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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I can see Pit looking at Byleth similarly to Lucina and try to put a smile on his face, and genuinely find it sad that he doesn’t have a heart and so cannot express emotions like a typical person.
I could see Byleth thanking him for trying before explaining it probably isn't worth his time to get him to smile because it's not very common for him. But when he does smile it's a moment to be treasured. Take a smiley boy had to go digging through my FE3H SS to find this LMAO
I posted for Agent 8 and Corrin! Hopefully they're satisfactory.... and let's not talk about how friggin long Corrin's post is qwq
Just one little thing I figure I should point out, Joker currently isn't wearing his coat. Ann has it on actually ^^
I also bring a new smol! Very ready to be carried in a pocket
I could see Byleth thanking him for trying before explaining it probably isn't worth his time to get him to smile because it's not very common for him. But when he does smile it's a moment to be treasured. Take a smiley boy had to go digging through my FE3H SS to find this LMAO
Pit would just take that as a challenge! I can see Sora overhearing that discussion and deciding to take up the challenge too.
They're actually based on the hero chibis from XC3

Sora would definitely take it as a challenge. He is that kind of person after all lol
I know, I was just saying that the chibis reminded me of the chibi art style of the FEH sprites. Really cute!! ^^
I have returned!
The Metroid manga has panels of Samus drinking, and one of the endings to Zero Mission has her hanging at what looks like a bar. I'll have to dig through this thread to find the little silly writings I did of Samus, Pit, and Snake dealing with hangovers after they partied too hard. I love the idea of Link becoming talkative when he's drunk, and Daisy could TOTALLY down a bottle of vodka in seconds!

Now I've the thought of Dark Pit trying to feed infant Harkinian some milk, and Zelda thinking it's very sweet until she realizes he's about to give the baby Chateau Romani! Even after Zelda explained the difference between regular milk and boozy milk, Dark Pit still fails to see the problem as Pit was drinking wine since he was a putto! Zelda and Pittoo probably had some cultural differences they've had to work out.

That old animation is what makes me think epic Fire Emblem music plays whenever a FE fighter is cooking in the kitchen at the "Smash House." When it's Marth, he sings. XD

Thinking on the previous discussion of a tournament held to find Kaida a consort, and that one scene from Brave, I had a thought of Kaida requesting an archery tournament because she knows no one would be able to beat Harkinian. And because my brain is deep in Disney at the moment, I imagined him pulling off a Robin Hood and going to the tournament in disguise. Maybe the elders really don't approve of him for some reason? There's two Disney references in one!

Hawk ends up pulling off shots like this

That's true! I feel like Samus has a very high alcohol tolerance- she could drink for a night straight and probably be fine in the morning. And yeah lol I feel like Link would be a chatterbox if you get enough liquor in him XD

Lmao you just hear the trumpets sounding in the kitchen and you known instantly that some FE character is in there!

And as for Kaida, i feel like that would actually be something she'd do. Of course, the whole "winning her own hand" thing would be a last resort, but she'd much rather have Harkinian win instead of some random prince who might not even like her.

I can imagine her running up to him after the whole thing and saying something like, "That was quite a bit of archery there, Hawk Eyes. You know...if I had to choose any prince I know to win the tournament and win my...you know...I-I'd want it to be you." lol that's one of the few moments where Kaida lets her tough exterior crumble down!

I don't see any reason why the elders of Hoshido and Nohr would dislike Hark except for the fact that he's a bit soft. They might think him too weak to be a dependable ruler, especially after Corrin's reign and the whole ordeal with Anankos.

They can pretend to be fancy drinkers together XD

Lmao Marth and Roy are up to their shenanigans once more- I actually headcanon Marth and Roy being very fond of each other due to Melee and them being the first FE reps together.

XD I forgot that THAT'S how Marth used to look
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Aww, that's so cute!
And I plan to lol, I'm already sold on the idea!

Awwwww, Kaida's all squishy on the inside, that's precious!
I feel like Tetra would either adore or dislike Corrin, there is no in between.
"Woah, look at that lance and wings!! You could take out a kraken with those things!"
"I thought you were cool because you don't wear a dress, but now I see you're like all the other princesses!!"

Corrin would treat everyone decently for the simple fact that she herself knows what it's like to be feared and labeled. Her dragon blood can morph her into a feral, dangerous beast if it isn't kept in check with Azura's pendant and her song. And even then, she almost killed Azura when her dragon blood was fully awakened. Word probably carried fast, and when she became a newcomer in Sm4sh she was probably labeled as unstable and dangerous, when it wasn't even her fault, and she had learned how to control herself using the dragonstone in Azura's pendant.

On top of that, her father Anankos became a Degenerated Dragon, who lost all sanity and became completely unreasonable. He used to be a benevolent figure before he was almost killed by humans. His detest grew for them and he began to build himself an army to eradicate anything that stood in front of him and his goals. Corrin was born to what was left of Anankos' human side, which has broken away from his dragon self. Although this isn't fully Anankos, and it isn't his fault that he became degenerated, it also could spark fear in those who didn't know the full story. Corrin, the daughter of this heartless beast who sought to destroy those who had opposed him, I would be surprised if people weren't hostile around her when she first arrived in Smash Bros.

Corrin knows what it's like to be mislabeled for something that you're not, and for people to make assumptions about you without knowing the full story. So Corrin would try her best to treat everyone at least in a civil manner, even baddies like Bowser and Ganondorf. Although, in the circumstances of the RP, she'd find it rather difficult to be decent to EVERYONE lmao

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Poor Corrin bruv, she doesn't deserve all that heartbreak </3

And that animation is so cute! Make moreeeee! ^^
I posted for Agent 8 and Corrin! Hopefully they're satisfactory.... and let's not talk about how friggin long Corrin's post is qwq
I love your posts for Corrin and Eight! And I love how caring Azura is to Corrin, they're both dolls <3
Character Name: Link (Era of the Wild incarnation)
Player Name: Ever
--Link is from the period before ToTK and after BoTW
--He can speak, but prefers to use his Sheikah Slate and HSL (Hylian Sign Language) to communicate.
I’ll join In on the “how these fighters were initially perceived” fun!

- Inkling: Considering Inkling’s arrival is basically what announced that ultimate was coming out, I’d say the reaction from other fighters was likely pretty dang positive! Plus she fits pretty well into the ‘just a silly little guy’ brand of fighters so I can’t imagine she’d have too much of a problem when it comes to fitting in.

- Zelda: I’d say overall the biggest reaction was probably surprise at TP Link and Zel finally being replaced for new incarnations. It might take some time for fighters who weren’t there pre-brawl to get used to the fact that these people both technically are but aren’t the Zelda and Link they grew to know, but I’m sure with Alttp Zel’s friendly and bubbly personality they’d eventually grow to like her just as much as the prior Zelda. Plus with her gal pals Peach and Samus watching out for her, I definitely don’t see there being any problems for her lol

Isabelle: Since Isabelle was already an assist trophy in smash 4, the fighters probably already had a pretty good idea of what kinda person she was like and was thus likely pretty positively received. Lol but when it comes to the other assist trophies who didn’t get so lucky…all I’m saying is Isabelle better sleep with one eye open 👁️ lmao

Pichu: Part of this depends on if a.) this Pichu is the one from melee or b.) the headcanon that the Pichu from melee evolved into the Pikachu from brawl holds true, thus making ultimate Pichu a newcomer. Either way, I imagine initial reception might have been something along the lines of “why was a worse Pikachu added to the roster???” but still, I can’t imagine there’d be too much negativity, mostly just some confusion lol
So I stumbled upon this little video instead of being productive on my Shulk post and 1. I need to express how much Atlus robbed us of Joker having actual voice lines for situations like this (all these examples are from other parts of the game where he speaks) and 2. Now I just imagine some of the fighter's hearing the examples in the "Violent Joker" section, especially the last one, and questioning him if he really is as good as he claims to be

Context on the one violent voiceline: There is specifically 1 persona in the game that causes a shift in his personality, making him slowly get more and more unhinged when he uses it
They're actually based on the hero chibis from XC3

Sora would definitely take it as a challenge. He is that kind of person after all lol
Pit makes a pun so cringey, even he's like, "What the heck was I thinking with that one?" Yet it manages to get a chuckle-snort out of Byleth! XD

And as for Kaida, i feel like that would actually be something she'd do. Of course, the whole "winning her own hand" thing would be a last resort, but she'd much rather have Harkinian win instead of some random prince who might not even like her.

I can imagine her running up to him after the whole thing and saying something like, "That was quite a bit of archery there, Hawk Eyes. You know...if I had to choose any prince I know to win the tournament and win my...you know...I-I'd want it to be you." lol that's one of the few moments where Kaida lets her tough exterior crumble down!

I don't see any reason why the elders of Hoshido and Nohr would dislike Hark except for the fact that he's a bit soft. They might think him too weak to be a dependable ruler, especially after Corrin's reign and the whole ordeal with Anankos.
Aww! 💕

Imagine a scenario where Kaida and Hawk's relationship was heavily frowned upon, for whatever reason. Hawk decides that if the authorities on Earth won't approve of them, then he'll seek the blessing of a much higher authority! He calls upon the Lightning Chariot (I'm imagining in this AU that it was given to Dark Pit and Zelda as a wedding gift from Pit), picks up Kaida, and goes straight to Angel Land, where Uncle Pit performs the marriage ceremony with Palutena as witness. Lol they return to Earth, everyone is furious at Hawk and Kaida, and Hawk simply responds to the anger with the most PITTOO smirk on his face!

As for Harkinian being too soft, I've had a scene bouncing in my head for a couple of days. I'll share it.

Harkinian is standing outside the gates of Hyrule's Castle Town, the Hyrulean army behind him. Before him is a wicked army with their evil king in the back. This is Hawk's first true battle, yet he remains calm as he steps forward and addresses the enemy king.

"Demon King of the North, I've heard of you and how you felled my father. You challenged him to a Duel of Kings, and when he stepped out onto the agreed meeting spot, you ordered hidden archers to fire a volley of arrows at him. Demon King, you are a coward! My father was past his prime, yet you feared him so that you resorted to treachery! My heart yearns for justice for this disgrace, but revenge isn't my way or the way of Hylia, so I am giving you a choice.

You have something that belongs to me: my father's laurel crown. Return it to me and vow that you shall never again come to Hyrule, and I will allow you and your army leave in peace. Stay, and I shall unleash the full might of the heavens upon you!"

The Demon King of the North, who heard rumor that Harkinian lacks the fire of his father, and so believes the prince to be weak, merely laughs and makes the order to charge. As soon as the word left his lips, an Arrow of Light goes through his head, smiting him on the spot. Harkinian lowers the Bow of Light, having made a point-blank shot at an impossible distance. He then calls upon the Lightning Chariot and brings carnage to the enemy army while shouting the order to charge. The Hyrulean Army charges, and from the heavens descends Palutena's Army, led by Captain Pit!

The battle is over in minutes, and Harkinian detaches the laurel crown from the Demon King's belt.

"I slew you as you slew my father, but I did it with one arrow, and by my own hand."

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Character Name: Link (Era of the Wild incarnation)
Player Name: Ever
--Link is from the period before ToTK and after BoTW
--He can speak, but prefers to use his Sheikah Slate and HSL (Hylian Sign Language) to communicate.
Link added!

I'm going to try to work on Dark Pit/Pikachu, and the Jungle posts tonight.
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Despite still being distracted af, I offer another lil video, this time a cute lil comic dub

Pit makes a pun so cringey, even he's like, "What the heck was I thinking with that one?" Yet it manages to get a chuckle-snort out of Byleth! XD
Everyone else just looks on in pure confusion. Nobody understands Byleth's sense of humor
AWWW MY HEART ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Inkling and Futaba are def sisters from another misters 🦑 👓
And this is why Inkling probably has a familial bond with Joker himself!
Futaba will have to make a cameo at some point just for a little silly moment
Joker just walks around with one gremlin ginger at each side and everyone sees. It all starts to make sense why Joker would even be drawn to be such close friends with Inkling. The mystery is solved
Drstsjfkflf my first thought was them tying cans to the back of the chariot with a big ol “Just Married” sign taped on like this:

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LOL that is both funny and cute! They needed some way to get to Angel Land after Dark Pit moves to Hyrule!

As I have an overactive imagination and a job that involves sitting in one place for nearly 9 hours, have more of my brain dumps for the Queen Zelda/King DP AU.

I can imagine Dark Pit and Zelda preferring a small ceremony, but of course being a royal wedding, that wasn't going to happen, and Pittoo is grumpy throughout the entire preparation and up to the day of the marriage. Dark Pit demands to know why simply giving his word to her isn't enough, and Zelda is like, "Sorry, I don't make the rules. When you agreed to this arrangement, you also agreed to follow our traditions!" I can see Dark Pit using his wings to prevent the guests from seeing them kiss (they couldn't do it otherwise, not with all those people watching!), and the moment she tells him that the ceremony is completed, he turns to take off but then stops himself, picks up Zelda, rushes out of the temple, and hops into the Lightning Chariot to get the hell out of there! Zelda barely remembers to toss the bouquet! They needed to get to somewhere quiet and secluded before Dark Pit snapped! The poor driver of the carriage meant to take them to the reception is confused on what to do because the new royal couple just vamoosed!

Meanwhile, Viridi is making eyes at Link throughout the entire ceremony. Link is oblivious. XD

The reception must've been pretty crazy. The Hylians brought the milk, the angels brought the sake; it was probably a good time with plenty of hangovers the next day! The royal couple don't even show up, but Palutena reassures everyone that they're just fine (Dark Pit still had his laurel crown on) and refuses to tell them where they were so they can have their privacy.

I imagine the two laying in Hyrule Field, looking up at the stars.

"Glad that's over!"

"Don't forget, Dark Pit: there's still the coronation ceremony!"


I can also see a sweet moment where Dark Pit is at the altar waiting for Zelda to arrive, and he's having second thoughts. He can't do this! What was he THINKING, accepting Zelda's offer?! It can't be worth all this headache! He could be out in the world, wild and free, and living his best life! What an idiot he is! Then Zelda appears, and he's taken aback at how beautiful she is! As the High Priest does his spiel, Dark Pit notices Zelda's hands trembling and realizes she's just as terrified as he is and having similar doubts. He then reaches out and gently takes her hands into his to reassure her.

They probably mutter to each other as the High Priest keeps talking.

"We'll make a great team, Dark Pit."

"Hmph, you mean we don't already?"
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Pikachu and Dark Pit's post took longer than I anticipated. The post for the Jungle group will have to come later.
Isabelle: Since Isabelle was already an assist trophy in smash 4, the fighters probably already had a pretty good idea of what kinda person she was like and was thus likely pretty positively received. Lol but when it comes to the other assist trophies who didn’t get so lucky…all I’m saying is Isabelle better sleep with one eye open 👁️ lmao


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