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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Location Cafeteria

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John blushes when he sees Angel mumble and smiling thinking it looks cute. “I’m glad you let me be your friend, I don’t see a reason to be afraid of you. I’ve seen those types before, judging on appearance alone. Don’t worry if they knew you they’d love you, trust me.“ he says to Angel engaging in the conversation.

John gets his lunch, then comes back. When he arrived Angel asked about Maria. “you know what I don’t know either, do you think we should look for her?“ John asks her thinking she’s ok but not 100% sure not wanting to take any chances but doesn’t want to jump the gun either.
Klarion looked up and growled, “wrong bathroom, sweetcheeks.” He lit a cigarette, “It’d be in your best intrests to back out slowly.” He inhaled smoke and as he exhaled, flames spewed out his mouth. It came dangerously close to the alcohol poured all over the tiles, “Wouldn’t want that pretty squishy little face to get burnt.” He growled.

||location: boys bathroom||
||talking to: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy ||
||mood: pissed off, violent||
Mr. Fuji
"Thank you, Sven." The instructor said as he stared straight at Ella and watched her teleport Sven's supplies. "Ella Ross. You're up next. Also, before you introduce yourself, please return Sven's notebook and pencil. Note of advice, pay attention." Looking down at his files he had already flipped through them to find Ella Ross. The little stunt she pulled wasn't even remotely funny and Mr. Fuji hoped she wasn't gonna try to be class clown.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Pumpkid Pumpkid
omninova omninova
~Ella Ross~
Ella was bored so when Mr.Fuji called her she responded by sighing.After sighing she quickly got up and said"Im Ella Ross and um...I have teleportation powers.Sorry Mr.Fuji.Ella gave him an okay grin and sat back down.Ella silpped and zapped to return the items.
Lisa Grande
boys bathroom
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

She backed against the wall, her heart beating fast against her small chest. She had to tell someone, she had to stop him. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes from a mixture of stress and fear. She doesn't know what possessed her to run at him and push him down. She stood over him more shocked at her own-self than anything. "I-I'm thorry I..." She stepped back falling to her knees, she wasn't able to fight him, he was so much older and stronger than her, but if she had learned anything from chapter three of 'My Crush Is A Vampire' is that bad boys only hurt others because they are hurting. "Burn me..." she wasn't moving, so either he set her on fire or he didn't at all, besides Lisa was already on her way to tell teacher if he tried anyway.
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Zaxen’s eyes flared. He looked like he was about to eat her. He sighed and got to his feet, “Just run along already kid. I don’t feel like hurting anyone right now.” He sat against the wall, flinching slightly at the coldness of the tiles that he felt through his shirt. He took a long drag from his cigarette and leaned his head against the wall. He grabbed the bottle of vodka and chugged what little was left in it. He threw it against the wall and it smashed. He wouldn’t let himself cry, not when she was still here. “You deaf?” He growled, “Scram, kid.” His voice broke and he cursed himself. “Just... leave.”

||interations: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy ||
||location: boys bathroom||
||mood: annoyed, broken||
Lisa Grande
Boys bathroom
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

Lisa let out a little squeak when the bottle crashed against the wall. She watched him lean against the wall, she was always told that smoking was a bad habit, but he made it look so cool. "Th-thomtimeth when i'm feeling thad I close my eyeth and pretend that im a cloud princeth. I juth float up in my little cloud kingdom and everybody loveth me and i feel thafe." She looked up at him with glossy, dream filled eyes. "Maybe you juth need to find your cloud kingdom." Her voice became very chipper as she thought of an amazing solution. "You can hit me if you want!" she scooted over towards him a little to eager considering what she was suggesting. "I once read this book called "Thirty Shades of Green' and In it the rich bad boy would let out all his anger by spanking his maid." She clearly did not get the whole concept of the book, and maybe it was best that she was to dumb to get it. "You can be the millionaire and I can be the maid, anytime you feel angry you can take it all out on me." She stood up, her stockings scented with alcohol. "You can toss me around as much as you want...you can't hurt me"
Angel Black - Cafeteria

Angel shrugs "I'm sure she can take care of herself" she says sending her mother a text she's probably gonna be later "All because I lost some points" she thinks, she shuts down her laptop and puts it away "I can't wait for this day to be over", not her fault she sucks at socializing or, as it was put in the library, being open and what not with people. Well what could be worse then sitting through a possible lecture with a villain in the same room?

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
mentioned: Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Location cafeteria

Flame Demon Flame Demon

true“ John reply’s with a nod. “she’s texting someone, probably her parents. Oh right her mom is taking her somewhere today.“ John thinks realizing a way to make things a little more bare able.

without you Maria might have been hurt in the library, you were the one also who initiated the hug with Maria too. I would say you had a very successful day today, don’t sell yourself short hero.” John says with a smile to Angel in hopes of cheering her up about her grades and day.

where do you think your mom will take you after school? It’s probably going to be really enjoyable.” John says in efort to get her mind on something else. Something that will make things a little more enjoyable for her.

John begins eating his food, and it’s not bad it’s very good.
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Zaxen glared at her, “As if I would hurt a kid.” His face contorted in disgust, “are you even old enough to read that stuff?” He shook his head, “Just get out. I want to be alone okay? Now is not the time to wind me up.” His ruby eyes slashed into her, “I don’t know what kind of weird ass girl enjoys being hurt but I sure as hell don’t.” He put a foot on her chest and shoved her away.

||Interactions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy ||
||Location: boys bathroom||
||Mood: annoyed, angry||​
Bernice Allister
(Location: Cafeteria/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

After finishing her meal and conversing with Marvin, Bernice felt too nervous to be around. Several thoughts running through her mind the longer she stayed. She shoots to her feet in a panic excusing herself, "I'm so sorry! I have to go!" With that she took her leave tossing the remnants of her food away. She mentally scolds herself for not having the courage to talk to boys. They always made her feel weak like fire building within her. Is thar even possible? She creates water. The logic in it made absolutely no sense. Regardless, she hung her head low ready to leave the room in search for a silent haven. Her violet eyes capture a moody girl alone at a bench just peering out the window. Unlike the other benches she seemed lonely. Something Bernice felr all too well. Biting her lip and clenching her strap on her messenger bag, she musters up the courage to wander over to the girl and make another conversation. She took a deep breath before exhaling,

"U-um...hello there. Mind if I join you? You just seem a little lonely so I thought maybe I can be your company?" She blushed sheepishly hoping none of that sounded wrong. She really wished to make friends today or at least be able to make some sort of acquaintance before heading home after school to her lonely apartment.
Portia Lovelace
Her silvery eyes glanced up from its position looking at the meek girl before her. She seemed like she wanted to cry and burst with joy at the same time. “Go right ahead. I’m not lonely though, I’m just... thinking.” Portia said in a hushed tone. She sat up straight thinking it was rude to continue to lie down when someone was trying to converse with her. “What’s your name anyway? Mine’s Portia Lovelace.” She fixed the loose curls of her hair as she spoke allowing the pastel blue tendrils to recoil to its natural state.

LOCATION:: cafeteria
INTERACTIONS:: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Foxen once again looks around and sighs.
"Perhaps no one is going to sit with me... Why don't I sit with someone?"
Foxen then gets up from his seat and starts walking around the cafeteria.
Bernice Allister
(Location: Cafeteria/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

"Thanks." She said while taking a seat across. When Portia asked her name she mentally scolded herself. That't the second time she forgot to introduce herself properly. Being a nervous wreck with constant ideas popping in and out of her brain she has forgotten the basics of conversing. Not that it is her forte. "Bernice Allister." She introduced. "It's nice to meet you. I just assumed you were lonely seeing as how you were sitting at a lone bench. Maybe I should ask how you are instead before assuming."
Angel Black - Cafeteria

"Well she said it's a surprise" Angel says "And I could've used my power" she adds "Besides, I'm gonna be stuck with our rather childish teacher and a freaking fire breather villain" she adds looking at John with a sigh. This just wasn't her lucky day "But what do you think ms. Abdu's gonna talk about?" she ask eating some sweets, not the healthiest lunch, but she can't bring herself to care are the moment.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Portia Lovelace
“It’s fine I don’t expect you to be able to read my mind or know how I’m feeling just from looking. Thank you for your concern though.” Portia smiled faintly. She wasn’t very good at sparking up conversations that she didn’t initiate so this was more of a learning experience if anything. She did appreciate that the girl wasn’t immediately afraid of her or tried to not like her by first glance. “What’s that thing girls always do together? Pee or something? I want to fix my hair it’s really been bothering me today come with me?” Portia didn’t really give the girl an option as she got up and took her hand to drag the poor girl along. She found it much easier to just bring someone along rather than waiting for them to respond. Besides, she enjoyed holding people’s hands. As they walked through the cafeteria and into the hallway she heard the distinct sound of broken glass. “Something isn’t right.” Since they were closer to the boy’s bathroom than the girl’s that’s where she assumed the noise originated from. Portia wasted no time throwing the door open and stepping into the bathroom even if it was for boys. The place reeked of alcohol and regret causing her to immediately cover her nose from the overbearing scent. Her eyes landed on a little girl and her classmate who were sitting in a puddle on the floor. “Zaxen care to explain?” She looked at the two of them wondering why there was a child in the boy’s room with a grown man.

LOCATION:: cafeteria - boy’s bathroom
INTERACTIONS:: Pumpkid Pumpkid L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Zaxen growled in annoyance when the door opened. His face softened when he saw portia, “This crazy girl won’t leave me alone.” His took another long drag from his cigarette. He noticed her expression and groaned, “Jesus christ, you have a twisted mind, you know that?” He flicked the cigarette on the floor and the alchohol caught fire. He grabbed Lisa’s wrist and dragged her out the door, chucking her into the hall. He glared at Bernice, “Go on, put it out.” He sauntered down the hall, “I don’t care anymore.” He stopped and turned to Portia, “I told you, I’m a villain.”

||Interactions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Pumpkid Pumpkid ||
||location: boy bathroom - hall||
||Mood: Pissed off, indifferent||​
Maria Mallette

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Flame Demon Flame Demon
Ms. Abdu's Classroom/Cafeteria

1549063003604.pngMaria was frozen in place, unaware of the events that here unfolding around her, unaware of John's comforting. Even when Ms. Abdu announced that they were going to have an addition to the class, Maria didn't even bat an eye. She stayed glued to her chair until everybody had left the class, she stayed until the tears started rolling down her cheeks. She could make sure that nobody could hear her, but she couldn't make herself invisible like how she wanted to be right now, she would trade the entirety of the world just to disappear from this moment, to escape the whirlwind that is her thoughts. The droplets that were falling from her eyes quickly turned to waterfalls, creating a small puddle in the middle of her desk. This went on her a few minutes before she realized how long it has been since everybody had left; composing herself to the best of her abilities, she packed up her things and made her way towards the cafeteria. When she heard the shattering of glass, she walked right past it, she had too much on her plate as it was. Spotting Angel and John sitting at a table, having a conversation she walked her way over to them, "Hey," she said quietly sitting down next to John as he was the closest to the entrance. She didn't bother grabbing a tray, she knew she wouldn't eat anything they gave her, at least not in her current state.
Tobin Woodmire
Before Tobin knew it, it was time for lunch. He supposed he had missed the bell, for most of the students were already in the cafeteria; he cursed himself for his habit of falling asleep so easily and frequently. Luckily this meant the line was short and he got his meal without any trouble. Finding a table to sit at however, was another story. Everyone already had someone to sit with (and a small part of him worried that he’d be intruding on whatever conversation they were having). He recognized some fellow students that were in Mr. Fuji’s class with him, and briefly considered sitting with them before he noticed another student also looking for someone to sit with. He approached the new kid with a smile on his face, “Hey! I’m Tobin, want to eat lunch together?”

(Interactions: Leon The Needled Riolu Leon The Needled Riolu )
To say that Ms. Abdu's pop quiz put Florian on edge would be an understatement. Anything could be a test of character. The old hag could be anywhere with her pen, judging people. It made him shudder to think about it. "Alright," he sighed, gathering his items, "all I need to be is a good samaritan." His shoulders felt heavier as he walked out of the classroom, leaving that frozen girl inside. It was a rather cruel thing to do. She looked out of it like someone on the verge of crying, but he could make it up to her if his plan worked out well enough. He was confident that the cafeteria took volunteers, and he was right. So, there he was with his hairnet and ladle, giving food to the students. His plan was to show off his samaritaness by volunteering; and if the sad girl appeared, he would sneak in a small dessert or something. Unfortunately, she didn't seem very hungry. The edges of his lips tugged down for a moment, but he pulled them up to a faint smile for the next student.
Angel looks at Maria giving a slight smile "Hey, you okay?" she asks, but seeing Maria without food kind off answers her questions "If you want to talk we can" she adds and hesitates for a moment "I mean, that's what friends are for right?" she asks offering the girl a better smile.

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Maria Mallette

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Flame Demon Flame Demon

1549070352744.pngPlacing her head on John's shoulder she takes a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm fine." She knew that her eyes were a little red and puffy but she hoped that they would just drop the topic. "Seriously, I'm fine," she repeated herself seeing as though the two didn't seem to believe her the first time. "Do you guys know what we'll be doing after lunch?" Maria asked trying to change the topic. Taking a bite of John's food she found it hard to swallow, she thanked herself for not getting herself a whole tray as it would be nearly impossible for her to eat right now.
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Portia Lovelace
The girl did have a rather twisted mind, curtesy of her mother. She stuck her tongue out playfully acknowledging that she was in fact very messed up. All this playfulness turned into rage when he set the room ablaze with her still in it. She covered her face from the ensuing blast that ended up grazing her arms from the licking flames. The burned bruises down her forearm didn’t hurt as much as the pain of knowing she’d have to do her hair tonight. Her hair began to poof up into a fluffy afro, a look she tries to avoid on most days because she didn’t believe she could pull it off. Her hands immediately came up to touch her hair. “I’ll kill him,” Portia bit her lip angry that not only did he double cross her but he also ruined a good hair day. Leaving the room with angered strides blue electricity flowed around her in a field. “Don’t forget darling, I’m not a heroine.” She threw lightning at him close enough to graze his cheek if he wasn’t moving. “Do you know how hard it is to manage and take care of hair like mine???” She raised her hands causing lightning to strike from them into the open air above her. Portia was determined to either force him to apologize or zap him with lightning, whichever came first.

LOCATION:: bathroom - hallway
INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Pumpkid Pumpkid
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Bathroom/Hallway/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel )

Bernice smiled kindly at Portia. Before she knew it she was asked to head to the bathroom with her even dragged. Being submissive she agreed having no choice in the matter. "U-um...okay."

Once they arrive to the bathroom, boys bathroom to be exact, Bernice gasps seeing Lisa on the ground. Before she could do anything, Lisa is thrown out of the hall and scolded by this redhead prick. What an attitude. Anger coursing through her wanting to smack the crap out him. She extinguishes the flame when turning on the faucet easily manipulating water to the flames. Luckily for Bernice, her wish came true as Portia's personality switched like a light. Fear struck her finding the tension in the air too much to handle. This was not the first day she waa expecting although it is intriuging. There is no way she's planning to stay and get in trouble for what's about to happen. Instead Bernice drags Lisa out of conflict and to safety.
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Lisa Grande
Boys bathroom

Lisa was throw out into the hall landing on the ground. She was able to catch herself before her head hit the ground, not wanting to mess up her head gear. She looked up at her new friend walking away but didn’t follow,there was no need to Lisa was already waiting for him. Right now she had to focus on putting the fire out so her friend won’t get in trouble. She looked up at one of the girls and began to cry. “Pleathe pleath pleath don’t tell it wath all my fault. He he he ...” she began to cry so hard that words were no longer able to fall from her mouth. It looked like they had just beat the little girl up,but Lisa was scared she would or her friend would get in trouble. She had never been in trouble never. “D-don’t thoot her!” She grabbed on to Portia, Lisa was not good at dodging if Portia missed then it could mean they both get hurt.
Pumpkid Pumpkid
thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

Lisa Grande
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

Lisa was standing right in front of Zanex as he tried to walk away, she moved out the way so as to not get trampled but did her best to keep up with him. Her stockings were torn, she tore them jumping up from the lunch table and running to the aid of her clone. Lisa new that every clone was just like the other, but this one had been out since they were babies. Sometimes she would make more,like earlier today when there were three. She has never had less, in fact most people who did know about her power had no clue who the original was, you would have to hurt her to find out. Everyone assumed that they were twins,she like the idea of it. They even call each other sisters.

“Do you think we will get in trouble?” She asked staying oddly close to him. This was her first friend and he was the coolest person in the whole school. Zaxen would be able to tell this was not the same one. After all there was no alcohol on her clothes, and he didn’t tear the other ones stockings. “I hope we don’t get on in trouble, Ive never been in trouble before” her voice sounded worried. Oh no was she turning into a bad girl? Was this how it worked? In ‘Love Riders’ the nerdy girl made friends with the bad boy and then had to impress the gang leader that she was tough enough to be one of them.
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