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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

If you want to interact with another Street Fighter character, Juri Han is battling Dark Pit and Pikachu in the forest near the Lake Shore of the Subspace Emissary map. However, there are a lot of characters already in the general area and I do plan on getting some plot going on to get things on track.

Shulk and Min Min have just met each other at the Mountain Falls (WoL map). They're the smallest group and may be the easiest to integrate yourself into.

Another small group is Byleth, Sora, Professor Layton, Pichu, Chrom, and Robin at the Battlefield Fortress (SE map) with Chrom's army. They're just meeting up, so it'd also be an easy group to integrate into.

Sephiroth is alone with Jenova's head. He just left an abandoned shack. If you want some villain interactions, he may be a good place to start.

Roxas and Isabelle just escaped the Military Base (WoL) and they're planning their next move. The post speed on this group is a little slow, however. If you want more fast-paced posting, I recommend one of the other groups I've mentioned.
Interesting. I think I’ll have Akuma interact with Sephiroth for the time being since it would be very interesting to see how things would play out.
Aww! 💕

Imagine a scenario where Kaida and Hawk's relationship was heavily frowned upon, for whatever reason. Hawk decides that if the authorities on Earth won't approve of them, then he'll seek the blessing of a much higher authority! He calls upon the Lightning Chariot (I'm imagining in this AU that it was given to Dark Pit and Zelda as a wedding gift from Pit), picks up Kaida, and goes straight to Angel Land, where Uncle Pit performs the marriage ceremony with Palutena as witness. Lol they return to Earth, everyone is furious at Hawk and Kaida, and Hawk simply responds to the anger with the most PITTOO smirk on his face!

As for Harkinian being too soft, I've had a scene bouncing in my head for a couple of days. I'll share it.

Harkinian is standing outside the gates of Hyrule's Castle Town, the Hyrulean army behind him. Before him is a wicked army with their evil king in the back. This is Hawk's first true battle, yet he remains calm as he steps forward and addresses the enemy king.

"Demon King of the North, I've heard of you and how you felled my father. You challenged him to a Duel of Kings, and when he stepped out onto the agreed meeting spot, you ordered hidden archers to fire a volley of arrows at him. Demon King, you are a coward! My father was past his prime, yet you feared him so that you resorted to treachery! My heart yearns for justice for this disgrace, but revenge isn't my way or the way of Hylia, so I am giving you a choice.

You have something that belongs to me: my father's laurel crown. Return it to me and vow that you shall never again come to Hyrule, and I will allow you and your army leave in peace. Stay, and I shall unleash the full might of the heavens upon you!"

The Demon King of the North, who heard rumor that Harkinian lacks the fire of his father, and so believes the prince to be weak, merely laughs and makes the order to charge. As soon as the word left his lips, an Arrow of Light goes through his head, smiting him on the spot. Harkinian lowers the Bow of Light, having made a point-blank shot at an impossible distance. He then calls upon the Lightning Chariot and brings carnage to the enemy army while shouting the order to charge. The Hyrulean Army charges, and from the heavens descends Palutena's Army, led by Captain Pit!

The battle is over in minutes, and Harkinian detaches the laurel crown from the Demon King's belt.

"I slew you as you slew my father, but I did it with one arrow, and by my own hand."

Link added!

I'm going to try to work on Dark Pit/Pikachu, and the Jungle posts tonight.
>w< <3
I feel like Corrin would secretly be pleased that Kaida chose her own fate instead of letting others decide for her, but she would act mad to appease the elders! And the idea of Hawk whisking away Kaida like that reminds me of Aladdin XD

And as for the scenario concerning Hawk's fight to avenge his father, that's actually pretty darn cool! Vengeance for DP!!
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity I was bored so here's a doodle
Screenshot 2023-09-26 8.48.20 AM.png
Sorry I had very little ideas on how to dress Corrin, but I hope you like it (as you can see, I threw in the Yato for a little *razzle dazzle*
>w< <3
I feel like Corrin would secretly be pleased that Kaida chose her own fate instead of letting others decide for her, but she would act mad to appease the elders! And the idea of Hawk whisking away Kaida like that reminds me of Aladdin XD

And as for the scenario concerning Hawk's fight to avenge his father, that's actually pretty darn cool! Vengeance for DP!!
I’m picturing Link sighing, shaking his head, then shrugging with a smile on his face. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised!

I think Pittoo deserves to go down in a blaze of glory rather than what I wrote, but I had Badass Harkinian on my mind and that was the scene that popped into my head.
I’m picturing Link sighing, shaking his head, then shrugging with a smile on his face. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised!

I think Pittoo deserves to go down in a blaze of glory rather than what I wrote, but I had Badass Harkinian on my mind and that was the scene that popped into my head.
Lol, he knew since the kiddos were teens that this day was bound to pass. At least he's not as mad as the other males of the family!
They expected Valla and Hyrule to be intertwined, but definitely not like THIS XD

True, but still, it was very well written. I'm sure Pittoo would be very proud of his son.
Is it my turn to post with Joker now or am I still waiting? Just checking so I know who I need to write for once I get Roxas written for and my brain only has this character in it. Truly despicable of it
Lol, he knew since the kiddos were teens that this day was bound to pass. At least he's not as mad as the other males of the family!
They expected Valla and Hyrule to be intertwined, but definitely not like THIS XD

True, but still, it was very well written. I'm sure Pittoo would be very proud of his son.
I know you said you were thinking of Aladdin, but as they’re childhood friends, I was thinking:

Kaida would have to go to Hyrule to become queen wouldn’t she? So does that mean Percy is going to become king of Valla? 8O

He was proud the moment he held his boy for the first time! Needless to say, Pit would be furious upon learning the fate of his twin and would want to get in on the action! An alliance between Hyrule and Angel Land was the reason for Zelda and Pittoo’s union; time to put that alliance to use!
Kaida would have to go to Hyrule to become queen wouldn’t she? So does that mean Percy is going to become king of Valla? 8O
That's assuming Percy hasn't pulled a Sora and disappeared to god knows where
I have returned!

That's true! I feel like Samus has a very high alcohol tolerance- she could drink for a night straight and probably be fine in the morning. And yeah lol I feel like Link would be a chatterbox if you get enough liquor in him XD

Lmao you just hear the trumpets sounding in the kitchen and you known instantly that some FE character is in there!

And as for Kaida, i feel like that would actually be something she'd do. Of course, the whole "winning her own hand" thing would be a last resort, but she'd much rather have Harkinian win instead of some random prince who might not even like her.

I can imagine her running up to him after the whole thing and saying something like, "That was quite a bit of archery there, Hawk Eyes. You know...if I had to choose any prince I know to win the tournament and win my...you know...I-I'd want it to be you." lol that's one of the few moments where Kaida lets her tough exterior crumble down!

I don't see any reason why the elders of Hoshido and Nohr would dislike Hark except for the fact that he's a bit soft. They might think him too weak to be a dependable ruler, especially after Corrin's reign and the whole ordeal with Anankos.

Poor Corrin bruv, she doesn't deserve all that heartbreak </3

And that animation is so cute! Make moreeeee! ^^

I love your posts for Corrin and Eight! And I love how caring Azura is to Corrin, they're both dolls <3
Accurate lol, Hoshido and Nohr are real tough cookies.
And Azura is a very motherly figure, which is why I headcanon Corrin to be very caring as well. You're right, she doesn't deserve all the strife in her life, but alas, she is a main protagonist qwq
>w< <3
I feel like Corrin would secretly be pleased that Kaida chose her own fate instead of letting others decide for her, but she would act mad to appease the elders! And the idea of Hawk whisking away Kaida like that reminds me of Aladdin XD

And as for the scenario concerning Hawk's fight to avenge his father, that's actually pretty darn cool! Vengeance for DP!!
I can confirm this. After literally getting kidnapped because she ran away from one nation to another, she despises any who try to draw people away from the path they choose to forge for themselves.
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity I was bored so here's a doodle
View attachment 1116123
Sorry I had very little ideas on how to dress Corrin, but I hope you like it (as you can see, I threw in the Yato for a little *razzle dazzle*
What are you talking about? I LOVE IT! The design fits Corrin perfectly, and she looks so cute with flowers in her hair! I also like how you turned her cape into a belt!
And Sheik's design looks INCREDIBLE!! I love how the long jacket hides the dress that she wears underneath, nice metaphor there ^^
She looks very cute, and she could definitely pass as a thug with those street clothes XD
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity I posted for Sheik as well as went ahead and introduced Link...I hope you don't mind ^^
LMAO I love em! Lol as soon as Sheik heard the squeaks she picked up her adopted gremlin and DIPPED XD
And I'll get Marth in there to join Link real soon! ^^
I know you said you were thinking of Aladdin, but as they’re childhood friends, I was thinking:

Kaida would have to go to Hyrule to become queen wouldn’t she? So does that mean Percy is going to become king of Valla? 8O

He was proud the moment he held his boy for the first time! Needless to say, Pit would be furious upon learning the fate of his twin and would want to get in on the action! An alliance between Hyrule and Angel Land was the reason for Zelda and Pittoo’s union; time to put that alliance to use!

Aww! It would be very cute if whenever the royals of Hyrule visited Valla, the pair of them stole away to be alone together in the wilderness of Valla.

And I guess, yeah, since the males of most monarchies are the ones who inherit the throne in the end, anyways. Of course, there is also the fact that Percy might not want to rule Valla, or is busy doing something else (or straight up disappeared), so yeah.
Accurate lol, Hoshido and Nohr are real tough cookies.
And Azura is a very motherly figure, which is why I headcanon Corrin to be very caring as well. You're right, she doesn't deserve all the strife in her life, but alas, she is a main protagonist qwq

I can confirm this. After literally getting kidnapped because she ran away from one nation to another, she despises any who try to draw people away from the path they choose to forge for themselves.

What are you talking about? I LOVE IT! The design fits Corrin perfectly, and she looks so cute with flowers in her hair! I also like how you turned her cape into a belt!
And Sheik's design looks INCREDIBLE!! I love how the long jacket hides the dress that she wears underneath, nice metaphor there ^^
She looks very cute, and she could definitely pass as a thug with those street clothes XD

LMAO I love em! Lol as soon as Sheik heard the squeaks she picked up her adopted gremlin and DIPPED XD
And I'll get Marth in there to join Link real soon! ^^
Awwww, I swear, the way you write and think about Corrin makes me love her so much!! Corrin is best girl, by far.
Yeah, she had to slay her own dad, deal with the loss of people very close to her, witnessed her mother's death, was kidnapped, was almost pressured into choosing a kingdom to fight for while turning against the other, and all-in-all lived a very traumatic life. And she's not even 18 yet!

Corrin is a girlboss, therefore her daughter MUST also be one. It's the laws of the land! XD

>w< Thank you!! I'm glad you like it lol. Was toying with the idea for a while, and I just decided to sketch it out.

Lol I was quite sure Tetra will NOT be happy! XD
And great! I wanted to keep my entry for Link quite concise, just to make it easier for you to jump in.
I mean, I kinda imagined Percy probably ends up having a bit of a sad fate. He probably awakens some strong power tied to his keyblade, much like how Sora has his power of waking, and he ends up being too driven to protect which causes him to abuse it to a point where he basically has a similar fate Sora does at the end of KH3, but he likely doesn't come back. His sacrifice is permanent. Perhaps it is a severe punishment to Sora for also abusing his power of waking
I mean, I kinda imagined Percy probably ends up having a bit of a sad fate. He probably awakens some strong power tied to his keyblade, much like how Sora has his power of waking, and he ends up being too driven to protect which causes him to abuse it to a point where he basically has a similar fate Sora does at the end of KH3, but he likely doesn't come back. His sacrifice is permanent. Perhaps it is a severe punishment to Sora for also abusing his power of waking
Damn dawg, I know the like-father-like-son thing is very prominent in Sora and Percy but still, that's sad asf. I can't bear to imagine how Sora and Corrin will change when their son vanishes without a trace Q~Q
Everyone will grieve his first birthday in Valla without the birthday boy there.
Damn dawg, I know the like-father-like-son thing is very prominent in Sora and Percy but still, that's sad asf. I can't bear to imagine how Sora and Corrin will change when their son vanishes without a trace Q~Q
Everyone will grieve his first birthday in Valla without the birthday boy there.
Given he has the kindness and ability to bond with all kinds of people like both Corrin and Sora, I imagine Percy has a very high desire to protect and keep others safe because he believes it's what both his parents would do. He probably does it all to keep Valla safe too. Sora probably tries reviving him with his power of waking, rather having the sacrifice be him than his own son, but the world ain't letting Sora abuse his powers AGAIN to chase after hearts that aren't asleep. Sora probably has a very hard time being in Valla after that
The Kingdom certainly would grieve losing their beloved prince. He was probably very welled loved among the people of Valla

And this is what comes from my mind when I feel like I kinda intrude on other people's stuff even if I know it's not what's happening lol. Now imma go draw a Percy Station of Awakening cuz this made me think of that
Dhskfhdkf entirely off topic but I was just scrolling around the internet and stumbled upon these old Alttp illustrations that are just absolutely beautiful 🤩🤩🤩🤩
go Shdkfhskf omfg at some point I HAVE to draw Zelda in this outfit because holy shit the curly hair??? The shoulder pads??? Absolutely
Jaw dropping.

And here’s the actual book itself (all in Japanese tho) The Legend of Zelda Futabasha Fantasy Novel Series: The Count of Black Shadows : Akio Higuchi : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
LMAO I love em! Lol as soon as Sheik heard the squeaks she picked up her adopted gremlin and DIPPED XD
And I'll get Marth in there to join Link real soon! ^^
And then Sheik learns that lil' gremlin is her great granddaughter! XD

Aww! It would be very cute if whenever the royals of Hyrule visited Valla, the pair of them stole away to be alone together in the wilderness of Valla.

And I guess, yeah, since the males of most monarchies are the ones who inherit the throne in the end, anyways. Of course, there is also the fact that Percy might not want to rule Valla, or is busy doing something else (or straight up disappeared), so yeah.
Heheh, Kaida has to take a look around every time they sneak off to make sure Link isn't following them!

Hoo boy, did those two throw a wrench into things, though! What's Valla going to do now??

I mean, I kinda imagined Percy probably ends up having a bit of a sad fate. He probably awakens some strong power tied to his keyblade, much like how Sora has his power of waking, and he ends up being too driven to protect which causes him to abuse it to a point where he basically has a similar fate Sora does at the end of KH3, but he likely doesn't come back. His sacrifice is permanent. Perhaps it is a severe punishment to Sora for also abusing his power of waking
Aww! Neither Sora, Corrin, nor Percy deserve that! I was imagining Percy being excited over having Harkinian as a brother-in-law and asking when he can expect to be an uncle! D:

Pit doesn't deserve to lose his family either. Guess that gives him and Sora another thing in common. I can't imagine how such a loss would affect Sora. Why do our sunshine boys and joke ships have to have such tragedies in their AUs?

At least in the Queen Zelda/King DP AU, Pittoo is well up in years and Harkinian is nearing, or has already reached, adulthood by the time he's gone! And I like to think Zelda and Pittoo would have a pretty happy union overall.

I'm gonna be optimistic and enjoy the thought of Hawk and Kaida living happily just to balance out all the tragedy! 😤
Dhskfhdkf entirely off topic but I was just scrolling around the internet and stumbled upon these old Alttp illustrations that are just absolutely beautiful 🤩🤩🤩🤩
View attachment 1116188
View attachment 1116191
go Shdkfhskf omfg at some point I HAVE to draw Zelda in this outfit because holy shit the curly hair??? The shoulder pads??? Absolutely
Jaw dropping.

And here’s the actual book itself (all in Japanese tho) The Legend of Zelda Futabasha Fantasy Novel Series: The Count of Black Shadows : Akio Higuchi : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Those ARE gorgeous! I love the old anime/manga styles of the 80s and 90s.

Zelda's about to shank a bitch!

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