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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Hey guys.

Got some bad news: I’ve been seriously contemplating quitting RPN in general these past few days.

Now, I want to preface this saying it’s nothing anyone in this RP did, just kinda it’s overall members and such in general AND there’s slowly nothing left for me on this site…

I was in 3 RPs when I joined (this one, my s/o’s Jojo RP, and my Quest RP) and now all but one (this one) of said RP’s are almost dead… My s/o’s is pretty much dead, and mine is pretty much grinded to a halt too (and no, I’m not saying this to advertise my Quest RP to you guys here lmaooo) and it’s not like it got much posts or readers anyway… and… I’m gonna be honest…

I haven’t even liked this site for years now at this point.
Most of the members (outside this RP, naturally) are jerks or dumb (if one more yutz necro’s a 5+ year old thread posting stupid or irrelevant responses…) and honestly?

I love this RP. I do.

But is one RP worth all the frustration and bitterness the majority of this site brings me just being this site?

Idk… I love being Peach and you guys are wonderful, which is why I am even still debating this and posting this instead of staying silent… but I need to be honest with how this site makes me feel…

I know I could just “ignore” or “avoid” those parts of the forum, but my point is things I hate happening on a site I 95% don’t support anymore is still the situation at hand despite “ignoring it”…

I’m going to try to take a 2 week break and see if I can stomach being here for just one RP, I am so sorry for the inconvenience!

You guys are so wonderful, thank you all so much for everything and I am so sorry in advance…
If anything, maybe we can find a means to have Minako participate through Discord. Maybe y'all have some good ideas on how to go about that besides simply copy-pasting posts back and forth, which I don't mind doing.

Minako is OUR Peach, and any way we can make them more comfortable and be a part of the RP, I'm willing to try!
Can’t say I have any ideas per se but whatever works, is fine with me not that I’m even part of that group in the the first place
Heads up, direct links to images on Wikis tend to not work. Besides that, I'll add Marx.
So I may be able to work on a post tomorrow possibly! I would start tonight but man it's been a long day Dx

I saw this lil meme drawing of Joker today and my mind instantly was like "This is probably how Arsene is gonna react to the pillars effecting Joker's friends" so with that context I offer you this as my apology
Kam said you guys might like this. I’ve been writing an MK fanfic where all the characters are replaced with ones from other things. I’ve been releasing the chapters on Archive of Our Own and I saw that RPN has a place for just regular creative writing so I’ve been putting them there to.
So I may be able to work on a post tomorrow possibly! I would start tonight but man it's been a long day Dx

I saw this lil meme drawing of Joker today and my mind instantly was like "This is probably how Arsene is gonna react to the pillars effecting Joker's friends" so with that context I offer you this as my apology

"You're gonna have to Ol' Yeller them, Joker!" 🔫
"You're gonna have to Ol' Yeller them, Joker!" 🔫
Joker after being told this

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