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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Yoshi is a simple boy. He just wants to vibe and not overcomplicate things. He leaves that to everyone else
Morning thoughts with Ploegy: I had an alternate scenario pop into my head in which Team Woomy had an idea that the Stadium was dangerous before they reached it so they agree to send Joker to scout by himself but he has to go disguised and it ends up with him in Ann’s suit so he’d have her mask to cover his face. They also attempted to pull his hair up but it wasn’t long enough to give him more than two baby pigtails that stick straight up. He’s a bit embarrassed but he’s rocking that look

The same scenario plays out with Wandering Quill telling Nurse Joy Joker is outside the window but there is instant confusion when she sees him and questions if it really is him. Surely some silliness ensues
One day there should be a scenario in which Joker dresses up as Ann and T’ink disguises himself as Zelda.

T’ink reunites with Tetra while he’s disguised as Zelda! Lol she’d never let him live it down! XD
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Adventures with Joker and T'ink were supposed to be fun stealth missions but instead it becomes dress up like a girl
Just an update for posts: I’ve been in a little bit of a slump these last few days and haven’t had much thought on my Byleth/Sora post but I’m gonna try and work on it tonight after dinner and if I don’t actually manage to write the whole thing I’ll maybe have it up tomorrow night. If no ideas come to me I might momentarily hold off so I can write my idea for Pyra since surprisingly I have a singular thought for her rn
I just have the time to actually work on stuff so I shouldn’t waste it lol. I was trying to spark my creativity by doodling the silly Joker and T’ink stuff but that didn’t go well. Hopefully some food will get me going though

On a different topic though, my friend convinced me to play my first Sonic game over the last week or so and I finally finished that. We don’t talk about how I had never played a game in the series before ^^’
My friend got me Frontiers so that is what I played. He wants to get me into classic Sonic now, so we'll see where that goes lol. I will say I learned quickly I was pretty terrible at Frontiers but my friend got good laughs at me constantly being lost, trying to do the dumbest shit I could think of, and just being jump scared by random guardians cuz I was blind af and half the time didn't see them cuz I was ultra focused on running around and getting distracted by every grind rail and spring in existence
I need to pick up Frontiers. The last Sonic game I've bought and played has been Mania. Before then, I hadn't played Sonic since the Wii games, and I never finished them because I couldn't get into them. Never really enjoyed a Sonic game since the Adventure games years ago.

That's actually a big reason why I haven't RPed Sonic even though I have considered it while this RP was in the brainstorming phase, and I've RPed Sonic in past SSB RPs. I didn't want to have to catch up on a bunch of lore and new characters! @_@
I need to pick up Frontiers. The last Sonic game I've bought and played has been Mania. Before then, I hadn't played Sonic since the Wii games, and I never finished them because I couldn't get into them. Never really enjoyed a Sonic game since the Adventure games years ago.

That's actually a big reason why I haven't RPed Sonic even though I have considered it while this RP was in the brainstorming phase, and I've RPed Sonic in past SSB RPs. I didn't want to have to catch up on a bunch of lore and new characters! @_@
Honestly I get that. I had always heard lackluster things about most of the Sonic games in recent years, especially when I started branching out to new stuff since I pretty much only played Mario and Pokemon games in my childhood I missed out on so much that I should go back and play. But yeah I didn't really wanna jump into Sonic cuz of all that, but I heard good things about Frontiers and I couldn't say no to my friend since I pestered him into playing at least 1 Xenoblade game LMAO. I will say I at least had fun with it and might actually look into old stuff or maybe just Mania who knows. Add it to my ever long list of games I need to play
Honestly I get that. I had always heard lackluster things about most of the Sonic games in recent years, especially when I started branching out to new stuff since I pretty much only played Mario and Pokemon games in my childhood I missed out on so much that I should go back and play. But yeah I didn't really wanna jump into Sonic cuz of all that, but I heard good things about Frontiers and I couldn't say no to my friend since I pestered him into playing at least 1 Xenoblade game LMAO. I will say I at least had fun with it and might actually look into old stuff or maybe just Mania who knows. Add it to my ever long list of games I need to play
I would suggest Mania if you want an idea of what the classic Sonic games were like, but with the advantages of being a more modern game. I also recommend Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They're older games and as such have the flaws that come with early 3D games, but I recently replayed them and found them enjoyable still. The Chao Garden is still addictive.

EDIT: If you have to choose between the two Adventure games, I'd say go for Adventure 2. It heavily improves on the gameplay of Adventure 1, it introduces Shadow and Rouge, and I'd consider it the last GREAT Sonic game before the series went downhill. It also has the coolest portrayal of Knuckles before he became a moronic meathead. You don't really need to play SA1 to understand SA2. The references to the previous game are very few, and the story is already absurd on its own. It's a game about a blue hedgehog that runs fast, so what do you expect? XD
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I would suggest Mania if you want an idea of what the classic Sonic games were like, but with the advantages of being a more modern game. I also recommend Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They're older games and as such have the flaws that come with early 3D games, but I recently replayed them and found them enjoyable still. The Chao Garden is still addictive.
I appreciate the suggestions! I've heard a lot about the two Sonic Adventure games so maybe I'll play them at point
Man, Subspace Emissary was P E A K. Still upset Nintendo never bothered to add another story mode like it for Sm4sh or Ultimate
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I dislike how Classic Mode in SSBU has gimmicks for each character. I just want to do a quick, simple playthrough of SSBU as Toon Link, and I'm stuck with having other T'inks on the stage with me.

I miss the Adventure Mode of Melee and wish that would make a comeback. I liked SSE in Brawl; it only sucked when I had to play the levels as a character I was bad at lol

Brawl brought in my boys Pit and Toon Link, so I'm a bit biased toward that one.
Even if Ultimate would have gotten a story mode like SSE a lot of my favs wouldn't have even been present which sucks for me LOL ofc I have plenty of base game character but no Joker or Sora or Pyra/Mythra
*cries in having my favs be dlc*
At least I have their reveal trailers to still love and I was recently reminded Joker's reveal was 5 years ago and that kills me on the inside
It took me a while to play WoL in SSBU. I had all the DLC characters when I started, so after reaching a certain point I suddenly got an announcement that all DLC characters were available to play in WoL. It was pretty funny for me because I was playing as Kirby, the only available character I could play decently, and I imagined all the DLC fighters just showing up out of nowhere to back up Kirby.
Given I have so many dlc fighters in the rp, I’ve actually thought of their inclusions into WoL because it’s fun to think of when they would have shown up and how they might have helped. I’ve hinted at some of my HCs in my posts, mostly in regards to Sora. Maybe I should actually share those
So here are my little HCs/thoughts on my dlc characters and their involvement with WoL

Joker: Being the first dlc character, I've always imagined he had the most involvement among the lot, especially since his announcement to Smash happened the night the game released. I figured he would have already been on his way to the Smash Realm when the beginning of these events were happening. Theoretically, he should have been blasted probably, but I'd imagine the Velvet Room would save him in some capacity given it exists between dream and reality and he was already basically snapped from existence once before and ended up in the Velvet Room after it lol So that aside, he probably showed up quite early on during WoL's events and was just left shellshocked by it all. Basically he can be summed up by this singular gif:

Byleth: He shows up late into the light realm. By then many of the fighters had been saved so he's in a lot less of a messy situation than Joker was. Sothis likely helped him through whatever issues were presented to him in efforts to reach the Smash Realm

Pyra/Mythra: Given they were spirits already in Smash (I cannot remember if they were specific ones in WoL or not) but I'd imagine whenever their spirits were freed, that is when they would join the others, explaining why they never had copies of themselves running amok

Sora: He was summoned near the end of the events in the dark realm. I imagine his trailer is semi-canon in the fact that Mario is the one that summons him and it was in effort of knowing he was someone who specifically fought against darkness. He wasn't among the group for very long during the events and basically was there for the last couple of fights. Think of Sonic in SSE and that is basically Sora for WoL
Oh I was not expecting the Stadium to go down and clearly Joker wasn't either. He gonna be running for his life but this gives me content. If we thought Ann was a mess before just wait till she sees the Stadium falling from the sky >:3c

On that note, I will work on my posts ASAP. I should have done Pyra tonight but my friend convinced me to draw and I spent too long on that and burned all my creativity
Oh I was not expecting the Stadium to go down and clearly Joker wasn't either. He gonna be running for his life but this gives me content. If we thought Ann was a mess before just wait till she sees the Stadium falling from the sky >:3c

On that note, I will work on my posts ASAP. I should have done Pyra tonight but my friend convinced me to draw and I spent too long on that and burned all my creativity
Team Woomy will definitely be in for a shock with that!

Lol how DARE you have a life outside of this RP?? 😛
Everyone's gonna think Joker is dead if he was caught up in all that. Poor Ann gonna be standing there in full tears saying "But he promised he'd come back." Arsene just casually shows up and nobody puts together that it means Joker is alive

Lol how dare me frfr. God I am SOOOOOO horrible I cannot believe myself. How could I dedicate a few hours to suffering drawing Joker and Ann when I could be dedicating all my time to this very rp? Truly despicable 😝

Take this art that I was convinced to make instead

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