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Fantasy Super Hero Academy


~Ella Ross~
Ella was waiting for her name to be called and she started to wonder about what she was going to say."Should I say my real goal or not?I don't want everyone to know that because people do judge,but....naw I'll just say some likes and dislikes."Ella was secretly using her eyes to teleport someones pencil.She knew this was wrong but she didn't really care,all she cared about was finding something to do.So she zipped,it was in front of a student,zap and it was gone at a cafe on the counter.Ella had gotten really good at her powers but not at controlling them.All Ella wanted to do was teleport a person,but....she wasn't very good at it.Only if she is angry enough it may work,may not and the person is stuck at wherever Ella had put them.​
Maria Mallette

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

View attachment 533452Maria didn't think anything about John and Angel going off to have their own side conversation, honestly, she thought they were going to talk about how cute they thought the guys in the class are. John being so "charming" it wouldn't surprise Maria is he was into that type of thing. Left alone with Zaxen she decided to strike up a conversation with the fire breather, "So, they put you in handcuffs," she began to speak, "why is that?" Maria knew that she overstepping her boundaries asking these types of questions, but she couldn't stop herself she was begging for an answer ever since he entered the classroom, and she didn't quite believe the answer he gave the first time someone asked.
The crimson boy glared after John, a smile plastered on his face, “Sure sure. Careful there J!” He spat after him.

Zaxen grinned at the girl, “Well, isn’t it obvious?” He lit a cigarette with a soft blow, “You’re a smart girl. Go on, use that pretty little head of yours.” He held the cigarette in his teeth before taking it into his fingers. His ruby eyes slashed into Maria, daring her to speak back.

||Talking to: Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism ||
||Mentioned: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
||Location: library||
||status: pissed off, playful||
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Portia Lovelace
This tour took a bit of time but it was nice to see key points in the school. She studied its design as they meandered through the halls, lagging behind in the back because she preferred to walk slow. The group managed to make it to the vast library, parting into their own little circles to discuss different things. From the glares they were giving each other she assumed it wasn't good. Portia chose to sit in a good spot with an ancient book relatively close to them just in case they said anything interesting. Unfortunately when it happened to get juicy John and the girl he's been trying desperately to befriend darted off to be alone, leaving the three of them on the other side.

She turned her attention to the dark-haired girl, whom she never actually found out the name of, when she asked Zaxen what he's done. "He's killed people," She said plainly but kept her voice low so it wouldn't obstruct others in the library. "Don't you watch the news? He was all over tv about how bad he's supposed to be." Her fingers gently motioned around the old book it held, closing it without allowing it to fall apart. "The real question is why did you come here of all places? Perhaps trying to reform your ways? Or maybe you're trying to recruit some friends who haven't chosen what path they'll take." She brushed stray strands of her blue hair out of her face as she spoke interested in hearing his answer to their questions.

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Chloe stared at the library she was led to in amazement. She was never one for reading but looking at the many shelves of books was like nothing she had ever seen before. Her attention was drawn when she picked up a whiff of smoke. She crinkled her nose. She always hated that smell. Her gaze was drawn to Zaxen. He seemed like nothing but trouble. It didn't help with his crimson eyes piercing another student. Would Maria be okay? Maybe she should go over there.

Chloe pretended to look at books close to the pair, not wanting to interrupt their conversation but wanting to make sure a fight wasn't going to break out. Well she at least wanted to protect the girl. Not that she could do much. But she still had to try.

"He's killed people."

At that sentence, a chill ran down her spine. Wait, what? Why was he here? Is that why he had handcuffs on earlier? Her whole body tensed as she tried to keep her eyes away from Zaxen.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
John follows Angel to Maria to hear Portia say “he’s killed people.”

“But You don’t know his past, you don’t know what he feels about it now, he joined this school to be the best he can be. I would call him friend.” John says to defend Zaxen and gives him a thumbs up knowing the truth.

John says in a apologetic tone “but not to attack you I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

He turns his mind reading to Portia

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Mooniee Mooniee thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Sven Vetter Mr.Fuji's class
Sven waited for the professor to call his name but while he was waiting, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, he saw a pencil teleporting... Ah, a teleporter he thought to himself, The teleporter can't be that Ice clown that entered, It's not Lisa she can create clones, that just leaves Ashley, the two other guys in the room and.... Ella.. This is only a guess but it could be Ella. Sven opened his notebook and pulled out his pen again, he wrote down his hypothesis on Ella being the teleporter but isn't quite convinced, he left his notebook open and set it aside on his desk. In the notebook, he also wrote that "Ella's sweater looked weird in April" and the bait has been set.
(Mentions: Ella Ross Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-; )​
Angel Black

Angel stays quiet, she had a feeling that was him and the newspaper she found online only confirmed it "I'm pretty sure that confronting him about it is gonna do us any good though" she says, quieter since she didn't want anyone to lash out at her, it wasn't like she was defending him, but she preferred it if there wasn't going to be a big fight already. Though she wasn't convinced he was going to redeem himself, he was bad news, she knows that much, though at this point she wishes she could disappear right then and there, she just had to open her mouth in this situation.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Mooniee Mooniee thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Zaxen was in complete shock. He recovered, though he still acted like it, “I...I...” he spluttered, “I... I didn’t mean-“ He looked to Portia, eyes glassy, “I didn’t want anyone to know.” His voice cracked, “I just wanted to... escape that.” He fought back tears, “I don’t expect you to trust me I really don’t. Just, give me a chance.” A tear slipped down his cheek, “I’m trying, I really am. I jut don’t know how to react to being treated normally.” His smooth, velvety voice was gone.

||Location: Library||
||Interacting: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Flame Demon Flame Demon thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||Mood: Broken, vunerable||
Portia Lovelace
Portia looked him up and down before sighing. She placed a hand on his shoulder and wiped the tears from his eyes. "It's okay. Everyone's done something awful before. Besides, I like that we're not all the same. It's... intriguing." She smiled letting him go. "I'm Portia by the way. Portia Lovelace." She addressed the group given she hasn't said more than two words to them this whole time. "We could all be friends I guess but I think if we're supposed to have each other's backs then we should all be open and honest about who we are." She ran a hand through her soft curls trying not to sound like some kind of group leader. She just liked to state the facts at hand.

INTERACTIONS:: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Flame Demon Flame Demon Mooniee Mooniee
Angel Black
Interactions: Too many to tag(I'm being lazy)

"Pass" Angel says and she walks away "I don't know you guys, so I am not going to be honest and open with you lot" she says, she grabs a book and sits cross legged on the ground, how did she know they were going to be honest with each other, they were complete strangers, sure she trust John, though not 100% yet, but the rest, no thank you, so far, Maria likes to eavesdrop, Portia didn't know when to keep her mouth shut, Zaxen, she's not even gonna come near him despite the fact he says he's sorry.
John agreed “no angels right we shouldn’t be 100% with each other yet. No offense to anyone it’s just smart.” John says staying standing up. Holding the shadow user book still.
Zaxen nodded and sniffed, “I’m sorry I needed that.” He crushed the cigarette in his bare palm, not caring about the searing pain. He eyed all of them and turned on his heel and walked further into the shelves.

He walked along the shelves, blowing on the supports. The flames licked at the wood, making it splinter and crack. The slightest touch would bring it all down. One bookshelf would fall, then another, like dominos. He paused, wiping a tear from his cheek. He smiled at his wet finger. ‘I haven’t had to pull out the waterworks in years.’ He thought, flicking the tear away. Zaxen found a quiet nook and sank down against the wall.

||location: library||
||Interactions: (open)||
||Mood: content, smug||
Portia Lovelace
“Geez they’re all a bunch of pricks.” She watched them all part ways aside from the girl who agreed with her. It was just as I thought. I can’t trust any of them. Portia thought seeing how all the more agitating ones chose to depart and the one she could tolerate stayed. “That’s fine it weeds out people I probably won’t like much quicker. How about you and I be friends since we seem to be the only ones with level heads.” She extended her hand to Maria hoping she’d at least make one comrade this year.

INTERACTIONS:: pretty much everyone in the library but directly Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
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Angel Black

Angel moves to sit against a table, reading her book on mind reader, maybe if she had a way to prevent John from reading her mind freely she could make it easier to show when she didn't mind it, she hides a yawn and sighs "Note to self, don't stay up too late" she thinks with a sigh moving her bag under the table behind her. There's no way she could trust all of them without knowing them more then a day, that'd take some time, they should realize that.

Interactions: Open
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon
thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

1548795053953.pngMaria could not understand why everybody else was so apprehensive about trusting each other. She knew that Portia was somebody that Maria would like to get along with, she seemed trustworthy, although everybody seemed trustworthy to Maria. She listened to what the other had to say and whole-heartedly agreed, "I would like that," she said shaking the other's hand. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Angel," after she was finished she made her over to the shadow user. "Hey," she said in a soft tone, "I think we got off on the wrong foot," Maria hoped that they could become friends in the future.
Angel Black
Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

Angel glances up from her book "You think?" she asks "Eavesdropping isn't something I usually let slide, but if you can't control it I suppose it's fine" she says "So sound waves" she says "Sounds interesting" she says closing the book she's reading, so she could focus her attention on the girl in front of her, she knew what it's like, not being able to control your powers.
Maria Mallette

Flame Demon Flame Demon

1548795655870.png"Yeah," Maria said in a soft tone, almost seeming as though she was afraid of the girl she was speaking with. Maria did feel guilty eavesdropping on the trio when she wasn't apart of the conversation, "I'm sorry," she mumbled, however she never Angel could hear her, mostly because she amplified her voice so only Angel could hear her. She couldn't believe that she was so reckless that she got caught. "Do you mind if I sit," motioning to the open spot beside Angel.
John reads in his book shadow users are often weak against light and get stronger the darker their surroundings are.

“Who would have guessed....” he thinks to himself.

He continues to read.
Angel Black

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

"I guess" Angel mumbles, she really didn't mind it "That's what we're here for right? To learn how we can control our powers" she asks offering a small smile "Is it how I look?" she suddenly asks "You seem scared of me" she adds, she didn't need to be a genius to see that, but she wondered why, people often seemed scared of her, but she could never figure out why.
Zaxen slowly and rythmically bumped his head against the wall, “end. Me. Now.” He blew softly into the air, the flames coiling into pretty shapes.

||location: library||
||interactions: (open)||
||mood: bored, restless||
Portia Lovelace
“Cool.” She nodded surprised she actually agreed. She usually had to fight people to make friends or at the very least charm her way into it. Maria left her alone so she decided it best to look for the only person she actually found interest in. “Flame boy where are you?” She said in a song-songy voice as she slowly wandered around the library. The trail of somewhat charred bookshelves gave it away as to where he went. “Ah there you are. You left before I could bother you some more.” Portia smiled but this time more devious than nice. “Everyone here has been tense don’t you think? I mean crying on the spot like that, that was too good but you look fine now no?” She was in a rather playful mood and wanted to do something other than read old books about things she didn’t really care about at the moment. “Let’s be friends yeah? I want to know more about you and you can in turn ask me anything you’d like.” She wasn’t going to take no for an answer and was actually interested in hearing about his murders and life than the sob stories of the others.

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Portia Lovelace
“Cool.” She nodded surprised she actually agreed. She usually had to fight people to make friends or at the very least charm her way into it. Maria left her alone so she decided it best to look for the only person she actually found interest in. “Flame boy where are you?” She said in a song-songy voice as she slowly wandered around the library. The trail of somewhat charred bookshelves gave it away as to where he went. “Ah there you are. You left before I could bother you some more.” Portia smiled but this time more devious than nice. “Everyone here has been tense don’t you think? I mean crying on the spot like that, that was too good but you look fine now no?” She was in a rather playful mood and wanted to do something other than read old books about things she didn’t really care about at the moment. “Let’s be friends yeah? I want to know more about you and you can in turn ask me anything you’d like.” She wasn’t going to take no for an answer and was actually interested in hearing about his murders and life than the sob stories of the others.

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

Zaxen raised an eyebrow, “I cracked okay?” He sniffed, “Don’t expect me to crack again.”
At the mention of questions, both eyebrows rose, “You want to ask me, questions?” He tensed up a bit, “I’m sensing I don’t have a choice.” He didn’t like the look on her face. She was like a devious little imp, “shoot away I guess.” He leant his head back on the wall, “also watch the shelves, they might fall.”

‘Why the fuck would you tell her that? The aim is to make them fall dipshit.’ Klarion growled softly in frustration.

||location: Library||
||Talking to: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ||
||mood: confused, slightly annoyed||
Portia Lovelace
“Maybe I’ll push them later then.” She giggled as she sat down beside him. “I want to know if it’s actually true. Did you really kill people like that? And if so why..?” She herself couldn’t really comprehend getting to the point of wanting to kill someone but she hasn’t been in that kind of situation either. Portia crossed her legs in front of her as she laid back against the wall.

INTERACTIONS:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

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