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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

This is random but adding on to the roasting that Lunaris roasts Seph for having Lance Bass as his KH voice actor lmao. Random fact Genesis’s cris core’s Japanese VA is played by a singer called Gackt.
This is random but adding on to the roasting that Lunaris roasts Seph for having Lance Bass as his KH voice actor lmao. Random fact Genesis’s cris core’s Japanese VA is played by a singer called Gackt.
Lunaris: ... The Backstreet Boys were better.

Sephiroth: *TRIGGERED*
I only had time to write for Min Min, but soon I’ll add Agent 8 to my post as well.

He’ll be shocked to see Agent 3’s new pals XD
Lmao, I'd love to see them go back and forth like that XD

And I will! Forevermore Forevermore had a couple of characters she wanted to use already, and it just so happened that one of them was Samus!
Agh, you outed me!

Anyways, hello there! As Hazy mentioned, I would like to fill Samus’ role, but I have a few other characters in mind as well if that’s okay.
Agh, you outed me!

Anyways, hello there! As Hazy mentioned, I would like to fill Samus’ role, but I have a few other characters in mind as well if that’s okay.
Cool! Who do you have in mind?

We had an excellent Samus RPer, but they disappeared (hope they're okay!), and I've been RPing as her until I found another player because it would be too awkward to remove her. I'll fill you in on everything she's been through up to this point if you decide to join.
I imagine Toon Link with an Irish accent because of all the Celtic elements in Wind Waker. I can easily imagine T'ink and Tetra step-dancing together to Dulaman

I imagine the King of Red Lions sounding like Sean Connery, and every time I've told folks this they tell me they can't unhear it lol

Tetra wonders how Zelda can put up with Dark Pit and Zelda, while giving one of his wings some scritches (she's probably the only one with wing-touching privileges!) says with a cute giggle, "Oh, don't let his scowl fool you. He's actually very sweet once you get to know him!" And Pittoo is red-faced and scowling.

I love the idea of Dark Pit teaching Zelda how to speak Greek, and teaches her the cuss words without telling her what they mean XD Zelda, wanting to show Pit what she has learned, innocently addresses him as "malakas" which is Greek for "wanker" and he's very shocked by this until he hears Dark Pit laughing his ass off.

In regards to the RP, I have a headcanon that Master Hand put an enchantment on the Smash Realm to break language barriers after poor Marth and Roy joined in Melee, but Crazy Hand went behind his back and messed around with things, and that's why the Inklings still speak Inkish!

Ah, that song is perfection!

Tetra would just look at DP judgementally or amusedly depending on her mood, lol.
“So, are you her little pet bird or something?”

And I like that headcanon of yours! Although that won’t stop Min Min from shouting random Mandarin phrases!
Agh, you outed me!

Anyways, hello there! As Hazy mentioned, I would like to fill Samus’ role, but I have a few other characters in mind as well if that’s okay.
Cool! Who do you have in mind?

We had an excellent Samus RPer, but they disappeared (hope they're okay!), and I've been RPing as her until I found another player because it would be too awkward to remove her. I'll fill you in on everything she's been through up to this point if you decide to join.
I just hope I’m up to the task…I used to be a fan of the older Metroid games.

Well, you already know about Samus, but I was also thinking about doing Princess Daisy, Lucas, and Sheik, since I heard about the Sheik vs Tetra debate and I thought it would be fun to have the two Zeldas-in-disguise meet.
I just hope I’m up to the task…I used to be a fan of the older Metroid games.

Well, you already know about Samus, but I was also thinking about doing Princess Daisy, Lucas, and Sheik, since I heard about the Sheik vs Tetra debate and I thought it would be fun to have the two Zeldas-in-disguise meet.
Lol Zelda, Sheik, and Tetra all in one group? YES! And then there's Samus. I RP Pikachu as female. Dark Pit is trapped in a group that's made up entirely of GIRLS! He's the grumpy stray they found and decided to keep LOL

Just out of curiosity, are you planning on RPing Sheik as a separate entity, or as OoT/Melee or TP/Brawl/Smash4 Zelda?
I just hope I’m up to the task…I used to be a fan of the older Metroid games.

Well, you already know about Samus, but I was also thinking about doing Princess Daisy, Lucas, and Sheik, since I heard about the Sheik vs Tetra debate and I thought it would be fun to have the two Zeldas-in-disguise meet.
Lol Zelda, Sheik, and Tetra all in one group? YES! And then there's Samus. I RP Pikachu as female. Dark Pit is trapped in a group that's made up entirely of GIRLS! He's the grumpy stray they found and decided to keep LOL

It’s gonna be a Zelda Extravaganza!
Lol Zelda, Sheik, and Tetra all in one group? YES! And then there's Samus. I RP Pikachu as female. Dark Pit is trapped in a group that's made up entirely of GIRLS! He's the grumpy stray they found and decided to keep LOL

Just out of curiosity, are you planning on RPing Sheik as a separate entity, or as OoT/Melee or TP/Brawl/Smash4 Zelda?
Yep, preeetty much lmao! I imagine Tetra wanting to learn how to be a Sheikah like her. That or Sheik having to watch over Tetra so she doesn’t run off and cause chaos.

I’m planning to have Sheik be OoT Zelda, although similarly to Tetra, she’ll mostly be in her Sheikah garb instead of her princess attire. I imagine that OoT Zelda would find being in that dress all the time very restricting.
Yep, preeetty much lmao! I imagine Tetra wanting to learn how to be a Sheikah like her. That or Sheik having to watch over Tetra so she doesn’t run off and cause chaos.

I’m planning to have Sheik be OoT Zelda, although similarly to Tetra, she’ll mostly be in her Sheikah garb instead of her princess attire. I imagine that OoT Zelda would find being in that dress all the time very restricting.
Oh my god, yes! Tetra will want to learn how to use needle storms and smoke bombs just like her, although she’ll use those skills for reckless behavior lmao

I can imagine both of them showing each other their princess forms and Tetra saying sarcastically, “Ah, look, I guess I’m your ‘mini-me’…” and Sheik is just like, “…Yeah, you’re my mini-me now.”
Oh my god, yes! Tetra will want to learn how to use needle storms and smoke bombs just like her, although she’ll use those skills for reckless behavior lmao

I can imagine both of them showing each other their princess forms and Tetra saying sarcastically, “Ah, look, I guess I’m your ‘mini-me’…” and Sheik is just like, “…Yeah, you’re my mini-me now.”
“Rule #1 of being a Sheikah, you need to learn self-control-“

*Sheik turns around and watches as Tetra throws smoke bombs at Pittoo*

“…We’re already off to a bad start.”
I can see Pittoo bonking Tetra on the head similar to how InuYasha does to Shippo lol Dark Pit's hands are rated E for everyone!

Samus grounds both Tetra and Dark Pit because they're causing chaos inside her ship!
Djskfjfdgdkf omg Tetra and Sheik’s dynamic is literally the Pirate vs Ninja hypothetical brought to life and I absolutely love it
Djskfjfdgdkf omg Tetra and Sheik’s dynamic is literally the Pirate vs Ninja hypothetical brought to life and I absolutely love it
Zelda wanted to meet her other incarnations! She's gonna get her wish lol

They all learn about Hyrule's timeline (they found a copy of Hyrule Historia), and Tetra starts calling OoT Zelda/Sheik "grandma!" XD

Dark Pit: She's Zelda! She's Zelda! You're Zelda! I'M Zelda! Are there any more Zeldas I should know about?

Pikachu: *in princess cosplay* Pika!
Zelda wanted to meet her other incarnations! She's gonna get her wish lol

They all learn about Hyrule's timeline (they found a copy of Hyrule Historia), and Tetra starts calling OoT Zelda/Sheik "grandma!" XD

Dark Pit: She's Zelda! She's Zelda! You're Zelda! I'M Zelda! Are there any more Zeldas I should know about?

Pikachu: *in princess cosplay* Pika!
Sephiroth trying to figure out how many of them are and just gives up.
Zelda wanted to meet her other incarnations! She's gonna get her wish lol

They all learn about Hyrule's timeline, and Tetra starts calling OoT Zelda/Sheik "grandma!" XD

Dark Pit: She's Zelda! She's Zelda! You're Zelda! I'M Zelda! Are there any more Zeldas I should know about?

Pikachu: *in princess cosplay* Pika!

And she gets to meet the most badass incarnations of herself no less! oh gosh once the timeline discussion pops up poor Sheik’s gonna have to reconcile with Hyrule being flooded in one timeline and OOT Link’s death at the hands of Ganon in the other 😅
And she gets to meet the most badass incarnations of herself no less! oh gosh once the timeline discussion pops up poor Sheik’s gonna have to reconcile with Hyrule being flooded in one timeline and Link’s death at the hands of Ganon in the other.
Just imagine how OoT Link is going to feel about it. Bros going to go through the motions 😔 que In The End by Linkin Park
Sephiroth trying to figure out how many of them are and just gives up.
Sephiroth comes to the conclusion that more Zeldas are made by mitosis!

LOL all the Zeldas decide to give Samus and Pikachu make-overs to make them look like princesses too (they're both cool with this) and then they turn their gazes to Dark Pit.

Dark Pit: OH HELL NO!

He tries to flee but they all grab him and drag him back into Samus's ship.

Sephiroth comes to the conclusion that more Zeldas are made by mitosis!

LOL all the Zeldas decide to give Samus and Pikachu make-overs to make them look like princesses too (they're both cool with this) and then they turn their gazes to Dark Pit.

Dark Pit: OH HELL NO!

He tries to flee but they all grab him and drag him back into Samus's ship.

Heh luckily it’s just mitosis. If I’m going by Final Fantasy VII in terms of story the different Zelda’s would’ve brought the attention of a certain mad scientist. I’ll stop there..
Seph taking out all the kids for a day at the beach while it’s really a military training in disguise for their next outing at the gold saucer against the weapons.

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