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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Washroom/Ms. Abdu's Classroom

1549184688536.pngMaria, feeling terrible for how she made everybody feel, especially Portia and Lisa, turned her attention towards the ladies washroom. Walking into the washroom, Maria quickly made her way towards the mirrors, looking over her appearance she noticed that her uniform had become quite the mess. Taking the time to look over every detail of her appearance, she made sure that everything was perfect. After spending about five minutes fixing the way she looked, making sure that her voice wasn't cracking, or breaking she made her way back to the classroom. Seeing that Portia was engaged in what seemed like flirting with Zaxen honestly surprised Maria, considering the two just had a serious argument in the middle of the hallway. "Hey Portia," she started, speaking in a quiet voice, "I just wanted to say sorry for the way I handled the situation in the hallway." After she speaking to Portia, she decided to leave the lightning user alone, making her way to the back of the class towards Angel and John. Looking up at the pillar made completely of shadows she didn't even notice that there was someone stuck at the top of it. "Did you do that?" Maria asked Angel, pointing behind her towards the structure behind her. She sat down at the desk in front of John, immediately opening the messenger that was built in the desk and sent a short apology to both of the Lisa's. After she typed out the message and sent it away, she turned around to face her friends.
Evelyn Eden

“You can control water?” Said Evelyn with a warm smile, thinking back on the smoke that had been billowing from under the boy’s bathroom. Come to think of it, Eve definitely recalled Bernice being in that hallway at the time. “You probably put out the fire, didn’t you? That’s so heroic! Well, I’m like you! Er, I mean I can’t control water or anything cool like that. I meant, I don’t think I’ve tapped into my full potential yet either. I, um...” Evelyn glanced around, somewhat self conscious about her ability.

“I can change my body. It’s hard to explain—not that you asked how it works, but I can become other living things. It’s not as impressive as the powers of people like you, but I’ve managed to save a few people’s lives, so I think I was meant to have this gift.” Evelyn looked thoughtful for a moment. “I do wish my clothes could change with me though. It’d be nice, I mean.”

Evelyn couldn’t help but grin when Bernice started talking about the lunchroom boy in the back of the class. She could understand Bernice getting flustered—he certainly was easy on the eyes. And very nice to volunteer... Evelyn certainly understood. “He’s definitely sweet,” Evelyn supplied in a hushed undertone, trying not to stare. “And a cutie, I’ll give him that too! I wonder if he—”

Evelyn was about to say more, until she noticed her desk vibrating slightly. “Okay... is it just me or is my desk getting a phone call or something?”

Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Mentions: The Hero The Hero


Adam Antium

As Angel and John continued giving Adam the cold shoulder, he decided he had better get comfortable. Eventually the instructor would see what was going on and intervene. And if she didn’t... well, a small part of Adam somewhat hoped she wouldn’t. It had been days since he’d hit his last mark; he didn’t have a thirst for blood, but accomplishing his goals was a high like nothing else.

...And then the platform rose even higher.

Adam felt another pang of irritation. He could feel his heart beating faster, the ceiling just over the top of his head. Why would she raise me even higher, unless... Adam considered the possibility that she knew his vulnerability to significant heights. Adam had always told himself it was simply a fear of falling, but he knew deep down it was more than that. Deeper than that... It wasn’t even about him feeling a connection with the earth under his feet. No, his fears stemmed from a memory long ago...

But how did she know? Adam had a few ideas as to how she’d stumbled upon a truth that nobody knew. He glanced at John with distaste. Could he be in my head? Or is it someone else in this classroom? Adam couldn’t be sure, but if he found out that someone here was a telepath... that someone had violated the inner sanctum that was his mind...

Adam couldn’t help it for a moment. He was so angry, the ground would rumble and shake as he clenched a white-knuckled fist in his fury. The light fixtures would sway and the chairs and desks would vibrate on the ground below as if the school was on a fault line. Adam took a deep breath, and let it go a moment later. As quickly as the minor quake had begun, so too had it ended.

There will be blood, So swore Adam. There will be blood. And with that, he closed his eyes and did his best to empty his mind and control his anger. Now was not the time to strike.

Mentions: Flame Demon Flame Demon Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon G4hardcore G4hardcore Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

John was happy Angel didn’t reject the hug and didn’t flip out. But he was extremely shocked she had her head down, with her jet black hair covering her pale face telling Lisa it’s none of her business. “Could she feel the same way?” He thinks, but his thoughts are cut off due to a tremor.

“Angel raises him higher and a earthquake happened? Not a coincidence, his power must be something with the ground or vibrations.” John thinks then readies himself for a attack and links his mind back to his, but it never comes. Then the tremors stop as well. “Seems like he did what he made fun of Angel for, showing his power.” John thinks noting this, that he can be angered which might lead to a advantage later in a figh. but he also got over it fast so it might be a short advantage at best.

After this John keeps his mind tuned into Adams to make sure there’s no more surprises. Then turns to Adam. “Looking forward to it, what was your name?” John says to without fear or shaking in his voice, to show him he’s not intimidated. It was hard but he fights the feelings off.

After Adam reply’s John turns back to Angel and Maria “hey are you both ok?” He asks them not thinking they are hurt but not wanting to take any chances either.
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's Class/ Tagged: G4hardcore G4hardcore )

Bernice nods affirming of her powers. Her eyelights switch to stars when Evelyn reveals what she can do. Her instant thought, "you're a shape shifter? Thats so cool! I enjoy animals. They're much more pleasant to be around and talk to. I'm sure you'll be able to in no time. Maybe a special suit will allow you to stay dressed at all times." She chirped. The sudden rumbling startled the girl. "I-I'm not sure."
"I'm fine" Angel says "Geez, someone does not take a prank lightly" she mumbles glancing at Adam "Wish I could put him on the roof" she thinks, though, she turns to Maria and grins "Yep" she says, almost sounding proud of it, almost "So, how far does everyone live from the school?" he asks looking at her two friends, she guessed Earth powers because of the tremor, but hey she couldn't be exactly sure.

"So Maria, do you have a costume in mind?" she asks looking at the girl, who was late "John doesn't know yet and I already have mine nearly completely thought out" she says with a slight smile, she really wondered what everyone's outfit would look like since most would probably pick something that matches their powers or something.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
"I didn't ask for you to run in." He mumbled, " I was already leaving." He looked at her arm for a moment longer before cursing under his breath, "Did you really expect them to just fade away?" He pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a soft blow. He held it in his teeth as he observed her arm, trying to determine how bad the burns were, “You heroes. You think you’re indestructible.” He flicked a ruby glare at her before looking down again. He couldn’t quite see the ones on her hands. They looked bad from his standpoint, “shit.” He inhaled a lungful of smoke before speaking again, “These fucking force fields.”

||interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||Location: Hall||
||mood: pissed off, worried||
Ms Abdu

"So class......" A beeping from her watch caught her off guard. Why was Genie being summoned, by Missile Man. What could have possibly be going on. "Okay class um, Lisa Portica and Zaxen need to go to see headmaster Fuji." The fact that she wasn't using nicknames was an indicator that she was distracted. "Everyone else, tomorrow is costume day, bring your design or ideas on what you want your costume to look like as well as a hero name for yourself." She released the shield from starlights hands as she dismissed the class for the day.
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

John looks at Angel. “Well, I’m homeless. I have a literal box I live in next to the school so I live REALLY close.” He answers Angel honestly, looking away in slight shame from the two girls he’s conversing with.

Then ms. Abdu speaks and he gets his attention on her. He is sad but also glad the day is up because of all his friends and the bad he encountered in the school. Now he will be able to come up with ideas for a costume.

“Hey, Angel” he hesitates wanting to ask if they could hang out with Maria and discuss costume Ideas but decided not to. “Sorry about the pause, Hey Angel have fun with your mom I hope she takes you to somewhere amazing... maybe a candy store?” The last part he is shrugging and saying in a playful tone.

He hangs out with them until they both leave
Lisa Grande x3
Japanime Japanime Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise

Lisa flinched at the scary girl when she snapped on her. She was also very upset when her name was being called to go to see the head master. She knew she was going to get in trouble, she has never been in trouble before....but it was exciting. Lisa could not help but over here the others talking about a candy store and living in a box. She looked over at the other Lisa who was gathering her things and ready to go to see Headmaster Fuji. They both looked at each other as another clone poofed into existence. As long as ONE of them showed up it should be okay. Lisas smiled as the main two ran to each other grabbing hands and the third was left to deal with Mr. Fuji. Being bad is so much fun. Of course Lisa would never actually be a bad girl, the real her would face whatever punishment was given to her. She followed behind John and Angle as they headed out the door. She did not mean to over hear but could not help it. Lisa gasped before grabbing on to each arm of the mind reader. " I have never met thomeone who lived in a box before. Can I thee it? We could compare are roomth!" As sweet as Lisa was the overly pampered princess had no clue what it was like to actually be cast out on the street. In her mind John's situation was all fun and games.
John smiles at the girls request. “Ok Frodo come on down to the shire as long as your parents are ok with it.” John says to Lisa and would be happy to show her his life.
At the mention of being able to go home Angel puts everything in her bag, glad she didn't have to stay behind with the teacher being summoned "You live in a box?" Angel asks stopping when she wants to put another notebook in her bag, she grabs her phone and texts her brother "Please don't be home" she whispers waiting for a reply "Well I live pretty far, it's an hour drive to get here" she says, when he phone beeps she grin "Awesome, my dad's out of the country" she says quietly with a smile.

She turns to John and says "My dad's away for about a week according to my brother, if you want you could stay at my house", her mother would be okay with it, most likely anyway, so there was no problem there, besides, she couldn't let her friend stay in the streets, who knows what weather it's gonna be. She looks at Maria and says "If you want to come too then you can, you know, if you're able to, but maybe we could help you with a costume design" she says, she never had friends over before, so that's gonna be slightly awkward.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Florian's attention was caught briefly by the tremor, presumably caused by the teen in the high chair. "Why does everyone in this class seem so mean spirited?" The young man thought, "I thought we were supposed to be heroes." The day was coming to an end, and Florian had quite the low opinion of his school. Everyone in this school seemed either unstable, spiteful or disturbed. It was only the first day of school, and he already felt exhausted. "I didn't even use my powers today," he murmured to himself, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm thinking curry today," he mused, making a list of ingredients in his head, "also need to get the Tupperware back from that girl." Giving one final wave to his classmates before he left, Florian walked out of the classroom.

On his way back from school, the young man glanced over at a box near the school. He recalled one of his classmates saying that they lived in a box. "How sad," Florian sighed, wondering if he should buy an umbrella for the shabby abode. "I'll just grab one from my house tomorrow," he said, "I have things to do today." And with a methodic rhythm, he walked towards the supermarket once again. It wouldn't be for an hour that Florian could return home.

"I'm home," Florian said louder than usual. A robed and masked figure practically appeared before his eyes. The figure was around the same height as Florian but built slimmer. "Hey, sis," Florian sighed, handing over a few snacks from his bag, "dinner will be ready in a few." His sister nodded and handed him a postcard along with a mask. "They're on a tropical island now?" Florian asked, reading the postcard, "congratulations on your first day if you need a costume here's a mask." Florian could swear his family just had a weird kink or something. "That's one less thing to do I suppose."
Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class/ Tagged: Flame Demon Flame Demon & G4hardcore G4hardcore Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise )

After the small quake ceased, Mrs. Abdu announced the end of class. It was peculiar to suddenly end the day after entering class. It was a relief though to finally process today and start a new tomorrow. She'd be sure to make a stop at the market and pick up some ingredients. While the students anxiously depart, Bernice has taken notice of Adam's situation. How has no one stepped in and stopped the shadow manipulator? Surely ehatever started this is bound to end right? Well the day is over and it seems unlikely. The bruenette huffs in irritation to the possible bullies ready to say something. She turns to Evelyn, "Will you excuse me?" She said before drawing up to the trio clearing her throat and announcing herself.

"Excuse me, but don't you think holding that guy hostage has gone on long enough? School has ended and I think it would be nice for all of us to head home including him." She pointed to the platform. "If you'd be so kind as to set him down please?"
Portia Lovelace
Once her hands were freed Portia rolled her wrists a bit getting feeling back in them after not using them. The pain only subsided when she chose not to move them. "I can't stand you," She smiled gently bopping him on the top of his head. Portia didn't like to linger on problems, finding it much easier to either forgive and move on or accept the friendship is over. Since she was rather determined to win him over, Portia chose the former. "Come on we have to go to the office since you wanted to get us and a child in trouble." She took his hand with a sure grip, whether he wanted it or not wasn't an option she was allowing him, and dragged him to the office with her to make sure he wouldn't try to bail.

LOCATION:: class - Fuji's office
INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Location class-going out of class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Pumpkid Pumpkid Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

John hears Bernice and looks at her then smiles and shakes his head.

When John hears Angels offer he is shaken to his core. He had never meet someone who would do anything like that before. “I-wow I would love to stay with you.” John wanted to say no because of his age and what people would think of her for letting him stay. But all this washed away when he thinks “she really just wants to help me, she might be hurt if I don’t accept. Angel went out of her way to help me.” With that he accepts her most gracious offer. “... yes thank you no ones ever done this for me before.” He says lowly, having never been offered such a deal for nothing but to receive it.

John looks at Lisa. “Hey is it ok if I show you tomorrow? So you can ask your parents and I get to go with my friend?” He asks not forgetting her or wanting to ignore her.

John follows Angel (and Maria if she came too) to her house and his potential residence if her mom approved. “Hey Angel canI have permission to read your moms mind? Not to look for anything just to see what she really thinks of me so I don’t step on any toes.” If Angel asked John to read her moms mind to search for why Angels Dad killed 1 person he would do it.
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Angel honestly had forgotten that Adam was up there "I can let him down" she says, she moves the desk to the front beford letting the platform disappear all at once "You really shouldn't just yet" she says looking at John "She get emotional very easily, she once said she didn't understand her own mind, so...", she wondered if it had something to do with her father being Atlas, but she didn't ask, not wanting her mother to break down crying.

Outside she sweatdrops "You had to take this one" she says, as if her family's not weird enough her mother shows up in her rather expensive bright yellow car, not that she's complaining, but yellow did not fit with her "Mom this is John, one of my friends and can we go before you start crying?" she asks earning a nod "Sorry with your father out of the country your brother is really hyperactive and what not, in fact he keep teleporting all over the house" the woman says as she hugs her daughter "Get in you two" she says, glad her little girl made a friend "So what's tomorrow's schedule?" she asks curiously.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Ms. Abdu's Classroom/School Entrance

1549223049605.pngSeeing Angel's display of power, Maria's self-doubt only grew. She knew that her power was the weakest out of her friends, she could barely control it and everybody else in the class got to show their powers, and Maria's display only put everybody else in pain. When Ms. Abdu mentioned that Portia, Zaxen, and Lisa were the only ones going to see the Headmaster, she was honestly surprised. Maria thought that most of the people in the hallway would be sent to see Mr. Fuji, but she understood why it would be a lot for him to handle seeing as there were at least half a dozen students present during the whole ordeal. Packing up everything she had laid out for class, she looked around the room and noticed that most of the students had already made their way home. Wanting to hang out with Angel and John more, she tried her best to make her way towards the entrance. After being lost for a bit, she finally found her way. Walking outside to the entrance of the school, she saw Angel getting into a very bright, almost neon yellow car. "Hey!" Maria shouted towards the other two members of JAM, "wait for me!"
Location entrance

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

“ok I won’t read her mind.” John reply’s to Angel, walking out to where she was leading him. “... your mom has style, wow she doesn’t blend in at all, not mean I like it personally” He is cut off by Angel and her moms interaction. “Awww that’s so cool I love how their family is so close...” like a scab being peeled off memories of his family came rushing in, then memories of them being taken away follows after that. The sting of it was hard to push away. Not wanting to ruin the moment he stays quiet and puts on a smile. Then successfully forced all those memories and feeling away.

When his crush invites him inside he makes his way into her moms car. Then hears shouting.

John turns to see Maria shouting to them. “Cmon in she invited both of us Maria” he says with a playful smile. “Ladies first” He says motioning to the car in a non seductive way. Only playfulness toward his friend and team member.

After that and they are all in the car John will thank Angels mom for driving them “Thank you miss black.”
"Right mom, that's Maria" Angel says "Guys this is Scarlet, my mother" she adds "No need to be so formal though. Despite how mom looks she hates formalities", true, he mother dresses professionally, but that doesn't say anything. "So Maria, do you have a costume idea or do we need to brainstorm all night?" she asks looking at the girl.

She's being unusually chatty, then again this is the first time ever she has friends coming over to her house "Please don't mind my brother, Jacob, he can teleport" she adds, warning the two before they're scared by her older brother.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Location Angels house

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Flame Demon Flame Demon

John nods at Angel, and looks out the window. Seeing everything pass by fast, it was relaxing and fun to him. He hasn’t been in a car very many times either. He would catch a ride every now and then but he walked everywhere he went. It was healthy and he didn’t have much money at all.

When they arrived at Angels house he marveled at it, he would have never thought she was apart of this family at all they didn’t seem anything alike. The house was amazing and he would have never figured her for a rich girl. She didn’t look or act the type he would see and read the minds of.

“This is your house?! Wow this is so cool!” He says not realizing how overwhelmed he’s acting, because he was overwhelmed. All this was so new to him he felt like a kid going to his friends house for a sleepover for the first time it was cool, scary and full of excitement.
Evelyn Eden

Evelyn hadn’t been sure where the tremors had come from, but it made sense that people seemed to be glancing at the boy with white hair at the ‘top’ of the class. He didn’t seem to be doing it, but it was hard to tell from below. He certainly looked irritated, and he didn’t seem surprised that the classroom was shaking—so it was likely he was the culprit. But why was he even up there? If it had been a joke, Evelyn couldn’t see the punchline. Had he done something wrong, like Zaxen had earlier? Or was this a case of classic bullying? Evelyn genuinely couldn’t tell, but if the white haired boy needed any help, he certainly didn’t seem to want any... Now it bothered her though, and she was conflicted.

When Bernice actually seemed delighted to hear her ability, it was all Evelyn could do not to blush. In a world where people could breathe fire and sneeze thunder, no one had ever seemed impressed by her power of self change. In response to Bernice’s comment about finding a special costume to change along with her body, Evelyn sighed.

“I hope so. I’m not a scientist or anything, and I don’t know what kind of material would work. I’ve experimented with everything I could think of, and destroyed half my wardrobe on accident trying to find something that might work for me.” Evelyn appeared crestfallen. “When I turn into teeny things, I’ll have the worst time getting lost in my own clothes trying to get out. When I turn into something big, well... I always have a spare set of clothes in my bag for those times. Most medium sized animals seem to be fine, but well, you haven’t laughed until you’ve laughed at a gorilla in a skirt!”

When Ms. Abdu mentioned costume day being tomorrow, Evelyn’s heart sank and her face paled. “...oh.” Was all she could manage. Why were the gods so cruel? Why did I have to be a shapeshifter? Costume day? Evelyn realized she’d been holding her breath after Abdu’s proclamation, and let it out in a burst. She glanced over at Adam and realized that, even though class had been dismissed early, he was still being held, like a bird in a cage. She couldn’t take being silent on the matter any more. Even if he did do something wrong, this can’t be okay—

That’s when Bernice excused herself politely and marched over to his captor. Evelyn stood up as well, once she caught on to the water manipulator’s noble intent, and meandered over to her new brunette friend’s side, if nothing else but for support. She wished she’d been paying more attention to her surroundings, because she couldn’t say why he had been stranded so.

Location: Abdu’s Classroom
Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Mentions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

Adam Antium

“Adam.” Adam replies to John not unkindly, him having asked his name. “Adam Antium.”

Adam realized that John was trying to be brave in front of his dark haired friend. If John was tuned into his mind at that moment, he would find a startling lack of content on his conscious mind, aside for a poem his mother would recite him to calm him ever since he was born. He was reciting it in his head to keep from shaking the classroom. If John actually put in any effort into searching for something more specific, there would be little Adam could do to stop that. As it was now, John seemed plenty distracted with his conversation below, and Adam was distracted on his mother’s rendition...

Hush little child, don’t you know?
Your heart is wild, but I love you so.
I brought you here, my beautiful seed,
So show no fear, my greatest deed

There were more verses in the poem, which John likely wouldn’t pay much attention to. His mother had taught him from an early age, that there was a time to attack, a time to retreat, and a time to wait—listen—and simply do nothing.

Then Bernice spoke up. For him.

Adam couldn’t fathom why she would do that for him. Or really, why anyone would do that for him. There was another girl standing by her side, though she was inexplicably silent. Adam did his best not to put too much stock in the brunette wanting to help him. This was a hero school, it was nothing more than practice for them. And yet...

He didn’t have very long to ponder the act of goodwill. No sooner than Bernice kindly asking them to let him go, Angel had agreed. Something about her cavalier attitude set off a little red flag in his brain. The platform he was situated on shifted to the front of the classroom a few rows up—then vanished all at once. Adam felt his stomach lurch as he dropped ten feet straight down, all while still in his desk.

Needless to say, the desk was practically destroyed. Rather banged up, Adam wasn’t particularly surprised that she would do that. The desk in front of him glitched and sparked. And the legs were now bent and mishappen. Adam refused to give the sadistic girl the pleasure of acknowledging his own injuries, minor though they were. He ignored his banged elbows and throbbing knees and ankles. He wanted to snap. He wanted to bury the girl so deep she could only ever dream of sunlight in her next life. But his mother’s teachings still rang in his mind... Wait... Listen... Do nothing.

And so he waited, focusing on the comings and goings of his own breaths. He wasn’t even sure why anymore, until he overheard John’s unmistakable voice asking the shadow queen for permission to read someone’s mind. So it was you, you little snake! Thank you mother. For teaching me to wait. And listen.

Adam opened his eyes. His mother had taught him the importance of doing nothing. But his father? Son, don’t wait for the iron to get hot by striking. Make the iron hot by striking it. The words were like a proverb to him, and he held the advice dear to his heart. He watched as Angel and John left the classroom in a hurry, with a third individual, a girl, following behind them. To himself, he murmured, “Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. May you both Rest In Peace.”

Adam kept a reasonable distance away from JAM, but not so far that he wouldn’t lose sight of them. He could literally feel their footsteps through the ground as they walked out the front door of the school. Adjusting his book bag nonchalantly, he watched silently from a distance as they drove off in a yellow car. A very yellow car. He made sure to wait until after they pulled off before doing anything else.

Once they did, he eyeballed the box that the mind reader apparently slept in. He had no problem mentioning it in class, so Adam had overheard it. With a simple gesture, he commanded a spike of stone to jut upward from the earth and impale the box. Then, he turned and stared at the yellow car driving off. Adam smirked, and with a twist of his wrist, the ground swallowed him whole, leaving no trace of the earth shaker.

Location: Classroom > “Underground”
Mentions: Flame Demon Flame Demon Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Pumpkid Pumpkid G4hardcore G4hardcore
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Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
School Entrance/Angel's house

1549262824203.pngMaria practically ran towards the bright yellow car. After greeting Angel's mom she swiftly entered the door that John was so graciously holding open for her. Looking out at the city, she never realized how big the school was compared to the buildings surrounding it. For the entire ride, Maria was nervous about what would come to pass in the next few days. If Ms. Abdu was taking the class to get costumes made, that might mean that they will have to fight soon, something Maria wasn't that thrilled about. After what seemed to be about an hour of driving, Maria hoped out of the bright yellow vehicle noticeably surprised at the sheer size of the Black's estate. Looking in awe at the biggest house that Maria had ever seen she was at a loss for words. "You live here?" she asked visibly shook.
"Yeah, my parents run a car company" Angel says with a slight smile "I mean it's not the biggest house you'll find" she says rubbing the back of her head, why were they so surprised "Right, your surprise" Scarlet says opening the door "Go on in, I'll join you in a minute" she says "Mom you realize the door open themselves right?" Melody asks.

She looks at John and Maria and gets slightly nervous "I hope you like my house" she says taking off her boots when she reaches the front door "Come on it" she says mentioning them to follow "Take those to the drawing room Jacob' she says when an older boy appears behind her with sweets and drink "You're predictable" she adds before he teleports away. Had Jacob bern younger the two could've been twins, the only trait different are the eyes, Angel took her mother's red eyes while her brother has bright green eyes.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
John complied and walks inside giving Angels mom a nod. “I really like your house...” he says then her brother apears then disappears. “He looks just like her... and had candy he’s got to be her brother.” John thinks to himself. Then looks at Maria “this is so cool, what do you think about all this?” He asks Maria then looks around the large home.

“What kind of costume you want? Something light or heavy? Help your powers or just for looks?” John asks Maria also to start the conversation and get her a Cool costume.
Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class > Out of campus/ Tagged: G4hardcore G4hardcore )

Bernice smiles kindly towards Angel as he's set down. Not exactly what she expected but he was grounded now. Bernice gasp in in horror seeing Adam had a few injuries. He left without so much as a word. Bernice frowns disappointed as she was prepared to soothe his wounds or mend them in any way she can. A sigh escapes her turning towards Evelyn. "Mission accomplished, I suppose? She joked. "Well I better head to the super market before it gets late. Home is three blocks away from here. See you tomorro Evelyn." She chirped with a slight sad tone as she dismisses herself.
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