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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Aww imagine Uncle Rex trying to catch two flying kiddos! I think they'd love him enough that they'd come willingly when called though.

Someone suggests getting some bird feathers to soothe the twins, but Pyra/Mythra immediately shoot it down. They know the twins will be able to tell angel feathers apart from bird feathers. They've touched those wings for themselves and know there's a difference that can't be replicated! I can picture a scene of Mythra holding a feather that Pyra missed while she repaired Bebe, and having a thought along the lines of, "...I actually kind of miss you. You're so much better at this than I am."
Wooooo! There we go with Byleth and Sora's post! Poor Sora getting told not to follow his heart. Byleth is truly cruel LOL. But also please someone lend Sora a brain cell to figure out how to read the map. He needs it!
SheepKing SheepKing what would would Pichu react to Seph saying he and his friends were lied to for years?
Fhskfjdo I only partially know the verrry bare basics of Seph’s backstory so I’m not sure on the context behind this 😅 What’s the situation with seph being lied to and who are his friends?
Fhskfjdo I only partially know the verrry bare basics of Seph’s backstory so I’m not sure on the context behind this 😅 What’s the situation with seph being lied to and who are his friends?
Oh they were lied to by President shinra and his friends are Angeal and Genesis. They were debuted in Crisis core. Genesis was the one who told Seph the truth of his origins. Eh, Seph built this fantasy that Jenova was his mother.
Oh they were lied to by President shinra and his friends are Angeal and Genesis. They were debuted in Crisis core. Genesis was the one who told Seph the truth of his origins. Eh, Seph built this fantasy that Jenova was his mother.
Ah, gotcha 👌 Dgsjdjdof for a comedic reaction I could see Pichu going “So you tried to kill everyone for a fake mom??” But I’ll have to take some time to think of what a genuine Pichu response could be lmao
Ah, gotcha 👌 Dgsjdjdof for a comedic reaction I could see Pichu going “So you tried to kill everyone for a fake mom??” But I’ll have to take some time to think of what a genuine Pichu response could be lmao
Oh god that would end so well 😆😆😆😆
Funny thing about Sora’s thought that Layton and Luke were normal people is that it’s why I much prefer the first three Professor Layton games over the later ones. In the first trilogy, Layton was an ordinary man who used his wits to overcome adversity. Things like being able to sword fight and invent machines on the fly were a genuine and pleasant surprise when they were revealed, and it wasn’t an overly common thing. Now Layton has an overly tragic backstory and he has to have a fight scene in everything he’s in, and just overall be epic and extraordinary every time. I honestly think it takes away from his character. I really liked that he was “normal” for the most part. It was his surroundings that were strange!

He was just a regular guy who wanted to help people and solve the mystery because he’s a gentleman, and that’s what gentlemen do! That was what I found charming about his character.

I don’t know if I’m making sense with this.
Funny thing about Sora’s thought that Layton and Luke were normal people is that it’s why I much prefer the first three Professor Layton games over the later ones. In the first trilogy, Layton was an ordinary man who used his wits to overcome adversity. Things like being able to sword fight and invent machines on the fly were a genuine and pleasant surprise when they were revealed, and it wasn’t an overly common thing. Now Layton has an overly tragic backstory and he has to have a fight scene in everything he’s in, and just overall be epic and extraordinary every time. I honestly think it takes away from his character. I really liked that he was “normal” for the most part. It was his surroundings that were strange!

He was just a regular guy who wanted to help people and solve the mystery because he’s a gentleman, and that’s what gentlemen do! That was what I found charming about his character.

I don’t know if I’m making sense with this.
Nah I understand what you're trying to say. Tbh from what you've talked about and what I know from my friend who is a fan of the series, I always assumed him being normal was he was like. I figured Sora would view them in a similar way, given how crazy the things he sees are, and how a lot of the Smash fighters are lol
No, you're right, and I would expect folks who see Layton for the first time to suspect him of being a normal person. No problem there!

In general, Layton is pretty "normal," especially in the first three games: Curious Village, Diabolical Box, and Unwound Future. Then the three prequel games came out: Spectre's Call, Miracle Mask, and Azran Legacy, which expanded on Layton's backstory. It isn't tragic enough that Layton lost the love of his life in Unwound Future, but now his best friend supposedly died in front of him, and his parents were kidnapped by an evil organization, and his mother died in captivity while his father joined said evil organization, and the BBEG of the three prequel games is revealed to be his long lost older brother who sacrificed his chance at being adopted when he and Layton were small children by switching names so Layton would be adopted instead, so it turns out Layton's name isn't even his own and *long drawn out fart noise*

Layton revealing himself as a sword fighter in Diabolical Box was very cool, but then Level 5 was like, "Let's keep doing that!" and tried to shove a sword fight scene in whenever they could. Then the anime came out and Layton is doing round-house kicks and skillfully wielding a tall candleholder as though it were a bo staff or a polearm. It's cool and all, but it feels much, or pandering.

I guess it just started to feel ridiculous to me. Why can't Layton remain a regular guy who ends up entangled in these odd mysteries, and uses his wits to triumph and save the day? Layton doesn't need a complex or tragic backstory, and the stories of the prequel games really wouldn't be too different if Level 5 decided not to do that. He doesn't need a bunch of fight scenes to show how awesome he is. He only did it once in the first three games and it was enough to make me think he was cool!

When I RP Layton, I definitely plan to keep him toned down and more in line with how he was in the first three games of the series.
Random Ploegy ramble time since I was watching P5 anime stuff again LOL man I wish it was better than it is, but ahhh it falls hard but it does give us fully voice Joker which is the best part. But I know I've shown the Joker persona awakening before, but I forgot about the little things I like from Ann's awakening in the anime. Joker actually being the one to push her to awakening her persona is so good. He does do it in the game as well, but him not being fully voiced and having weak dialogue options makes it less nice compared to the anime. It's sooo good though because there's a whole scene where she breaks down in front of him and he just feels so helpless so in a way this is his way of being able to help her.

There's also Joker's smug lil smirk as she awakens her persona. It's just perfect. He is clearly proud!
I couldn't find just hers dubbed so this should start right at hers in the video
Makes me think of that one artist who did these awesome pics of Smash Bros. fighters unlocking their Personas. Makes me wonder how their Persona awakening went!
Makes me think of that one artist who did these awesome pics of Smash Bros. fighters unlocking their Personas. Makes me wonder how their Persona awakening went!
iirc the art seemed more based off Persona 4 than Persona 5, given they were drawn with tarot cards in hand, which is P4's summoning method. P4's summoning is a similar-ish to P5 in terms of accepting oneself but it's more focused on accepting ones innermost secrets and thus merging with their shadow selves rather than accepting they've been wronged and wanting to rebel against those who have wronged them
I offer this funni comic dub by the one and only Gabaleth bc talking about OoT Link and stuff:

It's Link's subtle narcissism for me XD

Also Zelda's post is adorable! I'm real excited to write for Marth again- he's slowly becoming one of my faves to write for!
I think Pittoo would be more angered at the implication that folks believe his good deeds are an exception rather than the norm. Everyone is always so surprised whenever he does something good or performs an act of kindness when he has never done anything evil to begin with. Folks just see his dark appearance and his serious and aloof personality, and immediately assume the worst of him. Makes for good RP though!

I had a funny mental image of Kaida with her cheek pressed into Harkinian's pecs and wearing the most goofy lovestruck expression on her face lol There's even a bit of drool there. "He's like a warm marble statue...!" Harkinian takes it in stride. He probably gets plenty of beard strokes too. He occasionally lets out his more mischievous side by scooping Kaida up and carrying her bridal-style even when she's perfectly fine and probably hates it (or pretends to hate it) when he does that.

Kaida when she visits Hawk's Hyrule and sees the looks other maidens throw his way:

Again, poor Cinth! It doesn't even need to be anything dramatic: Cinth happens to see Hawk and Kaida together, sees how her eyes light up when she looks at Hawk, and realizes right then and there that her heart had always belonged to another. Though I think if Kaida had chosen Cinth instead, Harkinian would probably have an easier time coming to terms with it. He's a pretty resilient fellow; he gets it from both parents!

I think Kaida and Melina's friendship would be fun because it's a tomboy and a girly-girl. Normally such a dynamic tends to be portrayed as a conflicting relationship, and while they might not always agree they're both well aware that the other is a genuinely good, valorous person, and they learn a lot from each other. I can see Kaida being very aloof with Melina at first because she gives off the impression of being prissy and spoiled (not far from the truth; Melina was a spoiled bratty half-pint as a child!), then she witnesses her fighting skills and noble, selfless nature. Kaida starts to like Melina more when the girl gets really angry over something and she becomes Mythra Jr.! XD Melina is definitely a rose with thorns!

Melina can definitely understand Kaida not wanting to wear uncomfortable clothes and doing so to pretend to be something she's not just to appease others. I can see her telling Kaida that she's a very beautiful woman and there's no shame in showing it. After all, Samus Aran has no problem showing off her beauty and femininity, and she's a total badass! She somehow convinces Kaida to have a "girl's day out" where she helps her dress up in a manner that not only shows off Kaida's beauty, but also appeals to her sense of style and is comfortable to wear!

Lol I was of the impression that Kaida has witnessed Melina's fierce side when an unwanted suitor is too persistent and knows that Percy is treading into potentially dangerous territory trying to woo her! Percy is a very sweet boy, but he's also kind of goofy and dense; Melina may possibly be way out of his league!

True, tends to happen with most morally grey or more "edgy" characters I suppose lol

Lmao, that's hilarious! I don't imagine Kaida being one to ogle over muscles and stuff, but...Hark is a different story XD
And I can definitely imagine her disliking being carried like that lol, she doesn't need to be carried, because she's a Strong Independent Woman ™

Lol maybe she'd do that sort of threatening once they're married, but definitely not in her youth-

Huh, maybe. Idk, I can't imagine Cinth having loved any other girl while he was smitten with Kaida. Of course, he'll get over it and move on. He's a tough lil man.

I would agree, but Kaida doesn't really like people that are quick to anger. She prefers more level-headed folk like herself. Of course, she'd still enjoy Melina's company in due time!

Kaida would definitely resist the clothing change at first, but maybe she'd actually like it! Lol I can actually picture Kaida looking up to Samus a lot XD

She'd probably be like, "Eh, he'll figure it out" and not really get in the way of things. After all, Kaida is too familiar with people getting in the way of people's relationships!
Hdhhdhdh hello all! I missed a lot smh
All the doodles are top tier! I should probably work on spoopy art qwq

Cute! I'm sure Sheik wouldn't blame her for her self-ostracizing. After all, she did it for the safety of her friends.
Oh, that's true. I'm quite sure Corrin could probably win over what remains of Valla's people tho. Don't let her parentage deceive you, she's only got positive things on her agenda as ruler!

I can imagine Sheik being the one that Corrin is the most comfortable with- therefore, the one who is allowed to administer the most scratchies and pats! Lmao it would be very cute to have Corrin purring up a storm when Sheik is grooming her scales, and it would be pretty funny for Sheik to just roll up on the back of a dragon she had 'tamed' herself XD
"Get on losers, we're going flying."

It's not Cinth's fault. If Kaida was perceptive enough to figure out why he had such an interest in her, she would definitely refrain from making any sort of jokes about it. Maybe in another universe, Kaida would have chosen Cinth, in fact. From what I can gather, he is someone Kaida would immediately respect, and on top of that, the two of them have many things in common, such as both being royalty, both having parents that wield Fire Emblems, both enjoying swordfighting, both having siblings, among other things. They also have personalities that would click naturally, as Hyacinth is good-natured and innocent in his mannerisms, not really enjoying banter and mockery, which are things Kaida appreciates in a person. Hyacinth lacks jealousy and is slow to anger, something Kaida would also appreciate, and is a good mixture of childish and mature. Honestly I feel like if fate had chosen Cinth to be Kaida's second half, they could have had something real nice.

Lol I can imagine Corrin just tossing and turning for a little while, "How do people with wings sleep like this every night?!"
XD It'll be quite a shocker for Kamui! I really wanna draw Corrin, Sheik, and Tetra just snoozing together. It would be super cute!
Lmfao they'll be fighting while Tetra just sneaks on in under Corrin's wing. Guess they'll have to rely on each other for warmth XD

Marth and Corrin got that unintentional rizz XD

--Sheik is incapable of flirting. For being such a level-headed person, they sure do lose composure quickly in romantic scenarios.
--Lucas is baby.
--Daisy would pull out some cheesy ahh pick up lines, but make it work somehow
--Lmao Link doesn't need to flirt, he legit picks up chicks by EXISTING.
--Samus can probably flirt well, but just chooses not to.

This made me think of a scene that I used to headcanon heavily in the past:

Back in Melee...
Marth: *approaches Sheik, kissing her hand in respect.* "Zelda- er, Sheik- I am Marth, prince of light and ruler of Altea. It is enchanting to meet such a divine damsel like yourself-"

Sheik, highly on edge about being in a legit fight club: *grabs Marth by the collar and stares him in the eyes.* "I am NO damsel. I am a warrior. Although I may wear my dress and crown half the time, I am no pretty princess in this fighting society. Underestimate me, Prince Charming, and I swear to the goddess, you will regret it. Am I clear?"

Marth: *now spluttering, his face bright red* "I- u-uhm...y-yes ma'am..!"

Now, in the present...
Sheik: "Ah, you still remember our first meeting? I still feel bad for the way I treated you. I apologize, Marth, I was simply tense and determined to prove myself, since most of the Smash Brothers were, well, brothers...."

Marth: "Oh, well, um, don't feel too bad about it, Sheik, all is forgiven....besides...I found it rather attractive-"

Sheik: "Wha-?"

Marth: "nOTHING-!!!"

Yes I shipped Marth and Sheik don't hecking judge me
>w< I really like the sister bond! Corrin would probably admit to Sheik that she regrets not talking to her sooner! I can imagine Sheik being a bit of a loner just because of how elusive and quiet she is. That's another thing the two of them have in common!

Lol Corrin would be proud to be escorting Sheik on her back. She'd be like a big attack dog, especially when Sheik is in her princess attire!

True, true. I can definitely see them having a nice relationship together. Cinth would probably be the best option for Hoshido and Nohr's approval- he's the son of the Hero-King, his dad defeated a dragon (like Corrin lol), etc etc. He wouldn't get bothered by the elders. Cinth would probably look up to Kaida in a sense. She's older, stronger, wiser, everything that he wishes to be. It would lead to cute things like Cinth asking Kaida to teach him how to arch, or Cinth feeling very proud of himself whenever Kaida compliments him on something.

Lol I can imagine Marth and Link shivering and holding onto each other for warmth, meanwhile Tet is just laughing at the pair of them XD

XD Link just has to roll up shirtless and he gets the ladies!

And that headcanon is adorable lol. Marth would definitely watch his step around Sheik.
Thinking about this pair made me remember this meme lmao:

Last edited:
I offer this funni comic dub by the one and only Gabaleth bc talking about OoT Link and stuff:

It's Link's subtle narcissism for me XD

Also Zelda's post is adorable! I'm real excited to write for Marth again- he's slowly becoming one of my faves to write for!

True, tends to happen with most morally grey or more "edgy" characters I suppose lol

Lmao, that's hilarious! I don't imagine Kaida being one to ogle over muscles and stuff, but...Hark is a different story XD
And I can definitely imagine her disliking being carried like that lol, she doesn't need to be carried, because she's a Strong Independent Woman ™

Lol maybe she'd do that sort of threatening once they're married, but definitely not in her youth-

Huh, maybe. Idk, I can't imagine Cinth having loved any other girl while he was smitten with Kaida. Of course, he'll get over it and move on. He's a tough lil man.

I would agree, but Kaida doesn't really like people that are quick to anger. She prefers more level-headed folk like herself. Of course, she'd still enjoy Melina's company in due time!

Kaida would definitely resist the clothing change at first, but maybe she'd actually like it! Lol I can actually picture Kaida looking up to Samus a lot XD

She'd probably be like, "Eh, he'll figure it out" and not really get in the way of things. After all, Kaida is too familiar with people getting in the way of people's relationships!

>w< I really like the sister bond! Corrin would probably admit to Sheik that she regrets not talking to her sooner! I can imagine Sheik being a bit of a loner just because of how elusive and quiet she is. That's another thing the two of them have in common!

Lol Corrin would be proud to be escorting Sheik on her back. She'd be like a big attack dog, especially when Sheik is in her princess attire!

True, true. I can definitely having a nice relationship together. Cinth would probably be the best option for Hoshido and Nohr's approval- he's the son of the Hero-King, his dad defeated a dragon (like Corrin lol), etc etc. He wouldn't get bothered by the elders. Cinth would probably look up to Kaida in a sense. She's older, stronger, wiser, everything that he wishes to be. It would lead to cute things like Cinth asking Kaida to teach him how to arch, or Cinth feeling very proud of himself whenever Kaida compliments him on something.

Lol I can imagine Marth and Link shivering and holding onto each other for warmth, meanwhile Tet is just laughing at the pair of them XD

XD Link just has to roll up shirtless and he gets the ladies!

And that headcanon is adorable lol. Marth would definitely watch his step around Sheik.
Thinking about this pair made me remember this meme lmao:

View attachment 1121693

I'm picturing Corrin waking up early in the morning and seeing a sleeping Pittoo amongst the others in their group, and being like, "Must... resist... petting the floof!" I'm sure she has more self control than that, but it's funny to think about.

I can imagine Kaida catching Harkinian working out and training, and being like:

Generally speaking, an older Melina tries to keep her cool. She is a lady, and when she has to kick butt or be savage she'll do it with style and refinement! She's more likely to show her spitfire side in situations such as an unwanted suitor not getting the hint and pushing boundaries, or a bully doing something very particularly cruel. Or accidentally walking into a pillar because she's distracted; she's clapping her hands to her face and inventing swear words! XD


XD The wedding is in the planning process, and Melina tries to convince Kaida to wear a wedding dress. "Just imagine Harkinian's face when he sees you coming down the aisle in this! ... And imagine the fun the two of you will have taking it off during your honeymoon!" >; D RIP Kaida!

Mythra catches Melina and Percy together and she's thinking, "Where does she get her taste in boys from?" Then she looks at Rex, then Pit, then pinches the bridge of her nose. "It's me. She got it from me!"
Posted for Sheik and Link :3
I offer this funni comic dub by the one and only Gabaleth bc talking about OoT Link and stuff:

It's Link's subtle narcissism for me XD

Also Zelda's post is adorable! I'm real excited to write for Marth again- he's slowly becoming one of my faves to write for!

True, tends to happen with most morally grey or more "edgy" characters I suppose lol

Lmao, that's hilarious! I don't imagine Kaida being one to ogle over muscles and stuff, but...Hark is a different story XD
And I can definitely imagine her disliking being carried like that lol, she doesn't need to be carried, because she's a Strong Independent Woman ™

Lol maybe she'd do that sort of threatening once they're married, but definitely not in her youth-

Huh, maybe. Idk, I can't imagine Cinth having loved any other girl while he was smitten with Kaida. Of course, he'll get over it and move on. He's a tough lil man.

I would agree, but Kaida doesn't really like people that are quick to anger. She prefers more level-headed folk like herself. Of course, she'd still enjoy Melina's company in due time!

Kaida would definitely resist the clothing change at first, but maybe she'd actually like it! Lol I can actually picture Kaida looking up to Samus a lot XD

She'd probably be like, "Eh, he'll figure it out" and not really get in the way of things. After all, Kaida is too familiar with people getting in the way of people's relationships!

>w< I really like the sister bond! Corrin would probably admit to Sheik that she regrets not talking to her sooner! I can imagine Sheik being a bit of a loner just because of how elusive and quiet she is. That's another thing the two of them have in common!

Lol Corrin would be proud to be escorting Sheik on her back. She'd be like a big attack dog, especially when Sheik is in her princess attire!

True, true. I can definitely see them having a nice relationship together. Cinth would probably be the best option for Hoshido and Nohr's approval- he's the son of the Hero-King, his dad defeated a dragon (like Corrin lol), etc etc. He wouldn't get bothered by the elders. Cinth would probably look up to Kaida in a sense. She's older, stronger, wiser, everything that he wishes to be. It would lead to cute things like Cinth asking Kaida to teach him how to arch, or Cinth feeling very proud of himself whenever Kaida compliments him on something.

Lol I can imagine Marth and Link shivering and holding onto each other for warmth, meanwhile Tet is just laughing at the pair of them XD

XD Link just has to roll up shirtless and he gets the ladies!

And that headcanon is adorable lol. Marth would definitely watch his step around Sheik.
Thinking about this pair made me remember this meme lmao:

View attachment 1121693

Lmao "zElDAaaAAaA, REmEmbEr MeeEeEee!"
Here's another good one. Lmao I love these comics, I'm so glad they give Sheik more depth rather than her just being "edgy, mysterious Zelda"

Awww, Corrin's too wholesome! You'd think someone who's seen so much turmoil and bloodshed would be brooding and pessimistic, but not good ol Kamui XD
It'd be nice if Sheik was one of the first to actually talk to Corrin when she was first introduced in Sm4sh, since that was the first game where Zelda and Sheik were separate entities (and therefore, Sheik wasn't TP Zelda). It would be nice to think that they were just casual friends at first, but now their friendship has grown real strong!!

That's so cute, but also really scary XD
Imagine someone trying to talk to Sheik when she's all dolled up in her princess outfit, only to have Corrin go feral dragon on them! At least Sheik doesn't have to worry about bodyguards now that she has Corrin in her corner!

That's very true. Hoshido and Nohr would definitely see Hyacinth as the better option for their crown princess! Besides, he already stems from two kingdoms: Altea and Sarasaland! If a war were to break out again, Hoshido, Nohr, and Valla would have the back up of two other nations all cuz of little Cinth!
Those little thingies would melt Kaida's heart, for sure! Especially Cinth asking her to teach him archery, she would want to teach him everything she knows!
I can imagine Cinth working on his archery so he can impress Kaida the next time he and his sisters visit Valla. Daisy sees him and asks when he got into archery, and he turns crimson and mumbles something about how he thinks that archery is cool now. Daisy doesn't understand Hyacinth's sudden hobby, but Laurel and Clementine sure do!

"Link, we need to conserve body heat!"
*Link downs a bottle of spicy elixr while maintaining eye contact.*

Lmao I love that meme so much! Marth better watch out- Tetra and Corrin are comin for his ahh lmfao
I'm picturing Corrin waking up early in the morning and seeing a sleeping Pittoo amongst the others in their group, and being like, "Must... resist... petting the floof!" I'm sure she has more self control than that, but it's funny to think about.

I can imagine Kaida catching Harkinian working out and training, and being like:
View attachment 1121701

Generally speaking, an older Melina tries to keep her cool. She is a lady, and when she has to kick butt or be savage she'll do it with style and refinement! She's more likely to show her spitfire side in situations such as an unwanted suitor not getting the hint and pushing boundaries, or a bully doing something very particularly cruel. Or accidentally walking into a pillar because she's distracted; she's clapping her hands to her face and inventing swear words! XD

XD The wedding is in the planning process, and Melina tries to convince Kaida to wear a wedding dress. "Just imagine Harkinian's face when he sees you coming down the aisle in this! ... And imagine the fun the two of you will have taking it off during your honeymoon!" >; D RIP Kaida!

Mythra catches Melina and Percy together and she's thinking, "Where does she get her taste in boys from?" Then she looks at Rex, then Pit, then pinches the bridge of her nose. "It's me. She got it from me!"
Aww! While it's true that she'd definitely restrain herself, Corrin would definitely crave petting DP's floofiness. I can also imagine her wanting to groom his wings, as she is accustomed to grooming her scales like feathers as well. Of course, thankfully she is able to resist touchy temptations. The last thing she'd want to do is piss off the 'no-touchy' folk!

Lol, if Hawk found her just standing and staring, she'd be completely mortified XD
Kaida got a little distracted there, it's not her fault lmao

jfleurvnwu Melina out here adding new words to the dictionary when she stubs a toe-

DAMN, Samus be looking F I N E!
Kaida might see this as encouragement to go on with Melina's dress up idea. Though, I can definitely imagine Kai being a little embarrassed to be wearing something new to her!

Kaida would absolutely despise being stuffed into a wedding dress! Especially those poofy, princess-style ones. It doesn't matter if her wedding day will be the happiest day of her life, she DESPISES Leg Tents XD
Hdhdhdhdh, being told that to her face, Kaida would turn beet red and just let Melina do her thing. Girl suddenly loses the desire to fight for her freedom and comfort! XD

Lmao, short lil mans that got beeg and buff when testosterone kicked in? Does that mean lil Percy will become a big boi too? lmao
Posted for Sheik and Link :3

Lmao "zElDAaaAAaA, REmEmbEr MeeEeEee!"
Here's another good one. Lmao I love these comics, I'm so glad they give Sheik more depth rather than her just being "edgy, mysterious Zelda"

Awww, Corrin's too wholesome! You'd think someone who's seen so much turmoil and bloodshed would be brooding and pessimistic, but not good ol Kamui XD
It'd be nice if Sheik was one of the first to actually talk to Corrin when she was first introduced in Sm4sh, since that was the first game where Zelda and Sheik were separate entities (and therefore, Sheik wasn't TP Zelda). It would be nice to think that they were just casual friends at first, but now their friendship has grown real strong!!

That's so cute, but also really scary XD
Imagine someone trying to talk to Sheik when she's all dolled up in her princess outfit, only to have Corrin go feral dragon on them! At least Sheik doesn't have to worry about bodyguards now that she has Corrin in her corner!

That's very true. Hoshido and Nohr would definitely see Hyacinth as the better option for their crown princess! Besides, he already stems from two kingdoms: Altea and Sarasaland! If a war were to break out again, Hoshido, Nohr, and Valla would have the back up of two other nations all cuz of little Cinth!
Those little thingies would melt Kaida's heart, for sure! Especially Cinth asking her to teach him archery, she would want to teach him everything she knows!
I can imagine Cinth working on his archery so he can impress Kaida the next time he and his sisters visit Valla. Daisy sees him and asks when he got into archery, and he turns crimson and mumbles something about how he thinks that archery is cool now. Daisy doesn't understand Hyacinth's sudden hobby, but Laurel and Clementine sure do!

"Link, we need to conserve body heat!"
*Link downs a bottle of spicy elixr while maintaining eye contact.*

Lmao I love that meme so much! Marth better watch out- Tetra and Corrin are comin for his ahh lmfao

I love em! Expect Tetra to make a run for her freedom! XD
And Link is unironically such a cutie lol

All I can imagine now is Sheik protecting Link on his journey and Link being all proud of stuff that Sheik did for him/made easier for him! adhdhdh
And yeah, Sheik deserves so much more character than that. Girl is literally one of if not the the coolest Zelda to exist, give her a bit of credit!

Yup! Corrin just didn't let everything get to her I guess. She's too busy being a girlboss and fighting for the salvation and happiness of her stupid family to worry about itty bitty pessimism and melancholy. Those are for the WEAK/j

Sheik can't get a date, not because she isn't charming, but because of her attack dog (Kamui) and her chihuahua (Tetra) XD

Cinth literally gives Kaida a free win pass. Five kingdoms united under them, they're UNSTOPPABLE!! Power Couple goals!!
DUDE THAT IS SO ADORABLE!!!!! Lol I bet Clem and Laurel will n e v e r let Cinth live that down. It would be adorbs if Cinth perfected his archery skill when he got older, and when asked how he got so good with a bow and arrow, he just looks at Kaida and smiles.

Lol not a single drop for Marth? Link may be warm, but he is cold-blooded!!
Aww! While it's true that she'd definitely restrain herself, Corrin would definitely crave petting DP's floofiness. I can also imagine her wanting to groom his wings, as she is accustomed to grooming her scales like feathers as well. Of course, thankfully she is able to resist touchy temptations. The last thing she'd want to do is piss off the 'no-touchy' folk!

Lol, if Hawk found her just standing and staring, she'd be completely mortified XD
Kaida got a little distracted there, it's not her fault lmao

jfleurvnwu Melina out here adding new words to the dictionary when she stubs a toe-
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DAMN, Samus be looking F I N E!
Kaida might see this as encouragement to go on with Melina's dress up idea. Though, I can definitely imagine Kai being a little embarrassed to be wearing something new to her!

Kaida would absolutely despise being stuffed into a wedding dress! Especially those poofy, princess-style ones. It doesn't matter if her wedding day will be the happiest day of her life, she DESPISES Leg Tents XD
Hdhdhdhdh, being told that to her face, Kaida would turn beet red and just let Melina do her thing. Girl suddenly loses the desire to fight for her freedom and comfort! XD

Lmao, short lil mans that got beeg and buff when testosterone kicked in? Does that mean lil Percy will become a big boi too? lmao
It's like Kagome touching InuYasha's ears! Dark Pit is unconscious after a hard fight, or put into a deep sleep in order to keep him in one place and heal from injuries, and Corrin realizes that might be her only opportunity: she gently ruffles the floof and strokes the wings. Finally! Got it out of her system! Corrin later notices Zelda has wing-touching privileges and wonders how she's able to do that. Zelda answers, "I simply asked him!" -^__^-

I think at that point Kaida and Melina would be good enough friends that Melina is totally aware of Kaida's preferences and would choose a suitable wedding dress based off that. She's a true friend, and as an angel it's in her nature to provide guidance. She also knew making such a comment would work! >:3c She's surprisingly cunning!

Maybe Melina likes upbeat and friendly dorky boys. Becoming big and buff MEN is a bonus! Percy becoming a big and buff man would be pretty awesome and funny!
It's possible!

I recently learned Pit and Dark Pit are taller than some humanoid fighters such as Pyra and Mythra, and Sora! Fan artists really like to shrink the angels down.
Hopefully today I will get up my post for Shulk! I started last night but then got incredibly distracted when my friend convinced me I needed to doodle my Smash main outfit swapped with my OW main because according to them I “only play Japanese characters who summon weird creatures and wield short bladed weaponry” lol. Very oddly specific if you ask me, but also oddly accurate. But yeah got distracted doodling that so got almost none of my post done so I’ll get in that today
Well I 100% cursed myself by daring to be productive lmao. Got up to get ready for my day and the power line outside my place short circuited or something (it was pretty loud lol) so now I’m without power for god knows how long. So yeah I might not be doing that post now cuz the world told me no
Okay sorry for the lackluster post. I pushed myself to write it on mobile while my power was out so yeah not my best, but heyo it's there and exists and even though I could have fixed it now that my power is back, I did not. As an apology take the silly doodle I mentioned distracted me last night


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