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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Halloween T'ink and Pit for my KH forms project! I probably should've tried to incorporate the Tim Burton style more into the designs, but I didn't.


OMG Pit is HAUNTING 😱😱😱 Why do I have a sudden urge to not blink

But seriously both he and Tink are absolutely amazing, awesome job!!
Don't blink! Don't even blink! Blink, and you're DEAD! They are fast, faster than you can believe! Don't turn your back! Don't look away! And don't BLINK!

I really wanted to try and make Pit creepy! I thought giving him more realistic features would not only better convey that he's a statue, but also tap into the Uncanny Valley. It seems to have worked! The Haserot Angel statue is a big influence on the design.
Damn that Pit is spooky! Good luck to me trying to fall back asleep now LOL

I’m forever gonna be haunted by those eyes thanks XD
WOO!! \o/

I have a version with more of the eyes visible, but I don't know if that makes him even creepier or not. I'm pretty pleased with how he came out, and sometime I might even clean it up and make it a more complete piece than leave it a quick doodle.
Okay I’m going to try and write that post today even though I said it’d probably be Monday. Had some stuff fall through for today so I have some time to work with so hopefully I can actually get it done so I don’t get too many posts stacked on me and get too far behind. Gotta kick my lazy brain into action right now and make stuff happen
I love all the Spooky Month drawings! Super spoopyyyyy :ghost:

Agh, she totally would lmao. Corrin wouldn't exactly tease DP per say, but she'd definitely poke fun at the soft side that he can display at times!

Cinth can't grow anymore than a bit of stubble on his face. Just like Marth, he is cursed to have a rather smooth face XD

The little boi is now BEEG! It would be funny if Kaida gave Hark piggy back rides everywhere since she was the bigger and stronger one when they were little kids. Next thing you know, Kaida's the shorter, smaller one out of the pair- the roles have reversed!!

True, true. I don't see Kaida being "mean", but she'd definitely be aloof at first, just like she is with most people when they first meet, since Ever outlined that fact pretty well. I'm sure Kaida would find the little presents interesting, although she'd probably give those away too, maybe to Percy or Corrin. She is not a material girl XD

Kaida would nod and reply, "True, I suppose my father's subordinates would lose some form of respect if he walked around in rags. Still, I believe that appearance matters very little. Besides, I hate wearing stuff that is uncomfortable simply because it makes me look more "dignified" or "elegant". It's stupid. I feel like I'm pretending to be something I'm not to appease whoever or whatever I'm dressing for. I'm sure you've seen the outcomes of the latter..."

Idk, Kaida isn't really one to make fun of people, IMO. I just feel like she'd just say "Go for it" and not get in the way of stuff, since Percy is her little bro and she wants him to be happy. As for Melina getting fawned over by civilians, she'd just shrug. Perhaps she would even get annoyed, not because Melina is in the spotlight, but because of the fact that since she's hanging out with her, they're both getting bombarded with people and their presents. Maybe Kaida would just disappear and leave her to deal with all the attention, overly social situations are not her strong suit lol

Marth seems to be getting a little flustered there XD
Maybe he has a thing for strong independent women lmfao
I think Pittoo would be more angered at the implication that folks believe his good deeds are an exception rather than the norm. Everyone is always so surprised whenever he does something good or performs an act of kindness when he has never done anything evil to begin with. Folks just see his dark appearance and his serious and aloof personality, and immediately assume the worst of him. Makes for good RP though!

I had a funny mental image of Kaida with her cheek pressed into Harkinian's pecs and wearing the most goofy lovestruck expression on her face lol There's even a bit of drool there. "He's like a warm marble statue...!" Harkinian takes it in stride. He probably gets plenty of beard strokes too. He occasionally lets out his more mischievous side by scooping Kaida up and carrying her bridal-style even when she's perfectly fine and probably hates it (or pretends to hate it) when he does that.

Kaida when she visits Hawk's Hyrule and sees the looks other maidens throw his way:

Again, poor Cinth! It doesn't even need to be anything dramatic: Cinth happens to see Hawk and Kaida together, sees how her eyes light up when she looks at Hawk, and realizes right then and there that her heart had always belonged to another. Though I think if Kaida had chosen Cinth instead, Harkinian would probably have an easier time coming to terms with it. He's a pretty resilient fellow; he gets it from both parents!

I think Kaida and Melina's friendship would be fun because it's a tomboy and a girly-girl. Normally such a dynamic tends to be portrayed as a conflicting relationship, and while they might not always agree they're both well aware that the other is a genuinely good, valorous person, and they learn a lot from each other. I can see Kaida being very aloof with Melina at first because she gives off the impression of being prissy and spoiled (not far from the truth; Melina was a spoiled bratty half-pint as a child!), then she witnesses her fighting skills and noble, selfless nature. Kaida starts to like Melina more when the girl gets really angry over something and she becomes Mythra Jr.! XD Melina is definitely a rose with thorns!

Melina can definitely understand Kaida not wanting to wear uncomfortable clothes and doing so to pretend to be something she's not just to appease others. I can see her telling Kaida that she's a very beautiful woman and there's no shame in showing it. After all, Samus Aran has no problem showing off her beauty and femininity, and she's a total badass! She somehow convinces Kaida to have a "girl's day out" where she helps her dress up in a manner that not only shows off Kaida's beauty, but also appeals to her sense of style and is comfortable to wear!

Lol I was of the impression that Kaida has witnessed Melina's fierce side when an unwanted suitor is too persistent and knows that Percy is treading into potentially dangerous territory trying to woo her! Percy is a very sweet boy, but he's also kind of goofy and dense; Melina may possibly be way out of his league!
I just had this show up on my Twitter and thought it was cute given the kid talks and reunion talks we've had before
Hdhhdhdh hello all! I missed a lot smh
All the doodles are top tier! I should probably work on spoopy art qwq
Awwww! I think Corrin would eventually come around, seeing how Sheik missed her. Of course, now Sheik has to deal with Corrin trying to make it up to her with extra kindness and compassion! qwq
Indeed. Why, I'm pretty sure even the people of Valla didn't like her at first- I mean, they were under the tyranny of this degenerated, wrathful dragon, only to have him replaced by his daughter?

That's soooooo cute! Corrin definitely would- if she feels people shivering next to her, she would definitely wrap them up in her wings and share some body heat. Of course she would have to make sure they're fine with such contact, as we all know there's some "no-touchy" peeps in the bunch. And yes, Corrin definitely enjoys scratchies and pats of all kinds. Honestly I think she's a little touch- and love-starved lmao

Ooooh, that would definitely hurt Cinth. Poor lil man has to deal with his first- and worst- heartbreak.
Cute! I'm sure Sheik wouldn't blame her for her self-ostracizing. After all, she did it for the safety of her friends.
Oh, that's true. I'm quite sure Corrin could probably win over what remains of Valla's people tho. Don't let her parentage deceive you, she's only got positive things on her agenda as ruler!

I can imagine Sheik being the one that Corrin is the most comfortable with- therefore, the one who is allowed to administer the most scratchies and pats! Lmao it would be very cute to have Corrin purring up a storm when Sheik is grooming her scales, and it would be pretty funny for Sheik to just roll up on the back of a dragon she had 'tamed' herself XD
"Get on losers, we're going flying."

It's not Cinth's fault. If Kaida was perceptive enough to figure out why he had such an interest in her, she would definitely refrain from making any sort of jokes about it. Maybe in another universe, Kaida would have chosen Cinth, in fact. From what I can gather, he is someone Kaida would immediately respect, and on top of that, the two of them have many things in common, such as both being royalty, both having parents that wield Fire Emblems, both enjoying swordfighting, both having siblings, among other things. They also have personalities that would click naturally, as Hyacinth is good-natured and innocent in his mannerisms, not really enjoying banter and mockery, which are things Kaida appreciates in a person. Hyacinth lacks jealousy and is slow to anger, something Kaida would also appreciate, and is a good mixture of childish and mature. Honestly I feel like if fate had chosen Cinth to be Kaida's second half, they could have had something real nice.
Oh, for sure! She normally doesn't sprout her wings or tail unless she needs them for something, so sleeping is one heck of a task for her as the dragon gorl probably has never slept with them active before!
Lmao Corrin just wakes up and is like, "When did everyone else get here-"
Oh, Sheik, for sure. And Marth and Link will just have to compete for Corrin's little wing cuddles!
Lol I can imagine Corrin just tossing and turning for a little while, "How do people with wings sleep like this every night?!"
XD It'll be quite a shocker for Kamui! I really wanna draw Corrin, Sheik, and Tetra just snoozing together. It would be super cute!
Lmfao they'll be fighting while Tetra just sneaks on in under Corrin's wing. Guess they'll have to rely on each other for warmth XD
Couldn't resist joining into the dumb flirting talk so:
--Tetra would be the Rizzmaster 3000 if she really wanted to charm someone. Plus, her cute little winks would add to the charm!
--Marth probably can flirt easier if he just acts normally. His natural grace and charm is enough to make anyone swoon lmfao
--Agent 8 is probably very awkward with his flirting. He would probably just give gifts and stuff to show he likes someone.
--Corrin could probably flirt quite easily, but prefers to just outright tell people she cares and loves them instead of beating around the bush. Perhaps that manages to fluster her love interest more than the actual flirting lmao
--Min Min would be alright with flirting, not the best, but not terrible either.
Marth and Corrin got that unintentional rizz XD

--Sheik is incapable of flirting. For being such a level-headed person, they sure do lose composure quickly in romantic scenarios.
--Lucas is baby.
--Daisy would pull out some cheesy ahh pick up lines, but make it work somehow
--Lmao Link doesn't need to flirt, he legit picks up chicks by EXISTING.
--Samus can probably flirt well, but just chooses not to.
Marth seems to be getting a little flustered there XD
Maybe he has a thing for strong independent women lmfao
This made me think of a scene that I used to headcanon heavily in the past:

Back in Melee...
Marth: *approaches Sheik, kissing her hand in respect.* "Zelda- er, Sheik- I am Marth, prince of light and ruler of Altea. It is enchanting to meet such a divine damsel like yourself-"

Sheik, highly on edge about being in a legit fight club: *grabs Marth by the collar and stares him in the eyes.* "I am NO damsel. I am a warrior. Although I may wear my dress and crown half the time, I am no pretty princess in this fighting society. Underestimate me, Prince Charming, and I swear to the goddess, you will regret it. Am I clear?"

Marth: *now spluttering, his face bright red* "I- u-uhm...y-yes ma'am..!"

Now, in the present...
Sheik: "Ah, you still remember our first meeting? I still feel bad for the way I treated you. I apologize, Marth, I was simply tense and determined to prove myself, since most of the Smash Brothers were, well, brothers...."

Marth: "Oh, well, um, don't feel too bad about it, Sheik, all is forgiven....besides...I found it rather attractive-"

Sheik: "Wha-?"

Marth: "nOTHING-!!!"

Yes I shipped Marth and Sheik don't hecking judge me
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I've watched all three of these and love every single one of them lmao. Speaking of which, have you come to a decision regarding OoT Link, Swallow?
Let's just keep it simple and leave out OoT Link, as we do pretty much every character after the player quits.
So I have a friend who is playing P5S right now and they sent me this SS

Of course this looks normal, but then I noticed all the thieves except 2 of them are doing something other than be on their phones. The 2 on their phones? Joker and Ann. These two are definitely texting each other before PT meetings because they know they can't be lovey dovey otherwise!

Why do I bring this up? Cuz now I imagine Joker sitting around with some of the Smash Bros and they're trying to plan but Joker's distracted by his phone. One of the others manages to snag his phone and they just look at his phone to see what was so distracting and while they can't read the sappy texts cuz they're in Japanese (unless it's someone who knows Japanese ofc), they can very clearly see Ann's name (probably with a bunch of heart emojis) at the top of the chat. That's all the needed to know. He's not allowed to have his phone till they're finished. They need a tactician like himself focused. He brings an unorthodox approach to their tactics after all. They can't have him being a lil lover boy

Ty for coming to my silly thought of the day
That’s really cute!

I was thinking that had Steve’s player not left the RP, I would’ve had Pit communicate with him through emojis and meme images.
I imagine the other fighters only really find out Joker’s distracted when he keeps answering the same way to their questions or simply keeps nodding along with the convo without any real input like they need from him. One if the others asks a completely absurd question and Joker just nods and is like “Yeah, that sounds good” and that’s when they know they got him and they take his phone. It’s one of the only ways to figure it out, given he likely keeps a pretty straight face or hides the expressions in his eyes well thanks to his mask.

The other possible way to see if he’s truly distracted is to just throw something at him (which is quite literally done in P5. Poor boy gets chalk thrown at him in class when he’s suspected of not paying attention). If he’s just looking at his phone and not too distracted he’s likely dodging whatever’s thrown. That’s what he’s known for after all- being an agile, slippery thief who is hard to catch/hit. If he’s very distracted, he’s getting hit straight in the face by whatever is thrown at him. That’ll teach him to get off his phone
Mini post for Zelda! Fhskfjfkdv next I’ll try to get a post for Isabelle out sometime this week (apologies for the prolonged wait on her btw 😅) though atm I’m kinda swamped in projects and essays for various classes so it’ll def be in the later half of the week lol
I just had a thought of the Pits getting cell phones so they can communicate with the other fighters. Joker sends one of them a text, then remembers that the Pits cannot read. He's in a situation where he can't simply call them, but then he gets a text back in Japanese and learns that the angels are only illiterate in English!

I have a headcanon that the Pits have some knowledge in mechanics due to having to maintain their odd weaponry and vehicles. They can do quick repair jobs if necessary. They aren't very booksmart, but if you put something in their hands they can figure out how it works, take it apart, and put it back together pretty quickly. I once joked about Pit having a bachelor's degree because you need one to be a commanding officer in the military, yet no one ever believes him when he brings it up. I like to think if he did actually have one, it'd be in engineering.

Zelda yelling out "'HOOOOOY!!" is very cute! I can see her and T'ink making it a game of seeing who can shout that the longest and the loudest.

YT just recommended this to me and I found it pretty funny.
I just had a thought of the Pits getting cell phones so they can communicate with the other fighters. Joker sends one of them a text, then remembers that the Pits cannot read. He's in a situation where he can't simply call them, but then he gets a text back in Japanese and learns that the angels are only illiterate in English!

I have a headcanon that the Pits have some knowledge in mechanics due to having to maintain their odd weaponry and vehicles. They can do quick repair jobs if necessary. They aren't very booksmart, but if you put something in their hands they can figure out how it works, take it apart, and put it back together pretty quickly. I once joked about Pit having a bachelor's degree because you need one to be a commanding officer in the military, yet no one ever believes him when he brings it up. I like to think if he did actually have one, it'd be in engineering.

Zelda yelling out "'HOOOOOY!!" is very cute! I can see her and T'ink making it a game of seeing who can shout that the longest and the loudest.

YT just recommended this to me and I found it pretty funny.

Or Joker could learn the Pits can read Japanese when one of them is the one to snag his phone from him during a meeting since they're sitting next to each other. Joker thinks he's safe cuz he remembers they can't read, but little does he know how wrong he is! He's likely not coming out of this without feeling a bit embarrassed

Okay now you got me thinking of Pit and Shulk just being lil mechanical nerds together. The two of them tinkering around with machinery trying to figure out how it works!

Funnily enough I also had that same video recommended to me yesterday LOL. The color swap to Pyra colors in the middle is too good

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