you don't meet her ridiculously high expectations. If not that, she'll just smile and give a passive-agressive comment while SWEARING everything's alright when she's very much wishing you'd stub your toe!

7. Guilting - "Link, I need you to save Hyrule again. If you don't, everything will be lost, and it'll be all your fault!" Classic guilt trip, right?

8. Volatility - Don't even get me started on her mood swings. One moment she's all regal and composed, and the next, she's throwing a tantrum like a child. It's exhausting. Wait . . . I was thinking about Peach for a second, never mind about that one.

9. Deflecting Responsibility - It's never her fault. Like seriously, it NEVER is! It's always some prophecy, or destiny, or some ancient curse. Never once does she own up to her mistakes. You know. Being a TERRIBLE ruler! What, were you destined to be trash?! Huh?!

10. Betrayal - She literally sends Link home empty handed . . . The guy spends hours traversing an entire kingdom heading into dungeons, slaying evil beasts, solving irritating puzzles, running errands for strangers, witnessing eldritch horrors, all while Zelda is stacking on the pressure that the fate of THOUSANDS of lives that she's responsible for are on his shoulders and when he FINALLY saves the kingdom, what does Zelda do for him? Just thanks. That's it. Just a thanks. No gold, no grand announcement to the Hyrule, no holiday in his honor, no statue, no money! The most she could do for you is "The Hyrule Royal Family will never forget what you've done for Hyrule." . . . . . . WHAT FAMILY?!?!?! Both of your parents are dead and you have no siblings! You're the only one left of the royal family! The most you did was mention him in one of your history books AND YOU DIDN"T HAVE THE GUTS TO MENTION HIM BY NAME! YOU SPINELESS CRETIN! GAH, YOU SUCK SO MUCH, ZELDA!

In conclusion, students, be on the lookout for these traits in your relationships. And if you find yourself dealing with a Zelda, well, good luck. You might need it. looks to Pittoo. And don't let the love of your partner convince you to stay with them. Cause the moment your relationship becomes one-sided, then it's all over. It's sad but it's true. You can't fix something that doesn't want to be fix. I know it can hurt seeing someone you respected or loved and trusted just...Turn into this totally different person before your eyes and in some cases, some people will fool themselves into thinking they're just going through a phase and that they just need to be there for them. In some cases, sure that can be the case. but other times, they'll just keep taking and taking and taking from you until you too, are a shell of yourself. Never let a leech drain you dry. Always keep your eyes open, folks.
Happy Senior Man Giving Thumb Up-foton och fler bilder på Pensionärsmän -  Pensionärsmän, Tummen upp, Pensionär - iStock
"Smilin' through the pain-"

To be honest, Sheik wouldn't even be upset with Captain Falcon. The reason being that she, at least, my take on her, is genuinely disappointed in herself a year or two after everything is all said and done. Her Hyrule is already being re-built, Link has already been sent back so he can relive his childhood, etc. Now that she has had so much time to reflect on what had happened during her mission to save her kingdom from the clutches of Ganondorf, she sees all the grave errors she had made.

She sees how little she appreciated Link when he was aiding her cause. She sees how she lacked proper rationale at times and made rash and immature decisions. And most of all, she sees how much of a failure she was, not only to her present Hyrule and fellow Hylians, but to the past and future ones as well.
She just wanted to be as good as the Zeldas before her.
She just wanted to be as remarkable of a princess as she could be during her lifetime.
She just wanted to preserve Hyrule as best she could so her descendants would have a kingdom to cherish.
But, of course, she made errors along the way. And those errors not only messed up the present she currently found herself in, they also messed up Link's childhood (*cough*Majora's Mask - well, at least based on my theory of the two games' correlations*cough*) and pretty much divided the timeline of Hyrule, so it would never be whole again. Being in Smash Bros. taught her that her timeline isn't the only one out there, meaning that she learned she had messed up pretty bad.

So now, that she's alone now, with a struggling Hyrule and no family, no Link, and herself and her instincts alone to guide her, she realizes how much of a pathetic Zelda she is. And it's too late to change anything. It's all said and done.

So yeah, she'd agree with Falcon and not get bitter over anything he says, because she already thinks lowly of the princess side of herself. In fact, I headcanon that she actually REALLY prefers going around as Sheik when she can. Masquerading as her alter-ego that is frankly viewed in much higher favor than her normal self. Because she'd rather look in the mirror and see someone else than let her true appearance remind her of her failures to everyone and everything that she holds closest to her heart.
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Lmao, that'd be pretty funny. I feel like Sheik would become jaded pretty quickly to Tetra's antics tho- perhaps she wouldn't even go through the trouble.

Happy Senior Man Giving Thumb Up-foton och fler bilder på Pensionärsmän -  Pensionärsmän, Tummen upp, Pensionär - iStock
"Smilin' through the pain-"

To be honest, Sheik wouldn't even be upset with Captain Falcon. The reason being that she, at least, my take on her, is genuinely disappointed in herself a year or two after everything is all said and done. Her Hyrule is already being re-built, Link has already been sent back so he can relive his childhood, etc. Now that she has had so much time to reflect on what had happened during her mission to save her kingdom from the clutches of Ganondorf, she sees all the grave errors she had made.

She sees how little she appreciated Link when he was aiding her cause. She sees how she lacked proper rationale at times and made rash and immature decisions. And most of all, she sees how much of a failure she was, not only to her present Hyrule and fellow Hylians, but to the past and future ones as well.
She just wanted to be as good as the Zeldas before her.
She just wanted to be as remarkable of a princess as she could be during her lifetime.
She just wanted to preserve Hyrule as best she could so her descendants would have a kingdom to cherish.
But, of course, she made errors along the way. And those errors not only messed up the present she currently found herself in, they also messed up Link's childhood (*cough*Majora's Mask - well, at least based on my theory of the two games' correlations*cough*) and pretty much divided the timeline of Hyrule, so it would never be whole again. Being in Smash Bros. taught her that her timeline isn't the only one out there, meaning that she learned she had messed up pretty bad.

So now, that she's alone now, with a struggling Hyrule and no family, no Link, and herself and her instincts alone to guide her, she realizes how much of a pathetic Zelda she is. And it's too late to change anything. It's all said and done.

So yeah, she'd agree with Falcon and not get bitter over anything he says, because she already thinks lowly of the princess side of herself. In fact, I headcanon that she actually REALLY prefers going around as Sheik when she can. Masquerading as her alter-ego that is frankly viewed in much higher favor than her normal self. Because she'd rather look in the mirror and see someone else than let her true appearance remind her of her failures to everyone and everything that she holds closest to her heart.
Corrin uses her wings to block the eyes of others and give Zelda and Dark Pit a moment of privacy, then casually uses a claw to hook Tetra by her waist sash and keep her from interrupting.

I think if Toon Link knew of how OoT Zelda felt, he'd reassure her that she did the best she could on what she had. In his timeline, life has gone on, the people have rebuilt and adapted, and Toon Link took out Ganondorf for good. Her actions may not have had the results she wanted, but it did pave the way for a future Link and Zelda to stop Ganondorf once and for all!

Another upside is that OoT Zelda gets to meet her granddaughters from three different timelines in the Smash Tournaments!
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I'm in a mood, so here's a grim prompt:

A member of your PC's party has been fully corrupted by a Pillar of Destruction. They are too far gone to be saved; it's you or them. How do your PCs respond?
I'm in a mood, so here's a grim prompt:

A member of your PC's party has been fully corrupted by a Pillar of Destruction. They are too far gone to be saved; it's you or them. How do your PCs respond?

hoooo boi, that’s actually a pretty hard question to answer!….so hard in fact I still need to think into how Zelda and Isabelle would react on that sort of situation. But for now I offer the other half of my cast!

Inkling: Inkling’s going into full denial mode cus nope, she’s not even going to consider it for a second! I think with all of her own past experiences in being mind controlled or hearing of her allies being mind controlled, it’s going to be really hard for her to now view this situation in the same manner as those past experiences. It’s going to be pretty dang impossible for her to realize that can’t just knock the corruption out of someone. So yeah she’s totally fine with just knocking some sense into the corrupted person, the moment someone suggests that they’re too far gone to be saved she is not having it. She knows what it’s like to be mind controlled, it was awful! But still, Agent 8 was able to snap her out of it! That has to mean that they can do the same with their friend right? So how could everyone just look at their own friend and give up on them like that??? I think the only way she could be convinced would be to drill it into her that for the sake of their ally, who would rather die than hurt their friends, it would be a mercy to put an end to them before they can hurt anyone else. Even then, Inkling’s still going to be utterly emotionally devastated through and through.

I’m not sure if this actually warrants a warning since it’s super vague but better safe than sorry 🤷‍♀️

But oh gosh why would you do this to the poor boy!!

If the corrupted party member is someone he’s especially close to (say Pikachu or Sora for example) and if it really is an us vs them situation, Pichu’s def not gonna have a good time lmao. For all of his supposed attitude, he’s still a baby animal who can’t just let go of someone like that after forming such a strong bond with them. And honestly, idk if he could even conceptually understand the fact that the person in front of him isn’t his cherished friend anymore. I can only imagine an utterly heartbreaking scene where everyone’s done all they can to help the individual and have all mostly come to the conclusion that yeah, they’re probably too far gone, except for little Pichu who in all of his his beaten and battered state, still thinks that his friend is somewhere in there and refuses to accept the reality of the situation. So Pichu just keeps on begging for them to snap out of this trance even as he just keeps getting more and more hurt in the process. Hopefully someone steps in before things get really bad but even still, in this situation you laid it out that means Pichu now has to grapple with the corrupted character being ‘taken care of’. You can probably expect a scene similar to the one in the first Pokémon movie to play out afterwards and hoo boi would it be sad as heck 🥲

I'm in a mood, so here's a grim prompt:

A member of your PC's party has been fully corrupted by a Pillar of Destruction. They are too far gone to be saved; it's you or them. How do your PCs respond?
Oh boy time for some depression

-Yoshi would probably have a difficult time wrapping his head around the idea of them being unable to be saved or even needing to kill them. He’s too kind of a creature to really have the thought of killing on his mind and he there are many in the cast that would easily best him in combat to begin with making it a very grim fight for someone like himself. He is still trying his hardest to bring them back for the entire fight and trying to remain positive that it is possible to do, but he’s quickly losing that battle. For as hard as he’s trying to save them, it all is for nothing and either he too ends up corrupted or killed because of it

-Byleth is not messing around with something like this. As someone who was raised by the sword he’s always fought to protect himself. He probably tries rewinding time multiple times to change the outcome and attempt to prevent the other from getting corrupted in the first place though it has no success. That alone puts a lot of emotional turmoil on him given he’d have to see the same scene play out over and over and over again all with the same result. Despite putting himself through heavy emotional stress, he still very much understands it’s either his life or theirs. He sees he cannot save them and is no stranger to needing to kill individuals who may have been close to him at some point. He does basically decapitate Edelgard in two routes of FE3H and one is when he picks her house to teach making them close with each other. So yeah, when it comes down to it all, he’s probably not hesitating to kill the other. At that point it’s a way of putting them to peace rather than letting them continue to suffer through the corruption they’re going through. Does it pain him? Absolutely. It’d probably be the most emotion he displays

-Pyra/Mythra have no desire to kill and even in a life or death situation it would be hard for them to want to kill an ally even if they are corrupted. Given the strong emotional turmoil they have inside. It would become a difficult fight for them on the emotional end, especially if it is Mythra in the lead. She has accidentally killed thousands and killed her own friends indirectly. To purposely kill someone’s she might consider a friend would likely only heighten her own desire to beg for her own life to be ended. In the moment she’d likely understand that she has to do it to not only protect herself but the world itself, but that doesn’t make it any easier on her mentally, especially if she tried her damnedest to bring them back to their senses. If she is successful and prevails it’s with a very heavy heart and she likely has a huge mental breakdown which may cause her to lock herself away for an extremely long time. She would place a lot of blame on herself thinking she could have still made a change at some point but never did

-Shulk probably has to live through the experience twice much to his own dismay. Given the severity of the event there is no doubt he gets a vision ahead of time of the outcome and is shaken by it. Of course seeing this vision would allow him to try and change it, but that doesn’t mean he can. He has many visions he is unable to change after all (just remember the beginning of WoL. He had to witness everyone dying twice which definitely fucked him up in some manner). He tries to change the future and keep himself from being burdened by the thought of killing an ally with his own two hands. However, when it comes down to it, I think he would understand what needs to be done, even if it weighs heavily on him. He does have to end up killing the very man who raised him because turns out he was aiding the god who had been puppeteering him his whole life. He doesn’t feel good what what has to be done, but he would probably rather take that burden on rather than have it be someone else

-Sora absolutely struggles with the thought of killing his own ally even if they are corrupted. Hell look how he fought to save Riku when he was consumed heavily by darkness. He DOES NOT give up on his friends and it would be no different here. He is determined to save them even if it’s said to be impossible! Everything is being tried in order to save them and he’s very much do it at the risk of his own life. No way is he giving up and letting himself kill someone he truly believes he can save. He has a lot in his arsenal to try and pull them back and he will use it all. There is no version of it in his mind where he comes out without the other. He is purely determined to save and it would not be surprising if he was that way until the very end, making it heavily possible that Sora would rather die trying to save them than be the one to kill them

-Joker is a weird one. He is one that generally spares his enemies and forces them to repent for the crimes they’ve committed. He’s been framed for manslaughter but never actually committed it himself. He even is willing to spare the very person who tried to kill him not once, but twice. So what would he do then? He likely clings to the hope of still being able to save them. He will fight them to try and knock them back to their senses while also being mindful of his own state. Yes, he will fight to the death if he must. If it came to that he might pull the trigger then to save himself although it would be begrudgingly so. He probably understands if he doesn’t do it then it puts others at risk and he is someone who values the safety of others above most other things. While he doesn’t want the burden of killing a friend on his conscious, he will bear it if he absolutely must. He doesn’t feel good about it, nor will he want to talk about it either. He likely becomes very closed off about how he feels over it all and has a bit of a shift in his personality. While he’s positive he made the right choice, it still greatly weighs on him

And I wasn’t going to do my two non Snash Bros, but I had this thought so here is bonus for Ann!

-In this scenario it would specifically be Joker as the corrupted. Now that in itself is angsty. That is her boyfriend after all, but he is also a lot more than that. He is one of her closest friends and trusted allies within the Phantom Thieves, he is one of the biggest parts of her support system, and he is one of the people who helped her escape the abuse she was being put through and encouraged her to stand up to it. To see someone like that fall to corruption would absolutely kill her on the inside because he was always the firm foundation of the Phantom Thieves. He had every reason to hate the world and have twisted desires himself yet he was firm in himself. That is the kind of person Ann would still believe is somewhere inside. She very much could not betray that thought or believe he was too far gone after everything they had been through. She would desperately be trying to pull him back no matter what. There probably is a moment where she just stops fighting and just grabs him and holds him tightly pleading with him to come back, but not only because she needs him, but because he’s just that important to everyone in his life
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Since I'm doing a bit of planning for Joker's post, I just had a question specifically about the state of the Stadium so I can properly describe things when I write up my post. Given it's going to/has crashed, I assume it would be taking substantial damage, correct? Obviously the control room is blown up and all, but would the Stadium as a whole be in horrible condition? Like would the soldiers there be buried in rubble? Would there be parts of it (probably the engines) blowing up from crashing? That kind of stuff. I just wanna make sure I don't go too out there in case you were picturing it differently than I am
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Since I'm doing a bit of planning for Joker's post, I just had a question specifically about the state of the Stadium so I can properly describe things when I write up my post. Given it's going to/has crashed, I assume it would be taking substantial damage, correct? Obviously the control room is blown up and all, but would the Stadium as a whole be in horrible condition? Like would the soldiers there be buried in rubble? Would there be parts of it (probably the engines) blowing up from crashing? That kind of stuff. I just wanna make sure I don't go too out there in case you were picturing it differently than I am
I didn't put much thought into what it'd look like specifically, just a ruin, but still very obviously the Stadium. Soldiers buried in rubble, an engine blowing up, fires in parts, and so on sounds right.
I didn't put much thought into what it'd look like specifically, just a ruin, but still very obviously the Stadium. Soldiers buried in rubble, an engine blowing up, fires in parts, and so on sounds right.
Good enough for me LOL. I just wanted to make sure it was actually ruins and not I dunno still somehow magically still mostly intact
Just thinking of little Pichu desperately trying to wake up their fallen friend by using Thundershock over and over again 😢 It looks like Sora, Yoshi and Ann would have to be forcefully dragged away from the afflicted person for their own safety, which is also sad.

Pit has had to deal with a similar situation before: Palutena being brainwashed and controlled by the Chaos Kin. Through that, I believe Pit would do everything within his power to free the afflicted person. I think Dark Pit would be the same way, though he'd come to the conclusion that the victim cannot be saved faster than Pit would. Another difference between the two angels is that while Pit might pull his punches so as to avoid unnecessary harm on the victim, Dark Pit is more willing to lay on the harsher blows in hopes of beating the corruption out of a person and neutralizing the threat ASAP.

"(Name), it's me! Pit! Do not let darkness claim your soul! Remember me!"
"(Name), if there is any shred of you still in there, give me a sign!"

Once they realize the victim is beyond saving, I think both Pits would have a similar reaction: their faces darken and they finish things with a fast, brutal killing blow. It is a mercy they may feel duty-bound to grant as angels, as much as it might hurt them to do so. I can see them dropping to their knees beside their companion and slamming a fist into the ground in anger and grief.


"Pit... are you alright?"
"... No, Lady Palutena. I will never be alright with this."

"(He/She) was my friend."
"For you to say that, (he/she) must have been very special. I'm so sorry, Pittoo."
"... My friend."

The upside is that both Pits are mentally tough, and very capable of pushing their grief aside to focus on what needs to be done in the present. They are not the types to lay around and mope. I can see some of the others mistaking that for being insensitive.

I really had to think about what Toon Link's response would be in this scenario. Wind Waker shows that he has no qualms about taking a life as he had attacked Ganondorf out of defiance in the Forsaken Fortress, then shoved a sword into his head at the end of the game. He has had to fight a possessed Linebeck in Phantom Hourglass. I think his reaction would be very similar to the Pits: he'd do everything he can to try and save the victim, but will make the killing blow if there is no other way. He'd show a lot more distress over having to do such a thing than the Pits would. I can see the little guy sitting alone and crying softly afterward. It takes a while for his cheerful nature to reappear.

For Pikachu, it would really depend on the situation, who the victim is, and who else is with her at the time. If all else fails, she'd try to flee. If she cannot save the corrupted one and fleeing is not an option, then I can see her acting as a cornered animal: going feral and fighting just to survive. If someone precious to her, such as Pichu, is in mortal danger, then she'll fight the corrupted one to the death just so he can escape.
Me after reading and writing all these scenarios:
The responses to this prompt made me imagine Pit and Sora being together when that situation happens. Both are determined to save their friend, but as the fight goes on Pit eventually realizes (either on his own or through Palutena) that the twisted creature before them is no longer their friend and the kindest thing would be to end their suffering. Sora will not hear of it. Their friend can be saved! There is a way! There MUST be a way! They just have to figure out what it is! However, it gets to the point where they will all die or become corrupted if something isn't done fast, and Pit, without warning, slays the afflicted fighter right in front of Sora!

The fandom likes to go on about how very much alike the two are and how they'd be instant BFFs, but rarely do they address their differences and how that may cause some conflict.
Poor Sora would be absolutely flabbergasted seeing that. His mouth would just hang out and he’d stare with the biggest, widest eyes, completely shellshocked from what he just witness. It probably takes him a minute before the tears come and he barely manages to ask “what have you done?!” before he drops to his knees beside their fallen comrade. He’s a whole array of emotions and it’s hard for him to control it all
Pit would probably be standing there silently, his bangs covering his eyes and making him seem uncharacteristically cold. He had to do it, not just out of mercy for their friend, but to save Sora's life; he was going to keep futilely trying to save them until he died. Pit couldn't allow that. Unable to say anything, he leaves Sora to grieve. There is still a job to be done and a world to save. I think such an event would drastically change how one views the other.

If it was Dark Pit, I can see him staring straight into Sora's eyes and saying something along the lines of, "I'd expect you to do the same for me," then walk off.
Okay, time for the other half of my characters!

Zelda: So with Zelda having the Triforce of Wisdom in her, I imagine that she’s the quickest out of my characters to accept the reality that they can’t save their friend, as if the Triforce of all things isn’t helping her find a way to save them from their corruption then the odds are definitely not in their favor. But throughout the battle I could just imagine Zelda desperately searching both her brain and the Triforce for any better solution other than having to commit such a terrible act, but eventually she’s going to have to accept that it really is an Us vs Them.

🤔 As an alternative to flat out killing the corrupted individual, I wonder if she might even consider the possibility of sealing them in the sacred realm which, while seemingly a better choice on the surface since it’d mean she wouldn’t have to outright kill them, she’d still basically be giving them free reign in the realm which could very well result in a Dark World 2.0 or worse and that is something she’d never want to risk.

So either way, I think Zelda would be forced to accept that there really is no other option but to put them down for good. Unfortunately, that also means she’d probably have to be the bearer of bad news for the rest of the group which definitely isn’t gonna be all too swell. Depending on who the party is I could totally imagine her getting some brutal backlash from even suggesting such a thing, which is only going to add more guilt onto the poor girl. So she’s going to be apologizing over and over again to the other while stressing that she can’t foresee any other solution to save their friend other than death. All the while Zelda’s forcing herself to keep viewing the situation logically but even she’s struggling to maintain composure. Finally when it gets down to the final blow I could see her cracking and bursting into tears, unable to actually do the deed, leaving someone else having to do it in her place. That might be the worst part for her. Here Zelda is, (in her mind) coldly telling her allies they have no choice but to kill a friend, but too cowardly to do the job and forcing someone else to instead shoulder the burden of ending a life. So basically by the end of this whole ordeal Zelda’s going to feel like utter dogshit lmao

Isabelle: ghdgfshgdjgrsjtrsj honestly I still can’t think of a response for Isabelle purely because it feels like it’d be illegal to put her in such an awful situation. Like, the military bunker massacre was one thing but for some reason I guess this is my limit to what I can subject the poor girl to cus my mind is just drawing an Isabelle shaped blank whenever I try to think about how she’d react. So my answer for her is that through the sheer wholesomeness of her heart she’d break the fourth wall and rewrite the prompt so that it has a happy ending for everyone involved in the scenario/j 😅

I'm in a mood, so here's a grim HAPPY prompt:

A member of your PC's party has HAS NOT been fully corrupted by a Pillar of Destruction. They are too far gone to be saved FULLY CAPABLE OF BEING SAVED; it's you or AND them. How do your PCs respond?

See what I mean? She’s just built different 💪
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For Captain Falcon, he'd try to reach them the best he can but he knows how much power all the Smash Bros. are packing and if they aren't in their right minds. He'd have to think pragmatically as he can't risk them harming innocent people and he couldn't just go around trying to find a cure for them and risk everyone being at the Smash Bros. mercy. Plus, he feels they don't deserve to live in such a twisted state, forced to betray everything they once stood and believed in and fought for against their will by some force that they can't overcome with willpower. Ultimately would have to result to killing them once all options were exhausted and he would slip further into depression. But if we're talking about just the respective parties, the Falcon could take the risk as the only one he'd have to worry about would be Shadow. The rest of the party he can manage and try to find a solution to their corruption

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