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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Saw this and instantly thought this would be Mika and Joker they have learned his dumbassery or is it smartassery lol
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Omg, Link would teach Kaida to shield surf? Then Kaida would teach Corrin, Percy, maybe even Sora how to do it! ^^
I can just imagine Kaida walking around in Link's knight outfit as a lil tot, even though it doesn't fit her Link still lets her wear it sometimes when he's off duty, and Kaida's dragging around a toy sword with her and waving it at imaginary foes, while Link says affectionately to Zelda, "Look at her go! She's got a few more inches to grow, but I know she's got what it takes."
And Zelda just smiles and replies, "Knowing her father, she's destined for great things someday." <3

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Please, I beg of you, DRAW MORE OF HER! Or at least the complete art piece!
And YES, tell me these headcanons, p l e a s e
I adore Zelda's design! Your take on her is better than anything I could have DREAMED of coming up with! I'm actually so freaking happy that you decided to draw this lmao, you have no idea, I forgot I wanted you to draw OoT Zelda in her divine form, but I'M SO GLAD YOU DID!!! Is this you repenting for maid Corrin? XD-
Aww, yes! Link would try to show off a little and pull a Tony Hawk:

DUDE THAT IS SO CUTE! I should draw Kaida in Link's knight outfit >w<

I wanted her to look a little like Hylia/Zelda from Skyward Sword, but also have her own flair! After all, there are only two Zeldas I know who end up fully releasing the goddess that's surpressed inside of them, that being SS Zelda and OoT Zelds :3
Thank you, child, for being willing to listen to my stupid brain :']
I plan to draw a lot more of this design, since it will probably end up in the RP at least once. Also because I had a blast drawing Her Grace!
I'm really glad you like her design, and of course I remembered! I've been wanting to draw this too!
Captain Falcon: And you're STILL garbage!

(Headcanon: If there's one female Smash Bros. That Falcon dislikes the most it would be Zelda. He doesn'toutright hate her like Ness but he will throw shade at her if she's around.)

(Beautiful work btw!)
Zelda: "...Okay, I would low-key agree with you if I wasn't me."

OoT Zelda would agree lol, especially after learning that in one of the timelines her and Link's sacrifice still led to Hyrule's decline anyway.

Thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like it ^^

OMG SHE’S SO FUCKNG PRETTY HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And bruh I’m mad jealous at your calligraphy skills, it’s so friggin fancy!!

no amount of divinity will save poor Zelda from being bottom tier 🥲 vhskfhfkf but I’d love to know the story behind Cap’s beef with zel lmao

Being real though, tysm. I was a bit hesitant to draw her at first but I'm so glad people liked my design.
Lol I didn't expect my cursive to get complimented, but thank you! I've been practicing it a lot recently.

Come on, bottom tier is where the REAL party is at! XD
You know I said I was done, but a thought came into my head so I have 1 last kid maybe I gotta not leave Shulk out after all this but heh

I swear I give Yoshi very lil love so I offer Yoshi's child brought by Crazy Hand I PROMISE THIS ISN'T CURSED
It's an EGG!
Yosh is so cuuuuute!!! <3
Okay good lol. Glad we’re on the same page here!

Aster suddenly is getting along with Harkinian really well and Roxas is proud, but also really shocked. Finally he doesn’t have to constantly worry something is going to go wrong between them!

Aw that’s so cute! Seems like something Roxas would learn from Sora and then just decides to try it. He would never dare with Aster so lil Hawk gets it!

Adult Sora still is the biggest child at heart! Percy may excitable but his father still has him beat and it’s Cap! How could he not be excited?!
Meanwhile, Corrin’s family getting more reasons in why Sora is unfit to be King if Valla
If Sora were crowned king, I can see his first royal declaration being that his first day as king shall become Free Ice Cream day!

I can see Roxas performing the Peter Panda Dance in the exact same way and tone as the video, and Harkinian calling him daddy. Again it's awkward, but maybe it breaks Roxas' heart a bit, for both Lil' Hawk and Dark Pit. Maybe he also thinks about how his own absence affects Aster?

I had a scene in my head of Hawk seeing birds (or maybe the Rito?) and pointing them out to Aster, who is tasked with watching him. She sees the longing look on his face as he watches them fly, then has the idea that if Hawk can learn to fly then he'll fly away and never bother her again, so she hatches different schemes to get him to grow wings and fly. One scheme is getting Hawk to run down the banquet table and jump off of it. Fortunately, an adult spots Harkinian and catches him mid-jump!

Aster tries making Harkinian a pair of wings out of paper and glued feathers, then attaching them to Harkinian's back with string. Lil' Hawk is so delighted with his wings and seeing him so happy with her work gives her a brief, "You know, maybe he's not so bad!" moment.

Zelda probably hears things along the lines of, "How can our King sire something so precious? Oh, please excuse me, my Queen!" a lot! XD I can imagine Hyrule (and Angel Land as well) having doubts about Zelda and Dark Pit's union (I can so see Viridi sarcastically taking bets on how long the unity between Hyrule and Angel Land will last!) Things can go very wrong very fast! Then the people of Hyrule begin to see that while their new king is very stern and sharp of tongue, he is also very fair and just, and genuinely cares about the well-being of the kingdom and their beloved princess-now-queen. He definitely earns the respect of the Hyrulean military very quickly!

I'm sorry, y'all! I really enjoy thinking about this AU! ^^' Legend of Zelda and Kid Icarus are my favorite Nintendo games so it's no wonder I'd really have fun with the thought of the two settings together!
Had a random thought of Seraphina creating the infamous ‘burn’ book from Mean Girls. Her dad wonders why he never thought of that and gleefully runs with it. Oh the fun the it would cause.
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Okay, here are some headcanons I immediately had:
  • She looks a little like Sonia from TotK, I did that on purpose, since Sonia is the first Queen of Hyrule after the goddess reborn and the child of sky (Zelda and Link from SS) defeated Demise and freed the Surface. This means that OoT Zelda is a descendant of Sonia, as well as BoTW Zelda. This means Link is officially older than all the Zeldas in the RP!
  • I have a headcanon that the Ballad of the Goddess goes by another name: Hylia's Lullaby (did you know that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but reversed? I imagine Hylia's Lullaby to be the same as the Ballad of the Goddess, just simplified). Only Impa knows this song, and similar to how SS Impa helped SS Zelda remember her divinity, OoT Impa did the same for OoT Zelda. Of course, most of the songs from OoT and SS were lost to time, never to be heard of again. Hylia's Lullaby is one of those songs, although Zelda's Lullaby is still remembered. Hylia's Lullaby, when played on the Goddess' Harp, is the only way for a Zelda to unsuppress her full divinity. Impa taught Zelda the song in case of an emergency, and warned her to only use it if there was no other way to defeat Ganon.
  • Zelda can only be in her divine form for a short amount of time before it begins to take a toll on her, and that's not even when she's using her magic. The reason why Zelda fell alongside Link is because her mortal body couldn't handle all the strength of the goddess at once without ever using it before. I imagine that she would have to build up a tolerance to it over time to be able to truly use her abilities to their full potential.
  • If this makes sense: Zelda will not remember what had occurred while she was in her divine state, but her "Hylia" form will be aware of what was happening before she was brought out again. Idk why I feel this to be true, it just seems right to me. Her divine state would also probably be aware of things that normal Zelda wouldn't know.
  • Aside from her Sealing magic and Harp, Zelda can also wield divine weapons. I'm thinking a cross between the Master and Goddess Sword and the Goddess Shield (all from SS). These aren't as powerful as Link's Hylian Shield and Master Sword, of course, but then again, Hylia is divine while Link is a mortal. Link needs the best of the best to defeat Ganon.
This is all I got for now lol, sorry if they suck qwq
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Okay, here are some headcanons I immediately had:
  • She looks a little like Sonia from TotK, I did that on purpose, since Sonia is the first Queen of Hyrule after the goddess reborn and the child of sky (Zelda and Link from SS) defeated Demise and freed the Surface. This means that OoT Zelda is a descendant of Sonia, as well as BoTW Zelda. This means Link is officially older than all the Zeldas in the RP!
  • I have a headcanon that the Ballad of the Goddess goes by another name: Hylia's Lullaby (did you know that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but reversed? I imagine Hylia's Lullaby to be the same as the Ballad of the Goddess, just simplified). Only Impa knows this song, and similar to how SS Impa helped SS Zelda remember her divinity, OoT Impa did the same for OoT Zelda. Of course, most of the songs from OoT and SS were lost to time, never to be heard of again. Hylia's Lullaby is one of those songs, although Zelda's Lullaby is still remembered. Hylia's Lullaby, when played on the Goddess' Harp, is the only way for a Zelda to unsuppress her full divinity. Impa taught Zelda the song in case of an emergency, and warned her to only use it if there was no other way to defeat Ganon.
  • Zelda can only be in her divine form for a short amount of time before it begins to take a toll on her, and that's not even when she's using her magic. The reason why Zelda fell alongside Link is because her mortal body couldn't handle all the strength of the goddess at once without ever using it before. I imagine that she would have to build up a tolerance to it over time to be able to truly use her abilities to their full potential.
  • If this makes sense: Zelda will not remember what had occurred while she was in her divine state, but her "Hylia" form will be aware of what was happening before she was brought out again. Idk why I feel this to be true, it just seems right to me. Her divine state would also probably be aware of things that normal Zelda wouldn't know.
  • Aside from her Sealing magic and Harp, Zelda can also wield divine weapons. I'm thinking a cross between the Master and Goddess Sword and the Goddess Shield (all from SS). These aren't as powerful as Link's Hylian Shield and Master Sword, of course, but then again, Hylia is divine while Link is a mortal. Link needs the best of the best to defeat Ganon.
This is all I got for now lol, sorry if they suck qwq
Honestly they make sense to me. Aww they don’t suck. Stop.
Sora's just completely embarrassed as Percy is babbling about how he saw a doodle of Sora giving a Paopu fruit (though Percy probably just calls it a star) to some girl. Sora does not wanna comment on this

No worries! Don't feel like you gotta come up with stuff lol!

Well it just so happens Sora is familiar with shield surfing, albeit with the help of Goofy! They are all about to start shield surfing! Family bonding time!
Corrin would just be smiling while also confused as to why Sora's so embarrassed, lol she'd probably see childhood crushes as perfectly normal, although Sora's still a child at heart no matter what age!

Naurrr cuz Like I really like all your ideas and I feel like I'm not contributing >:,(

Oooh, neat! Hopefully Link and Corrin got some old shields to use! It'd be a fun way to spend an afternoon in Hyrule Field!
Aww, yes! Link would try to show off a little and pull a Tony Hawk:

DUDE THAT IS SO CUTE! I should draw Kaida in Link's knight outfit >w<

I wanted her to look a little like Hylia/Zelda from Skyward Sword, but also have her own flair! After all, there are only two Zeldas I know who end up fully releasing the goddess that's surpressed inside of them, that being SS Zelda and OoT Zelds :3
Thank you, child, for being willing to listen to my stupid brain :']
I plan to draw a lot more of this design, since it will probably end up in the RP at least once. Also because I had a blast drawing Her Grace!
I'm really glad you like her design, and of course I remembered! I've been wanting to draw this too!
Lmao Link pulls a sick kickflip with his shield and walks back to an amazed Corrin like, "What, you've never seen someone do that before?"

You should!! Add that to the list of things to doodle XD

YOU'RE WELCOME! And I can tell that's what you were going for, she looks incredible, I would kill to see more art of Divine Zelda.
Your ideas aren't stupid! Come on, your creativity is amazing! Case in point: Zelda's terrific design!
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Okay, here are some headcanons I immediately had:
  • She looks a little like Sonia from TotK, I did that on purpose, since Sonia is the first Queen of Hyrule after the goddess reborn and the child of sky (Zelda and Link from SS) defeated Demise and freed the Surface. This means that OoT Zelda is a descendant of Sonia, as well as BoTW Zelda. This means Link is officially older than all the Zeldas in the RP!
  • I have a headcanon that the Ballad of the Goddess goes by another name: Hylia's Lullaby (did you know that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but reversed? I imagine Hylia's Lullaby to be the same as the Ballad of the Goddess, just simplified). Only Impa knows this song, and similar to how SS Impa helped SS Zelda remember her divinity, OoT Impa did the same for OoT Zelda. Of course, most of the songs from OoT and SS were lost to time, never to be heard of again. Hylia's Lullaby is one of those songs, although Zelda's Lullaby is still remembered. Hylia's Lullaby, when played on the Goddess' Harp, is the only way for a Zelda to unsuppress her full divinity. Impa taught Zelda the song in case of an emergency, and warned her to only use it if there was no other way to defeat Ganon.
  • Zelda can only be in her divine form for a short amount of time before it begins to take a toll on her, and that's not even when she's using her magic. The reason why Zelda fell alongside Link is because her mortal body couldn't handle all the strength of the goddess at once without ever using it before. I imagine that she would have to build up a tolerance to it over time to be able to truly use her abilities to their full potential.
  • If this makes sense: Zelda will not remember what had occurred while she was in her divine state, but her "Hylia" form will be aware of what was happening before she was brought out again. Idk why I feel this to be true, it just seems right to me. Her divine state would also probably be aware of things that normal Zelda wouldn't know.
  • Aside from her Sealing magic and Harp, Zelda can also wield divine weapons. I'm thinking a cross between the Master and Goddess Sword and the Goddess Shield (all from SS). These aren't as powerful as Link's Hylian Shield and Master Sword, of course, but then again, Hylia is divine while Link is a mortal. Link needs the best of the best to defeat Ganon.
This is all I got for now lol, sorry if they suck qwq
--I completely forgot about Sonia! But your right, Zelda looks a little like her! Lmao Tetra's been calling Zelda "grandma" but Link's older than her XD

--Oooh, that explanation is actually really well thought-out! I like how arguably the two most important Zeldas of the LoZ timeline are the ones who really got that Hylia side to them! I like to imagine Impa and Zelda being very close over the years that they were training together. ^^
Also, I had no clue that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but in reverse, that's a neat little factoid.

--Ohhh, I see! So each time that Zelda transforms, she can withstand the strain of the goddess a little longer than the last? Cool! I like how she would actually have to learn how to use her divinity instead of instantly being able to. Also, I have a feeling that if OoT Zelda and her divine form was actually in Smash Bros, it would be related to her final smash!

--No, no, that makes sense! So Zelda taps out for a little while until she returns to a normal state? That's actually a pretty nice idea. Tetra would ask her a bunch of things, and then just assume Zelda remembered what she had said in her "Hylia" form, then be like "Does grandma ALREADY have dementia???" XD

--A cross between the Master and Goddess Sword? That weapon sounds like it would look beautiful tbh. Is it the Master Sword, but it changes when Hylia picks it up (since the blade was already Hylia's to begin with before she had Link wield it instead)? I feel like instead of using her sealing magic at the beginning, she'd alternate to these weapons so she'd be able to last longer. Gives me Athena vibes from Greek Mythology.
I wonder how does save the queen sound as a name for Seraphina’s sword?
It sounds like a great name tbh :3
I can see Tetra and Seraphina snarking at each other. They call each other very ‘creative names’ while Seph just conveniently pretends to not listen or just checks out he’s used to Sera’s potty mouth. Either way he don’t care cause he’s a gremlin himself. While they are having a go at each other he sneaks away to who knows where. XD
Corrin would just be smiling while also confused as to why Sora's so embarrassed, lol she'd probably see childhood crushes as perfectly normal, although Sora's still a child at heart no matter what age!

Naurrr cuz Like I really like all your ideas and I feel like I'm not contributing >:,(

Oooh, neat! Hopefully Link and Corrin got some old shields to use! It'd be a fun way to spend an afternoon in Hyrule Field!

Lmao Link pulls a sick kickflip with his shield and walks back to an amazed Corrin like, "What, you've never seen someone do that before?"

You should!! Add that to the list of things to doodle XD

YOU'RE WELCOME! And I can tell that's what you were going for, she looks incredible, I would kill to see more art of Divine Zelda.
Your ideas aren't stupid! Come on, your creativity is amazing! Case in point: Zelda's terrific design!

--I completely forgot about Sonia! But your right, Zelda looks a little like her! Lmao Tetra's been calling Zelda "grandma" but Link's older than her XD

--Oooh, that explanation is actually really well thought-out! I like how arguably the two most important Zeldas of the LoZ timeline are the ones who really got that Hylia side to them! I like to imagine Impa and Zelda being very close over the years that they were training together. ^^
Also, I had no clue that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but in reverse, that's a neat little factoid.

--Ohhh, I see! So each time that Zelda transforms, she can withstand the strain of the goddess a little longer than the last? Cool! I like how she would actually have to learn how to use her divinity instead of instantly being able to. Also, I have a feeling that if OoT Zelda and her divine form was actually in Smash Bros, it would be related to her final smash!

--No, no, that makes sense! So Zelda taps out for a little while until she returns to a normal state? That's actually a pretty nice idea. Tetra would ask her a bunch of things, and then just assume Zelda remembered what she had said in her "Hylia" form, then be like "Does grandma ALREADY have dementia???" XD

--A cross between the Master and Goddess Sword? That weapon sounds like it would look beautiful tbh. Is it the Master Sword, but it changes when Hylia picks it up (since the blade was already Hylia's to begin with before she had Link wield it instead)? I feel like instead of using her sealing magic at the beginning, she'd alternate to these weapons so she'd be able to last longer. Gives me Athena vibes from Greek Mythology.

It sounds like a great name tbh :3
… I’m getting bad ass goddess vibes with the idea of combining the master sword and goddess sword. She wins the better weapon contest against Seph you can’t compare I think she could go with TP wolf link. bad ass weapon calls for a bad ass wolf form.
I can see Tetra and Seraphina snarking at each other. They call each other very ‘creative names’ while Seph just conveniently pretends to not listen or just checks out he’s used to Sera’s potty mouth. Either way he don’t care cause he’s a gremlin himself. While they are having a go at each other he sneaks away to who knows where. XD
Lmao, Tetra snarks at anyone, no exceptions. I can imagine her using foul pirate slang as well until Sheik pulls her away and tells her that as a princess she ought to be a bit more polite XD
… I’m getting bad ass goddess vibes with the idea of combining the master sword and goddess sword. She wins the better weapon contest against Seph you can’t compare I think she could go with TP wolf link. bad ass weapon calls for a bad ass wolf form.
I mean, the master sword was created by Hylia and was the main weapon she used in the war against her archenemy Demise. Lol Sephiroth's got nothing on Hylia weapon-wise, despite them both technically being celestial. Lmao OoT Zelda doesn't really have a Link that has a bad-ass form, unless you somehow count Fierce Deity Link, and that's a major stretch as he's technically from Majora's Mask.
I think Tetra and Professor Layton meeting would be pretty fun!

Layton: Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you alright, dear?

Tetra: Who are you calling 'dear,' old man??

Luke: 'EY! That's my mentor you're shouting at! Show some respect!
I wanted to share photos of the fur boys not the best quality sorry.


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I think Tetra and Professor Layton meeting would be pretty fun!

Layton: Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you alright, dear?

Tetra: Who are you calling 'dear,' old man??

Luke: 'EY! That's my mentor you're shouting at! Show some respect!
XD Tetra knows NO boundaries except for Toon Link, possibly
I wanted to share photos of the fur boys not the best quality sorry.
F L O O F :3
Honestly they make sense to me. Aww they don’t suck. Stop.
QwQ Thank you
Lmao Link pulls a sick kickflip with his shield and walks back to an amazed Corrin like, "What, you've never seen someone do that before?"

You should!! Add that to the list of things to doodle XD

YOU'RE WELCOME! And I can tell that's what you were going for, she looks incredible, I would kill to see more art of Divine Zelda.
Your ideas aren't stupid! Come on, your creativity is amazing! Case in point: Zelda's terrific design!
--I completely forgot about Sonia! But your right, Zelda looks a little like her! Lmao Tetra's been calling Zelda "grandma" but Link's older than her XD

--Oooh, that explanation is actually really well thought-out! I like how arguably the two most important Zeldas of the LoZ timeline are the ones who really got that Hylia side to them! I like to imagine Impa and Zelda being very close over the years that they were training together. ^^
Also, I had no clue that Zelda's Lullaby is just the Ballad of the Goddess but in reverse, that's a neat little factoid.

--Ohhh, I see! So each time that Zelda transforms, she can withstand the strain of the goddess a little longer than the last? Cool! I like how she would actually have to learn how to use her divinity instead of instantly being able to. Also, I have a feeling that if OoT Zelda and her divine form was actually in Smash Bros, it would be related to her final smash!

--No, no, that makes sense! So Zelda taps out for a little while until she returns to a normal state? That's actually a pretty nice idea. Tetra would ask her a bunch of things, and then just assume Zelda remembered what she had said in her "Hylia" form, then be like "Does grandma ALREADY have dementia???" XD

--A cross between the Master and Goddess Sword? That weapon sounds like it would look beautiful tbh. Is it the Master Sword, but it changes when Hylia picks it up (since the blade was already Hylia's to begin with before she had Link wield it instead)? I feel like instead of using her sealing magic at the beginning, she'd alternate to these weapons so she'd be able to last longer. Gives me Athena vibes from Greek Mythology.
Corrin's just gaping at him like "...How??!?!!?1?!?"

Yeah, at least once the form will show up.
Lmao Tetra might as well start calling Link "Great-great-great grandpa" or something along those lines XD

Mhmm, Zelda and Impa were very close, since Impa was the one who basically raised and prepared her after they fled Hyrule together.

Yep! There'll be a couple of mishaps along the way, but she'll get the hang of it!
Zelda will be quite frail and exhausted after she returns to her normal state, so that is the main reason why Zelda won't be in her "Hylia" form too often.

Lmfao Tetra will just run up to Zelda while she's recuperating and being like, "HOW CAN YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT 10 MINUTES AGO?!?!"

Heehehehe, I finished the design! I'll post it here :3
… I’m getting bad ass goddess vibes with the idea of combining the master sword and goddess sword. She wins the better weapon contest against Seph you can’t compare I think she could go with TP wolf link. bad ass weapon calls for a bad ass wolf form.
Divine Zelda going up to Sephiroth and being like, "That's your sword? P a t h e t i c."
Lmao, Tetra snarks at anyone, no exceptions. I can imagine her using foul pirate slang as well until Sheik pulls her away and tells her that as a princess she ought to be a bit more polite XD

I mean, the master sword was created by Hylia and was the main weapon she used in the war against her archenemy Demise. Lol Sephiroth's got nothing on Hylia weapon-wise, despite them both technically being celestial. Lmao OoT Zelda doesn't really have a Link that has a bad-ass form, unless you somehow count Fierce Deity Link, and that's a major stretch as he's technically from Majora's Mask.
All of that is very accurate XD
QwQ Thank you

Corrin's just gaping at him like "...How??!?!!?1?!?"

Yeah, at least once the form will show up.
Lmao Tetra might as well start calling Link "Great-great-great grandpa" or something along those lines XD

Mhmm, Zelda and Impa were very close, since Impa was the one who basically raised and prepared her after they fled Hyrule together.

Yep! There'll be a couple of mishaps along the way, but she'll get the hang of it!
Zelda will be quite frail and exhausted after she returns to her normal state, so that is the main reason why Zelda won't be in her "Hylia" form too often.

Lmfao Tetra will just run up to Zelda while she's recuperating and being like, "HOW CAN YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT 10 MINUTES AGO?!?!"

Heehehehe, I finished the design! I'll post it here :3

Divine Zelda going up to Sephiroth and being like, "That's your sword? P a t h e t i c."

All of that is very accurate XD
Seph being all offended then remembers he still has the summons who are astrals. Then there’s Minerva the same goddess Genesis is obsessed with.
Finally posted for Professor Layton. I'm so sorry for how short it is, especially with how long I took just to get a post out.
Seph being all offended then remembers he still has the summons who are astrals. Then there’s Minerva the same goddess Genesis is obsessed with.
I think Minerva was the physical manifestation of the Lifestream. Probably the closest thing to a God in FF7
Seph being all offended then remembers he still has the summons who are astrals. Then there’s Minerva the same goddess Genesis is obsessed with.
Lol, I think Zelds would simultaneously be reminded of her eternal nemesis, Ganon, and an immature dork while talking to Sephiroth XD
Bruh!! What you talking about?!! It’s still great to me.
Thanks, I just wish I had a steadier hand lol, I end up drawing uneven swords and stuff most of the time TwT
XD Tetra knows NO boundaries except for Toon Link, possibly
Tetra is noticeably softer towards T'ink in Phantom Hourglass, but I can see her still throwing snark his way. Thankfully, he is so chill that it doesn't bother him.

I actually really disliked how Link was characterized in the Phantom Hourglass manga. He was a really cocky, short-tempered, impudent little guy. While there are some mildly cheeky dialogue options in Wind Waker (and my T'ink has had moments of cheek in the RP), to me Link came off mostly as a klutzy little sweetheart who tends to act before he thinks, and only shows anger when it comes to threats toward his sister. I can't see the sleepy little boy who clearly loves his sister and grandmother making a snarky comment to Tetra to stay on the ship in safety while he, the great hero, goes exploring.

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