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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I wonder if my Sephiroth was alright I had to dive into his muse to pull off that dark-evil side of him.
I’m thinking of coming back the idea of Doom Slayer fought a clone. Asks I love it. According to Ff7 lore Seph puts his consciousness into the clones. Literally he can control them at will. I’m thinking maybe just maybe Lunaris sets off to find the real Sephiroth who is sleeping somewhere in an isolated ice cave.. 👀
Somewhat random, but I hope my Toon Link’s personality is shining through. Sometimes I worry that, since I generally do not have him speak, he’s coming across as a flat character.
slfhalfhslf trust me as someone who’s also rping nonverbal characters, ur doing an awesome job 😎😎😎
Honestly, I praise y'all on playing non-verbal characters and doing it well
Honestly, I praise y'all on playing non-verbal characters and doing it well
Shfksofh awww thank u 😚😚😚 I think for me since my writing tends to focus a lot on a character’s inner thought process and how to express it through actions which helps to make up for the lack of dialogue. So while the other characters might have no fucking clue what they’re saying there’s still enough context clues for them to get a general enough idea of intentions/emotions. Ahflahf and when that fails there’s always the ol drawing in dirt trick lmao
Oh but speaking of nonverbal characters Ghsofhs I’m so sorry for the wait on Pichu I promise I’ll get a post up for him tonight 😭
Somewhat random, but I hope my Toon Link’s personality is shining through. Sometimes I worry that, since I generally do not have him speak, he’s coming across as a flat character.
As someone playing the Doom Slayer, one good thing to concentrate is on the inner-thoughts of the characters too! Explain their actions, but to a degree where you get just enough to see where they are coming from. It's in this instance where actions DEFINITELY are the focal point. Expand on those thoughts and see what you can see that character doing~

But you're doing a good job!
Shfksofh awww thank u 😚😚😚 I think for me since my writing tends to focus a lot on a character’s inner thought process and how to express it through actions which helps to make up for the lack of dialogue. So while the other characters might have no fucking clue what they’re saying there’s still enough context clues for them to get a general enough idea of intentions/emotions. Ahflahf and when that fails there’s always the ol drawing in dirt trick lmao
Inner thought processes for the win lmao how else am I supposed to fill my posts with useless information even for characters who talk. Looking at you Joker

Oh but speaking of nonverbal characters Ghsofhs I’m so sorry for the wait on Pichu I promise I’ll get a post up for him tonight 😭
No worries at all! I know you said school was starting up again so post whenever you can ^^
Yeah, pretty much what I do is focus on a character’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and try to be as descriptive as possible. There’s still always that bit of concern that I don’t do enough to show T’ink’s personality.
EVERYONE'S portrayals of their respective characters have been remarkable...

SO remarkable
, in fact, that I hope I'm RPing Princess Peach ok... I feel like her feelings for Mario are supposed to be ambiguous, so to blatantly have it swing a certain way might be me missing the mark...

I take inspiration from Paper Princess Peach when I portray her (as she has much, MUCH more personality in those titles as well as the Super Mario RPG with beloved Geno) and I fret every post that I don't do Peach justice cause I really DO feel like she has the potential to be an AMAZING character... Outside her actual MAIN APPEARANCES IN MAIN TITLES LMAO 😅


I wanna seriously thank you guys for your patience with me (specifically how frikkin' slow I am to post): I am not the brightest chicken in the henhouse, SO when I joined this RP like a month or so before a LITERAL NEW CHAPTER OF MY LIFE WAS ABOUT TO START my stupid self was all "Aw, no biggie! HOW MUCH CAN MY LIFE POSSIBLY CHANGE?"



I've met some seriously horrible people on here (and I still kinda SEE horrible people on here every now and then in general discussion and RP advice) who would get irritated or mad at me for how little and infrequent I'm posting, if not decide to completely ignore and skip me for not being able to post A DAY (or minute/hours) after they did. Like I couldn't have a life (or get sick). Like my life didn't matter to them and if I couldn't post OH WELL, THANK YOU, NEXT and even though I met the love of my life on this site I've also met some of the most terrible pieces of humanity here too and when I write all their actions down and re-read it I feel like going "Jeeziz, you'd think I was joking or over-exaggerating for cartoon villainy!" but, nah, these were real people doing these VERY real things and I am NOT describing direct-to-DVD Disney sequel villains!

TL ; DR: Thank you all so much for your kindness, patience, and overall just decent/good attitudes! It seems so UNcommon (it SHOULD be common) but it really isn't... I wish I could dedicate more time to draw and post MORE for this RP (you guys totally deserve it!)... I know I don't have a lot of time to post now-a-days (especially when trying to draw things for my Quest RP before I even think about drawing for this RP anymore) but I want you guys to know it is a TREAT to get to read and type for this RP and I was pleasantly surprised everyone here is as lovely as they are! After all my past experiences with RPers, and some RPers FROM HERE SPECIFICALLY, it was a HUGE gamble/risk to join and I ALMOST DIDN'T but I'M SO GLAD I DID and I'm SO GLAD I met you guys.

Thank you all... So, SO much! <3

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Thank you for your kind words and I’m very honored. I love your Peach! I think you’re doing a great job with her. I know a character’s personality can change depending on the game, or other media, that character comes from. Everyone is always going to put their own little touch on a Canon Character too, whether intentional or not.

In the old RP, I’ve played with a Bowser that was more like a rough-but well-meaning dad, and a Samus that was pretty ditzy like the 1994 Manga Samus minus the obsession with round things. They were fun!

It personally drives me crazy when Pit writers and RPers over exaggerate his goofiness and stupidity. A lot of folks portray him as Patrick Star/Cosmo/Ralph Wiggums-level of stupid, being completely incapable of being serious, and making him an absolute push-over. Screw that noise!
Minako Minako - You play Peach PERFECTLY! Paper Peach is a great way to base Her in a manner that's charming and sweet, as well as comfortably able to hold her even in the toughest of situations. She's smart, kind, and courageous - and you do a good job in showing these sides!

Even mainstream Peach can be seen as a bit one-dimensional - especially in the older games. Really its games like Super Mario Odyssey and in the RPG/paper series that really begin to flesh out her character more to something much more 3D.

And it's always a pleasure to see new elements added into characters provided they make sense and work well given the situation~
I am so happy and honored that folks are enjoying the RP. Every time I see art of the PCs, I smile. My feelings when SheepKing made that anime opening are indescribable, but I have it saved on my PC. This is my first major attempt at forum RP after not doing any for years, and I came back as a GM than a player. I tried my old RP grounds, GaiaOnline, but it didn’t even make two pages.

I am thrilled that this game just came to life as it did! Y’all are wonderful!
I am so happy and honored that folks are enjoying the RP. Every time I see art of the PCs, I smile. My feelings when SheepKing made that anime opening are indescribable, but I have it saved on my PC. This is my first major attempt at forum RP after not doing any for years, and I came back as a GM than a player. I tried my old RP grounds, GaiaOnline, but it didn’t even make two pages.

I am thrilled that this game just came to life as it did! Y’all are wonderful!
Dhfkdhfifj I wanna thank you too for being an amazing gm! None of this could have happened without you in the first place! Also, as the rp goes on and more stuff happens I’ll most likely be adding on to the opening bit by bit with the goal of maybe even doing the whole song. here’s a sneak peak ;)
I am so happy and honored that folks are enjoying the RP. Every time I see art of the PCs, I smile. My feelings when SheepKing made that anime opening are indescribable, but I have it saved on my PC. This is my first major attempt at forum RP after not doing any for years, and I came back as a GM than a player. I tried my old RP grounds, GaiaOnline, but it didn’t even make two pages.

I am thrilled that this game just came to life as it did! Y’all are wonderful!
I am having an ABSOLUTE blast with this RP! Haven't been this passionate about a RP for sooooo long!
I am in the same boat as pretty much everyone else! I haven't had this much passion for a rp in a long time and I am so happy to be part of all this! Like this rp really has been so enjoyable for me I'm sure my friends would love for me to shut up about it already and I'm honestly always so thrilled to read everyone's posts and make my own! My creative muse has gone up so much just from this one rp, like no cap my spark to doodle has been on fire from it all and it's caused me to draw Joker for 26 days straight now lmao. I really should share the few things semi-related to the rp that I haven't but I didn't wanna spam my art like everyday here

But fr, I really wanna thank all of you guys as well since we're on this train. Y'all are really giving me a great rp experience with this one and I truly am looking forward to what is to come from all this because man I am so excited for it
Thank you for your kind words and I’m very honored. I love your Peach! I think you’re doing a great job with her. I know a character’s personality can change depending on the game, or other media, that character comes from. Everyone is always going to put their own little touch on a Canon Character too, whether intentional or not.

In the old RP, I’ve played with a Bowser that was more like a rough-but well-meaning dad, and a Samus that was pretty ditzy like the 1994 Manga Samus minus the obsession with round things. They were fun!

It personally drives me crazy when Pit writers and RPers over exaggerate his goofiness and stupidity. A lot of folks portray him as Patrick Star/Cosmo/Ralph Wiggums-level of stupid, being completely incapable of being serious, and making him an absolute push-over. Screw that noise!
Ngl, Samus' spherical obsession sounds kind of adorable. Imagine taking a liking to Kirby, Jigglypuff, and Meta Knight for that exact reasons lol
Ngl, Samus' spherical obsession sounds kind of adorable. Imagine taking a liking to Kirby, Jigglypuff, and Meta Knight for that exact reasons lol

Here's the entire manga if you're interested
Trying to work on a post for Lunaris. The reason my next T'ink and Pit post came out so soon was because I had it pre-written.
Ngl, Samus' spherical obsession sounds kind of adorable. Imagine taking a liking to Kirby, Jigglypuff, and Meta Knight for that exact reasons lol
On top of that, imagine Samus just gunning for any circular item in any match with items enabled. Just the thought of her just bypassing every item available just to get an orb-shaped item. Ray GUN? Pass. Rocket Launcher? No thanks. Mallet? So late 90s. A Bo-bomb? Yes please! A poke ball! Oh hell yea! A Screw Attack? I'll take your entire stock and pre-order the rest!

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