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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Okay so I plan on writing for Shulk tomorrow and then I'll work on Roxas in the middle of the week (I figure I can put him off a little to let Sheep catch up on posts and not stack more on lol). Other than that, I think I'm caught up? I know I'm not up for Joker or Mythra. Not sure on Yoshi though. Kinda felt like it wasn't my turn though
I'm thinking about getting another post up for the Military base. Gotta keep shiz escalating after all 😈
Okay awesome! Glad to know I can keep track of stuff properly lol
Nice! Where should I start?
If you want to interact with another Street Fighter character, Juri Han is battling Dark Pit and Pikachu in the forest near the Lake Shore of the Subspace Emissary map. However, there are a lot of characters already in the general area and I do plan on getting some plot going on to get things on track.

Shulk and Min Min have just met each other at the Mountain Falls (WoL map). They're the smallest group and may be the easiest to integrate yourself into.

Another small group is Byleth, Sora, Professor Layton, Pichu, Chrom, and Robin at the Battlefield Fortress (SE map) with Chrom's army. They're just meeting up, so it'd also be an easy group to integrate into.

Sephiroth is alone with Jenova's head. He just left an abandoned shack. If you want some villain interactions, he may be a good place to start.

Roxas and Isabelle just escaped the Military Base (WoL) and they're planning their next move. The post speed on this group is a little slow, however. If you want more fast-paced posting, I recommend one of the other groups I've mentioned.
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Captain Falcon be like:
They can pretend to be fancy drinkers together XD
Welp, now that I've added Marth to the roster

View attachment 1115495

Lmao Marth and Roy are up to their shenanigans once more- I actually headcanon Marth and Roy being very fond of each other due to Melee and them being the first FE reps together.

XD I forgot that THAT'S how Marth used to look
Screenshot 2023-09-25 8.06.22 AM.png
I'm sure, but it can be a bit awkward if, for example, Hawk is 16 and Kaida is 19-20! Zelda learns her boy has inherited his father and uncle's taste in older women lol

Outside of getting Link off his back, I'd imagine no one would take Hawk seriously and simply humor him at most. While I'm sure Kaida wouldn't actually do such a thing, the thought of her messing with Hawk like that was too cute and funny for me.

And that's too cute! Hawk apparently won her over the moment he called her 'Flower!' That babe has game! And he doesn't just bring her a flower, but a Silent Princess flower!

The idea of Tetra having a crush on Marth is hilarious. Do it!

Meanwhile, Pittoo after having his ego thoroughly thrashed:

Aww, that's so cute!
And I plan to lol, I'm already sold on the idea!
Hdhdhdhdh I experienced a blackout for most of the day because of some tropical storm, anyways hru all?

Maybe? Lmao Marth will still blame him for something Link didn't even mean to do XD

Accurate lol. Kaida may appear very aloof and stuff on the outside but on the inside she's just a soft blob :3

Poor Corrin! She just wanted to be nice but instead she got Tetra'd.

Corrin: "Treat others the way you wish to be treated."
Tetra: "For a dragon princess thingy, you're really lame."
Corrin: "...Oh. 😔"

Adding onto the drinking stuffs:
-Sheik probably drinks very sparsely, but as Zelda she probably drinks with her dinner (bc medieval)
-Samus definitely drinks. I mean, come on, her life is very difficult and her job is very exhausting.
-Link had indulged and will continue to indulge in Noble Pursuits time to time. He's the most talkative when he's drunk.
-Daisy probably enjoys fancy things like champagne and wine...when she's in front of people. Don't tell me Daisy couldn't down a bottle of vodka in 10 seconds flat.
-Lucas most likely thinks Shirley Temples will make him drunk. Although he's been exposed to drinking (his friend Kumatora used to work at a nightclub), he would think he has sinned or something if he drinks ginger ale in a martini glass.

1) Marth and Roy finally learned how to cook, they pooled their 9 braincells together :00000
2) Melee
3) That'd be really cute actually, if all the more "classic" characters were all somehow related to each other ^^
Also check out Classic Marth's miniskirt 👀

Lmao Pittoo would give his son the side-eye when this revelation is made

Lol, she might have scrounged up all her courage and said that, but she would get quite embarrassed herself and probably flee or something afterwards. It's one thing to be blunt and stuff to her family or friends, but this is another thing entirely.

Kaida didn't realize it at the moment, but the kiddo somehow knew the moment he first laid eyes on her!
Aww, a Silent Princess? How cute! Kaida would probably ask how Hark managed to get his hands on them (since they're probably the most plentiful in Link's Hyrule), before she makes the assumption that Link hooked him up with one XD

Lmfao, so much for Corrin trying to be nice, the damage had already been done to Pittoo's fragile ego. As a certain Silver Hedgehog once said, It's No Use!
Awwwww, Kaida's all squishy on the inside, that's precious!
I feel like Tetra would either adore or dislike Corrin, there is no in between.
"Woah, look at that lance and wings!! You could take out a kraken with those things!"
"I thought you were cool because you don't wear a dress, but now I see you're like all the other princesses!!"

Corrin would treat everyone decently for the simple fact that she herself knows what it's like to be feared and labeled. Her dragon blood can morph her into a feral, dangerous beast if it isn't kept in check with Azura's pendant and her song. And even then, she almost killed Azura when her dragon blood was fully awakened. Word probably carried fast, and when she became a newcomer in Sm4sh she was probably labeled as unstable and dangerous, when it wasn't even her fault, and she had learned how to control herself using the dragonstone in Azura's pendant.

On top of that, her father Anankos became a Degenerated Dragon, who lost all sanity and became completely unreasonable. He used to be a benevolent figure before he was almost killed by humans. His detest grew for them and he began to build himself an army to eradicate anything that stood in front of him and his goals. Corrin was born to what was left of Anankos' human side, which has broken away from his dragon self. Although this isn't fully Anankos, and it isn't his fault that he became degenerated, it also could spark fear in those who didn't know the full story. Corrin, the daughter of this heartless beast who sought to destroy those who had opposed him, I would be surprised if people weren't hostile around her when she first arrived in Smash Bros.

Corrin knows what it's like to be mislabeled for something that you're not, and for people to make assumptions about you without knowing the full story. So Corrin would try her best to treat everyone at least in a civil manner, even baddies like Bowser and Ganondorf. Although, in the circumstances of the RP, she'd find it rather difficult to be decent to EVERYONE lmao
That old animation is what makes me think epic Fire Emblem music plays whenever a FE fighter is cooking in the kitchen at the "Smash House." When it's Marth, he sings. XD
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Dark Pit and Corrin might have some sort of an understanding, or possibly get along then. I’m of the idea that he likely wasn’t welcomed into the roster with open arms, as the good aligned fighters may believe him to be the same as Dark Samus or Shadow Link. The evil-aligned fighters may think Pittoo is one of them, while he refuses to be associated with them. The Belmonts may even think he’s a devil and show hostility toward him. And there are those who hate the idea of echo fighters and think Pittoo to be a waste of a slot.

I’ve said before that I can imagine TP/Brawl/S4 Zelda being one of the few who showed him kindness from the very beginning, as she’d know immediately he isn’t an evil spirit. This idea is also why he has a friendship with ALttP Zelda outside of her having a personality that he clicks with.
Dark Pit and Corrin might have some sort of an understanding, or possibly get along then. I’m of the idea that he likely wasn’t welcomed into the roster with open arms, as the good aligned fighters may believe him to be the same as Dark Samus or Shadow Link. The evil-aligned fighters may think Pittoo is one of them, while he refuses to be associated with them. The Belmonts may even think he’s a devil and show hostility toward him. And there are those who hate the idea of echo fighters and think Pittoo to be a waste of a slot.

I’ve said before that I can imagine TP/Brawl/S4 Zelda being one of the few who showed him kindness from the very beginning, as she’d know immediately he isn’t an evil spirit. This idea is also why he has a friendship with ALttP Zelda outside of her having a personality that he clicks with.
You're right, I'm quite sure Dark Pit and Corrin would get along quite well. Corrin knows that people aren't as simple as black or white. For example, Hoshido and Nohr both had done some very questionable things (she had even been kidnapped multiple times!!), yet she still chose to love them both equally and not pick a side in the war.
I'm sure Corrin would be one of the people that didn't think badly of DP, although she was a DLC in Sm4sh, so chances are that she turned up rather late in the proceedings, when all the newcomers were already more acquainted with each other and the veterans, which would further cause her to not fit in very well.

Corrin most likely would have chosen to try to assimilate the best she could to Smash Bros. and be perfectly friendly and polite, as to not give people more opportunities to spread rumors about her Feral Dragon side, her heritage, and bloodlines. Though I'm sure she'd find friends at some point, I imagine her having a rough first few weeks acclimating to Smash.
This whole idea of how the others would view characters as the joined/showed up got me thinking on mine so I offer my thoughts sorry for butting in on a convo I'm very clearly not involved in just to be a nerd

-Yoshi: An OG so he never had to deal with any of that
-Shulk: He likely had an easy time fitting in among the cast during his inclusion in Sm4sh. People definitely were like "wtf is Xenoblade?" but were generally polite towards him. Some probably found his visions very unsettling though, but saw he could be a big asset when helping protect the realm
-Joker: His reputation likely proceeded him and he had a stigma upon his arrival, albeit I HC he showed up amiss the whole WoL ordeal so most of the wariness of him being a thief, "bad boy" or even a "playboy" weren't heavily focused on until after things were said and done. He took everything in stride and quickly won over favor. He is a charming boy after all
-Byleth: He didn't have it well. Was HEAVILY criticized, though not so much by the other fighters. Likely didn't show much emotion over it, but people could tell he was bothered by being rather unwanted
-Pyra/Mythra: Very mixed feelings. Definitely popular among some of the male fighters because of how pretty they are, but that also worked against them and brought them criticism. They also felt a little bad they were invited over Rex since he had wanted to be in Smash
-Sora: VERY ACCEPTED. VERY LOVED. He was quite literally summoned to help with the darkness and was quickly accepted among the roster! He befriended many fighters quickly and was loved for being a pure ball of sunshine. He had 0 issues fitting in immediately
Seph cause it’s Square Enix milking Final Fantasy VII. lol. I think he gets along with a few people, a very few people. He’s like the wild card of Final Fantasy. No one knows what face you’re either getting the genuine side of him or his dark side. I think we talked if he does show some compliments it’s hard to tell if he’s not straight up mocking or honest.
This whole idea of how the others would view characters as the joined/showed up got me thinking on mine so I offer my thoughts sorry for butting in on a convo I'm very clearly not involved in just to be a nerd

-Yoshi: An OG so he never had to deal with any of that
-Shulk: He likely had an easy time fitting in among the cast during his inclusion in Sm4sh. People definitely were like "wtf is Xenoblade?" but were generally polite towards him. Some probably found his visions very unsettling though, but saw he could be a big asset when helping protect the realm
-Joker: His reputation likely proceeded him and he had a stigma upon his arrival, albeit I HC he showed up amiss the whole WoL ordeal so most of the wariness of him being a thief, "bad boy" or even a "playboy" weren't heavily focused on until after things were said and done. He took everything in stride and quickly won over favor. He is a charming boy after all
-Byleth: He didn't have it well. Was HEAVILY criticized, though not so much by the other fighters. Likely didn't show much emotion over it, but people could tell he was bothered by being rather unwanted
-Pyra/Mythra: Very mixed feelings. Definitely popular among some of the male fighters because of how pretty they are, but that also worked against them and brought them criticism. They also felt a little bad they were invited over Rex since he had wanted to be in Smash
-Sora: VERY ACCEPTED. VERY LOVED. He was quite literally summoned to help with the darkness and was quickly accepted among the roster! He befriended many fighters quickly and was loved for being a pure ball of sunshine. He had 0 issues fitting in immediately
Byleth? "No."
Sora? "Yes!!!1!"

I wanna think about the rest of my characters too so um here:
--Already talked about Corrin, she'd find it difficult to get people to see past what had been mentioned previously and see her for what she truly was (I'm sure she'd cling to Marth and the others in the FE gang). However, I did find this comic dub ignore the fact that it's M!Corrin okay

--Agent 8 would probably get seen as just an Inkling echo fighter and nothing more, so sad times there

--Tetra would probably be seen as something NEW! EXCITING! FRESH! And some actually really wanted Tet to be in Smash Bros (bc people think that the LoZ reps in SSBU is trash), so she'd probably be welcomed with no dilemmas.

--Marth was probably accepted easily (due to there not being a MOUNTAIN of sword fighters like there is now, and also because in Japan, Fire Emblem is veeeery popular), and fawned over by Princess Peach and Zelda. Of course, there was the problem with him and Roy speaking Japanese, but it got fixed...

--Min Min has mixed feelings as well, of course, some loved the addition of her to Smash (there was once a poll done to see who the most popular ARMS fighter was. Turns out, Min Min won the poll!), although some would have expected Spring Man to be added and not her.
I think she would make friends super easily though, as she's a very likable person. Besides, she can make a killer bowl of ramen!
I feel as if of all the final fantasy characters I can see Edgar and Cecil getting along with Marth or Roy. I know it has nothing to do with smash but yeah. Edgar being who he is he’s not the kind of king who looks down on others rather he’s for his people. He did pay the shop keeper in the castle despite protests. Fun fact if you have Edgar in your party you get discounts in the castle shops. He and Sabin are the best party members over all. I always both of them.

Cecil like Edgar he’s a good king and person. Let’s not forget his dark knight before becoming paladin. He’s one of my favorite characters for how strong he is and versatile he is.
I feel as if of all the final fantasy characters I can see Edgar and Cecil getting along with Marth or Roy. I know it has nothing to do with smash but yeah. Edgar being who he is he’s not the kind of king who looks down on others rather he’s for his people. He did pay the shop keeper in the castle despite protests. Fun fact if you have Edgar in your party you get discounts in the castle shops. He and Sabin are the best party members over all. I always both of them.

Cecil like Edgar he’s a good king and person. Let’s not forget his dark knight before becoming paladin. He’s one of my favorite characters for how strong he is and versatile he is.
I can see that. I don't know too much about FF but from what I know about it, I'm sure that Marth and Roy would get along with the pair of them. It's quite easy to get along with Fire Emblem protags lol
I can see that. I don't know too much about FF but from what I know about it, I'm sure that Marth and Roy would get along with the pair of them. It's quite easy to get along with Fire Emblem protags lol
Edgar being the kind to invite everyone out for drinks despite being a king and he goes ‘psh that won’t stop me! We’re friends, no?’ He pays for everyone.
Edgar’s back story is he acted as an ally for emperor gestahl when he’s really working with the returners who are a rebel group. He believes the empire is responsible for his father’s death. He has no proof he sent spies. Oh and he gave up his freedom so Sabin can have his.
I can see Pit looking at Byleth similarly to Lucina and try to put a smile on his face, and genuinely find it sad that he doesn’t have a heart and so cannot express emotions like a typical person.

He’s a pretty fearless angel so I think he’d be likely to give new arrivals a friendly welcome unless they’re obviously evil. Considering there’s no 4th Wall in KI, and Pit has had many cameo appearances with other fighters, he may already be on friendly terms with a lot of them prior to his appearance in Brawl.

I like to RP Pit viewing Samus as his older sister due to Metroid and Kid Icarus being sister-games, and their shared history.

Toon Link is probably the most chill of the Links on the roster. I don’t think he’d have trouble getting along with anyone outside of the obviously evil fighters.
Edgar being the kind to invite everyone out for drinks despite being a king and he goes ‘psh that won’t stop me! We’re friends, no?’ He pays for everyone.
Edgar’s back story is he acted as an ally for emperor gestahl when he’s really working with the returners who are a rebel group. He believes the empire is responsible for his father’s death. He has no proof he sent spies. Oh and he gave up his freedom so Sabin can have his.
Marth and Edgar share many similarities. Marth's parents both died to the hands of evil, and he sacrificed many things for the benefit of others. He led an alliance, defeated a dragon of shadow with his Fire Emblem (the Falchion), and "The Hero-King" left behind a legacy that is revered through generations on end. Lucina and Chrom are living proof of that.
Meanwhile, Dark Pit:

I think Dark Pit would have an overall “leave me alone, I leave you alone,” approach towards most. Hostility toward him will get hostility in return. I can see him being the Cool Big Brother toward the younger fighters, and he’s kind to the Pokemon and more animalistic fighters such as Yoshi and Duck Hunt. Fighters who are calm and aren’t overbearing are the most likely to get along with him.
Marth and Edgar share many similarities. Marth's parents both died to the hands of evil, and he sacrificed many things for the benefit of others. He led an alliance, defeated a dragon of shadow with his Fire Emblem (the Falchion), and "The Hero-King" left behind a legacy that is revered through generations on end. Lucina and Chrom are living proof of that.
Banon is the leader of the returners. Edgar joined in the shadows as a double agent it wasn’t until rescuing Terra from the imperial army that he’s he's really a returner and escaping Kefka.
Sabin knows of what the emperor wanted to do to Doma.. Celes openly opposed the idea of genocide. She got arrested.
--Min Min has mixed feelings as well, of course, some loved the addition of her to Smash (there was once a poll done to see who the most popular ARMS fighter was. Turns out, Min Min won the poll!), although some would have expected Spring Man to be added and not her.
I think she would make friends super easily though, as she's a very likable person. Besides, she can make a killer bowl of ramen!

Captain Falcon:

And now thanks to Min Min, Cap was inspired to take up cooking oriental cuisine!
Captain Falcon:

And now thanks to Min Min, Cap was inspired to take up cooking oriental cuisine!
Awh! Min Min would definitely take Falcon under her wing, maybe even let him work at the Mintendo Noodle House from time to time!
She might even teach Kirbo as well lmao
She'd teach them that the reason that her cooking tastes so good is that with preparing the meal, among everything else she does, she pours passion and attention into it. Which is why nothing tastes better than Min's home-cooked cuisine!

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