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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Zaxen yelped and clutched his cheek. He threw an apologetic glance back at Portia before turning to Lisa, “I don’t know what kind of game you think we’re playing but we ain’t playing a game. He looked her up and down, something clicking in his mind, “oh for fucks sake you can clone yourself can’t you?” He growled, kicking an empty coke can. It skidded across the floor and hit the wall with a loud clang, “why me?” He mumbled.

He arrived at the classroom, “I have a hairbru-“ He took one look inside and backed up. He had just seen the look on angels face.

||Interactions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Flame Demon Flame Demon thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
||location: hallway||
||mood: angry, spooked||
Portia Lovelace
Defeated and somber Portia wanted to be left alone. She wanted to stay silent in her own bubbly until this day was over. Unfortunately for her, someone decided to talk to her anyway. She looked up at the girl tears dripping down her cheeks from her puffy red eyes. "Why do you even want to talk to me... I thought you didn't like me..." The girl was being so genuinely kind in her introduction Portia couldn't help but blush. She felt more vulnerable now compared to how she was acting earlier. Being restrained and verbally attacked by her classmates really left her wounded. She hates me. She thought as the sadness started to hit her once again. He hates me too. I thought John was my friend... Her eyes trailed to Bernice who chose to sit away from her looking sadly at the ground. I-I thought... Everyone hates me... Her thoughts made her want to start crying again but her tears had already dried against her skin. "It's nice to meet you too." She said simply. The only thing distracting her from this was Angel making a scene in the back of the class.

LOCATION:: Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore mentions:: Pumpkid Pumpkid Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Evelyn Eden

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Evelyn interjected toward Bernice. “I’m Eve.”

Evelyn was delighted that Portia decided to speak to her after all. A sheepish grin lit her features like fireworks. “You thought I didn’t like you? Oh sweetie, I don’t even know you! I made a snap judgment, and that’s totally on me. To be honest, I figured you wouldn’t like me either... but what that boy did to you and that poor little girl... I don’t understand how people can be like that. This world has enough pain. I’m just so sorry I gave you a hard time Portia, really. Let’s start fresh, yeah?”

When Zaxen is walked into the room, it was all Evelyn could do not to stare at him. She hadn’t actually seen him do anything wrong, but Portia’s tears said it all. He did seem to have an aura about him that Evelyn couldn’t place. Hearing all the students chime up for Portia also helped solidify in her mind that this guy was not a good guy by any traditional means.

Angel standing up and approaching another guy in the back of the class caught her attention, especially what with the living shadows growing around her in a threatening display of power. Evelyn was glad she hadn’t sat in the back!

Location: Window seat
Pumpkid Pumpkid thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

Adam Antium

Adam studied Angel thoughtfully as she slowly stood up from her desk and meandered toward him. Shadows rose about her, in an all in all rather captivating show. He had no idea that there was a mind reader in the class room...

Hm. This one might be daft enough to show her hand, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to show my hand, or my ass.

Adam listened intently as the shadow queen revealed both her demeanor and her ability in one fell swoop. No doubt if it came to a fair fight, she wouldn’t be a pushover. I’ve taken more impressive foes. Not always because I was more powerful... I was more dangerous.

Adam smirked, more to himself than toward Angel. “I believe I issued you a warning, as a matter of fact. And a free pass. You’ve used your first and last one too.” Adam shot a casual glance at the teacher. He didn’t know what she was fully capable of, but that didn’t disturb him. Not yet. “Would you like me to move?” Adam asked, still maintaining his smirk. “You are more than welcome... to make me.”

Adam would wait to see just how far the girl would take things. In his mind, it didn’t matter though. She would make for the perfect candidate for his first mark at the school... and he would be sure to strike with the opportunistic timing of an assassin.

The Beacon of Hope will surely come if the fire rises high enough...

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Flame Demon Flame Demon
Location classroom

Flame Demon Flame Demon

Hearing Adams thoughts John stands and grabs Angel and turns her facing him so she can’t see Adams smirk. “Please don’t hes testing you.” He says with all his attention to Angel. “You, you don’t get a free pass if you want a fight when we begin training I’ll take you, unless your all bark no bite in that case I’ll take your girl instead.” He tells Adam looking at him in the eyes if possible. Then turns back to Angel.

“Let’s just sit down and wait until training matches, don’t lose your cool. He’s confident he can make you hit first.” He says to his best friend. Still holding her
Angel grins, not a normal grin "You want me to make you move?" she asks, her voice low and dangerous, a platform rises underneath Adam's desk lifting him up, desk and all, yes she's capable of killing but that doesn't mean she wants to. She looks at John, keeping Adam is the air and the shadows around her disappear "Find all his weaknesses" she whispers to John, she remembers her father scolding her when her powers were too out of hand, she looks at Adam and says "I don't hit guys like that first, I simply wanted him to move, he shouldn't have challenged me, at least he's got a great view up there" she says with a smirk.
Location classroom

Flame Demon Flame Demon G4hardcore G4hardcore

John smiles “good job not hitting him, I actually was a little scared you would for a second there.” He says with a sigh of relief to Angel.

When she asks him to get his weaknesses John sits back down then takes a minute and searches the boys mind for any weaknesses.

John looks at Angel then smiles holding a thumb up to signal he’s looking. “Hey Angel, so what do you want your costume to look like? Will you wear like a black robe? No ummm like a old time black dress?” He says acting as if all that never happened starting a conversation with his crush. Still messing with his hair.
"No dress" Angel says "Something simple, something easy to move in" she says, "I already have a design, but I can't decide on the final design" she adds, she couldn't really decide since there were so many option to go with "It's gonna be black though" she says, she glances at the platform and raises the sides up a bit so that he can't jump down.

She shows John her sketch in her notebook "Something like this, since it's practical, easy to move in and offers enough protection to take a few hits" she explains, she hadn't included a belt in the sketch, but she was still making that at home, so she'd do that when it's finished.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Zaxen poled his head ‘round the door, “psst.” He hissed, “Portia!” He looked frantic, eyes darting around the classroom. The red haired villain was unusually tense. He had never hung around a crime scene for long, let alone be in the same building. “Hey, starlight.” He growled.

||talking to: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
Florian was slightly late to class because of his volunteer work. Or was it because he gave out too many large portions and the lunch ladies caught on? He was reprimanded when the last sudent came, and they were all out of food. It's not like they had more people buying cafeteria food, so they quickly caught on as to what happened. A light blush covered Florian's cheeks as he was scolded by the older ladies. He didn't expect to be caught; and now, it looked like they wouldn't let him in the kitchen anymore. He couldn't have that. "I...I just wanted to give p-p-people larger portions," the young man hiccuped, rubbing his eyes, "start the year off on a good foot." The lunch ladies' expressions softened. "I'll figure something out don't worry," he said, grabbing the last student by the shoulder and walking away.

They walked a distance away when Florian turned on the girl. She had a surgical mask on oddly enough, but that wasn't important. His eyes and demeanor had calmed down significantly in those few steps. "Are you still hungry?" he asked to which the girl nodded. "Alright, take my lunch then," he whispered, shoving his boxed lunch into her arms before she could respond. "Don't tell those lunch devils about how quickly I recovered, okay?" He smiled, putting his index finger in front of his lips. The student nodded hesitantly. "Okay, I gotta head to class now," he said, patting her on the shoulder as he walked off.

Florian would return to a classroom filled with more negativity than before. It's like the teacher had no control over her class. Oh wait, she did if the girl with force fielded hands was any indicator. "What happened during lunch?" Florian wondered, looking at all the new faces. He took his previous seat at the back left corner of the class, waiting for further instructions.

location: Ms.Abdu's class
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John looks at the drawing. “Wow I was wondering what you’ve been drawing. Cool a belt would tie up the look and utility. Where did you learn to draw? I really like it.” John says looking at her drawing.

The sound of Zaxen made him agitated, but when he hears him calling for Portia he is confused at what his motives are. But he won’t read his mind due to searching Adams for weaknesses.

“Hey So do you have a crush yet on the first day of school?” John asks trying to start up a conversation he hears other girls say to their friends as a normal conversation starter.
Portia Lovelace
A faint smile appeared hearing she didn't actually hate her. It was reassuring at least. "I would like that-" Portia was about to continue but her attention was being hailed by another. Hearing that familiar voice she looked for where it came from spotting the troublemaker in the doorway. "What?" The blue haired girl up without question to see what was bothering him even after all that went down. Portia stood near the doorway looking up at him. "And you call me that too now?" Her head tilted to the side curious of what he was going to say.

LOCATION:: Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
"No, at least I don't think so, you?" Angel says putting her notebook away "And I've been drawing as a hobby, the belt is coming though, but I'm only going to add that when I finish making it" she says with a smile, glad he liked the sketch "And as I said, I'm not finished yet" she says. She wasn't even sure what her hero name would be, she didn't even know what to do after all this, hero, anti-hero, she really needed to think about that very carefully because it would eventually be the future she'll be choosing for herself "Where's Maria again?" she asks tilting her head when she doesn't see her other friend anywhere.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
“I think so I’m not sure.” He reply’s to Angel, then when she smiles he slightly blushes because of how cute it looked when she smiles. “Ok that’s cool, to be honest I don’t have a costume idea. All I have is a blue mask. Whenever I was doing hero stuff I would just wear it then done.” He says to Angel. Revealing a little more of his past unintentionally.

“I don’t know but She’s usually fashionably late I’m used to it now.” John answers her honesty.
Flame Demon Flame Demon Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Lisa Grande x2
sitting in class.

A message appeared on both of you alls desk. It was from Lisa, she sent this message to four other people before getting it right.
'Our you both in love?' Lisa considered any form of flirting, dating, or checking out was a form of love. Lisa 2 was sitting in the seat behind them, watching them like it was a sitcom.
Adam Antium

Adam was beginning to lose his patience. From his ‘throne’ on the newly created shadow platform, he could clearly see that Angel was having a good time messing with him, whilst completely ignoring him all at the same time. Must be her secondary ability, he thought to himself as he peered down at the girl while she conversed with John. Luckily, he wasn’t too high up... John, being inside his head would certainly be able to pick up on the fact that being elevated on the platform was not where he wanted to be right then and there, but further telepathic prying would reveal that it didn’t necessarily mean Adam was powerless. Rather, there was a far more embarrassing reason why Adam was uncomfortable.
When John threatened to take him and his ‘girl’, he tried his best not to snort. Was he talking about the whelp that happened to walk in around the same time as him? He didn’t know anything about that girl Eve, though he couldn’t help but cast her a sidelong glance for a second. Eve, and a few others, were watching his predicament, no doubt wondering how Adam would retaliate to his teenage timeout.

And retaliate,I shall. Adam thought begrudgingly as he watched them whisper to each other. Clearly, they were conspiring together, but superhuman hearing, he had not. He could only assume they were very good friends.

“You know,” Adam said to John, “I don’t know anything about you. But if you’re so eager to get sent to the infirmary, I’ll fight you in training. And after your girlfriend scrapes your unconscious body off the ground with her pretty little shadows, I’m happy to give her a piece of my mind as well.” He glanced at Eve once again as he spoke his next words with methodical purpose. “And unlike you, I don’t need a girl to fight my battles.”

Adam watched as the sides of the platform boxed him in. Sighing, he leaned back in his desk once again and interlaced his fingers behind his head. Clearly, Angel didn’t want him going anywhere. It took all Adam’s self control not to pull the roof down over everyone in the classroom, but he managed to contain himself. For the present. If the platform had been higher up, Adam might have been intimidated...

...And with that thought, John would discover Adam’s true weakness: he was afraid of heights.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Flame Demon Flame Demon


Evelyn Eden

“And unlike you, I don’t need a girl to fight my battles,” Adam had said, looking at Evelyn for some reason as he’d said it. There was something about that guy on the shadow platform that Evelyn didn’t really like, kind of like Zaxen. It made her want to shrink in her seat and turn into a little bird and fly off. But she didn’t. Eve averted her gaze and saw that Zaxen had beckoned to Portia, and she’d come!

Something about it rubbed her the wrong way. She got up and followed Portia, and pointed a delicate finger at Zaxen’s chest wearing a glare.

“You should be ashamed of yourself! The only reason you should be asking for Portia to come over here is to apologize like a real man!”

Evelyn wasn’t quite sure why she was reacting so strongly, and she knew she was sticking her nose where it probably didn’t belong, but... She couldn’t help herself. It was bad enough she had messed up before in the hallway and felt like she had to make up for it, but it was more than that. Portia has been weeping, and all because of Zaxen. Her arms still looked like they were in pain and for goodness sake, if Portia had to wear force field gloves after what happened... by all rights, she felt Zaxen should as well. Little did she know it wouldn’t do anything to hinder him considering he spewed flames from his mouth.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
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The red head, scowled. Zaxen rolled his ruby eyes, "It got your attention didn't it?" He shook his head, "whatever. Did I hurt you?" He sounded geniunely concerned. As he spoke he held out a red ,ruby encrusted hair brush. There was a few ginger hairs tangled in the bristles. He absentmindedly itched the burn mark on his cheek.

||interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. abdu's Class/ Tagged: G4hardcore G4hardcore / Mentioned: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

In the midst of moping about, a voice piped up interjecting Bernice's thoughts. A girl whom has introduced themselves as Evelyn not just to her but to Portia as well. "Hi, I'm Bernice. Nice to meet you." She replied. Her attention diverts to the commotion in the back. A platform crafted in shadow by a girl levetating a student. It was an amazing trick as the three students bicker to one another. As if trouble never ceased coming up one after another. Honestly Bernice is emotionally too exhausted to be involved of the situation. She sighs turning away from her seat. Ahead of her is Zaxen calling out to Portia. Bernice couldn't help but scowl at the lad yet it seemed Portia was actually interested in what he had to say. How curious. It was difficult how to go about this but it was clear even this too is none of her business.
Portia Lovelace
Portia blushed a bit taken aback that he was actually concerned about her health. Her new friend Eve wasn’t happy about it but Portia had some kind of natural gravitation toward him that she couldn’t explain if she tried. “Y-Yeah. I um... my arms were hurt.” She fumbled with her words in her vulnerability not sure how to respond to the situation. Her eyes trailed to the burn on his cheek caused by her bolt and she immediately felt regret, something she never felt in her life. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have attacked you like that. I was just upset and my hair and-“ Portia started to ramble a bit looking down at the floor rather than at him. She didn’t know how to process her feelings yet everything was still too fresh.

LOCATION:: Abdu’s class
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Zaxen put a pale finger to her lips, "I'm fine. I've been through much worse injuries, its you I'm worried about." He grabbed her arm and peered at it. He looked up at her, eyebrows furrowed, "Did you stick your whole damn arm in it?" He growled in frustration, "Only I can play with fire okay?" He tutted, "You didn't even run you arm under cold water! Have you ever even had a burn before?"

||interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||

Portia Lovelace
Her complexion turned from a dusted rose to a bright red when he got close. “My lightning doesn’t burn me so I’ve never been burned before...” She mumbled wincing at his touch. The wounds were in patches from her wrist to her elbow down the inside. When he growled she almost wanted to shrink down but chose to stand firmer in the eyes of her classmates. “Well I wouldn’t have been playing with fire if you didn’t try to burn me ya know.”

LOCATION:: Abdu’s classroom
INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Evelyn Eden

“Ohh—kaay, clearly I’m, uh, intruding here,” Evelyn murmured mostly to herself. Lots of people were still coming in, so Evelyn decided not to stand at the doorway anymore. She spun on her heels and found that her feet were taking her back to her desk of their own accord. That was weird, Evelyn thought inwardly. It turns out what she thought was a situation where she could support her new friend, was in all reality... a match in the making? She didn’t want to judge Portia, but Evelyn could not see what it was that was so appealing about Zaxen. The boy was violent, smelled like alcohol, and showing remorse was not quite the same thing as an apology, insinuating he was devoid of humbleness at the very least. However, where Portia sought companionship was ultimately not for Evelyn to decide, and Evelyn knew that well enough. Feeling rather silly, Evelyn smoothed out the wrinkles in her white top before slinking down into her seat.

Don’t turn into a mouse. Don’t turn into a mouse. Do Not Turn Into A D@&$ Mouse, she thought self consciously. It had been over a month since the last time she’d suffered from involuntarily morphing due to her emotions. Evelyn would have liked to think she had more control than that. She supposed she’d find out if whiskers sprouted on her face—again.

“So Bernice,” Eve said, desperate to change her focus and ease her mind. “What’s your gift, if you don’t mind me asking?” Evelyn couldn’t help but check out another boy in the classroom with hair almost exactly as red as Zaxen, though a bit longer. It was the same boy who’d given her a generous portion of food during lunch. Now she felt a little remorseful she hadn’t asked his name. Evelyn could understand Portia having a crush on him, at least he was actually nice! Evelyn found herself pointing at him with her thumb in a way she thought was mostly discreet. “Do you think those guys are brothers or something?”

Location: Abdu’s Class; Window seat

Mentions: The Hero The Hero thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid
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Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy G4hardcore G4hardcore

John looks at Angel the whole time Adam is talking to him. “Ok looking forward to it.” He says passively holding up his thumb to Adam while still engaged with Angel.

Then he gets a message on his board. When he sees this message his face completely goes tomato red, then he avoids eye contact with Angel so she doesn’t see his blush. When he sees the sender he sees the girl behind him. “Oh your the girl with the naughty books.” He blurts our. Not wanting to answer her out loud for Angel to hear him he text her. “We aren’t like your fictional characters in your naughty books, I’m looking for love not lust.” He sends her, not giving her any direct answer because he doesn’t trust her to keep it a secret.

John tunes his mind to Lisa’s

John takes his mind off of Angel so he won’t blush anymore and turn back to her then hug her close and whisper so only she can hear. “He’s afraid of heights, sorry Abdu said she monitors the messages on our desks. Didn’t want her thinking We were gonna do something bad to him and get in trouble.” John whispers to Angel so only she can hear. John knows people already saw her rubbing his hair and that Lisa and Adam both thought they loved each other. So this would be the best way for them to exchange such vital information without being suspicious.

John after embracing his best friend Doesn’t look at her not sure if she’s mad or not. “Sorry if that was embarrassing.” He says, to add to the act but also seriously apologizing if it was uncomfortable for her.
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class/ Tagged: G4hardcore G4hardcore / Mentioned: The Hero The Hero )

Again her attention turns to Evelyn, "I have the ability to manipulate water as I please. I have yet to bring out it's full potential. What about you? What can you do?" She asked. Evelyn pointed over to a tired red head. Bernice searched between Zaxen and the stranger. A blush forms on Bernice mezmerised by the tired red head as her eyes shape into and fireworks in her head play. She stared for the longest in the daze stutterinf and unsure what to say. "U-uh....I.....I........I don't think so. He looks too sweet and cute looking-err...he looks too different." She babbled.
Angel blushes so she looks down so her hair is hiding her face, she recovers pretty quickly anf turns to scowl at Lisa "Why don't you just mind you own business" she says narrowing her ruby red eyes at the girl, she wasn't amused at all, but she could see the girl is maybe three years younger then she is, so she refrains from saying anything stupid.

She doesn't look at the platform or the very unfortunate guy sitting up there when she raises it until she can't anymore "Stupid girl who can't mind her own damn business" she mumbles resting her chin on her hand.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Dumplingboy Dumplingboy G4hardcore G4hardcore

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