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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

They will BOTH be calling her ma'am by the time she's done with them!

It's a shame Peach's player quit RPN. We were talking about Peach giving Dark Pit treats to keep him from leaving the group and rewarding him whenever he was on good behavior. She had to be subtle and sneaky with it so he never catches on that he's being "pavloved" into being a good boy! XD Peach taking it upon herself to be a mother figure for Pittoo is a cute and humorous thought. A real shame!

Tetra and Dark Pit will either be great friends or worst enemies lol I can see Tetra spotting Zelda and Pittoo being sweet to each other and rolling her eyes. "Ugh, how long do you think this will go on??"

For the Lake Shore, it just became morning, and Nurse Joy is distressed because Dark Pit snuck off into the night. Big the Cat and Froggy are sleeping under a tree by the lake. There's a laboratory by the lake that is owned by the Lake Scientist, with Nurse Joy living there too. Samus's ship is there, that should stick out like a sore thumb. The characters present are Samus, Peach, Zelda, and Cream and Cheese. I'm assuming they're sleeping inside Samus's ship, but I'm waiting for posts to confirm such (No rush, guys! Don't take this as a poke to post!) There is a woodland nearby where Pikachu and Dark Pit are being attacked by Juri Han.

I have an idea that will remove Peach from the game and will allow a new Peach player to jump back in if/when we get one. I can't RP both Samus and Peach. It's too much for me, unfortunately.

Feel free to come up with some silly stuff. I still owe the Jungle group a post, and I need to get around to setting up something for Team Woomy so they'll be informed of the situation regarding the Realm and the Pillars. Fortunately, with Team Woomy recuperating, there's no rush for that.
Tetra: "Why're you being so polite to her?"
Pittoo: "..."
Tetra: "Yeah, that's right. Stop being such a suck-up to these princesses."
Pittoo: "Aren't you also a princess?"
Tetra: "..."
Pittoo: "Yeah, that's right, Princess Zelda-"
Tetra: "SHUT UP-"

Also, I was wondering if I could invite a friend to this RP GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
She said she's interested and that she could take Samus off your hands if you'd like.
I'm gonna focus on getting a starter up for Shulk so that new interaction can get rolling then I'll work on Joker/Ann sometime early next week! I think I'll end up going with the Mountain Falls for Shulk like you suggested A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity since it would be kind of ironic to start him in the area he's unlocked in during WoL
Okay! Whenever you're ready, you can post and I'll go along with you!
Good thing you were cool with it cuz I was already writing everything up lmao!

Speaking of Shulk, I may have gone overboard on his intro. Oops lol
It's fine! I like how detailed it is actually lol

I'll get to writing for Min Min (and Agent 8) right now ^^
Tetra: "Why're you being so polite to her?"
Pittoo: "..."
Tetra: "Yeah, that's right. Stop being such a suck-up to these princesses."
Pittoo: "Aren't you also a princess?"
Tetra: "..."
Pittoo: "Yeah, that's right, Princess Zelda-"
Tetra: "SHUT UP-"

Also, I was wondering if I could invite a friend to this RP GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
She said she's interested and that she could take Samus off your hands if you'd like.

Okay! Whenever you're ready, you can post and I'll go along with you!
I can see the two of them getting on each other’s nerves by using their hated names. Tetra gets even angrier when sees Pittoo doesn’t address Zelda as “princess!” SSBU Zelda brings out his softer side. Maybe Tetra finds a way to weaponize that lol

And yes! If you know someone who’d make a great Samus, I’d love to have them in the game! I’ll be sure to fill them in as to what has happened with her.
I can see the two of them getting on each other’s nerves by using their hated names. Tetra gets even angrier when sees Pittoo doesn’t address Zelda as “princess!” SSBU Zelda brings out his softer side. Maybe Tetra finds a way to weaponize that lol

And yes! If you know someone who’d make a great Samus, I’d love to have them in the game! I’ll be sure to fill them in as to what has happened with her.
Lmao, I'd love to see them go back and forth like that XD

And I will! Forevermore Forevermore had a couple of characters she wanted to use already, and it just so happened that one of them was Samus!
By the way, I forgot to mention that Min Min's primary language is Mandarin, but she can speak English as well. Her posts will contain Mandarin phrases, but at the bottom of the post I'll include translations for what she's saying.
I RP Pit as being fluent in every language KI: U has been dubbed in but English because his illiteracy is an English dub thing, and he’s literate in KI NES. I figured it’d make a good 4th wall joke. In older RPs I’ve slipped some Greek into his speech.

Toon Link is silent for the most part, but I’ve always imagined him with an Irish accent.
Languages are always such a weird little thing in rps. It's always funny to think about

Your joker is a lovable gem lol
I appreciate it ^^ I do very much enjoy rping him after all and that typically helps a lot
It’d be kind of cute if it turns out Tetra and Pittoo actually enjoy fighting with each other to the point that if one doesn’t want to bicker, the other becomes distressed! And they get offended if someone else besides them uses the other’s hated name!
I RP Pit as being fluent in every language KI: U has been dubbed in but English because his illiteracy is an English dub thing, and he’s literate in KI NES. I figured it’d make a good 4th wall joke. In older RPs I’ve slipped some Greek into his speech.

Toon Link is silent for the most part, but I’ve always imagined him with an Irish accent.
Min Min speaks English for the sake of being able to understand her. In SSBU none of her voicelines are actually English.
Little Mac has that classic New York style accent
For some reason I always read Tetra's dialogue with a cockney British accent, don't ask me why, it probably has something to do with her sassy pirate attitude
And Agent 8 speaks Veemo, of course.
It’d be kind of cute if it turns out Tetra and Pittoo actually enjoy fighting with each other to the point that if one doesn’t want to bicker, the other becomes distressed! And they get offended if someone else besides them uses the other’s hated name!
Oh my god, that would be adorable lmfao, I could totally see that happening XD
"Ey! Only I'M allowed to piss them off like that! You better back off OR ELSE."
language wise all my answers are kinda boring 😅

Pichu speaks pokespeak, Inkling natively speaks Inkish though I imagine she might know a decent amount of Octarian, Isabelle speaks animalese, and Zelda speaks Hylian/General American English
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My characters generally don't have a defined language given their games ya know take place in fantasy worlds and it could be either Japanese or English depending on preference. Characters like Joker and Ann though are obviously Japanese speaking (with Joker knowing some English and Ann actually being bilingual and being fully fluent in English). Yoshi clearly speaks English/his own Yoshi language. Sora and Roxas I associate with English given Disney is involved. And I will not let Pyra/Mythra and Shulk be seen as anything but English. Xenoblade British/Irish/Welsh accents in the English dub are too good. Byleth likely speaks the Fire Emblem equivalent to an old European language, but my brain does not wanna figure that out LMAO
I imagine Toon Link with an Irish accent because of all the Celtic elements in Wind Waker. I can easily imagine T'ink and Tetra step-dancing together to Dulaman

I imagine the King of Red Lions sounding like Sean Connery, and every time I've told folks this they tell me they can't unhear it lol

Tetra wonders how Zelda can put up with Dark Pit and Zelda, while giving one of his wings some scritches (she's probably the only one with wing-touching privileges!) says with a cute giggle, "Oh, don't let his scowl fool you. He's actually very sweet once you get to know him!" And Pittoo is red-faced and scowling.

I love the idea of Dark Pit teaching Zelda how to speak Greek, and teaches her the cuss words without telling her what they mean XD Zelda, wanting to show Pit what she has learned, innocently addresses him as "malakas" which is Greek for "wanker" and he's very shocked by this until he hears Dark Pit laughing his ass off.

In regards to the RP, I have a headcanon that Master Hand put an enchantment on the Smash Realm to break language barriers after poor Marth and Roy joined in Melee, but Crazy Hand went behind his back and messed around with things, and that's why the Inklings still speak Inkish!

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