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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I probably could have just waited to post my last reply so I could add this cuz I made it in like 5 minutes but this is where my mind went ignore my horrid handwriting LMAO

I mean imagining Joker and the Phantom Thieves singing and dancing around and on him like the video lol
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I mean imagining Joker and the Phantom Thieves singing and dancing around and on him like the video lol
Ah okay! He'd probably be hella annoyed especially if it was just the other male members of the PTs (since I doubt the girls would be participating in that LOL). Being the weird little simp cat he is, he'd probably only be okay with Ann dancing like that on or around him otherwise he's cutting into all of them for disrespecting him
Dgsjdjdof this is horribly off topic but Zelda’s post is finally done (yippee!) and this is very dumb but I originally had planned for her to curtsey or do a little bow to Marth but something about that just didn’t feel right to me. Naturally that got me thinking about the etiquette when it comes to how kings/queens from different nations are supposed to greet each other and whether if one is supposed to bow to the other.

So a bunch of google searches seemed to give me the consensus that if they’re two rulers in equal standing to one another then they would either a.) not bow and just greet each other some other way such handshakes, kissing cheeks etc. or b.) if one ruler is visiting the other ruler’s country then they would be the one to bow. but also there doesn’t seem to be a ton of concrete rules (probably because I wasn’t looking at a specific time period for examples) when it comes to it since I also saw some sources claiming that they would bow to each other but that might just depend on a whole host of another things and sgskakfgalfhslfgfkfof so after all that I realized I was overthinking things wayyyyy too much and just left out the curtsy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

…But man now I’m still thinking about Zelda in relation to greeting etiquette with all the other royal characters. In a traditionally formal context would she bow to someone like King Dedede or Chrom? Would she be expected to bow to Princess Peach since she’d technically rank higher than Zelda on the royalty scale? (Since Peach is the current head of the Mushroom kingdom while Zelda isn’t). Kings and Queens are expected to bow when praying, so theoretically does that translate into Zelda also bowing when greeting a divine figure like Palutena or would that only be expected if it was the goddesses she herself prayed? Lmao at this point I should just make a tier list of who she should/shouldn’t bow to/j but man, who knew such an inconsequential detail could send me down such a big rabbit hole 🐇
Thankfully, Pit has been shot from a cannon into space (why that was necessary when Pit was shown to be capable of reaching space with just the Power of Flight, I dunno) and survived being crushed between Hades' hands, so I think the worst that will come from that is an angry Pit!

Dark Pit probably won't take Corrin up on that because of my HC that stroking the wings is a very intimate gesture of affection on the level of kissing, inspired by RL bird behavior. While he knows that is not Zelda's or Corrin's intention when they stroke his wings, it may be weird for him to do it back lol

I imagined Tetra being a pest to Dark Pit and trying to make him look like a fool to Zelda and I can only think:

This sequel is awful, but that's what came to mind lol

Tetra and DP afterwards, once Pit is chewing them out for what they did:

Oh, I see. Still, I'm sure she'd still want to repay him for the gesture. Idk, she's just like that, especially since she gets the fact that rarely does DP ever let people touch his wings.

The Mulan sequel is actually horrendous, you got that right. But the scene is pretty funny.
Dgsjdjdof this is horribly off topic but Zelda’s post is finally done (yippee!) and this is very dumb but I originally had planned for her to curtsey or do a little bow to Marth but something about that just didn’t feel right to me. Naturally that got me thinking about the etiquette when it comes to how kings/queens from different nations are supposed to greet each other and whether if one is supposed to bow to the other.

So a bunch of google searches seemed to give me the consensus that if they’re two rulers in equal standing to one another then they would either a.) not bow and just greet each other some other way such handshakes, kissing cheeks etc. or b.) if one ruler is visiting the other ruler’s country then they would be the one to bow. but also there doesn’t seem to be a ton of concrete rules (probably because I wasn’t looking at a specific time period for examples) when it comes to it since I also saw some sources claiming that they would bow to each other but that might just depend on a whole host of another things and sgskakfgalfhslfgfkfof so after all that I realized I was overthinking things wayyyyy too much and just left out the curtsy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

…But man now I’m still thinking about Zelda in relation to greeting etiquette with all the other royal characters. In a traditionally formal context would she bow to someone like King Dedede or Chrom? Would she be expected to bow to Princess Peach since she’d technically rank higher than Zelda on the royalty scale? (Since Peach is the current head of the Mushroom kingdom while Zelda isn’t). Kings and Queens are expected to bow when praying, so theoretically does that translate into Zelda also bowing when greeting a divine figure like Palutena or would that only be expected if it was the goddesses she herself prayed? Lmao at this point I should just make a tier list of who she should/shouldn’t bow to/j but man, who knew such an inconsequential detail could send me down such a big rabbit hole 🐇
The post is really well done, very well written indeed! I love it sm (´ ∀ ` *)
Also, Zelda blushing from Marth's little kiss was really cute X3

And yeah, I didn't really know what the standard greeting would be between Zelda and Marth so I just went with the classic hand-kiss greeting, since it seemed to be pretty appropriate and fit in with Marth's prince-charming demeanor. Technically, Marth is higher than Zelda, because although he is a prince, he is the king of an allegiance of nations AND is already ruling his own nation, so Zelda would have to bow to him??? idk man.
Dgsjdjdof this is horribly off topic but Zelda’s post is finally done (yippee!) and this is very dumb but I originally had planned for her to curtsey or do a little bow to Marth but something about that just didn’t feel right to me. Naturally that got me thinking about the etiquette when it comes to how kings/queens from different nations are supposed to greet each other and whether if one is supposed to bow to the other.

So a bunch of google searches seemed to give me the consensus that if they’re two rulers in equal standing to one another then they would either a.) not bow and just greet each other some other way such handshakes, kissing cheeks etc. or b.) if one ruler is visiting the other ruler’s country then they would be the one to bow. but also there doesn’t seem to be a ton of concrete rules (probably because I wasn’t looking at a specific time period for examples) when it comes to it since I also saw some sources claiming that they would bow to each other but that might just depend on a whole host of another things and sgskakfgalfhslfgfkfof so after all that I realized I was overthinking things wayyyyy too much and just left out the curtsy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

…But man now I’m still thinking about Zelda in relation to greeting etiquette with all the other royal characters. In a traditionally formal context would she bow to someone like King Dedede or Chrom? Would she be expected to bow to Princess Peach since she’d technically rank higher than Zelda on the royalty scale? (Since Peach is the current head of the Mushroom kingdom while Zelda isn’t). Kings and Queens are expected to bow when praying, so theoretically does that translate into Zelda also bowing when greeting a divine figure like Palutena or would that only be expected if it was the goddesses she herself prayed? Lmao at this point I should just make a tier list of who she should/shouldn’t bow to/j but man, who knew such an inconsequential detail could send me down such a big rabbit hole 🐇

Tetra and DP afterwards, once Pit is chewing them out for what they did:

Oh, I see. Still, I'm sure she'd still want to repay him for the gesture. Idk, she's just like that, especially since she gets the fact that rarely does DP ever let people touch his wings.

The Mulan sequel is actually horrendous, you got that right. But the scene is pretty funny.

The post is really well done, very well written indeed! I love it sm (´ ∀ ` *)
Also, Zelda blushing from Marth's little kiss was really cute X3

And yeah, I didn't really know what the standard greeting would be between Zelda and Marth so I just went with the classic hand-kiss greeting, since it seemed to be pretty appropriate and fit in with Marth's prince-charming demeanor. Technically, Marth is higher than Zelda, because although he is a prince, he is the king of an allegiance of nations AND is already ruling his own nation, so Zelda would have to bow to him??? idk man.

I've actually thought about this too, in regards to Pit. Dark Pit obviously won't bow to anyone, and Pit takes a knee in Palutena's presence in Brawl. Pit is more polite in JAP Uprising than he is in the ENG dub, and Arlon the Silent addresses Pit as a lord in the JAP script. Though Pit is not a "Christian" angel, I think I'll take a page from the Bible and have it where Pit is uncomfortable when people bow to him because he is just a servant. I sometimes wonder if Pit would generally bow or make some other polite gesture toward the royals (with exceptions toward Dedede, Bowser, and Ganondorf), or would that be putting them on the same level as Palutena, his patron goddess? Eh, I suppose it'd be fine for him to bow politely to royalty and kneel for Palutena. I think it would be cute if he saluted any of the fighters that are, or were, military.

Toon Link will always bow before and after a spar. The other fighters still haven't figured out where that gong sound comes from whenever he does that! I can see Toon Link bowing out of general politeness rather than showing reverence toward royalty.

Lol imagine how awkward it might be for Zelda or Corrin if/when they find out what wing stroking means in Angel Land! I joked way earlier in this thread about Zelda stroking Dark Pit's wings too often, and he becomes so hormonal that after she innocently did it to remove debris from his wings after a match, he turned right back around and beat the tar out of the next opponent. I can imagine the poor guy bundled up in blankets like a burrito to keep him restrained, with ice packs stuffed inside to cool him down, until the testosterone ebbs. XD This is why it's not advised to stroke bird wings!

Tetra keeps trying to be a brat but it only creates more and more wholesome moments between Zelda and Dark Pit!
I probably could have just waited to post my last reply so I could add this cuz I made it in like 5 minutes but this is where my mind went ignore my horrid handwriting LMAO

Lol I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the silliness that pops into my head!

Joker is such as Goofy Goober!
Only comment I can add to the whole bowing thing is never forget Joker at the beginning of the RP looked Bowser dead in the eyes, asked if he should bow and beg for mercy, proceeded to joking bow and laugh, then waved it all off like it would be okay he had just done that. A true pillar for how to act toward royalty real talk most he's doing is politely bowing his head. might kiss the royal ladies's hands to be charming

Lol I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the silliness that pops into my head!

Joker is such as Goofy Goober!
I myself like to indulge in dumb silliness. My head is full of it after all

He's a Goofy Goober but at what cost? All the other Smash Bros have silently agreed they're leaving him up there
The post is really well done, very well written indeed! I love it sm (´ ∀ ` *)
Also, Zelda blushing from Marth's little kiss was really cute X3

And yeah, I didn't really know what the standard greeting would be between Zelda and Marth so I just went with the classic hand-kiss greeting, since it seemed to be pretty appropriate and fit in with Marth's prince-charming demeanor. Technically, Marth is higher than Zelda, because although he is a prince, he is the king of an allegiance of nations AND is already ruling his own nation, so Zelda would have to bow to him??? idk man.
Aww thank you!! Lmao Zelda truly is a teenage girl at heart ❤️

Djskfkfj omg bro wait I’m literally so dumb! you’d after having Zelda literally call him hero-king I’d have realized he’s ya know….basically a king. All that worrying for nothing 🫠 But still, thinking about how greetings amongst the Smash Bros royal elite definitely is super interesting! Like both in the sense of figuring out how all the nobles might rank amongst each other and how the ways in which a character’s mannerisms and how they use etiquette or formalities/lack thereof when navigating a social situation can say so so so much about a character!
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you know with cars and the PTs dancing brought up I offer some lil clips that I was reminded of

First, proof that Joker probably shouldn’t be trusted with a car No wonder Team Woomy almost died when he was driving

And just the thought of the PTs group dancing made me think of this This is Team Woomy showing up to the ball with their very “coordinated” dance routine
I've actually thought about this too, in regards to Pit. Dark Pit obviously won't bow to anyone, and Pit takes a knee in Palutena's presence in Brawl. Pit is more polite in JAP Uprising than he is in the ENG dub, and Arlon the Silent addresses Pit as a lord in the JAP script. Though Pit is not a "Christian" angel, I think I'll take a page from the Bible and have it where Pit is uncomfortable when people bow to him because he is just a servant. I sometimes wonder if Pit would generally bow or make some other polite gesture toward the royals (with exceptions toward Dedede, Bowser, and Ganondorf), or would that be putting them on the same level as Palutena, his patron goddess? Eh, I suppose it'd be fine for him to bow politely to royalty and kneel for Palutena. I think it would be cute if he saluted any of the fighters that are, or were, military.

Toon Link will always bow before and after a spar. The other fighters still haven't figured out where that gong sound comes from whenever he does that! I can see Toon Link bowing out of general politeness rather than showing reverence toward royalty.

Lol imagine how awkward it might be for Zelda or Corrin if/when they find out what wing stroking means in Angel Land! I joked way earlier in this thread about Zelda stroking Dark Pit's wings too often, and he becomes so hormonal that after she innocently did it to remove debris from his wings after a match, he turned right back around and beat the tar out of the next opponent. I can imagine the poor guy bundled up in blankets like a burrito to keep him restrained, with ice packs stuffed inside to cool him down, until the testosterone ebbs. XD This is why it's not advised to stroke bird wings!

Tetra keeps trying to be a brat but it only creates more and more wholesome moments between Zelda and Dark Pit!
Oh neat. Interesting to think about since angels are above mere mortals, but techincally servants themselves.

I think Tetra would be quite used to T'ink's gong lol

Lmfao I think Corrin would be a bit confused at first, but once she understands she'll get all embarrassed (>_<)

Hdhdhdh Tetra wouldn't give up so easily tho XD
Aww thank you!! Lmao Zelda truly is a teenage girl at heart ❤️

Djskfkfj omg bro wait I’m literally so dumb! you’d after having Zelda literally call him hero-king I’d have realized he’s ya know….basically a king. All that worrying for nothing 🫠 But still, thinking about how greetings amongst the Smash Bros royal elite definitely is super interesting! Like both in the sense of figuring out how all the nobles might rank amongst each other and how the ways in which a character’s mannerisms and how they use etiquette or formalities/lack thereof when navigating a social situation can say so so so much about a character!
Np, it made me smile tbh ❤️

XD It's all good! Pretty sure even Marth gets confused with his roles since he's recognized for doing things he techincally hasn't done yet (Since Marth is mostly based off of FE: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light), because Lucina and Chrom and the whole dealio with them.

It does indeed! It helps to format the type of relationship two characters of nobility would have with each other. For example, Tetra and Marth. Tetra's a royal, but sure as hell doesn't use etiquette like one, while Marth on the other hand, is the definition of grace and refinement. Therefore their first impressions of each other would be rather contrasting and rocky. Pretty cool to think about :3
Random little thought but the idea of Lunaris having no clue what actually happened to the Stadium but the golden eyes show him a ruined Stadium and just Joker face down in the dirt nearby. He is forced to believe Joker was the one that just took out that portion of his army. That bounty on his head about to go up even higher
Random little thought but the idea of Lunaris having no clue what actually happened to the Stadium but the golden eyes show him a ruined Stadium and just Joker face down in the dirt nearby. He is forced to believe Joker was the one that just took out that portion of his army. That bounty on his head about to go up even higher
lmao first he took down one of Bowser's airships with just Arsene (he did didn't he? afdsfsdgdsgits it's been a while and I'm too lazy to double check) and now it looks like he bought the entire gosh dang stadium down! Lunaris better watch out cus Joker's really making himself out to be a terrifying one man army 😱
lmao first he took down one of Bowser's airships with just Arsene (he did didn't he? afdsfsdgdsgits it's been a while and I'm too lazy to double check) and now it looks like he bought the entire gosh dang stadium down! Lunaris better watch out cus Joker's really making himself out to be a terrifying one man army 😱
He did do that lol. Bro is becoming a threat to all flying mechanisms. No wonder Lunaris would up that bounty. He’s afraid his citadel is about to be blasted from the sky by Joker

To stop him from being a threat, Joker is punished by making Arsene pocket sized instead of being the like 10 foot being he currently is
Random little thought but the idea of Lunaris having no clue what actually happened to the Stadium but the golden eyes show him a ruined Stadium and just Joker face down in the dirt nearby. He is forced to believe Joker was the one that just took out that portion of his army. That bounty on his head about to go up even higher

lmao first he took down one of Bowser's airships with just Arsene (he did didn't he? afdsfsdgdsgits it's been a while and I'm too lazy to double check) and now it looks like he bought the entire gosh dang stadium down! Lunaris better watch out cus Joker's really making himself out to be a terrifying one man army 😱

He did do that lol. Bro is becoming a threat to all flying mechanisms. No wonder Lunaris would up that bounty. He’s afraid his citadel is about to be blasted from the sky by Joker

To stop him from being a threat, Joker is punished by making Arsene pocket sized instead of being the like 10 foot being he currently is
season 3 krabby land GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
To stop him from being a threat, Joker is punished by making Arsene pocket sized instead of being the like 10 foot being he currently is
Here's something to picture based off this: Arsene is not only pocket sized, but now is just the little devil on Joker's shoulder. He has no little angel, just a devil
I just got Palworld. It's Legends of Arceus mixed with Breath of the Wild. I'm finding it pretty fun; stayed up 'til 2am playing it lol
I've been seeing a lot about that game today. All my Pokemon friends have been talking a lot- good, bad, everything in between lol
I was reminded of the existence of this song today and it made me think of Joker being possessed by one of the Pillars of Destruction and this being from the POV of his teammates
Poor Pyra is going to get lost in a sea of Waddle Dees!
Carried away by a wave of cuteness! A terrible way to go! RIP Pyra 🙏

I’m having that annoying situation of knowing what I want to write but struggling to word it, which is why it’s taking me a while. I’ve been writing it little by little.

Also been distracted by Palworld. 😅
She was saved from drowning only to still drown. Rough life for Pyra lol

Sometimes it be like that. I have a feeling I'm gonna have the whole big distraction starting next week since Persona 3 Reload comes out and I'm sure that'll be all that's on my mind as if my one brain cell isn't already infected by only thinking of Persona
It’s alright; a break is good. I’m back in school, as well as taking martial arts classes and working, so I’m going to be slower with my posts than usual. I still try to keep with one post a week, bi-weekly at most.

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