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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Now if I had to pinpoint someone to serve as an example as a toxic partner, it would most DEFINITELY have to be Zelda! So let's check off the boxes, shall we?:

1. Intensity - Zelda, she's like a hurricane of emotions. Always making a big deal out of everything, especially when it comes to her precious kingdom. It's like, calm down, not everything is the end of the world!

2. Possessiveness - Have you seen how she hovers around Link? It's like she's marking her territory or something. Can't let the guy breathe without her keeping a watchful eye.

3. Manipulation - She's the queen of getting Link to do her bidding. Always playing the damsel in distress card, making him feel obligated to rescue her AND her kingdom! That HE isn't even apart of! Classic manipulation if you ask me.

4. Isolation - Oh, you want to hang out with your buddies? Good luck with that. Zelda will find a way to keep you all to herself, making sure you forget what a social life even is.

5. Sabotage - Ever heard her talk about Ganon? It's like she's on a mission to make him look like the ultimate villain. Sabotaging his reputation left and right. The man was LITERALLY trying to do honest work for her dad so he can put in a good name for his people, and you know what she says the moment he looks at him? "He's too poor and his nose is too long, he's DEFINITELY evil!" and proceeeds to set him up from there! Let's not forget that she contaminated the Sacred Realm by sending the Triforce of Power WITH GANON STILL IN POSSESSION OF IT! She sabatoged the WHOLE time stream like someone contaminating an entire gallon of milk by drinking it directly from the jug! UGGGGHHHHH!!!

6. Belittling - She's got this subtle way of making you feel like you're not doing enough. Always with that disappointed look when you don't meet her ridiculously high expectations. If not that, she'll just smile and give a passive-agressive comment while SWEARING everything's alright when she's very much wishing you'd stub your toe!

7. Guilting - "Link, I need you to save Hyrule again. If you don't, everything will be lost, and it'll be all your fault!" Classic guilt trip, right?

8. Volatility - Don't even get me started on her mood swings. One moment she's all regal and composed, and the next, she's throwing a tantrum like a child. It's exhausting. Wait . . . I was thinking about Peach for a second, never mind about that one.

9. Deflecting Responsibility - It's never her fault. Like seriously, it NEVER is! It's always some prophecy, or destiny, or some ancient curse. Never once does she own up to her mistakes. You know. Being a TERRIBLE ruler! What, were you destined to be trash?! Huh?!

10. Betrayal - She literally sends Link home empty handed . . . The guy spends hours traversing an entire kingdom heading into dungeons, slaying evil beasts, solving irritating puzzles, running errands for strangers, witnessing eldritch horrors, all while Zelda is stacking on the pressure that the fate of THOUSANDS of lives that she's responsible for are on his shoulders and when he FINALLY saves the kingdom, what does Zelda do for him? Just thanks. That's it. Just a thanks. No gold, no grand announcement to the Hyrule, no holiday in his honor, no statue, no money! The most she could do for you is "The Hyrule Royal Family will never forget what you've done for Hyrule." . . . . . . WHAT FAMILY?!?!?! Both of your parents are dead and you have no siblings! You're the only one left of the royal family! The most you did was mention him in one of your history books AND YOU DIDN"T HAVE THE GUTS TO MENTION HIM BY NAME! YOU SPINELESS CRETIN! GAH, YOU SUCK SO MUCH, ZELDA!

In conclusion, students, be on the lookout for these traits in your relationships. And if you find yourself dealing with a Zelda, well, good luck. You might need it. looks to Pittoo. And don't let the love of your partner convince you to stay with them. Cause the moment your relationship becomes one-sided, then it's all over. It's sad but it's true. You can't fix something that doesn't want to be fix. I know it can hurt seeing someone you respected or loved and trusted just...Turn into this totally different person before your eyes and in some cases, some people will fool themselves into thinking they're just going through a phase and that they just need to be there for them. In some cases, sure that can be the case. but other times, they'll just keep taking and taking and taking from you until you too, are a shell of yourself. Never let a leech drain you dry. Always keep your eyes open, folks.

Zelda: “While I am saddened that Captain Falcon holds such a low opinion regarding me and the other Zelda’s, he is entitled to hold these views and as much as I wish it wasn’t the case, some of his concerns regarding how I have treated Link and others may hold some validity. I will certainly do some self reflecting on my part and I promise to strive to become a better person for the sake of my loved ones”


What's ironic is that all the gripes Captain Falcon has against Zelda mostly applies to OoT Zelda specifically. It doesn't help that he thinks all the Zeldas that have entered the Smash Tournament are the same Zelda lol (this also applies to Link and Ganon aswell). So he's ultimately casting shade at the the future iterations of Zelda for their predecessor's mistakes.
Yeah, ALttP Zelda and Tetra are innocent, and TP/Brawl Zelda sacrificed herself to save Midna. BotW/TotK Zelda has gone through a lot of hell trying to the right thing. Poor woman shouldn’t have to work for the rest of her life!

Lol earlier in the thread I joked about Captain Falcon threatening Dark Pit with harm if he doesn’t treat Zelda well. Maybe the opposite happens: he makes a subtle threat to ZELDA instead! XD Meanwhile poor Zelda is taken aback and wondering where Falcon got that idea from!
Off topic, but I may have had way too much fun writing Joker's post and I'm pretty happy with the end result, though I was probably very long winded on well everything in it LMAO

Plus I'm happy I finally found a chance to use "The Poems of Everyone's Souls" as a song for him given it is such a song across all Persona games
Zelda: “While I am saddened that Captain Falcon holds such a low opinion regarding me and the other Zelda’s, he is entitled to hold these views and as much as I wish it wasn’t the case, some of his concerns regarding how I have treated Link and others may hold some validity. I will certainly do some self reflecting on my part and I promise to strive to become a better person for the sake of my loved ones”


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This is both funny and sad, as SU Zelda seems like such a sweetheart in the game!

Makes me wonder what Captain Falcon thinks of Palutena though! She’s also a sweetheart in JAP KIU, but ENG Palutena can be quite an insensitive jerk to Pit.
This is both funny and sad, as SU Zelda seems like such a sweetheart in the game!

Makes me wonder what Captain Falcon thinks of Palutena though! She’s also a sweetheart in JAP KIU, but ENG Palutena can be quite an insensitive jerk to Pit.
Good question, it's abit of a small paradox. Like this, if Captain Falcon is going to roast Zelda, he also technically has to roast Peach too cause alot of the gripes he has against Zelda also applies to her too. Only difference is that Falcon likes Peach, so while he might end up having to roast her, it comes off more like a lecture from a place of concern rather than disdain like in Zelda's case. (it's also because he's closer to Link and Ganon than he is with Mario and Bowser, that plays a part in it too lol). Palutena would be in-between both, cause he also knows that she isn't a Princess like Zelda or Peach with Palu being a goddess and all. So there are actual rules as to why she can't get involved and has to rely on Pit. So Falcon likes her, sure, but he'll always have Pit and Pittoo's back always, so he's not going to ignore how ignorant she is to Pit's safety, despite Pit being more qualified compared to Link or Mario. Cause I've noticed how in the localized version of Kid Icarus, Palu tends to just throw Pit at whatever problem arises without a plan and just improvise from there. Essentially throwing Pit to the wolves and hopes he can hold out until she can formulate a concrete plan in the event something changes. Basically, playing with Pit's life and Falcon is NOT about that. If you haven't guessed already, Captain Falcon has MAJOR respect to those who put themselves on the line to save and protect others. So when he sees those people get disrespected or not credited for their efforts in anyway, he takes issue with it. So if Falcon ever did hear that Palutena is disrespecting Pit or Pittoo, you can believe some words will be exchanged. 😤
he’ll feel the same way over the lies and deception President shinra fed Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal. Throw in the inhuman experiments. He’s your character I don’t know. Seph is just an angry, broken, man. He did kill the president idk how falcon would look at that.
Oh no! Poor Mythra and Pyra!
I hope it gave you something to work with. Wasn't sure what else to really do with it so we got expresso depresso. If I need to change anything to lmk and I'll added and/or change whatever
Good question, it's abit of a small paradox. Like this, if Captain Falcon is going to roast Zelda, he also technically has to roast Peach too cause alot of the gripes he has against Zelda also applies to her too. Only difference is that Falcon likes Peach, so while he might end up having to roast her, it comes off more like a lecture from a place of concern rather than disdain like in Zelda's case. (it's also because he's closer to Link and Ganon than he is with Mario and Bowser, that plays a part in it too lol). Palutena would be in-between both, cause he also knows that she isn't a Princess like Zelda or Peach with Palu being a goddess and all. So there are actual rules as to why she can't get involved and has to rely on Pit. So Falcon likes her, sure, but he'll always have Pit and Pittoo's back always, so he's not going to ignore how ignorant she is to Pit's safety, despite Pit being more qualified compared to Link or Mario. Cause I've noticed how in the localized version of Kid Icarus, Palu tends to just throw Pit at whatever problem arises without a plan and just improvise from there. Essentially throwing Pit to the wolves and hopes he can hold out until she can formulate a concrete plan in the event something changes. Basically, playing with Pit's life and Falcon is NOT about that. If you haven't guessed already, Captain Falcon has MAJOR respect to those who put themselves on the line to save and protect others. So when he sees those people get disrespected or not credited for their efforts in anyway, he takes issue with it. So if Falcon ever did hear that Palutena is disrespecting Pit or Pittoo, you can believe some words will be exchanged. 😤
Too bad Pit didn't have Captain Falcon to cover his back during all the times the gods mocked him. How awesome it'd be if the gods were talking smack about Pit and Captain Falcon goes on a tirade about how Pit is fixing the problems THEY caused and that THEY should be on their knees THANKING him! Pit has all the power in the world, he's even slain GODS, and yet despite knowing how flawed humans and gods are, he is willing to humble himself to the role of a servant and endure a lot of crap from those gods because he loves humans that much. On top of that, he was willing to give up his wings, and therefore his life, to save his darker half. He probably has a ton of Captain Falcon's respect.

Now I imagined Pit wanting to do something such as binge-watch VeggieTales or get lunch at the new burger place that opened up, and Captain Falcon being like, "Bro, you wanna watch VeggieTales, then you watch all the VeggieTales you want! You want a burger? Let's go get you that burger!" It kind of freaks Pit out, but in Captain Falcon's eyes, the angel has more than earned it!
I hope it gave you something to work with. Wasn't sure what else to really do with it so we got expresso depresso. If I need to change anything to lmk and I'll added and/or change whatever
You're good! I was expecting expresso depresso, but I still feel bad for them! Kind of makes me regret having Pit snatch back his laurel crown from Waddle Doo lol Pyra or Mythra sees it with the crown and is like "WHERE'DYOUGETHAT??"
Too bad Pit didn't have Captain Falcon to cover his back during all the times the gods mocked him. How awesome it'd be if the gods were talking smack about Pit and Captain Falcon goes on a tirade about how Pit is fixing the problems THEY caused and that THEY should be on their knees THANKING him! Pit has all the power in the world, he's even slain GODS, and yet despite knowing how flawed humans and gods are, he is willing to humble himself to the role of a servant and endure a lot of crap from those gods because he loves humans that much. On top of that, he was willing to give up his wings, and therefore his life, to save his darker half. He probably has a ton of Captain Falcon's respect.

Now I imagined Pit wanting to do something such as binge-watch VeggieTales or get lunch at the new burger place that opened up, and Captain Falcon being like, "Bro, you wanna watch VeggieTales, then you watch all the VeggieTales you want! You want a burger? Let's go get you that burger!" It kind of freaks Pit out, but in Captain Falcon's eyes, the angel has more than earned it!
Indeed! Captain Falcon who perseveres, has patience, compassion, initiative, grit, conviction and selfishness. These things don't just make a real man but a real hero to Captain Falcon and Pit fits the bill in every way. So you're nit wrong at all, Captain Falcon would definitely lay down his own life to defend Pit's honor, even if meant threatening the gods themselves. Sure, he'd get dusted but Falcon won't stop until he puts the beatdown on whoever bad mouths Pit for his accomplishments! 😤 (and you know VeggieTales and burgers is the celebration combo that can't be beat lmao)
So this thought has been in my head for a few days when I originally started working on Joker's post and I've finally decided to share even though it's kinda dumb LOL. But when I was reading over the poem my brain was reminded of the dialogue from the Persona 3 final boss and had the thought of the pillars having little blurbs like the arcanas have in that fight

This is what I'm talking about spoilering since it is a huge spoiler for P3 LOL

Basically it starts at the Fool Arcana (Number 0) and ends on the Death Arcana (Number 13)
The Pillars sort of do speak. The Pillars of Destruction goad potential victims into succumbing to their inner darkness while exposing them to intense emotional trauma. Despite this, the Pillars of Destruction aren't evil in themselves: anger can drive a person into righteous action, fear can prevent someone from doing something stupid, sorrow brings forth empathy, and so on. It takes a strong will to control the pure essences of such powerful, potentially destructive emotions, just like how it takes maturity and discipline to control such emotions in reality. The Pillars of Creation can also speak, but there hasn't been reason for them to do so yet.
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Ah I see. Not exactly what I was thinking of, but neat
Ah. I guess I'm just misunderstanding. I may have to look up that fight to get the full context. The closest to what I'm thinking about in regards to the Pillars is the dialogue of the Sha from World of Warcraft.

Except the Pillars are more subtle. The Pillar of Anger isn't going to be like, "RAWR! AREN'T YOU ANGRY? YOU SHOULD GET ANGRY! VERY, VERY ANGRY! RAAAAAAAGE!" but more along the lines of, "Look at how they've treated you! You deserve JUSTICE for what they have done! Make them suffer as much as you have suffered!"
It was less about the pillars speaking and more just the pillars being spoken of in such a manner. I probably just didn’t make that clear.

When I put it like that ig it’s less interesting of a thought, but it just had been on my mind so I figured I’d share
Oh, I gotcha now! That's pretty cool, actually. I don't think I'm creative enough to create such blurbs though, probably because what each Pillar represents is pretty self-explanatory as opposed to the Arcana.
Yeah I gotcha. I wouldn’t expect it to happen. Just was something the poem Joker got made me think of. Just imagine Lunaris addressing each pillar as they’re all brought together and the final fight is at hand. Lol hopefully it wouldn’t be a 10 stage final boss fight the P3 one is basically 13 phases since it swaps its affinity with each arcana which is why the arcanas are even brought up

But I will say the death one at the end made me think of how my characters might react to being told that. Maybe I’ll organize those thoughts and share lol

Also funny how I bring up something Persona 3 related and Atlus drops the remakes opening video. I know I’m the one Persona nerd here but for listening to me ramble take some pretty visuals

It’s fun to think about.

“Strength: Might makes right. That is the one enduring law. It is the strong who lead the weak. It is the strong who builds empires. It is the strong who survive the hard times! A world led by weak men will crumble and fall!”

“Fortitude: It takes more than Strength to overcome the hardships of life. It takes a powerful will, as well. For my entire life I have sought a way to defy the fate that has befallen me. You have seen for yourselves how easily the feeble-minded succumb to the Pillars’ influence, yet I can control their power easily. Does this not prove that my will is the strongest of all?”
Lunaris: I can control the pillars. Does that not prove I am the strongest of all?

Sora: Yeah cool, but we have the power of friendship on our side
Lol feel free to steal the idea. I’ve been sitting on this for over a month now and haven’t done it. I don’t even remember why I thought of it to begin with. Sometimes my brain just thinks of the most random stuff
And sorry for the wait but Pichu’s post is so close to being complete! Expect it to be out sometime tomorrow
Now that I'm not busy drawing I could quickly make this meme. This is exactly what happens in the final fight I swear

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