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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

John Mercy-class room (mrs. Abdu)

John chuckles a little bit at that brutal honesty. “Please keep quiet, if you could make a sound proof barrier around us, that would be perfect but if not don’t worry. But yes I lied about my power, but Angel and I trust you now. My power is mind reading. You shouldn’t be insecure about your power or yourself. You and your power are amazing.” He says in a non seductive way not a come on just a matter of fact thing.

“I would like to be your friend too if you would let me, I understand if not.” He says being straight forward

“By the way if you ever want to talk to me through mind reading just wink at me, if thats no good for you we can come up with another signal.” He adds.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Ms. Abdu's Classroom

1548836759339.pngMaria chuckled a little bit at John's response, "Don't worry they can't wear a thing that is coming out of our mouths right now," she said calmly. Since they entered the room, no one except J.A.M could hear what they were saying, the rest of the class heard muffled noises that meant absolutely nothing. Ever since she became friends with John and more recently Angel, Maria has been able to find a new sense of self-belonging. Already being more comfortable using her powers, practice really does make perfect. "Also, if I want to talk to you in private, I can just talk to you. I can control sound waves and how they move, remember." Although she still feels as though her powers are far weaker than whatever Angel's power is and a mind reader, she is starting to realize how useful her powers can be.
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John looks at her in amazement. “Thank you wow, and true we could use your power like that. I’m glad your finally seeing how cool you are, when I first read your mind you were a mess of self doubt. Thank you for letting me be your friend.” He says exited to have another friend and extends his hand to shake.
Angel Black
Classroom - ms. Abdu

Angel sighs "Well I guess all that crying was just an act, I mean, if he meant it he wouldn't try to ruin the library" she mumbles "I'm curious though, how far does everyone live from the school?" she asks, she hadn't see any cars at all when she arrived "I get the feeling you guys live pretty close" she adds.
Ms. Abdu

She didn’t say anything to the class when they all came in the classroom. She allowed them to walk around and mingle while she walked over to her desk. The book she made a point to hide was now in full view of everyone on her desk. It read Hero Stats, it contained the ratings of all hero’s on record. She walked over to the bored which appeared to have a touch screen mechanism. A little key bored popped out on the bottom and she began typing, the words appearing on the board above.

Scale 1-10
Pass rate 8
Expulsion rate 3

Scale 1-10
Pass rate 6
Expulsion rate 2

Scale 1-10
Pass rate 8
Expulsion rate 3​
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Kama Unboko
When they got back to class Kama sat in the seat he was sitting at before in the back. Looking up at the screen, he could see Ms. Abdu was typing something. He read as she typed and when she finished he understood what it meant. In a way, it was like a grading system. Pass or fail.​
Angel Black
Ms. Abdu's classroom
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy

Angel tilts her head "Teamwork, I doubt anyone wants to work with that fire breather after what he did" she thinks as she sits down next to Kama again "Miss, what do you mean with heroism?" she asks, loud enough for the teacher to hear, but not loud enough for attention to be drawn to her, she was simply curious what the teacher meant with it.
Zaxen stood up, cracking his back, “welp,” he offered his hand to her, “Can’t change everyone’s minds.”

He noticed his classmates. Maria turned to Zaxen but Angel stopped her. A smirk flickered on his face.

Back in the classroom, Zaxen watched Mrs Abdu type out the grading system. A grin spread across his face. ‘Teamwork.’ His classmates had to work with him or they’d get expelled. He laughed out loud and he read the others. ‘Performance. Well thats not a problem.’ His crimson eyes landed on Heroism and his heart sank. For once in his life, he felt vunerable. Not the display in the library, not being handcuffed. Truly vunerable. Because Zaxen finally found something he couldn’t do.

||Location: Mrs Abdu’s classroom||
||interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||mood: genuinely vunerable, genuinely scared||
Ms . Abdu

She smiled hearing her students interest in the grading system. She turned around walking around the students desk as she explained. “There are three requirements you must excel in to pass my class...” As she walked pass Kama she can’t help resist ruffling his hair. “ The first on, ‘Heroism’. You are all here to be hero’s after all. Each hero is there own person, but there are things that unite us all. Justice, peace, the need to protect the innocent. You all will face your own challenges at this school, how you choose to you use your powers...” She tapped Zaxens desk but didn’t turn to look at him.” How you choose to face your problems, and how you deal with conflict. You need an 8 to pass, anything less is a fail, anything below three..... good guys don’t score below four so I don’t see this being a problem.” She walked back to the front of the class, her smile never fading. “Thanks to your teammates amazing suggestions of a pop quiz, you all already have grades in this category. Don’t worry this is just a starting point.” The reason she had her mind shielded during there stay at the library was so that there little mind reader couldn’t pick up on the notes she was taking on everyone. She clapped her hands together as she moved on to her favorite subject “You all have also been graded on the second subject as well . Teamwork, if you notice it’s pass rate is lower than the other two. This is because a hero doesn’t not need a team to be a hero, but if one is unable to work with others when the time is needed, then they can’t be relied on.” She walked back to the bored hitting a button on the keyboard. Everyone’s desk turned into the touch screen matierial the bored was made of. On each desk was everyone’s grades posted before them. “This is the easiest subject to pass, as long as you don’t make it hard for each other, start fights amongst yourselves you are guaranteed to pass. In the real world as long as the day get saved it doesn’t matter if you work together or not, but if you can’t play nice with the other heros you can cause much more problems than fix them. All I require is that you all get along.” She looked back at everyone seeing there reactions to there grades. “Everyone’s grade starts off as a five, after each test you will either have gained points or lost points. Each test will be different, today was a test on independencey. Your performance grade will posted once we began training”

Kama Unboko
Hero 7
Team 5
Pro 5

Angel Black
Hero 5
Team 4
Pro 5

Hero 6
Team 6
Pro 5

Portia Lovelace
Hero 9
Team 10
Pro 5

Claire Delta
Hero 5
Team 5
Pro 5

Maria Malette
Hero 7
Team 6
Pro 5

Florian Lares
Hero 5
Team 5
Pro 5

Hero 8
Team 8
Pro 5

Hero 4
Team 3
Pro 5

(If I forgot anyone please tell me, yes L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel you are kitten, she has a nickname for everyone and she forgot to change yours to your actual name)
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Angel Black - ms. Abdu's classroom

Angel eyes the board "Right" she mumbles, she has a five for everything expect teamwork, while John scored higher? Hell even Maria scored higher then her, that's what she gets for being the shy girl who prefers to keep to herself "Uh miss, what if... some of us can't bring up the courage to work with others?" she asks, mostly referring to herself "And what if people are scared of you?" she thinks, but doesn't say it out loud, but she looks down, so that should pretty much say it all.
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Flame Demon Flame Demon

“Oh bubble you don’t need to work with others to often, just try not to piss everyone off and I’m sure you will be fine.” They were not ready to do group activities yet, not until she gets a better understanding on how the all interact with each other.
Angel Black

"Bubble?" Angel asks, the confusion clear in her voice, was that a nickname for her? "And here I thought this couldn't get any weirder then it already was with her" she thinks with a sigh, leave it to their hyperactive and cheerful teacher teacher to give everyone a nickname, her eyes scan the list "Wait a minute, Zaxen's name isn't on the list, meaning", she covers her mouth with her hands to stifle her laughter when she realizes Zaxen's nickname is kitten.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
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Zaxen stared at the board, “KITTEN?!” He growled, anger rising, “who the hell do you think you are!” His voice ripped through the room. It was familiar. It was heard on TV. It wasn’t Zaxen’s voice. It was his.
Portia Lovelace
She could tell Ms. Abdu had a hint of disappointment despite the smile that firmly stood across her face. When they came back to the classroom the teacher explained the breakdown of some grading system and the mention of a pop quiz. So the library was a test... She thought as she stared absent-mindedly at the board. It wasn't until she saw her own scores so high that she was caught off guard. So far, she was top of the class. "Kitten is a cute name," Portia mumbled. Seeing how she did score high in both heroism and teamwork made her question her own motives, whether she actually should become a hero or not. "Ah professor, are we going to get grading sheets as to why we got our scores?" She asked.

LOCATION:: Ms. Abdu's classroom
INTERACTIONS:: Everyone in the class, specifically Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Mrs.Abdu class-John Mercy

John looks at his grades and marvels at his two 8 on his grades. He didn’t even think they would do test today, but he’s glad they did.

At the sound of Zaxen’s voice John doesn’t flinch he just looks at him in annoyance. “I’m going to make sure you don’t hurt anyone anymore.” He thinks to himself not wanting his to see his friends hurt.

At the time he hears Portia’s question he adds “Yea I would like that so we could improve on what we didn’t do.”

After searching Zaxen’s mind John found “Daddy issues.” He now tunes into Portia’s mind because he knows nothing about her.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Maria Mallette

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Ms. Abdu's Classroom

1548879886158.pngMaria was really happy with her scores, obviously, she wasn't passing in performance but nobody was, yet and she only had t. When she saw that Zaxen's name in the grading system was "kitten" she couldn't help but laugh. Until she heard how angry it made him. She felt scared, small compared to how he was speaking. "Hey Zaxen," she starts, her voice breaking, "can you please calm down, you're scaring me." As she was talking the beginning of tears started to appear in the corner of her eyes. She couldn't help but use her powers in the situation, so, she started sending calming noises towards Zaxen, hoping that it would at least calm him down a little bit.
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Florian wasn't too worried when the bookshelves were falling. The fault lied on shoddy craftsmanship, and he was sure the teacher and librarian would listen to reason. If not, Florian was sure he could somehow blame the flame kid for it.No, what did worry him was when he was surrounded by some shield and brought back to the room. What worried him was the fact that he was tied for second-to-last in the class. What did that teacher know? Florian was sure he could be twice the hero that the teacher could be in half the time! "Old hag," Lares whispered under his breath. A heavy frown set on his face with a tired glare towards Ms.Abdu. "I agree, I would also like to know why we got the score we were given."
Zaxen stopped, panting. He looked towards Maria, eyes wild. He saw the tears in her eyes and slumped, exausted, “Sorry.” He mumbled. His ginger fringe hung over his face. The boy had gotten so worked up, He had tired himself out. No matter how many emotions he faked, or lies he spread, Zaxen genuinely hated getting angry. As chaotic and unpredictable as he was, he hated loosing control of himself. There was the only thing that truly scared him. Losing his mind completely.

||Location: Mrs Abdu’s classroom||
||Interactions: Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism ||
||Mood: Tired, defeated||
Kama Unboko
Location: Ms. Abdu's class

Kama watched as the teacher walked around the classroom explaining what was on the board. He couldn't help but smile when the teacher ruffled his hair. When the scores appeared in front of them Kama got a closer look at his score and was impressed with it. As he read on he noticed Kitten on the screen and their score. In an attempt to conceal his laughter, Kama placed a hand over his mouth and a slight giggle could be heard. Suddenly he bursted out laughing, grasping his gut and leaning back in his chair. His guffaws echoed in the classroom​
Angel quietly walks over to Maria and hesitates a second before hugging the girl in an attempt to calm her down, but also calm herself down a little "It's okay" she whispers, she wasn't good with the whole comforting thing, but hey she could always try right? Though it was kinda funny the teacher forgot to change it.

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
John was ready to defend Maria not knowing what Zaxen would do but was shocked when he didn’t do anything and even apologized. “He’s like a puzzle I can’t figure him out, I won’t take any chances though he’s bad through and through I won’t let my friends get hurt.” John thinks as he sees Angel hugging Maria.

John smiles as he sees the hug and thinks it would be weird if he joins... but the thought of Maria feeling better trumps that thought. He joins the hug, hugging Maria and Angel.

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Flame Demon Flame Demon L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

Hearing what Lisa said, she nodded, shifting her body towards the class. Ashley looks around the classroom in effort to discover anyone else's superpowers.
Sven Vetter (Mr.Fuji's class)
While Sven was minding his own business, he felt a presence in the back of his mind, the presence... tormented him, gnawed at his soul, he lifted one hand up and grabbed the side of his head. This pain... it's excruciating... DESTROY THE SOURCE Sven carefully turned his head backwards to see the the black haired girl, who couldn't be more than 13 or 14, she was the source... Sven focused all the will he could muster and sent a very small concentrated ball of wind straight at Ashley's forehead.
(Interacted with: Ashley SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten )​
Ms. Abdu
Teaching class.

Ms. Abdu was taken back by her students sudden outburst. Her smile faded and she tapped her fingers on her desk. She let out a sigh her smile returning and she turned around to the bored fixing the name. "I'm sorry Kitten." Her voice was soft and warm despite just being snapped at. Her students were curious about there grading scores, it was to be expected. "Fair enough Starlight, I guess its only fair, especially since I quizzed you all without you knowing" She went back to typing on the keyboard allowing everyone's grades to be posted on the big board. "So if any of you with fives are worried about your low score I assure you its fine. These are just where you stand, fives are the generic score everyone gets and it simply means that you did nothing to lose points, but also did not contribute enough to gain points. Now of course most of you did not even know it was a test. Im so proud of myself for being able to keep that a secret!" She took a moment to high five herself. "It is not your fault, the next test will be announced. Oh! I forgot to mention that you are always being graded for heroism, duh Aalia." She smacked herself on the four head as she forgot to mention valuable information. " Some of you have lost points....I will be speaking to you all later after class" Her voice was a tad bit nervous, she hated lecturing, but she couldn't just pretend that on the first day of school someone did not almost got expelled.

She clicked the key board and the grades on everyones desk went away, two other displays showed up to take its place. On the right was a blank digital note pad, its suggested use was to take notes. In the middle a list of names and numbers appeared with a search bar on top. In the top left corner was a tiny icon shaped like a paper airplane. If any of the students were to click it a list of the classes names showed up, clicking on a name would trigger the keyboard to pop out and one could send a note to one or multiple people. Most classrooms disabled this feature as it encouraged students to pass notes during class, Ms. Abdu's class was not most classes. The class could choose to post on a forum which would be a consent chat between all students or send a note to one person.

"Hero Stats! In order to know what an hero is its good to have an understanding of who are heroes are." She paused, letting her students figure out their desk before continuing. " The stats collected by heroes are there casualty rate, this being how many people get hurt or damage done during a mission. The kill rate, how many of there enemies have they killed. This would be a zero obviously, it is rare you will find a hero with blood on there hands. The public view is how well they are liked by the public, its usually linked to there success rate."

HeroCausalities killspublic view
Missile manHigh0Moderate
Flower girlmoderate0low

There was a search tab that was show on top of the Hero Stats. Most names that students would search would show a blocked message. There were a few heroes that were open, Including Genie, you could also search some anti heroes.
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