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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

"Just take of your shoes please, we have carpet everywhere" Angel says looking at John "I'll show you guys the drawing room first so we can get started on costume designs" she adds. The sooner then did that, the sooner she could give them a tour of her house, then again, she needed to redraw hers too and make the finishing toucher to her belt and what not "It's gonna be a long night" she thinks, not that she was used to all nighters since she often spend most of the night working of gadgets and what not.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Evelyn Eden

Watching Adam fall from that height had made Evelyn grimace. And the way he’d sat there made her wonder if he was in a lot of pain. Yet, he left without so much as a thank you to Bernice, or even a second glance. What could he be so focused on?.. “Maybe he’s just mad,” Evelyn supplied to Bernice supportively. “I mean, getting picked on like that probably can’t feel very good, y’know? But at least you helped him—I don’t think he can ignore that! Um, well enjoy the store! I’m gonna head home too, I have got to figure out something about this costume business.”

“Bye Bernice!” Evelyn waved cheerily, sad to see her go. She had just met some of these people and didn’t want to seem to overbearing, so she forced herself to think about what she would do when she got back home. Home... It was lonely living in that apartment. She didn’t like to talk about it, and at the end of the day she was glad nobody had asked, so she told herself not to talk about it at all. She hoped that she’d see some of the friendlier faces tomorrow at school to get her mind off of her home life.

Evelyn slung her book bag somberly over her shoulder and departed. It wasn’t as close as Bernice’s home three blocks away, but neither was it that far. After about 20 minutes, the stone apartment complex loomed into view on the corner of her street. A few familiar faces waved to her as she passed them by on the street, and as usual she gave obligatory greetings back. By the time Evelyn made it to her bedroom she crashed into her bed and hugged a pillow as she unwound and thought about her day. It had been a pretty good day, overall! After all, she hadn’t turned into a mouse.
Come to think of it, Evelyn had a different idea in mind. She stood back up and closed her bedroom door, then opened a window: from the fifth floor, the view was quite nice. And the weather was beautiful today. The sun was a yellow blossom in the sky as the wind shepherded fat, lazy clouds along the skyline...

Evelyn loosened her red tie and found herself unbuttoning her blazer, then the collared white oxford with deft fingers... Fingers that were changing before her very eyes. Bones shrank, hair became feathers, and a hooked beak sprang from her face. In moments, she was standing on her windowsill, overlooking the city with the keen eyes only a bird of prey could have. The Powerful talons of her hawk morph kept her steady as a gust tested her grip.

“Tseeer!” Evelyn cried out, with a voice that both wasn’t, yet was, hers. She spread her broad wings and they caught the wind like twin sails, lifting her away from both gravity ‘s eternal grip and the embrace of loneliness in one fell swoop. The wind was her friend now, and she adjusted her tail feathers accordingly...

And Evelyn flew.

Location: Abdu’s Class > Home > The Endless Sky
Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid

Adam Antium

Adam rose from the ground like a serpent might slither out of it’s burrow, almost without friction. Yes, he had indeed followed the yellow car on it’s hour long trip. It was a feat that would have been impossible if not for his ability to move through solid earth like a sailfish might swim through water. “So this is where shadows sleep. Such opulence,” he spat. He wondered if the fact that the dark haired Angel came from money had anything to do with her demeanor. He decided it didn’t matter. His only regret was that there was a strong possibility that others were in this house. Others besides John and Angel, who he had already deemed worthy of the ultimate punishment. He knew of at least one classmate in there who had wronged him not, and how much family did this Angel have?

Adam hesitated.

Then, he thought about the only family he’d ever had, side by side and six feet underground. And his resolve hardened.

Adam raised his arms to shoulder height and concentrated. His fingers curled and slowly clenched into fists as he willed the earth to do his bidding once again. “Hhrrraaghhhh!” Adam cried out. The house was larger than he had anticipated, so he had to focus. Two cracks in the earth tore toward the home before him and encircled the property before meeting on the other side of the house to form an imperfect circle. Adam slammed his fists into the ground, and the entire house began to sink downwards, just like he had sunk from the ceiling of the classroom to the ground. In his mind, he was being merciful—at least the house was sinking slower than he had.

His work was done, and with another flick of his wrist, his beloved earth would swallow him once again as he left the house to continue sinking. He had shifted the ground under the entire property from bedrock to loose sand, effectively creating a sink hole. As Adam swam underground away from the scene of destruction, he hoped that he would at least see John again at school the next day, if he survived. Falling from the ceiling had been painful, and that sin had been repaid. The price for crawling into his mind, however, would be steeper still.

Location: Angel’s Home
Interactions: Flame Demon Flame Demon Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
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HeroCausalities killspublic view
Missile manHigh0Moderate
Flower girlmoderate0low
Ms. Abdu
Agenda: costumes, training room orientation
Lesson: What makes a good hero.

As the students entered the class room the same stats from last time was show up on the bored. Ms. Abdu was not alone. A woman in a leafy costume and a green mask to hide her identity could be seen in the process of telling a dramatic story, Ms. Abdu listen gleefully. Flowergirl was one of the local heroes, she got a bad wrap being that she has never taken down a hero level villain by herself. The hero community also had there negative opinions because of her ongoing affair with the local anti hero Deathblade, this was kept a secret from the public for obvious reasons.. Ms. Abdu did not care about any of that though she did not mind her friends anticlimactic stories. It was true that when comparing Genie to a hero like Flowergirl, Ms. Abdu clearly out-shown. It did not matter to her, she saw the worth in everyone. Apparently there had been a sinkhole, not something this area was use to. As the students began to file in Flowergirl took her departure.

Ms. Abdu smiled and greeted each student as they came in. There desk screen was the same layout as the day prior, except the database had been replaced by a schedule. Taking note of the emotional wave that hit the class the last time she decided to restrict the data base searches. It was tuned into local registry heroes, leaving the three listed on the bored, instructors and the vigilante DeathBlade. As Patrica, Zaxen, and Lisa x2 made there way to whatever seat and logged into there desk they each had a note sent from Administrative.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Desk messenger
It has been brought to my attention that a level three incident has accord amongst the school grounds involving you three. Due to misbehavior the following students: Zaxen Darling, Portia Lovelace, Lisa Grande, will not be receiving there superhero costumes until improvement has been shown. Further more if either student loses a grade point the request put in by instructor Abdu aka Genie will be revoked.'

At the bottom of the note a message from Ms. Abdu sent to the headmaster was seen as an Attachment.

Send New Email
New Email Received
'Helloooooo!!! I was thinking about taking the kids out to a low level mission. Don't worry i wont let the touch anything, in fact they wont even be able be able to leave my bubble. Just gonna go watch Luckystar help the police escort baddies. Thank yooooou'
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Angel Black
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

Angel enters the classroom on her shadow hoverboard and she sits down after letting it disappear, she had seen the box was impaled by an Earth pillar, so she didn't need to guess who caused that, since she's sitting in the same place as the day before, in the back next to the wall, she could clearly see the board, she checks her bag for the fifth time since she arrived at school to make sure she has her belt and she checks her belt again to see if she put all her gadgets in "Good morning ms. Abdu" she says, appearing to be in a surprisingly good mood after what happened yesterday, though of course she hasn't forgotten it just yet.​
Headmaster Fuji
Location: His office

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: pleeeeeeeease
'Helloooooo!!! I was thinking about taking the kids out to a low level mission. Don't worry i wont let the touch anything, in fact they wont even be able be able to leave my bubble. Just gonna go watch Luckystar help the police escort baddies. Thank yooooou'

Send New Email
New Email Received
Hey. I'm fine with you taking the students with Luckystar. Let me know how it goes!
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
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Portia Lovelace
Having to stay after school for a lecture on misbehavior wasn't fun but it made her think about what she wanted to accomplish at this school. While she was home, taking the six hours to wash and detangle her hair from the knotted mess it had become, she thought about why she agreed to be enrolled here in the first place. The first day was confusing if anything it made her question her motives more rather than solidify her resolve. Portia slept on the thought overnight making up her mind in the morning on whether she would get more serious about this or not. Seeing how she decided to get up and get dressed for the day after hearing her alarm go off was a sure indicator.

Portia felt like a different person walking into school with flat-ironed hair. She even wore her uniform differently, buttoning up the blazer to the center of her chest but still leaving the top bit opened. Was she ever going to wear the tie they gave her - no. Due to the injuries she suffered the day before she also arrived with bandages wrapped around both her arms up to her elbows. Her hair, much longer today because of its straightened look, swished behind her as she took long strides to her classroom. Angel was already there as she was usually the first to be in class and Ms. Abdu had a guest. A heroine she recognized from the news that was never highly spoken of. Portia wondered why that was since she's never seen the girl do anything wrong before but dismissed the thought taking her seat near the window. After yesterday's 'incident' the headmaster informed the trio that their punishments would be distributed the next day they return to school via email so she immediately began to go through her messages, spotting the one she wanted at the very top. Damnit... She cursed herself for making foolish mistakes but as much as she wanted to be angry about losing costume privileges, Portia couldn't be. She closed the message without causing a scene before puffing out one of her cheeks and sitting back with her arms crossed.

LOCATION:: Abdu's classroom
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Zaxen yelped as he was yanked along, stumbling slightly. They skidded into the principal's office and huffed in annoyance. He tuned out the lecture, having heard it 20 times over before.
He arrived home and was instantly greeted with an onslaught of fire. He hopped over the flames and he instantly started looking for his father. The supervillain found it amusing to set his Son's house on fire just to wind him up. Zaxen grabbed a waterbottle and chucked it over his shoulder at the flames without looking back. The man called Satan had left. Zaxen sighed with relief. He went upstairs and flung himself on his bed. 'Why do I do this?' He thought to himself, 'I hate this.' His dad would be furious if he didn't carry out his plan. Zaxen was quite frankly tired of keeping up an evil charade. It was fun when he wanted to fuck around but not when he was forced to. He ran a hand through his ginger hair. There and then, Zaxen made the decision to do the bare minimum to keep his father happy, graduate and then just leave.
The next day, multiple fires were reported around town. Not that Zaxen had been caught or recorded, he never was. Now, as he walked past the guards at the gate, he paused. They hand cuffed him again and one guard gave him a mask. Zaxen was confused why he didn't force it on but didn't question it. He slipped the metal mask over his mouth. It reminded him of a muzzle. The police used to put one on him. 'Was this the punishment?' He thought.
Zaxen walked into class, took one look at the hero guests and growled. He stomped to his seat at the back of class and plunked down. He scrolled through his messages and paused on the latest email. He wouldn't get his costume. Zaxen's fists curled. His blood boiled. His mouth opened, ready to shout. His head fell to the desk and he sighed. He didn't know why he was so tired but he was too tired to get mad. It took so much out of him.

{Location- Mrs Abdu's classroom}​
Lisa Grande x2
Ms. Abdu’s class
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Flame Demon Flame Demon

“Miss Grande....miss Grande please”

Lisa’s limo has been parked in front of the school for about fifteen minutes, her driver has been pleading with her to get out. Lisa was laid out on the limo seats crying immensely. She has been crying since she left Mr.Fuji’s office yesterday. She worked so hard on on her costume, her families wealth able to provide her of whatever her little heart could think of. “Lisa....” lisa raises her head to her teary eyed clone. Sigh,I’m right. I chose this life now I have to live it. Both of the girls hopped out running to class so they wouldn’t be late. When they walked into class lisas could barely muster up a hello to Ms. Abdu. They looked around the class there puffy eyes landing on Zaxen in the back,and then to angel. Lisa’s bad mood left as quickly as it came as one ran to the back to claim a seat next to the bad boy., and the other sitting beside the scary girl.

“Hello.....I like your hair” Despite all the parties and attention Lisa grew up with, she remained social awkward. She wanted so badly to be friends with the scary girl, she reminded her of the bad ass biker chick in the novel ‘Girl on the move’. She was hoping she would win her over with compliments.

On the flip side Lisa got it in her head that Zaxen was already her friend. She laid her head down to mimic his, giggling at the silliness of it all. “What are we doing?” She turned her head to face him, keeping the side of her face against the cool surface of the desk. “Are you upset?” She reached her curious hand out, hesitating before poking him in the head. She snatched her hand away quickly, as if she was poking a bear with a stick. “Do you want to hit me?” The question was genuine, dumb , but genuine.
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

Today is a new day. Everything that's happened yesterday has been processed, and thought out. Especially what happened to Portia. She felt the most sorry for not being able to be pursuasive enough for Mrs. Abdu to forgive. She also felt bad for the other boy whom was set down with injuries due to the cause of whatever he did. She'd be sure apologize to Portia for not doing so earlier and comfort the snow haired boy as well. On that note, Bernice remembers to take a bag filled with candy which she wrapped up last night. Hopefully they will bring a smile to someone's face when given. The idea transpires as a smile already sprouts on her features.

As her mind is set so is her switch in mood looking forward to another day of school. She hoped she has gathered her required items given there were no specifics except for costumes. Bernice grew nauseous thinking about presenting her costume to the class. She would be embarassed to even wear them. She even made sure to make them casual as to not seem to super hero like. She didn't want to stand out in case she had to hide from future fans. The girl giggles at the thought. To think that one day she will be a professional hero and with it fans whom she has inspired. A sigh of content escapes her lips failing to realize she has already made her way inside the school. Again the girl is hit with a wave of being timid. She pauses in front of the door unable take another step as she contemplates. She's thought of several outcomes and reviewed what she would say. It's much more different than actually doing it. Like water, Bernice has to remember to relax, and go with the flow. Her powers demand to be active as well as have her mentality stable for use in case of surprises. After taking a deep breath and stepping aside for other students to enter, the bruenette finally takes the courage to enter greeted with familiar faces and guest hero standing beside Mrs. Abdu. Stars shape her eyes knowing every possible hero like a total geek. 'Flower girl!' She internally squealed.

Her attention diverts over to Portia. The same bright colored hair only straightened? The change in hair certainly is different throwing Bernice off. Regardless the girl still appeared pretty to her. Sheepishly, Bernice walks up to Portia. "U-um...good morning Portia. How are you? I-I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I failed you and I'm sorry I didn't comfort you like a good friend should. I just thought you needed space. I also felt unworthy to be friends with you seeing as my first impression of being reliable failed." Bernice hangs her head low peering at her shoes wile fiddling with her shirt. "I hope you can forgive me and we can still be friends? I understand if you don't." There. She said what she wanted smoothly. The only thing panicking Bernice is waiting for an answer.
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism G4hardcore G4hardcore

John arrived at class a little later than JAM, he being homeless has to go to the dry cleaners to get his stuff looking nice. When arriving at his school he glances at Adam. “Your going to die” is all he could think when seeing the boy. His entire family was killed by a villain robbing him of everything, when the earth user sunk Angels house it infuriated him to his core being. “What if her parents were there with no way out? What if her brother couldn’t teleport? She could have been victim to what I went through they did nothing wrong!.” John sees this as a blast from the past and she offered her home to him, then he took it away from her. This is not a love I’ll do it for her, this is John doing it for himself for the most part the small portion is because of Angel and Maria but he just wants it mostly for himself.

John smiles normally and nods to Adam then sits next to Maria and Angel. Humming Adams moms song loud enough for Adam to hear. When he sits down he greets his friends. “I’m exited for today I personally can’t wait for the costume part of it.” He says while stretching actually having a costume idea now and overjoyed to get it.

Hero growth: more willing and wanting to kill for vengeful than for justice.
Evelyn Eden

"I'm late again!" Evelyn exclaimed, practically falling over to get dressed in her room. After a brief struggle, in which she was the victor over such simple morning rituals as putting on her clothes properly, tying her tie, and brushing her hair and teeth, Evelyn practically flew down the flights of stairs two or three at a time. It was all she could do not to roll down the stairs as she decided to catch the bus instead of running the two miles (20 minute walk) the whole way. The public bus squealed to a stop, the sound of it's brakes loud in her ears.

"Good morning," Evelyn managed through labored breaths to the impassive bus driver, a burly woman with a cap over her graying head of hair. Rustling through her blazer's pocket for change, she could only produce a few measly nickles and dimes, and laughed nervously. "I, uh, think I left my change on my nightstand ma'am!" Evelyn was so embarrassed, she didn't have to look at the other passengers to know they were staring at her. The driver sighed as her brow furrowed in annoyance. She didn't even look at Evelyn. "No fare, no bus. Thems the rules, kid."

Evelyn, red-faced and abashed, was almost glad that she was getting kicked off the bus. At least she didn't have to deal with the awkward stares! As she turned to get off the bus, a voice spoke up with firm resolve. "Hold on."

Evelyn turned around. It was the boy from class--the one with the white hair. "Here," he stuck his hand in his pocket and produced a handful of silver, dropping into the farebox. Without another word, he turned around and took his seat again at the back of the bus. "T-thank you!" Evelyn stammered gratefully. Evelyn thought it was a quite the coincidence that he was there to help, but she decided that nothing happened on accident in life, and took a seat next to him on the bus in the rear. "That was really nice of you to do, I just wanted to say I appreciate you!" Evelyn beamed, trying to draw a reaction from him.

"Don't mention it," he replied, staring out the window as the bus took them to school. He shifted in his seat. Was Evelyn sitting beside him making him uncomfortable? Maybe. To Evelyn he seemed really deep in thought. "I'm Evelyn. Or Eve, I go by Eve too."

The white-haired boy didn't immediately respond, and for a while, Evelyn didn't think he would. "Adam Antium," he finally replied. For the rest of the bus ride, he didn't say anything else, and Evelyn decided to respect it. Within a few short minutes, the bus pulled in front of the school. Evelyn stood and got off the bus, while Adam seemed to take his time. Does he not wanna walk with me? She wondered to herself as she glanced backward for a moment. Then, she shrugged and decided to not let it get to her. Maybe he was shy or something, and clearly he had a lot on his mind; she didn't want to be hard on him.

Evelyn walked into class, glad to see a few familiar faces. When she saw Portia with her new hairstyle, Evelyn couldn't help but admire how pretty she looked. She put on her best smile and took a seat where she'd sat the day before out of habit. Eve waved to Bernice, who was talking to Portia. She took off her book bag and signed into her desk, glancing at the chart in front of her. Oh no! I forgot about the costume thing! Evelyn shrank in her chair thinking about what excuse to tell Ms. Abdu as to why she didn't produce what she was supposed to. Being honest was always an option, even if it was embarrassing to talk about why. When Adam walked into class, she offered him a smile, and he gave a curt nod in response. Well that's a start! She thought optimistically.

Location: Bus Stop > Abdu's Class
Interactions: G4hardcore G4hardcore
Mentions: Pumpkid Pumpkid thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm


Adam Antium

Adam got off the bus and allowed Evelyn to make her way to the classroom. He didn't know if JAM had survived the attack, let alone Angel's family and/or potential pets. He never returned to the scene of a crime if he could help it. He did know one thing though--if any or all of them had survived, he didn't want to be seen walking around with her in the halls. Oh, Evelyn was nice enough, without a doubt, however, the last thing he needed was anyone affiliating her with him. He was too deep in the world of villainous deeds to have any friends. His mission was a mission that meant he couldn't have certain luxuries in life.

And he had come to terms with it years ago, with the loss of his parents.

Adam took a moment to look at the box by the school, still impaled on a pillar not unlike the heads on spikes that would line castle walls in ancient times past. The thought made him smirk as he opened the front doors to the school and navigated the hallways. He passed by the hero Flowergirl in the halls and dismissed her quickly. He wouldn't target her--and not because they shared a certain common ground with their abilities (no pun intended). Rather, she wasn't high profile enough to 'matter'.

Adam walked into class and didn't outwardly react when he saw John, Adam, and Maria already there. He had a feeling they were a resilient trio, and he was glad he didn't walk in with Evelyn. When he saw Bernice, he frowned. Not because he didn't like her, but because he was happy to see her, and he didn't necessarily think that was a good thing. He supposed he was more grateful for what she'd done for him than he realized. He took a seat in the same spot as yesterday, in the back of the class; it seemed the damaged desk from the incident had been removed, and replaced with a brand new one. He signed in without a word, and without looking at anyone, taking off his book bag and setting it under his desk as he waited for class to begin.

Then, Adam hears his mother's tune. He felt a vein throb in his forehead as the hauntingly nostalgic notes were played aloud for the first time in years. The earth shaker knew it was John's voice--he'd certainly talked enough the day before for him to recognize it. He also knew beyond the shadow of any doubt now, that John had been inside his head, rummaging about his memories. Adam closed his eyes and for a moment, wished he had stuck around long enough last night to finish the job. But now wasn't the time for regrets. Instead, he glanced at the chart that appeared on his desk and wondered as to it's purpose. Without a doubt, the instructor had plans for the students on this day.

Location: Bus Stop > Abdu's Class
Mentions: G4hardcore G4hardcore Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Pumpkid Pumpkid
Interactions: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
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Angel Black - Abdu's classroom

Angel groans in annoyance "Thanks kid" she says not wanting to pass off as rude on their second day and Lisa may be annoying as hell, but now the shadow user was starting to wonder if the young girl's dumb as well "It's rude to poke people" she says seeing the girl poke Zaxen, did this girl really not get that what happened yesterday? Guess not if she was annoying the same person. She wonderes if there's a way for her to scare someone who desperatly want to be her friend.

She smiles when she sees John walk in though, however it's obvious he's pissed off about a certain someone trying to sink her house, thank god that was prevented "Morning John" she says "I hope you didn't forget your costume design at my house. Also mom doesn't mind if you come over again" she adds, her cheerful mood somewhat back, she takes a glance at Portia, Zaxen and Lisa, wondering what their punishment is for that stunt yesterday at the boys bathroom, not that she really cared about it, but it seems pretty okay, well not for Lisa who looks like she had been crying.

Then Adam enters the room and she throws him a death glare, no way in hell she's gonna forgive him for doing that and she's gonna make his life a living nightmare, she wonders if their gonna train today after getting the costumes "He better watches his back because I will not be so forgiving" she thinks, her mother had gotten a panic attack and it took forever to calm her down, they eventually had to get some wine for her or they could've been up all night with that task"He's lucky, my dad knows all the villains and last time they hurt his family he killed the guy" she thinks, not that she needed her father, she knew enough to takes him out herself.

G4hardcore G4hardcore Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Teaching class.

Seeing that all her students had piled in she closed the door walking to the front of her desk. “I know that you are all very excited, after lunch I promise we will get to all the fun stuff.” Ms. Abdu seemed more giddy about today’s events then anyone else combined. “What makes a good hero? There are the basic things about heroes. We have our laws,terms, and of course the basic definition and requirements to be a hero. When you all graduate you will have the qualifications to be a hero, if you do choose to go down that path.” Ms Abdu walked in between desk amongst the students, somthing she did often when teaching. She was never one to stay in on place for to long. “But what is it that makes a good hero. Can any of you tell me who the first worst hero up on the screen is, who and why. Just type it out in your notes, and we will discuss it after.” While the students had time to type out who out of three hero’s listed was the worst one ms. Abdu went up to her desk and took out her journal.
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy G4hardcore G4hardcore

John sees Adam look at the Bernice while frowning. “why hate someone who defended you or you just trying to reject good feelings? What ever it is your fate is sealed, might as well get a girlfriend or something before you die.” John thinks as Adam takes his seat with a passive look about him.

when John is greeted by Angel he feels all he was feeling break away and his mind gets off of Adam. “Morning Angel, nope I brought it with me, I hope. Just kidding I brought it. Wow I’m so Glad she likes me I was a little worried she wouldn’t approve I must admit. I’ll come back over for sure.” The young man says with a smile to his best friend knowing Adam might be listening.

John listens intently miss Abdu teach and looked at her as she walked through the midst of them all. “Hmmm whose the worst?” He thinks to his self then comes to the conclusion. He puts on his notes. “None of them, they all risk their lives and I don’t know their REAL motives or thinking so I don’t know their goals. I meet a LOT of big time heroes who were hypocrites and were not as they seem so I can not say who is best or worse.” As he gets done he sighs and smiles at the conclusion he came to.

John wonders what his teacher is reading and thinking so he tunes into her mind.
Zaxen sighed through his muzzle. He sounded as if he was crying. He wasn’t. He growled and softly bumped his head on the desk. He threw a ruby glare at Lisa, “No. No I don’t.”

Zaxen looked up when Miss Abdu spoke. ‘A hero.’ He thought, ‘I’m not a hero.’ He began typing then a hot liquid began dripping onto his desk. It was metal. The muzzle was melting. He tried to calm down but ended up working himself up again. He fell back in his chair, giving up. Now he wanted to hurt something. Badly. Make it bleed. He quivered at the thought. He balled his fists so hard, they drew blood. ‘Don’t. Get. Mad.’ He screamed at himself, ‘That’s what he wants.’

||location: miss abdu’s class||
||mood: Extremely angry and tense||
Portia Lovelace
Portia smiled seeing her two friends enter the classroom one by one. The two of them were the only reason she didn't feel out of place at this school. "Unworthy?" She tilted her head to the side at Bernice's statement. This girl actually felt she didn't deserve to be Portia's friend. Portia, who thought of herself as a bad person because she has hurt people in the past with her powers involuntarily. Portia, who didn't think she would ever make friends for more than a day. "Never. You'll always be my friend." Not only did she look different but she also acted differently. She had a new outlook on this school and its students. Portia pulled her into a hug, her hair cascading behind her with every movement, it even started to entangle itself around Bernice. "Thank you for being my friend." She took loyalty and friendship very seriously, which is why she had very few if any in the past. Letting her go and looking to Evelyn, Portia waved her over wanting the three of them to work together today.

When class actually began and Ms. Abdu gave them instructions Portia looked up at the board again. Flower Girl, Missile Man, and Luckystar. Well if I remember what papa said then it'd be Flower Girl. Having parents that are local heroes as well she knew a lot about other heroes from when they spoke of them. She recalled that he mentioned her inability to fight on her own and her running around with a villain whom she couldn't remember the name of so that's what she put. Flower girl because she can't fight her own battles according to the public and she spends too much time with villains according to my papa. In my opinion, I don't think she's any worse than the others for things she can and can't do. So what if she can't fight alone? That's why heroes have sidekicks. Also, my mom used to be a villain and my dad converted her so maybe Flower Girl just wants to do the same instead of fighting. "What'd you guys put down?" She addressed her two friends after finishing what she had typed. The smell of something burning filled her nose, a familiar scent from the first day. The blue haired teen turned around looking for Zaxen knowing it must have been him from her memories of the day before. Molten metal dripped from his dog muzzle to the desk and as much as Portia wanted to ask if he was okay she found herself unable to move. Her eyes looked down to the bandages that wrapped her arms and frowned remembering what happened the last time she tried to stop Zaxen. She wasn't afraid of him or getting hurt, she was afraid of what the others might think or do against her as if she were in the wrong again. I want to help him but... I... She felt distraught that she wanted to help and more so that she couldn't move.

LOCATION:: Ms. Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: Pumpkid Pumpkid G4hardcore G4hardcore mentions:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Zaxen instantly looked up, flinching slightly. The metal muzzle was still hot. He locked eyes with Portia and looked away, ‘Don’t even look at her you fucking monster.’ He screamed in his head. His eyes clouded, ‘You’re a fucking animal. You have to be put down. All you are is... is’

“Daddy’s boy.” He growled to himself. His head snapped up to the board and he continued doing the work. He would go insane soon enough. When he did, his dad would suffer. He slackened. And so would he.
Voices nattered on in his head. Thousands of them now. Some screamed, others whispered, most just spoke. They all said the same thing, “Daddy’s boy.”
He made eye contact with Portia and metal started to drip from the mask again. Just looking at her made him mad at himself. He tugged his eyes away from her bandages before he could explode. ‘Stop with the puppy eyes, daddy’s boy. She doesn’t want to talk to you. You’re a fucking disgrace.’ Zaxen growled again and the sound of chains echoed from under the table as he moved around, restlessly. He wanted to hurt someone.

||Mentioned: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||​
Evelyn Eden

When Portia called Evelyn to come and sit with her and Bernice, the shape-changer's eyes lit, all too happy to oblige. Evelyn gathered her belongings and shuffled over to the duo, elated to turn the pair into a trifecta. In her cheer, she didn't even care that she had given up a window seat, something she had always preferred over the years. "Good morning!" Evelyn exclaimed to Bernice & Portia. "Oh my God, I really love your hair Portia! Like, it is so pretty curly, but I had no idea it was so long!" As she situated herself and signed in to the new desk by her friends, Evelyn listened as the instructor began giving a lecture on heroism. She didn't have any doubts that everyone knew exactly who Abdu was in the hero community, so Evelyn made sure to give the teacher the attention and respect she'd earned as she imparted her wisdom upon the class.

What makes a good hero, Evelyn parroted to herself as Ms. Abdu addressed her students. I bet she knows exactly what heroes are made of!

Evelyn glanced at the chart and answered the question Miss Abdu had asked them to, haphazardly typing in Flower Girl's name without a second thought. Everyone knew Flower Girl was the least well known hero on the list, so she wagered she was correct. Unlike Miss Abdu, who was intensely popular. Evelyn raised her hand.

"Excuse me, Miss Abdu? We all know you're way more popular than the heroes on this chart. You've put down so many dangerous criminals, the people don't even care that you took justice into your own hands! How did you do it? I mean--you know, how did you get to be such a bad-ass?!" Evelyn hadn't realized in her sincere passion that her voice was probably one or two decibels higher than she'd intended. In a perfect world, she imagined going into the field and being just as successful a heroine as her teacher, and that invigorated her.

Location: Abdu's Classroom
Interactions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Pumpkid Pumpkid

Adam Antium

Missile Man, Adam typed into his desk, so sure of his answer that he couldn't imagine the possibility of being wrong. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to type in a reasoning for his answer, but what teacher would despise students' willingness to show their work? So, he decided that it was probably a good idea and began listing his rationale. As he typed, enjoying the sensation of being focused and confident in himself, he could overhear John saying loudly how happy he'd be to come over to Angel's house again. He couldn't help but be impressed that not only had they survived, but also the house was apparently still habitable. Usually when he buried a building, it didn't come back up, and it certainly wasn't livable, save for earth worms and and groundhogs. Adam supposed he had Flower Girl to thank for that.

Adam dismissed the statement, already quite satisfied with his actions last night. If John was trying to lure him into some kind of a trap, he may or may not be disappointed. He knew the time to get his revenge on John personally would come. For now all he could do was wait and listen for the right opportunity. He wasn't even sure he actually wanted to hurt him, but with a power like mind reading... regrettably, Adam felt John simply had to go.

He set his mind back to his desk-notes; Missile Man may be a hero, Adam typed, however the greatest heroes put the lives of innocents before anything and everything. Even if it means the perpetrator escaping. Even if it means the hero has to pay the ultimate sacrifice and lay down his or her very own life to protect others. For a hero like Missile Man to be so callous with his casualty count? His powered peers probably wonder at how he hasn't managed to blow up a villain or two, even on accident.

Adam wagered Ms. Abdu was such a great hero because, despite the fact that she had killed more of her enemies than likely everyone in the classroom combined--probably more than any hero ought to--that she always made sure to protect the people. But a hero like this 'Missile Man'? With a casualty count so high, Adam thought to himself, civilians probably cower in fear or run from the sight of Missile Man's uniform like a plague.

Adam knew as he typed the words that being a hero was something he could never do. Maybe once, a lifetime ago... but not anymore. Not ever.

The smell of molten metal made Adam look up from his notations; apparently, the boy with red hair from yesterday had aqquired a muzzle. And, it would appear, he wasn't too happy about it. "I can help with that," Adam offered, leaning back in his seat. "Just say the word."

Location: Abdu's Class
Interactions: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Mentions: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
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Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

Angel thinks for a while, the worst hero? You didn't need to be liked to be a good hero, so she puts down Missile Man, if there's one thing her father taught her about being a hero is that the people came first, you made little to no casualties. She stretches and wonders if she needs to add an explanation, but she decides not to, seeing as she can hardly sit still right now, that's how excited she is about getting her, however then she remembers they have to add that so she starts typing again 'A hero needs to put the lives of the innocent above all else' is the only thing she puts down, she couldn't exactly say Flower Girl despite what her father told her, besides the hero did save them from sinking into the ground, a good hero needs a good and likeable personality. She never met Missile Man, but she knew a hero needed a lot more qualities then being liked by the public "Take care of the people you strive to protect and they'll help you when the time is right" she thinks, advise from her father, it was good advise too since even heroes need help sometimes and that is certainly how you get respect.
Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & G4hardcore G4hardcore )

Bernice is startled by the sudden embrace from Portia. She is relieved the girl wished to remain friends. The weight lifted off her shoulders overwhelmed by her words about always being friends. Although it's the second day, the brunette held no doubt in her mind today will be a great day. There is still more to come, but for now Bernice wanted to leave it be. As Portia pulled away to thank her, small tears of joy pricked at the edge of her eyes. There is so much more she wished to say to Portia, alas Mrs. Abdu announced the start of class along with a lesson about,

"What makes makes a good hero"

That was a tough question given the list of only three heroes on the board. Bernice took a seat beside Portia and Evelyn whom greeted her. Bernice gladly sends her a smile and waves, "Hello~!" She whispered. "We'll talk later." She assured giving her a thumbs up like the dork she is. Quickly, the girl logs into her desk to write down her answer. Is there really a right answer or was a trick question? Everyone is entitled to their own heroic decisions and rules changed all the time. Each hero held their flaw and with it mistakes. In honesty, Bernice felt she should trust her heart and instincts. Sometimes being a hero to her meant taking matters into their hands. Sometimes. That lesson was learned by yesterday's event down the hallway. The feeling returning of guilty even though Portia had already forgiven and agreed to be friends. She shook her head out of those thoughts returning to the subject at hand repeating the question to herself.

The first ,worst hero is Missile Man. Every hero starts out as a rookie with terrible strategies, no knowledge of their opponent, nor how to handle the situation. Each of every hero's experience teaches one a lesson which is carried on as wisdom and offered to the inexperience to prevent them from making the same mistake. That's what makes a hero great thus becoming greater after time.

A cold sweat runs down as Bernice reads her answer. Short and simplified. It felt like it wasn't enough. Frustrated, she ruffles her hair unsure to post her answer. In the midst of her internal fit, her elbow hits 'send'. Bernice panics slamming her head on the desk gloomy. "Oh well. I guess that's what I'm going with." She mumbled. The girl overhears Portia asking both Evelyn and her about their answers. All Bernice can utter is an 'okay' and a thumbs up.
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Lisa x2
Ms Abdu’s class
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

Lisa frowned at the sharp response by her friend. As the class started she reluctantly turned her attention away from Zaxen and to the teacher. As one began to type away at the question the other sent a message to
Bad boy. ‘Does it hurt? Don’t worry they will take everything off after lunch, it says on the schedule that we will be going to the lab. No restraints needed there!!’ She hoped that she was able to cheer him up, whenever she was sad sh would sneak her way into her brothers room. He always found a way to cheer her up. Maybe Zaxen just needed a big brother. Well he can’t have mine...that’s for sure.

Lisa typed slowly as she tried to come up with a response to the question. She had met at three before, it was a hero banquet, every accomplished person making a a difference was there. Lisa just so happens to be the daughter of two people with a lot of money and a lot of influence. Flower girl is so nice, a real hero. So she was a pacifist, I mean that sucks in a fight but she was very good at stopping disasters , and helped a lot in the rebuilding of things....of course it only needs to be rebuilt because she refused to fight the villain in the first place.
She at out a sigh, this becoming much more difficult. Missile man broke a lot of stuff, but no one ever gets hurt. He’s a good hero, maybe even great. He signed away his rights , only showing up when called for. When towns have been evacuated or there was so much damage already done that it did not matter what he did.
The Lisas turned to look at each other as if one of them would have come up with something. Well it can’t be lucky star, I mean yeah she was pretty mean but she was an all around good hero. Giving up hope Lisa jotted down her answer. ‘They are all to good. I’ve been studying heroes since I could read. I even met these three. The trio has there flaws but I can’t find anyone worse than the other’. With that she hit send, hoping this was not a literal question with an actual answer.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise G4hardcore G4hardcore

Ms. Abdu was writing away in her journal ,something she usually did when grading. She left her mind open, keeping true to her personal beliefs about mind readers, not the opinions of everyone else. At the moment she was looking over the section dedicated to Portia. She did not want to reduce her grade, she did not want to reduce anyones grade. From the moment she saw Starlight she saw greatness. Everyone had potential to be a hero. Portia was already a hero, she just couldn't see it for herself. Ms. Abdu knew that what happened yesterday was a mistake for the most part. She was harder on Portia than Lisa or Zaxen, but out of the three, Portia disappointed her the most. Zaxen was a broken boy, yet the name Genie could strike more fear in peoples hearts than his whole reputation. Abdu's thought were interrupted by a students question. A smile was planted on her face as Evelyn spoke, but her eyes were unreadable. Am I Going to get asked this every class cycle. She closed her journal and turned to the board, hitting a button on the key pad that changed the screens. She did not answer the girls question and instead read the sentence on the bored.

"A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities." She tapped on her bracelet, a blue tint holographic screen popped up. A lot against Missile Man. Ms. Abdu refrained from rolling her eyes. They blew up a bathroom, destroyed the library , ruined a desk , and get into fights, and they don't like the hero that breaks stuff. It was almost laughable. "Three things, that is what humanity defines a hero as. I chose three heroes, each one having one of these traits. The public measures us with our stats. Those stats are important, but to the public view, to the ones we choose to protect. It is not how we see ourselves, we judge each other by our courage, achievements, and noble qualities. If you all want to be heroes you need to understand the world of Heroes. I want you all to choose a hero and rate them on these three traits. You will be graded on accuracy. Unlike what you just did, this assignment will have a right and wrong answer."
She looked around the class, pausing over Zaxen, She took his restraints as a personal insult. Not only did she think that they were cruel, but if he needed to be held back for any reason she was fully able to do so. "The heroes have to be locally registered, meaning that they are active and under jurisdiction laws. So they can not be someone who just lives here." Ms. Abdu turned off her bored and opened the classroom door. "Head over to the study hall I will come gather you all for lunch."
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Portia Lovelace
"Thanks." She played with a few strands of hair, twisting it in between her fingers. "It looks really short because of the curls. I just wanted to try a different look after walking around like a crazy person yesterday." Portia listened to her two friends with the thought of Zaxen lingering in her mind. She thought about what it took the be a hero and how they are to protect and serve civilians. Her personal reason was more so to protect those she cares about than the random civilians who think lowly of her. She didn't want it to be like this but that was how the world worked. When Ms. Abdu spoke of what was deemed traits of a hero she thought of herself wondering whether she held any of these traits. Well Missile Man has to have noble quality, he stepped down at one point for the betterment of humanity. LuckyStar would be outstanding achievement, I mean she has a pretty good public standing and low casualties. That's pretty hard to accomplish these days. That leaves Flower Girl... She's courageous for sure. Do what feels right rather than what you're told takes a lot of courage to pull off... I have to be courageous, just like Flower Girl. She thought clenching her first angry that she would even think of what her classmates would do in retaliation rather than just doing the right thing. Soon enough the class was dismissed to study hall before their lunch period. As soon as she was finished typing her notes Portia stood up hanging her head low. When she did look up she met eyes with Zaxen and her heart sank through the floor. He looked like he was in a dark place crying for help. Puppy eyes were something she could never turn down. Look at him... He looks like a frightened cat in a small cage... She dug through her bag finding a bobby pin in it perfect for her use.

In short strides, Portia marched over to Zaxen's seat kneeling beside him as her silver eyes met his. "That looks like it hurts..." She brought a gentle hand up to cup his cheek. "Don't worry I'll take it off you." The metal was hot but she had already been burned once so she didn't think it could get any worse. She was wrong. Touching the hot metal caused her to wince from the sudden burn against her palm but it didn't deter her from continuing to unstrap the muzzle. Once it was fully off she quickly dropped it to the floor shaking her hand to alleviate the pain. After a moment and the pain began to dissipate Portia used the bobby pin to pick the lock on the handcuffs. Her focus was honed in on opening up these handcuffs and it was obvious because she stuck her tongue out, something Portia does when she's very focused or determined. She's picked plenty of locks before so this was no challenge as she soon freed the fire-breather. The cuffs dropped to the floor making a loud clang against the surface leaving a more relieved look on her face. She stood up looking less ashamed than when she first came over. "I'll talk to the guards before I leave school today so they never do something like this again... We gotta look out for each other... right?" She looked back at Zaxen with a big smile as she held her stinging palm in her other hand. A flash of blue could be seen as her hair floated behind her from when she spun around to return to her Bernice and Evelyn. "Come on let's go to study hall. Maybe we can look up stuff for you guys costumes after we figure out how we're going to do this assignment." Portia was in a much chipper mood now that she was able to help her friend. It was written all over her face when she spoke to the two girls. Something about it felt freeing even though she was still restricted from her costume.

LOCATION:: Abdu's classroom heading for study hall
INTERACTIONS:: Pumpkid Pumpkid G4hardcore G4hardcore L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's Class/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & G4hardcore G4hardcore )

'This was just a warm up?' Bernice thought. Here she was panicking over nothing at the cost of her messy hair. Why must she be an over thinker? It will most likely be the death of her if she couldn't stop the habit. Regardless, the real test is upon everyone. To evaluate professional hero with three of the listed by Mrs. Abdu seemed a little odd. Who are they to judge when the class is a rookie themselves? It didn't matter. It's an assignment with lesson to be learned, possibly used in the future. There is so much too learn, so many obstacles pressuring her about being a hero she never even knew about. To think her ideas are wrong now seem to question her as a person when it came to right and wrong.

Portia's sudden assistance on Zaxen broke her out of her thoughts watching intently at her kind deed. Yesterday's display showed Bernice that there is something more to Zaxen that she couldn't understand why Portia forgave. Perhaps she saw something most didn't and the act said so much. The fruition of Portia is already ahead of the class for her courage, nobility to stand up to others and achieving her objective to free the lad's muzzle even if the girl didn't realize it herself, Portia is a natural hero. Bernice smiled admirably towards her new friend hoping to be able to do the same for others if ever the time came.

"Come on let's go to study hall. Maybe we can look up stuff for you guys costumes after we figure out how we're going to do this assignment." Portia chirped. "That sounds like a great idea!" Bernice nods in agreement. She then recalls something she wanted to do before heading out. "Oh I almost forgot!" She said. "I'll be right back." Bernice manages to catch up to the snow haired boy from yesterday. Adam. She lightly tapped his shoulder being too shy to speak to any boy. The feeling only seemed to vanish when she's standing up for something, other than that she's ridiculously timid. "H-hello." She stuttered clutching the strap on her messenger bag. "How are you? I hope you're doing well. I wanted to make sure if you are fine after what happened yesterday. I'm sorry for what they did to you. A-assuming." She corrected. Hopefully this wasn't weird. Portia gave Bernice the idea to do the same and look out for a fellow teammate. Maybe even be able to brighten someone's day.
Zaxen didn’t say a word as she untied his muzzle. He winced as the boiling metal burned her, hearing the sizzle on skin that her used to love to hear. Now it just made him sick, worse now because he had caused it. He forced himself to keep quiet. He pictured his dad and the glee on his face if Zaxen were to lash out at school again. ‘It’s what that bastard wants.’
When Portia undid his handcuffs, a wave of uphoria crashed over him. He wrapped her into a hug before hastily letting go.

Zaxen saw Adam and chuckled to himself, “Is it please?” He cracked, “I already have a hero to come save a fuck up like me.” He ran a hand through Portia’s hair as she walked away, careful not to mess it up. “Thanks.” He muttered.
The fire breather turned back to Adam. He scooped up the muzzle. One breath later, the smell of melting metal flooded the room for the third time that semester. He dropped the rubber strap to the floor. It fell into a puddle of metal at Zaxen’s feet.
He winked at Adam, intrigued, “What exactly could you do again?”

||interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
G4hardcore G4hardcore ||​
John looks up then stands as he hears Abdu speaking to go to the study hall. John looks to Angel and Maria “do you think the training matches will be fun? When they are available that is, do you guys think there will be a time limit?” Then he looks to Angel. “When it does happen do you want to fight Adam or do you want me to?” John asks Angel kind of exited. But if he was honest Angel has he most likely chances to win, and if John won... he wouldn’t let him live even if it meant being expelled.

John walks to the study hall and when he arrives with his friends he sticks with them both. Not giving attention to anyone else not to be rude at all. Just his best friend and friend took his attention 100% more, even over Zaxen who he now trust a little more with Portia around.

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