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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I probably shouldn't, but if help is needed on placing and nothing else strikes interest, I can always cave in on my urges to make Shulk and help start something new lord pray for me
Alright, let me know when he departs do that I may move on to the next phase of my master plan 😈
I'm cool with assuming the fortress moved. Maybe Shiri got it going? I don't have any plans for Lunaris at the moment, so don't let me stop you from your master plan!
I'm cool with assuming the fortress moved. Maybe Shiri got it going? I don't have any plans for Lunaris at the moment, so don't let me stop you from your master plan!
I'm supposed to have some "special: individuals arriving; however, they aren't going to show if they see the Flying Citadel as they don't want to risk potentially sparking Lunaris' curiosity in any way.
I'm supposed to have some "special: individuals arriving; however, they aren't going to show if they see the Flying Citadel as they don't want to risk potentially sparking Lunaris' curiosity in any way.
Feel free to assume the Flying Citadel moved then!

A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Maybe some of your PCs go to the Stadium because that's where the reunion was supposed to take place? They could meet up with Team Woomy while they're resting from battle. At the Lake Shore, Samus's ship is just outside the Lakeside Laboratory where the Lake Scientist from OoT and Nurse Joy live. It would be easy to spot Samus's ship.

I don't know why any of your PCs would be in the wasteland where the Battlefield Fortress is, but the Byleth group is pretty small so it'd be pretty easy to join them. The Jungle group is a little chaotic right now, but I'm trying to get it more focused. If you like a bit of chaos, though, there's the group for you.

Darklord95 Darklord95

I don't know what your plans are regarding Fawful and Light, Wind & Fire, but is there a possible way Tetra can be incorporated?
I mean a pair like Roxas and Isabelle can be joined outside the Military Base. Probably is easier than some of the bigger groups
The Pits and Sephiroth constantly impaling each other a la Devil May Cry would be pretty funny imo!
I logged into my old GaiaOnline account to get the scene of Linebeck insulting Ganondorf. Some posts have been skipped to keep it relevant to the scene. This RP took place back in 2010! x_x

Toon Link was about to come out from behind the bleachers to confront Ganondorf when an object in the sky caught his attention. It was a tiny speck at first, but it soon got bigger and bigger until Toon Link could make out what it was.

A white steamship was flying straight for the Stadium. Toon Link and Pichu watched as it got closer and closer until it struck the ground. It slid across the stadium, sending earth and stone flying in all directions until it came to a sudden stop, the force almost causing the steamship to tip over onto its side. There was a moment where there was no sound from the machine, but then the cabin door opened.

Linebeck, captain of the S.S. Linebeck, stepped out and onto the deck. Tall and diginified, he made his way to the front part of his ship. Standing with hands on hips and one foot foward in an imitation of Captain Morgan, his blue coat waving dramatically in a wind that came out of nowhere, Linebeck threw his head back and laughed triumphantly. A perfect landing!

Any epicness brought by his entrance was ruined by his laughter turning into a high-pitched cry of dismay.


Clapping his hands to his head, Linebeck stared at where the ship's bottom touched the ground with a look of dispair on his face.

This is bad! This is very, very, bad!

No seas means no sailing!

No sailing means no more traveling!

No more traveling means... no more booty!

This is veryveryvery bad!

Linebeck stepped off his steamship and tried to push it. After a few pitiful attempts at moving the ship, he placed his back against the boat side, sliding down to a sitting position. He folded his arms and closed his eyes, adopting a thoughtful pose. Okay... No problem! Captain Linebeck's gotten out of sticky situations before! He will just have to use all of his genius to...


Linebeck lifted his head and finally spotted the Smashers. Was he in some kind of freak show?! A talking blue sea urchin, an overdressed beachball, a giant disgusting toad; a giant Link... Wait! A GIANT LINK?! No! NO! That can't be right! He was seeing things! Linebeck rubbed his eyes and looked again.


How is that possible?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!


That's it! Of course! There can be no other explanation of it!

This is all a dream! Yes! A dream! He must have fallen asleep. When he wakes up, everything will be how it is supposed to be. The S.S. Linebeck will be back on the sea and there will be no giant Links in sight! Silently congratulating himself for his genius, Linebeck got onto his feet and moved toward the Smashers, hands on hips and a smug look on his face.

Linebeck stopped in front of Link and looked him up and down, then up, then down again, then up once more. He then snickered and shook his head. No... That little kid would never grow to be that tall!

Laughing lightly at the amusing thought, Linebeck nearly bumped into Ganondorf. He looked up at the even bigger man, hands on his hips. What was this ugly brute doing in his dream? Normally, Linebeck would've avoided the man like the plague, but this was his dream! Linebeck was the one in control here!

Linebeck raised a brow and smirked at Ganondorf. "Ah! You don't look that tough! What kind of man puts curlers in his hair?" Linebeck closed his eyes and waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "How ridiculous! You're reminding me of my auntie!"

Toon Link couldn't believe his eyes. Linebeck?! He was here too?! But, how--?! He was about to run over and greet the sailor when Linebeck began insulting Ganondorf.

Toon Link clapped both hands to his face. "Oh no...!"

Link raised an eyebrow, very peeved at Linebeck and the way he was staring. Staring back, but with narrowed eyes, he was about to ask what his problem was when he turned around and... started insulting Ganondorf.

"This won't end well." He idly commented, although it sounded like he didn't care much for the outcome...

Well, not many people insulted Ganondorf and got away with it!

Glancing around slightly before moving back, he happened to notice Toon Link's expression. Well, at least he knew you really shouldn't insult him, of all people.

Zelda blinked a bit as Impa started to pull her arm, easily getting the message but ignored it as Linebeck walked over to them and stared at Link. 'What in Farore's name is he staring at...?' The hylian thought, a little freaked out at the newcomer's antics before the sailor looked at Ganondorf..and started to insult him.

"Oh, Din protect that poor man..." Zelda muttered, her eyes slightly wide as she watched the scene. As Link said, this couldn't end well...

Impa stared at Linebeck, unable to understad what she had just seen. Did that foolish man insult Ganondorf? He should better be either very powerful, very fast or have enormous luck, as there was no be another way to escape from the wrath of the King of Darkness than by defeating him, running away faster than a horse or having a miracle happen. Not taking her eyes away from the scene, she muttered so only Zelda would hear "Princess, should we help that man?"

Ganondorf just looked at Linebeck, without showing any kind of emotion as he yelled and glared at him. When the man finished, Ganondorf stayed looking at him in silence and after a few seconds, spoke. "Can I ask your name, prideful man?" Taking into account what he had just been told, the Gerudo was pretty calm. Anyone that did not know him looking at the scene would say that he was patient and collected. Of course that was if you ignored that his right hand, which he had behind his back, had started to show some kind of dark aura around it. Even at a glance it was obvious that the Warlock was about to use his dark magic to stab Linebeck, and that it would not be a nice spectacle to see.

"My name? You mean you do not know who I am?" Linebeck stood taller, hands on hips, and stared condescendingly at Ganondorf. "The name's Linebeck, CAPTAIN Linebeck! Legendary sailor of the sea! Do not forget it!"

Toon Link lowered his hands to see the sailor still going at it. He clapped his hands to his face again. "Oh no...!"

He parted his fingers so he could take a peek and noticed Ganondorf readying an attack. Realizing what was going to happen, Toon Link prepared to charge.

Link sweatdropped at Ganondorf's actions, then even more at Wario. Oh dear, Wario had decided to team up with the Gerudo.
Coughing, he walked up to this 'Captain' Linebeck, then tried to drag him away from the Warlock. "I've no idea where you're from..." He started, although he had the general idea based on his clothes. Similar to the smaller Link's, as well as his odd small-esque size compared to a Hylian adult of his world. "But most would know not to provoke others unless you could back it up."

Linebeck turned to face Link, a calm, almost proud grin on his face. Such a good boy, always looking out for his captain! Just as expected!


Toon Link, not wanting Linebeck to meet a horrible fate at the hands of Ganondorf, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and tackled into the sailor. Linebeck found himself eating dirt while Toon Link remained with his arms around the captain's middle, still screaming. Toon Link slowly stopped screaming and opened one eye to see that Ganondorf hadn't done anything yet. The boy's ears drooped slightly as he slowly turned to Linebeck and poked his head. Is he okay?

Linebeck pushed his face out of the ground and shook his head to clear it of stars. Ow! That hurt! He turned around and grabbed Toon Link, then began to shake him.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" he demanded angrily.

Then a sudden realization hit him, causing Linebeck to drop the little Link. He was in pain seconds ago! That could only mean...

This wasn't a dream!

Linebeck slowly looked up at the "giant" Link, then at Toon Link, then at Ganondorf, and his ears drooped a lot more than Toon Link's.

... Oh, bugger.

As Ganondorf was to stab that stupid man, both Links had came out of nowhere and taken him away. He frowned as his pray started to slide off his claws. Still with darkness surrounding his right hand, he extended his arm and fingers so they pointed at the man and shot it as energy. The dark ball flew rapidly towards him. It was weaker than the attack he originally planned, so it would not kill him, at least not instantly, but he risked being attacked by the swordsmen if he took his time growling and running.

Stepping aside as Toon Link tackled Linebeck, Link peeked down at them and idly wondered if there was any sanity left in this world. The man's actions confused Link. He went from confident to spaz-tic in the span of a second.

Perhaps he had just realized what he had done?

Idly wondering if, indeed, this man and the small Link did know each other, he was about to inquire when he heard Ganondorf doing.. something. Looking up, he soon saw what it was, and decided to roll his eyes and deflect the attack. Moving so he was in front of both Toon Link and Linebeck, he then slashed the ball of energy away, but not without being moved back slightly by the force of Ganondorf's magic. ".... Save it for the tournament, Ganondorf...."

He didn't want to deal with his destructive tendencies right now.

"Th-there's... there's two of you..." Linebeck said shakily, pointing at Toon Link, then Link, then at Toon Link again. "And here I thought I was dreaming..." He chuckled nervously, then suddenly began shaking Toon Link again.


Ganondorf's movements caught his attention. See what he was about to do, Linebeck dropped Toon Link again and held his arms up to protect his face. When nothing happened, he lowered his arms to see the giant Link defending him.

Toon Link shook his head clear and stood up. He looked up at Link then glanced over his shoulder at Linebeck.

"... Well?! What are you waiting for?! Go get him!!"

Toon Link drew his sword and stood next to Link while Linebeck scrambled off to hide behind his ship.
I logged into my old GaiaOnline account to get the scene of Linebeck insulting Ganondorf. Some posts have been skipped to keep it relevant to the scene. This RP took place back in 2010! x_x

Toon Link was about to come out from behind the bleachers to confront Ganondorf when an object in the sky caught his attention. It was a tiny speck at first, but it soon got bigger and bigger until Toon Link could make out what it was.

A white steamship was flying straight for the Stadium. Toon Link and Pichu watched as it got closer and closer until it struck the ground. It slid across the stadium, sending earth and stone flying in all directions until it came to a sudden stop, the force almost causing the steamship to tip over onto its side. There was a moment where there was no sound from the machine, but then the cabin door opened.

Linebeck, captain of the S.S. Linebeck, stepped out and onto the deck. Tall and diginified, he made his way to the front part of his ship. Standing with hands on hips and one foot foward in an imitation of Captain Morgan, his blue coat waving dramatically in a wind that came out of nowhere, Linebeck threw his head back and laughed triumphantly. A perfect landing!

Any epicness brought by his entrance was ruined by his laughter turning into a high-pitched cry of dismay.


Clapping his hands to his head, Linebeck stared at where the ship's bottom touched the ground with a look of dispair on his face.

This is bad! This is very, very, bad!

No seas means no sailing!

No sailing means no more traveling!

No more traveling means... no more booty!

This is veryveryvery bad!

Linebeck stepped off his steamship and tried to push it. After a few pitiful attempts at moving the ship, he placed his back against the boat side, sliding down to a sitting position. He folded his arms and closed his eyes, adopting a thoughtful pose. Okay... No problem! Captain Linebeck's gotten out of sticky situations before! He will just have to use all of his genius to...


Linebeck lifted his head and finally spotted the Smashers. Was he in some kind of freak show?! A talking blue sea urchin, an overdressed beachball, a giant disgusting toad; a giant Link... Wait! A GIANT LINK?! No! NO! That can't be right! He was seeing things! Linebeck rubbed his eyes and looked again.


How is that possible?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!


That's it! Of course! There can be no other explanation of it!

This is all a dream! Yes! A dream! He must have fallen asleep. When he wakes up, everything will be how it is supposed to be. The S.S. Linebeck will be back on the sea and there will be no giant Links in sight! Silently congratulating himself for his genius, Linebeck got onto his feet and moved toward the Smashers, hands on hips and a smug look on his face.

Linebeck stopped in front of Link and looked him up and down, then up, then down again, then up once more. He then snickered and shook his head. No... That little kid would never grow to be that tall!

Laughing lightly at the amusing thought, Linebeck nearly bumped into Ganondorf. He looked up at the even bigger man, hands on his hips. What was this ugly brute doing in his dream? Normally, Linebeck would've avoided the man like the plague, but this was his dream! Linebeck was the one in control here!

Linebeck raised a brow and smirked at Ganondorf. "Ah! You don't look that tough! What kind of man puts curlers in his hair?" Linebeck closed his eyes and waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "How ridiculous! You're reminding me of my auntie!"

Toon Link couldn't believe his eyes. Linebeck?! He was here too?! But, how--?! He was about to run over and greet the sailor when Linebeck began insulting Ganondorf.

Toon Link clapped both hands to his face. "Oh no...!"

Link raised an eyebrow, very peeved at Linebeck and the way he was staring. Staring back, but with narrowed eyes, he was about to ask what his problem was when he turned around and... started insulting Ganondorf.

"This won't end well." He idly commented, although it sounded like he didn't care much for the outcome...

Well, not many people insulted Ganondorf and got away with it!

Glancing around slightly before moving back, he happened to notice Toon Link's expression. Well, at least he knew you really shouldn't insult him, of all people.

Zelda blinked a bit as Impa started to pull her arm, easily getting the message but ignored it as Linebeck walked over to them and stared at Link. 'What in Farore's name is he staring at...?' The hylian thought, a little freaked out at the newcomer's antics before the sailor looked at Ganondorf..and started to insult him.

"Oh, Din protect that poor man..." Zelda muttered, her eyes slightly wide as she watched the scene. As Link said, this couldn't end well...

Impa stared at Linebeck, unable to understad what she had just seen. Did that foolish man insult Ganondorf? He should better be either very powerful, very fast or have enormous luck, as there was no be another way to escape from the wrath of the King of Darkness than by defeating him, running away faster than a horse or having a miracle happen. Not taking her eyes away from the scene, she muttered so only Zelda would hear "Princess, should we help that man?"

Ganondorf just looked at Linebeck, without showing any kind of emotion as he yelled and glared at him. When the man finished, Ganondorf stayed looking at him in silence and after a few seconds, spoke. "Can I ask your name, prideful man?" Taking into account what he had just been told, the Gerudo was pretty calm. Anyone that did not know him looking at the scene would say that he was patient and collected. Of course that was if you ignored that his right hand, which he had behind his back, had started to show some kind of dark aura around it. Even at a glance it was obvious that the Warlock was about to use his dark magic to stab Linebeck, and that it would not be a nice spectacle to see.

"My name? You mean you do not know who I am?" Linebeck stood taller, hands on hips, and stared condescendingly at Ganondorf. "The name's Linebeck, CAPTAIN Linebeck! Legendary sailor of the sea! Do not forget it!"

Toon Link lowered his hands to see the sailor still going at it. He clapped his hands to his face again. "Oh no...!"

He parted his fingers so he could take a peek and noticed Ganondorf readying an attack. Realizing what was going to happen, Toon Link prepared to charge.

Link sweatdropped at Ganondorf's actions, then even more at Wario. Oh dear, Wario had decided to team up with the Gerudo.
Coughing, he walked up to this 'Captain' Linebeck, then tried to drag him away from the Warlock. "I've no idea where you're from..." He started, although he had the general idea based on his clothes. Similar to the smaller Link's, as well as his odd small-esque size compared to a Hylian adult of his world. "But most would know not to provoke others unless you could back it up."

Linebeck turned to face Link, a calm, almost proud grin on his face. Such a good boy, always looking out for his captain! Just as expected!


Toon Link, not wanting Linebeck to meet a horrible fate at the hands of Ganondorf, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and tackled into the sailor. Linebeck found himself eating dirt while Toon Link remained with his arms around the captain's middle, still screaming. Toon Link slowly stopped screaming and opened one eye to see that Ganondorf hadn't done anything yet. The boy's ears drooped slightly as he slowly turned to Linebeck and poked his head. Is he okay?

Linebeck pushed his face out of the ground and shook his head to clear it of stars. Ow! That hurt! He turned around and grabbed Toon Link, then began to shake him.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" he demanded angrily.

Then a sudden realization hit him, causing Linebeck to drop the little Link. He was in pain seconds ago! That could only mean...

This wasn't a dream!

Linebeck slowly looked up at the "giant" Link, then at Toon Link, then at Ganondorf, and his ears drooped a lot more than Toon Link's.

... Oh, bugger.

As Ganondorf was to stab that stupid man, both Links had came out of nowhere and taken him away. He frowned as his pray started to slide off his claws. Still with darkness surrounding his right hand, he extended his arm and fingers so they pointed at the man and shot it as energy. The dark ball flew rapidly towards him. It was weaker than the attack he originally planned, so it would not kill him, at least not instantly, but he risked being attacked by the swordsmen if he took his time growling and running.

Stepping aside as Toon Link tackled Linebeck, Link peeked down at them and idly wondered if there was any sanity left in this world. The man's actions confused Link. He went from confident to spaz-tic in the span of a second.

Perhaps he had just realized what he had done?

Idly wondering if, indeed, this man and the small Link did know each other, he was about to inquire when he heard Ganondorf doing.. something. Looking up, he soon saw what it was, and decided to roll his eyes and deflect the attack. Moving so he was in front of both Toon Link and Linebeck, he then slashed the ball of energy away, but not without being moved back slightly by the force of Ganondorf's magic. ".... Save it for the tournament, Ganondorf...."

He didn't want to deal with his destructive tendencies right now.

"Th-there's... there's two of you..." Linebeck said shakily, pointing at Toon Link, then Link, then at Toon Link again. "And here I thought I was dreaming..." He chuckled nervously, then suddenly began shaking Toon Link again.


Ganondorf's movements caught his attention. See what he was about to do, Linebeck dropped Toon Link again and held his arms up to protect his face. When nothing happened, he lowered his arms to see the giant Link defending him.

Toon Link shook his head clear and stood up. He looked up at Link then glanced over his shoulder at Linebeck.

"... Well?! What are you waiting for?! Go get him!!"

Toon Link drew his sword and stood next to Link while Linebeck scrambled off to hide behind his ship.
Ahhh I cackled I haven’t played Phantom Hourglass but damn the rp sounds hilarious. XD
I probably shouldn't, but if help is needed on placing and nothing else strikes interest, I can always cave in on my urges to make Shulk and help start something new lord pray for me
Thanks for the offer, I'd like to help with your craving to RP Shulk >:3
Feel free to assume the Flying Citadel moved then!

A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Maybe some of your PCs go to the Stadium because that's where the reunion was supposed to take place? They could meet up with Team Woomy while they're resting from battle. At the Lake Shore, Samus's ship is just outside the Lakeside Laboratory where the Lake Scientist from OoT and Nurse Joy live. It would be easy to spot Samus's ship.

I don't know why any of your PCs would be in the wasteland where the Battlefield Fortress is, but the Byleth group is pretty small so it'd be pretty easy to join them. The Jungle group is a little chaotic right now, but I'm trying to get it more focused. If you like a bit of chaos, though, there's the group for you.

Darklord95 Darklord95

I don't know what your plans are regarding Fawful and Light, Wind & Fire, but is there a possible way Tetra can be incorporated?
Good idea, I'll just have to decide which character goes where.
Also, it's chill if you can't add Tetra, don't stress.
I mean a pair like Roxas and Isabelle can be joined outside the Military Base. Probably is easier than some of the bigger groups
I'll probably send one of my PCs there then.
I logged into my old GaiaOnline account to get the scene of Linebeck insulting Ganondorf. Some posts have been skipped to keep it relevant to the scene. This RP took place back in 2010! x_x

Toon Link was about to come out from behind the bleachers to confront Ganondorf when an object in the sky caught his attention. It was a tiny speck at first, but it soon got bigger and bigger until Toon Link could make out what it was.

A white steamship was flying straight for the Stadium. Toon Link and Pichu watched as it got closer and closer until it struck the ground. It slid across the stadium, sending earth and stone flying in all directions until it came to a sudden stop, the force almost causing the steamship to tip over onto its side. There was a moment where there was no sound from the machine, but then the cabin door opened.

Linebeck, captain of the S.S. Linebeck, stepped out and onto the deck. Tall and diginified, he made his way to the front part of his ship. Standing with hands on hips and one foot foward in an imitation of Captain Morgan, his blue coat waving dramatically in a wind that came out of nowhere, Linebeck threw his head back and laughed triumphantly. A perfect landing!

Any epicness brought by his entrance was ruined by his laughter turning into a high-pitched cry of dismay.


Clapping his hands to his head, Linebeck stared at where the ship's bottom touched the ground with a look of dispair on his face.

This is bad! This is very, very, bad!

No seas means no sailing!

No sailing means no more traveling!

No more traveling means... no more booty!

This is veryveryvery bad!

Linebeck stepped off his steamship and tried to push it. After a few pitiful attempts at moving the ship, he placed his back against the boat side, sliding down to a sitting position. He folded his arms and closed his eyes, adopting a thoughtful pose. Okay... No problem! Captain Linebeck's gotten out of sticky situations before! He will just have to use all of his genius to...


Linebeck lifted his head and finally spotted the Smashers. Was he in some kind of freak show?! A talking blue sea urchin, an overdressed beachball, a giant disgusting toad; a giant Link... Wait! A GIANT LINK?! No! NO! That can't be right! He was seeing things! Linebeck rubbed his eyes and looked again.


How is that possible?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!


That's it! Of course! There can be no other explanation of it!

This is all a dream! Yes! A dream! He must have fallen asleep. When he wakes up, everything will be how it is supposed to be. The S.S. Linebeck will be back on the sea and there will be no giant Links in sight! Silently congratulating himself for his genius, Linebeck got onto his feet and moved toward the Smashers, hands on hips and a smug look on his face.

Linebeck stopped in front of Link and looked him up and down, then up, then down again, then up once more. He then snickered and shook his head. No... That little kid would never grow to be that tall!

Laughing lightly at the amusing thought, Linebeck nearly bumped into Ganondorf. He looked up at the even bigger man, hands on his hips. What was this ugly brute doing in his dream? Normally, Linebeck would've avoided the man like the plague, but this was his dream! Linebeck was the one in control here!

Linebeck raised a brow and smirked at Ganondorf. "Ah! You don't look that tough! What kind of man puts curlers in his hair?" Linebeck closed his eyes and waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "How ridiculous! You're reminding me of my auntie!"

Toon Link couldn't believe his eyes. Linebeck?! He was here too?! But, how--?! He was about to run over and greet the sailor when Linebeck began insulting Ganondorf.

Toon Link clapped both hands to his face. "Oh no...!"

Link raised an eyebrow, very peeved at Linebeck and the way he was staring. Staring back, but with narrowed eyes, he was about to ask what his problem was when he turned around and... started insulting Ganondorf.

"This won't end well." He idly commented, although it sounded like he didn't care much for the outcome...

Well, not many people insulted Ganondorf and got away with it!

Glancing around slightly before moving back, he happened to notice Toon Link's expression. Well, at least he knew you really shouldn't insult him, of all people.

Zelda blinked a bit as Impa started to pull her arm, easily getting the message but ignored it as Linebeck walked over to them and stared at Link. 'What in Farore's name is he staring at...?' The hylian thought, a little freaked out at the newcomer's antics before the sailor looked at Ganondorf..and started to insult him.

"Oh, Din protect that poor man..." Zelda muttered, her eyes slightly wide as she watched the scene. As Link said, this couldn't end well...

Impa stared at Linebeck, unable to understad what she had just seen. Did that foolish man insult Ganondorf? He should better be either very powerful, very fast or have enormous luck, as there was no be another way to escape from the wrath of the King of Darkness than by defeating him, running away faster than a horse or having a miracle happen. Not taking her eyes away from the scene, she muttered so only Zelda would hear "Princess, should we help that man?"

Ganondorf just looked at Linebeck, without showing any kind of emotion as he yelled and glared at him. When the man finished, Ganondorf stayed looking at him in silence and after a few seconds, spoke. "Can I ask your name, prideful man?" Taking into account what he had just been told, the Gerudo was pretty calm. Anyone that did not know him looking at the scene would say that he was patient and collected. Of course that was if you ignored that his right hand, which he had behind his back, had started to show some kind of dark aura around it. Even at a glance it was obvious that the Warlock was about to use his dark magic to stab Linebeck, and that it would not be a nice spectacle to see.

"My name? You mean you do not know who I am?" Linebeck stood taller, hands on hips, and stared condescendingly at Ganondorf. "The name's Linebeck, CAPTAIN Linebeck! Legendary sailor of the sea! Do not forget it!"

Toon Link lowered his hands to see the sailor still going at it. He clapped his hands to his face again. "Oh no...!"

He parted his fingers so he could take a peek and noticed Ganondorf readying an attack. Realizing what was going to happen, Toon Link prepared to charge.

Link sweatdropped at Ganondorf's actions, then even more at Wario. Oh dear, Wario had decided to team up with the Gerudo.
Coughing, he walked up to this 'Captain' Linebeck, then tried to drag him away from the Warlock. "I've no idea where you're from..." He started, although he had the general idea based on his clothes. Similar to the smaller Link's, as well as his odd small-esque size compared to a Hylian adult of his world. "But most would know not to provoke others unless you could back it up."

Linebeck turned to face Link, a calm, almost proud grin on his face. Such a good boy, always looking out for his captain! Just as expected!


Toon Link, not wanting Linebeck to meet a horrible fate at the hands of Ganondorf, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and tackled into the sailor. Linebeck found himself eating dirt while Toon Link remained with his arms around the captain's middle, still screaming. Toon Link slowly stopped screaming and opened one eye to see that Ganondorf hadn't done anything yet. The boy's ears drooped slightly as he slowly turned to Linebeck and poked his head. Is he okay?

Linebeck pushed his face out of the ground and shook his head to clear it of stars. Ow! That hurt! He turned around and grabbed Toon Link, then began to shake him.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" he demanded angrily.

Then a sudden realization hit him, causing Linebeck to drop the little Link. He was in pain seconds ago! That could only mean...

This wasn't a dream!

Linebeck slowly looked up at the "giant" Link, then at Toon Link, then at Ganondorf, and his ears drooped a lot more than Toon Link's.

... Oh, bugger.

As Ganondorf was to stab that stupid man, both Links had came out of nowhere and taken him away. He frowned as his pray started to slide off his claws. Still with darkness surrounding his right hand, he extended his arm and fingers so they pointed at the man and shot it as energy. The dark ball flew rapidly towards him. It was weaker than the attack he originally planned, so it would not kill him, at least not instantly, but he risked being attacked by the swordsmen if he took his time growling and running.

Stepping aside as Toon Link tackled Linebeck, Link peeked down at them and idly wondered if there was any sanity left in this world. The man's actions confused Link. He went from confident to spaz-tic in the span of a second.

Perhaps he had just realized what he had done?

Idly wondering if, indeed, this man and the small Link did know each other, he was about to inquire when he heard Ganondorf doing.. something. Looking up, he soon saw what it was, and decided to roll his eyes and deflect the attack. Moving so he was in front of both Toon Link and Linebeck, he then slashed the ball of energy away, but not without being moved back slightly by the force of Ganondorf's magic. ".... Save it for the tournament, Ganondorf...."

He didn't want to deal with his destructive tendencies right now.

"Th-there's... there's two of you..." Linebeck said shakily, pointing at Toon Link, then Link, then at Toon Link again. "And here I thought I was dreaming..." He chuckled nervously, then suddenly began shaking Toon Link again.


Ganondorf's movements caught his attention. See what he was about to do, Linebeck dropped Toon Link again and held his arms up to protect his face. When nothing happened, he lowered his arms to see the giant Link defending him.

Toon Link shook his head clear and stood up. He looked up at Link then glanced over his shoulder at Linebeck.

"... Well?! What are you waiting for?! Go get him!!"

Toon Link drew his sword and stood next to Link while Linebeck scrambled off to hide behind his ship.
"Go get him Link! Give him what for!" *meanwhile Linebeck cowers in the corner*
Thanks for the offer, I'd like to help with your craving to RP Shulk >:3

Good idea, I'll just have to decide which character goes where.
Also, it's chill if you can't add Tetra, don't stress.

I'll probably send one of my PCs there then.

"Go get him Link! Give him what for!" *meanwhile Linebeck cowers in the corner*
I legit cackled at that line. Line beck is a gem.
I legit cackled at that line. Line beck is a gem.
It reminds me of an ARMS rp I did back in the day. Max Brass was making fun of Mechanica for not actually having the arms that most other fighters in the ARMS league had (she battles in a mech suit she made herself), but then Mechanica got ticked off and pressed a button on her robot and turned into this 15 foot tall, transformer-like thing. Then Max Brass just grabbed Min Min and Spring Man who were just chilling a little ways away, and was like, "You guys were witnesses, so therefore, if I die, my family can sue you both for being bystanders and not doing anything to stop my murder!"
It reminds me of an ARMS rp I did back in the day. Max Brass was making fun of Mechanica for not actually having the arms that most other fighters in the ARMS league had (she battles in a mech suit she made herself), but then Mechanica got ticked off and pressed a button on her robot and turned into this 15 foot tall, transformer-like thing. Then Max Brass just grabbed Min Min and Spring Man who were just chilling a little ways away, and was like, "You guys were witnesses, so therefore, if I die, my family can sue you both for being bystanders and not doing anything to stop my murder!"
Hjjj AAA the bystander effect to help or let the guy suffer death by transformer mecha. It sounded like one of my rps. XD
It reminds me of an ARMS rp I did back in the day. Max Brass was making fun of Mechanica for not actually having the arms that most other fighters in the ARMS league had (she battles in a mech suit she made herself), but then Mechanica got ticked off and pressed a button on her robot and turned into this 15 foot tall, transformer-like thing. Then Max Brass just grabbed Min Min and Spring Man who were just chilling a little ways away, and was like, "You guys were witnesses, so therefore, if I die, my family can sue you both for being bystanders and not doing anything to stop my murder!"
700 IQ plan by Brass right there 😂 👌
Hjjj AAA the bystander effect to help or let the guy suffer death by transformer mecha. It sounded like one of my rps. XD
XD Spring Man was all for letting Brass die (bc in the RP he kept flirting with Ribbon Girl, who Spring Man had a crush on). If it wasn't for Min Min, the ARMS league would have lost a fighter that day lmfao
700 IQ plan by Brass right there 😂 👌
AND IT WORKED, Min Min was able to calm Mechanica down before the boss fight of the century went down.
It was safe to say that Brass learned his lesson after that- don't mess with Mechanica.
XD Spring Man was all for letting Brass die (bc in the RP he kept flirting with Ribbon Girl, who Spring Man had a crush on). If it wasn't for Min Min, the ARMS league would have lost a fighter that day lmfao

AND IT WORKED, Min Min was able to calm Mechanica down before the boss fight of a century went down.
It was safe to say that Brass learned his lesson after that- don't mess with Mechanica.
funnily I had that scenario and the character in question I play would just try to beat up anyone who calls him short. If anyone tries to sue him he’s backed by powerful people. Though he still gets called short the risk is getting their asses kicked or being subjected to his rants
funnily I had that scenario and the character in question I play would just try to beat up anyone who calls him short. If anyone tries to sue him he’s backed by powerful people. Though he still gets called short the risk is getting their asses kicked or being subjected to his rants
Sounds like they had a serious Napoleon complex XD

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