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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Zaxen sighed, “I can’t even ask how someones doing without them thinking I have some alterior motive.” He looked at her, eyes red and puffy. He looked like he’d been crying, “Do I seriously look like I want to hurt anyone right now? Am I really that intimidating?” He slumped, “Figures.” He began to blow fire softly, making pretty shapes with the flame. He always did this when he was stressed. He always had no trouble controlling his powers.

||Location: Miss abdu’s classroom||
||Talking to: Flame Demon Flame Demon ||
||Mood: Tired, ticked off||
"No, you just don't strike me as the person to care about someone else's health, but that could just be me" Angel says taking out her notebook and she continues one of her sketches, she needed to think about something else right now, since she honestly didn't want to think at all at the moment, she didn't want John reading her mind because she didn't want him to know that her father is Atlas, well she'll tell her friends, if she can call them that, eventually, but not right now.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
“Oh, right.” Zaxen sighed, ‘I’m a villain, I forgot. Got to do villain things I guess.’ He thought. He plastered a manic smile on his face, ’C’mon Darling snap out of it.’ The voice in his head seethed. He raised his shaky hand, “Can I go the bathroom?”

||Location: Miss Abdu’s classroom||
||Interactions: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Flame Demon Flame Demon ||
||Mood: Broken, Forelorn||
John raises his hand too “may I also go to the bathroom?” He says right after Zaxen.

“Not again, you aren’t hurting my friends... BUT I do have a proposition for you.” John thinks as he looks Zaxen straight in the eyes.

John messages Angel “be back, by the way the easiest way to beat a mind reader is to either think what you want them to think or nothing at all. Just so ya know ; )” with that he looks back at Zaxen.

Location: Abdu class

Flame Demon Flame Demon L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Portia Lovelace
Portia looked at the message and smiled choosing to leave it be for now so she could return to her research. She didn't really have any questions about anything like the others in her class, finding information was something she was pretty good at already. Everyone around her looked either stressed or depressed, most likely because they found something they didn't want to see. Well if they were prepared for what they were going to find they shouldn't have looked. She thought recalling her rather calm reaction to her own parents, although what she found wasn't anything she wasn't expecting. Maria had started to cry, which John the savior stopped, and Angel looked more distressed even though she had a different way of showing it. Zaxen looked... different. The look in his eye when she looked to him was different than when they've spoken before. It was malevolent and borderline scary as if he were ready to gnaw her head off just for responding to him. His sudden change of heart confirmed something that she'd like to ask him about later. She felt sorry for him that he had to go through things like this on his own. I can change that. Friends help friends. She nodded deciding that she was going to be that friend Zaxen needed because she knows what it's like to be alone with nothing but your own thoughts.

Portia looked down at her screen, getting emotional started to let her powers flow out of her in light blue currents of electricity. The more she let her feelings run the more the currents started to charge and flow around her as if she was her own static field. Her hand came up to her face covering her eyes as her hair began to float in the electrical current. Suddenly the computer in her desk blew up in a small explosion fizzing out black smoke from the now broken interface. Coming back into reality Portia blinked a few times putting a finger to her lips as she looked at her somewhat charred desk. "Oops... Erm... I broke it." She looked blank, almost angry as she finger-combed through her floating hair to diffuse the charge from it.

LOCATION:: Ms. Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: I guess anyone/everyone there?
John while staring at Zaxen catches something in the corner of his eye, it was a illuminating light. When he looked he caught a glimpse of the electric field around Portia before her device blew up.

“WOW ok so she is a electric user, I wouldn’t mind helping her out finding out how to control that well of power.” John looks over to Portia and smiles while giving her a thumbs up.

“Hey Portia I was planning on going to the bathroom anyways so you can use mine if you want” He says casually while he gets up offering her his seat.
“Let’s just go to lunch” her voice sound strained, but her smile remained. This was hard, very hard. She couldn’t lie to herself and not say that everyone wasn’t finding someone way to test her slightly. She was kind,and understanding, and very patient. She wouldn’t show it though, in fact she hasn’t ever raised her voice at anyone in anger. Excitement, yes, joy, yes,but never anger. “ We are getting some new classmates, I know it’s sudden but in the hero world it’s never a bad thing to gain an ally.” She turned off the desk and went to open the door for everyone. “I trust you all remember where it’s at, and that you will all get along.” Her voice was hesitant but she was still going to trust them even after the library and the bickering. If she wanted to make heroes out of these kids she was going to have to start treating them like one.
Zaxen stared at Portia and smiled. ‘So she really does think shes a monster.’ He chuckled, ‘I think I set the bar high on that one.’ Zaxen stood and made his way out the class, hands in his pockets. He lit a cigarette and wandered down the hall. He needed to get this done before lunch. He looked around and shouldered the door of the boys bathroom open. He made his way over to the sink and began to wash his face. After staring at himself in the mirror for a while, he pulled out a bottle of vodka. He began pouring it all over the floor.
Angel sighs and she grabs her laptop bag with her, she was probably going to spend lunch quietly, hopefully anyway, she hides a yawn an sighs, she's already this tired, how is she ever going to survive a whole year? Well she supposed it helped to make some friends and so far she already had two of them, which is good.
Kama Unboko
Location: Ms. Abdu's class > Cafeteria
"Yes! Lunch!!" Kama yelled. He jumped out of his chair and dashed to the cafeteria with a grin on his face. When Kama reached the lunch room there was a noticeable overpowering mixture of food smell in the air. It was full of students rushing to get food. Kama being one of them. Once he got his food he sat a random table and begin chowing down.
Location: Cafeteria

Foxen enters the Cafeteria area.
"I suppose i must be late." Foxen said to himself and sits down at a table, not caring about whoever is sitting in the area.
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mr. Fuji's Class>Cafeteria/Mentioned/Tagged: None)

As the students introduced themselves, Bernice took the liberty of jotting down names and their abilities for future reference. The ring of the bell brought her out of her notes as Mr. Fuji announced the class to merge with another. She didn't know what to make of it except that it's unexpected. She wondered what brought such a situation for his class to transfer. Regardless, now it's become a game changer having to meet more students. She gathers her belongings strolling out of the class room and towards the cafeteria.

on her way she finds a student marveling at the cafeteria. It seems she wasn't rhe only one amazed by the various amount of food on display for their choosing. It really showed just how incredible the school is. Once she picked up her tray of food she took her seat in a lonely bench scanning the room. So many students and each one held their own powers. She is curious to find out what they can do. More than that she wondered if she can even make friends here. She saddens shifting her gaze to her plate filled with delights. Perhaps one day. Right now it seems unlikely. The book worm pulls out her poetry book commencing to read while eating.
Marvin Forrester
Location: Going to the Cafeteria​

He swore this academy just kept getting bigger and bigger. After somehow losing the class, and apparently walking around in circles, Marv finally made it to the cafeteria. Even just by looking through the window into the large room, he honestly had no idea how this many students fit into one area. Each line leading to the weirdly sparkling food was enormous, about seventy five percent of the numerous tables were occupied, and most of the students were chatting away with their peers; did he mention he’s not the best with cramped spaces? Opening the door to the mass amount of students, the collective voices essentially assaulted Marv’s ears until they were adjusted to the noise.

After what felt like forever in line, Marv finally got a tray and paid for a salad; leaving the line and looking at the other students in the cafeteria. While he was all for meeting new people, there was a limit to how much he could enjoy socializing with unknown peers. Wandering down through the many aisles while barely balancing his tray in one hand, a notebook in the other, he saw one of the students he remembered from Mr. Fuji’s. Walking up to the bench he hoped he wasn’t completely disturbing her reading. “Mind if I sit here? I would go to one of the tables in the back, but the bird people are intimidating.”
Lisa Grande
Japanime Japanime
Lisa looked up from her tray of soft foods and mush to the boy stuffing his face. She didn’t think the food was that good,but then again she was limited on what she could eat. What she would do to be able to bite into an apple, but that was practically impossible. She dreamed over the thought of eating cake and sweets, but concentrated sugar was to hard to clean out of braces and head gear. She pouted as she mashed up the rest of her food before taking an angry bite.

Lisa Grande
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

Lisa traces the lines of the wall as she skips down the hall way. She was suppose to be at lunch but got distracted and now had no clue where she was. It did not put a damper on her cheery mood, she kept humming to herself skipping right into the boys bathroom. Her eyes widen and she stopped her happy adventure to see a boy standing in front of her. She was in the wrong bathroom, how could she have walked into the wrong bathroom. She was frozen in fear, maybe if she didn’t move he wouldn’t notice her. He is older,much older. And really scary looking. Oh my goodness it’s like a real life bad boy from the stories. Lisa was a really big fan of young adult romances and teen idols. When you take away the powers she wasn’t that different from many other 13 year old girls. Hell her top priority on her bucket list was to kiss a real boy.
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Cafeteria/ Tagged: TARDIS06 TARDIS06 )

"Mind if I sit here? I would go to one of the tables in the back, but the bird people are intimidating.”

A voice spoke...to her? A blush forms on her cheeks realizing it was a boy near her age. Brown hair, beautiful green eyes. She felt intimidated as she has never been able to talk to a boy properly. Always feeling much more shy around the opposite gender than her own. Bernice noticed she has been staring at him for the longest awaiting for an answer. "Uh-oh! Yes of course you may! I don't mind at all." She smiled first then paused when he mentioned "bird people"? She looks around in search for those creatures finding none. She dismissed the idea concluding he must have made a joke. She chuckles, "Bird people? They must be shape shifters or something."
Angel is making herself comfortable at a table in the back, but she doesn't see her friends anywhere "Guess I'll spend my first lunch alone" she mumbels opening her laptop and she starts playing a game on it, since there's no sign of Maria or John.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Kama Unboko
Location: Cafeteria

Kama was stuffing food into his mouth and mumbled out, "Hi." To the girl who was looking at him. Then he went back to quickly wolfing down his food, soon finishing.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Marvin Forrester
Location: Cafeteria

After saying thanks to the student, Marv sat down while motioning to a small group of students in the back. They took up three medium sized tables and had leather jackets replacing the school blazer that may or may have not been custom fitted to show off their time at the gym. “Yeah, it’s a small horde of them over there. Word of warning though, their wingspan is directly related to their ego.” He smirked slightly before pulling out a fork and beginning to eat his salad.

When he was a few bites in, after he finished chewing, Marv finally remembered something. “Oh- I’m Marvin by the way, or Marv it doesn’t really matter. Sorry, I just completely forgot to introduce myself for a second there.” Yes Marv realized he said that a bit too quick, and he had no idea why his hand went to immediately scratch the back of his head, but Marv wasn’t about to worry that much about it.

( Pumpkid Pumpkid )
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Bernice Allister
(Location: cafeteria/ Tagged: TARDIS06 TARDIS06 )

Bernice turns toward the group of feathered people. She was surprised at best to actually see them in person. As if things couldn't get any weirder. She chuckled at his joke about their ego. "Really? I just thought birds would be sweet or at least tricksters. Marvin huh? It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Bernice." She takes a moment to evaluate the lad. "You were in Mr. Fuji's class too weren't you? It's so random that he decided to appoint us to Mrs. Abdu's class after this. I wonder why?"
Portia Lovelace
Portia blushed feeling bothered that John would offer his seat rather than overreact. Her hand quickly came to cover her warm cheeks storming out the classroom at the mention of lunch. She knew where it was from the tour and the sound of other students chatting in the distance was a good indicator that she was going the right direction. Her eyes darted around looking for a place to sit that didn't have a whole pack of people, finding a table near a window out of the way from everyone else. Taking the seat, Portia immediately set her head down onto her arm laid across the table. She looked out the window as she played with the sparks that danced around her fingertips. The girl felt down, nervous, or at the very least not herself.
Location cafeteria

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John wonders why Portia ran away so fast without a response. Looking at her in confusion. “Did I do something wrong?” He asks himself outloud. When he sees Angel go he comes too but stays way behind to make sure she was safe from Zaxen. John doesn’t know why out of all the people he knows Angel grabs his attention the most.

John falling behind arrived at the cafeteria late and sees Angel in one table alone and Portia in a table alone. The most logical thing to do would be go to Portia and see what’s wrong. Then recruit her as one of his friends, she was better in every way than Angel, older, more open, light power trumps her dark ones, everything on pen and paper. But his heart leads him to Angel. He looks at Portia then to Angel and after a couple seconds he makes his mind up and goes to Angel.

John goes over and sits with Angel. “Hello Angel mind if I sit with you? Sorry I’m late.” He asks his friend.
Angel Black - Cafeteria

Angel looks at John "Oh uh sure" she says "And it's fine" she adds while eating her lunch, she still can't believe she lost points "I have to stay because I suck with working in a team" she mumbles, her brother would love that information. She pauzes her game and turns to John. "So, why were you following me?" she asks, she wasn't blind, or stupid for that matter "I mean, not that I really mind since we're friends, but..." "What's wrong with me, why do I talk so much around him, probably because he's my first friend" she thinks.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Location Cafeteria

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John sighs with relief “thank you angel, aww ok sorry to hear that.” He freezes when she asks him about following her not ready to answer. “... the truth is I don’t trust Zaxen, I made a mistake not keeping a check on him before and you almost get killed because of that. I wasn’t going to take that same chance again and risk losing you.” He wants to read her mind to see if she believes him or just see what’s she’s thinking but forces himself not to because they are friends. This brings a feeling he is completely foreign to, ignorance to the others thoughts. It feels like not having your phone on you for a whole day. He feels somewhat naked without knowing what the other is thinking.

“I really wasn’t trying to be creepy or anything I just didn’t want to see you hurt, if you don’t like that, which I understand. You can tell me and I won’t do it again.” He says to Angel a little embarrassed. But he won’t mention he isn’t reading her mind. He doesn’t want to seem like a glory hog trying to show off how cool of a friend he is for not invading her space. And not noticing he only mentioned Angel and not Maria and Angel.
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"I guess it's fine then, but I can take care of myself" Angel mumbles with a small smile "I'm just glad you're not scared of me for whatever reason" she says, her smile disappearing "Everyone besides my family and neighbors are scared of me where I live. Then Maria seemed scared of me too, even if it's just a little". She wanted to understand, she knew the reason from where she lives, as she's often called a vampire.

She thinks for a while and asks "Where do you think Maria is?", she hadn't seen the girl yet during lunch, so she's starting to get worried.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

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