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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Zelda yelling out "'HOOOOOY!!" is very cute! I can see her and T'ink making it a game of seeing who can shout that the longest and the loudest.
Aww I could totally imagine them on separate ends of a beachside just shouting Hoi over and over again at each other. Dhsjdjdj Tink proceeds to get hit with a wave of nostalgia 🏝️

I just had a random realization. I talked about my characters who had official Halloween outfits awhile back and failed to mention one! Byleth also has an official Halloween design accompanied by 1 sassy goddess
Or Joker could learn the Pits can read Japanese when one of them is the one to snag his phone from him during a meeting since they're sitting next to each other. Joker thinks he's safe cuz he remembers they can't read, but little does he know how wrong he is! He's likely not coming out of this without feeling a bit embarrassed

Okay now you got me thinking of Pit and Shulk just being lil mechanical nerds together. The two of them tinkering around with machinery trying to figure out how it works!

Funnily enough I also had that same video recommended to me yesterday LOL. The color swap to Pyra colors in the middle is too good
It'd likely be Dark Pit snatching Joker's phone! Despite that, I think Dark Pit and Joker would get along for the most part. Both have rebellious personalities but good intentions. Joker hears about some wannabe bigshot throwing their weight around and asks anyone if they want to go take them down, and Pittoo is like, "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

I can see Shulk speaking all this tech lingo and Pit doesn't understand a word he's saying, which confuses or disappoints Shulk. Then Mega Man shows up with an issue and Pit cheerfully grabs the necessary tool and fixes it no problem! I doubt the angels would be able to invent anything grand or fancy, but I can see them, in an emergency situation, doing a quick repair job that will hold until someone like Shulk or Samus shows up to take over. Pit mentions the Juggernauts being in the design-phase when he first sees one in Uprising, and there is the Weapons Altar as well, so it's possible he is involved in the design and manufacturing of weapons for Palutena's Army.

Aww I could totally imagine them on separate ends of a beachside just shouting Hoi over and over again at each other. Dhsjdjdj Tink proceeds to get hit with a wave of nostalgia 🏝️

I was totally thinking about how cute of a duo Zelda and Aryll would make soon after reading your Zelda post! Aww, Zelda realizing T'ink is homesick and tries to cheer him up is a very sweet thought!
I just had a random realization. I talked about my characters who had official Halloween outfits awhile back and failed to mention one! Byleth also has an official Halloween design accompanied by 1 sassy goddess
Pair a smiling Byleth with a smiling Dark Pit and your day is doubly blessed!

It'd likely be Dark Pit snatching Joker's phone! Despite that, I think Dark Pit and Joker would get along for the most part. Both have rebellious personalities but good intentions. Joker hears about some wannabe bigshot throwing their weight around and asks anyone if they want to go take them down, and Pittoo is like, "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

I can see Shulk speaking all this tech lingo and Pit doesn't understand a word he's saying, which confuses or disappoints Shulk. Then Mega Man shows up with an issue and Pit cheerfully grabs the necessary tool and fixes it no problem! I doubt the angels would be able to invent anything grand or fancy, but I can see them, in an emergency situation, doing a quick repair job that will hold until someone like Shulk or Samus shows up to take over. Pit mentions the Juggernauts being in the design-phase when he first sees one in Uprising, and there is the Weapons Altar as well, so it's possible he is involved in the design and manufacturing of weapons for Palutena's Army.
Huh I never thought of the prospect of Dark Pit and Joker getting along, but I can definitely see it! Nothing better than two rebels being badasses together

Sad Shulk noises when Pit doesn't understand his tech lingo, but he is impressed when he can quickly fix things! Shulk should have known most of his talk goes over people's heads, yet he never learns lol

Also just backtracking cuz my brain had a silly thought. On one hand Joker could be distracted by a sappy convo with Ann and on the other he could be arguing with her on why he will not be bringing home one of the cute Pokemon for her! It's a silly argument but it has his full attention lol
Also just backtracking cuz my brain had a silly thought. On one hand Joker could be distracted by a sappy convo with Ann and on the other he could be arguing with her on why he will not be bringing home one of the cute Pokemon for her! It's a silly argument but it has his full attention lol
FhsjfjfDhdj now I can’t help but wonder what each of the fighter’s favorite Pokémon (out of the Pokémon on the roster) are 🤔 There’s the obvious answers like Samus’ probably being Pikachu, etc. etc.
FhsjfjfDhdj now I can’t help but wonder what each of the fighter’s favorite Pokémon (out of the Pokémon on the roster) are 🤔 There’s the obvious answers like Samus’ probably being Pikachu, etc. etc.
Well I can give what I think my characters would pick

Joker - He secretly likes all them cute looking mons (like Pikachu, Pichu, Squirtle, Jigglypuff) but his favorite is probably Greninja. Need I say more? Lol

Ann - She loves all the cute ones very openly unlike her boyfriend, but funnily enough her favorite is definitely Incineroar. Ofc the fire cat has to like the fire cat!

Yoshi - Ivysaur. Not sure why but it feels like a good pick

Sora - Pichu. No questions asked. That’s his little buddy

Roxas - Mewtwo. Always drawn to the others who have circumstances like him lol

Pyra - Squirtle! He reminds her of Turters! As a must I have to share this silly Xenoblade 2 moment

Mythra - Mewtwo. Two strong badasses. Enough said

Shulk - Pikachu. I could see him letting Pikachu help him get machinery cup and running again. Ofc not against her own will though!

Byleth - Lucario. He oddly reminds him of the strays back at the monastery
Inkling: Charizard. back in Splatoon one there was the Pokémon Red vs Blue splatfests so she’d already be most familiar with the giant flame lizard (One might argue this would also give her ground to like squirtle but also I doubt she’d enjoy a little guy who’s whole gimick is shooting water at people).

Zelda: Mewtwo. She loves having deep philosophical discussions with him

Isabelle: I’d say it’s a tie between Lucario and Jigglypuff. Jiggles can give this exhausted secretary the sleep she so desperately needs while Lucario and her got that doggy solidarity going for them 💪 🐕

(Bonus) Pichu: he probably doesn’t care all too much about most of the human fighters but we all know his favorite human is of course none other than our boi sephiroth sora
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It's hard for me to say which Pokemon on the roster I think would be the favorite of the Pits. Pit generally finds them to be very cute according to Palutena's Guidance. He's shown a bit of envy towards Charizard for its ability to fly, thinks Greninja is kind of odd, and shows a lot of compassion toward Mewtwo. I'm of the opinion that both angels, Dark Pit especially, have soft hearts toward animals. I can see Dark Pit having something in common with Mewtwo, and I've seen a ton of fanart of Dark Pit and Pichu hanging out. If I have to make a guess, I think it'd be Pichu; they're rooting for the underdog!

I think Toon Link would favor Squirtle and Greninja. He seems like the sort to like Water-type Pokemon.
(Bonus) Pichu: he probably doesn’t care all too much about most of the human fighters but we all know his favorite human is of course none other than our boi sephiroth sora
Time to have Pichu pull the biggest betrayal on Sora. Friendship over with Sora, Sephiroth is actually his best friend and favorite human. Sora in shambles!

I’m picturing Pittoo sneaking small, injured animals or Pokemon into the Smash House so he can help them. Sora catches him one time, smiles at Pittoo’s glare, and casts a Cure spell while reassuring the angel that he won’t tell anyone.
I just like that even Sephiroth being a genocidal maniac, there are some things in life that brings him genuine happiness. Pichu being one of them ♥️
Is it just me that Seph looks like he’s from jojo well araki’s art style?
I don't understand the crossover but I still laughed!


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