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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

(I’m zapping everyone into the middle of tour to speed up progression)
Ms. Abdu
On tour with class

Ms. Abdu began the tour, showing the students almost the nearest bathrooms, the dining area, meeting areas.
“We also have the study hall. Being a hero can be very complicated. Not only will you be tested on your power development, you will also be expect to learn moral codes, international law, and cultural acceptance” she passed by the training grounds not speaking much on it “When you all get there you will get there” she stopped for a moment in front of a room were a class was taken place. “This is Mr Fuji’s class. They are in the same skill level as you, you will get to see there faces from time to time.” She peered into the class once more, the fan-girlling was written all over her face, it didn’t take a mind reader to know what was going on. She let out a sigh before being the students to the library. “This is the library, it’s huge I know, I got lost once.” Considering the fact that there were signs and guided placers in various places it would seem impossible, but this was Ms. Abdu. She brought them into the library speaking in a more hushed tone. She walked over to a semi enclosed section turning to face the class. “ This is the records section. Anything you want to know about the heros of the past and present can be found here. Well, public record anyway” She walked over to one of the book shelves, scanning over it before taking out a large read book. She looked over at John sighing, I’m sorry for this...” she turned around covering the book title with her arms. Her thoughts became muddled, almost like a tv with very bad reception. You could tell there was something going on but nothing clear could come out of it. She couldn’t help feeling guilty for blocking her thoughts, but she couldn’t risk him telling the others what she had planned. She couldn’t keep secrets, it wasn’t like her. But she could decide when she wanted to tell it. “ Let’s take a break.” She began to walk away fr the group heading to the upper floor of the library. “ I’ll come gather you all later, but please stay in the library. It will make it much easier for me” She walked up stairs sitting at one of the tables. She was in clear view of the students and vise versa, but didn’t seem to be paying much attention. She did mention she wanted to trust them.

Mr Fuji’s class
SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten

Lisa turned her focus to Ashely. The clones did so as well. They all then looked at each other with looks of confusion. Omg she is talking to me. “ I um...it...juth...” Lisa looked down at her desk grumbling herself. The clones turned around in there seats, one began to doodle on the desk the other paying attention to the class. Lisa turned back around to the girl who had spoken to her “ thorry aboit that, It’th hard to focuth with all the extra action.” She smiled, satisfied to know there was someone even sorta close to her age. She did get nervous when she heard the girls name. Oh god not Ashley, the first person to talk to her and she was gonna butcher her name.
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When abdu blocks her thoughts John is surprised, he had never came across anyone who could do that. When he hears her think “sorry” he is startled she knows his true power.

John shows none of that surprise to the best of his ability. John finds a book about shadow users and reads about everyone he possibly can. Their past, their fighting styles, their weaknesses. Everything he can and he sits down and reads it not hiding the contents of what he’s reading.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Zaxen looked from Miss Abdu to John, something clicking in his head. He stared at John with a crimson gaze and it finally made sense. He nonchalantly sidled up to John and put an arm around him, “I won’t tell if you don’t.” He grinned, giving the mind reading villain a tight squeeze.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
John links his mind with Zaxen, he looks up from reading his book and replies “what?” He honestly doesn’t know what the young man is talking about

“About the contents of the book I’m reading? You said If I don’t tell so.. what do I know about you? We just meet no offense.” He says innocently.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
John stares at him for a whole minute then blinks “OHHHH you know who my crush is?!?! Ok ok well played well played, yea I know yours too ok. Yea don’t worry your secrets safe with me... as long as mine is with you. By the way how’d you find out I thought I hid it pretty well” He says playing dumb trying to get out of this mess.

“Cmon how’d he find out, if he keeps prying I’ll confess but wow he’s smart. I got to hide that more than I thought.” He thinks to himself.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Angel passes the two and raises an eyebrow at the two, so walks to an empty place and sits down opening her laptop, he was reading a book on shadow users, she was gonna be digging "Alright then" she mumbles going over public recond on the internet, though she easily finds it "I expected more of this school, I really did" she thinks closing her laptop and she gets up "Should I? I mean it's day one. So many questions though" she thinks. She walks over and nearly trips over her shoelaces, but she doesn't fall down, she sits down in front of the two and stares at them "How do you know my power John?" she asks crossing her arms.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
John being cornered by two of his classmates has him thinking hard how to defuse this situation.

“Well, everything pointed to you. Your appearance, your personality and you were the last one to talk to her before it moved. Powers usually match the person in appearance and personality, like me for example I’m a SOLID 10/10 so I have a charm power.” He laughs at that last part. “But seriously take Zaxen for example, he has red hair and eyes and his power is fire breathing.”

John says trying to get out of this hole he’s in. John tunes his mind in with Angels.
Maria Mallette
1548753713841.pngWalking through the halls Maria seemed distracted, as though she was trying to memorize every little detail about the place, which doors lead to which classrooms, every decoration on the wall, even the lines and cracks on the ceiling and walls. She was paying attention to everything Ms. Abdu was saying though. When they passed the training grounds she hoped that they wouldn't have to fight today; she still wasn't used to using her "powers" although she had near perfect control on manipulating small sound waves, she had a hard time utilizing them in any way other than hearing what other people are saying. When the reached the library Maria stayed at the back of the group, but when she noticed Ms. Abdu and John basically having a staring contest for a few seconds she couldn't help but amplifying everything John said so that she could hear. She overheard Zaxen talking about how he figured something out about John, then Angel joined in the conversation and Maria, bursting with curiosity strode over to the small group that was forming, "What are you guys talking about?" she asked in a sweet innocent tone, even though she heard the whole conversation.
Angel's eyes land on Maria "We're talking about rumors of ghosts haunting the school" she says, though she has a blank look on face "This has nothing to do with charms, also my dad doesn't even look like he has any powers at all, so that's a lie" she thinks as she stares at John "By the way, that's the wrong book" she says "Please go with the ghost story, if you don't we're all gonne have explaining to do" she thinks, why were students so noisy, well she was too, but she didn't eavesdrop.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
John looks straight at Angel then motions with his eyes to a corner of the library out of the way of everyone and he does it so only she can see him doing it.

John hopes she gets the message and gets up, out of Zaxen’s grip. “Seeya guys I’m sorry I wasn’t much help but I’m going.” He waves then off and brings a pen. When he gets to the corner of the library he waits for Angel.
Angel gets up a few seconds later, nearly falling over in the progress "By the way Maria, if you need confirmation, check next to the stairs" she says and she walks to John, where she crouches down to ties her shoelace again, she didn't need to fall of the stairs thanks to it "Stupid eavesdropper" she thinks and sighs, it's awfully rude and not to mention, it doesn't give you many friends, she leans against the wall pushing her annoyingly long hair behind her shoulder, she had insisted on getting it short, but her parents weren't having any of it.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
When Angel comes finally makes her way over to John, he pulls a piece of paper off the ground and with the book he was reading writes on it. “Don’t talk the girls power is sound manipulation she may hear you whisper. Now I’ll tell you how I really know, if you be my friend. Shake your head yes or no.” John holds it to Angel secretively.

“Ok this is a gamble but I’m willing to let her know, she’s secretive and distant from everyone so she probably won’t tell nobody. Zaxen is too unpredictable and Maria... maybe later she seems too curious and noisy.” He thinks to himself.
Angel Black
Library - ms. Abdu's class

Angel nods slightly, gaining a friend in return of keeping a secret, she could do that, not like she's gonna talk much to people, especially since she usually talks quietly, so you wouldn't be able to hear her in large crowds anyway, so what's the point "I guess that's why my family gave me my nickname, well I'm stuck with it anyway" she thinks as she glances at John "So what's your favorite food?" she asks, trying to make conversation, so it wouldn't be too suspicious should Maria decide to eavesdrop again.
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
John writes “thank you, I’m a mind reader. I don’t know where your moms taking you after school, but I hope it’s enjoyable.” (As proof because that’s one of the things she thought when he meet her.) “I love family nick names they are cute and fun you can think of what you want to say.” He writes also. “Umm I would have to say, apples they are delicious and healthy thank you for asking.” He answers her honesty.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Maria Mallette

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel

1548758564436.pngMaria didn't think anything about John and Angel going off to have their own side conversation, honestly, she thought they were going to talk about how cute they thought the guys in the class are. John being so "charming" it wouldn't surprise Maria is he was into that type of thing. Left alone with Zaxen she decided to strike up a conversation with the fire breather, "So, they put you in handcuffs," she began to speak, "why is that?" Maria knew that she overstepping her boundaries asking these types of questions, but she couldn't stop herself she was begging for an answer ever since he entered the classroom, and she didn't quite believe the answer he gave the first time someone asked.
Angel Black
John - Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise

"Really? I usually buy a lot of sweets, or my big brother does anyway, but someone has to eat half of those" Angel says and she thinks "Thought so, but some thought are private, so if you could refrain from reading my mind all the time, that'd be appreciate", so John could pretend to have charming powers by saying exactly what that person wants to hear, quite smart now that she thought about it "It'd also like it if you didn't go around telling people about my powers, I HATE being the center of attention".
“Wow that’s by cool Iike candy too, but not as much as fruits. They are a food and drink and keep me in tip top shape.” John says chipper.

“Ok I’ll refrain from reading your mind all the time, but if you ever want me to. Like to tell me something privately just wink at me and I’ll read your mind. Unless that signal doesn’t work for you then we can change it. Don’t worry your secrets safe with me. I won’t lie no more too only truth you have my word.” John writes down on his piece of paper.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Angel Black
Library - ms. Abdu's class
John - Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise

"Alright, deal" Angel thinks with a smile "Let me guess, we're not allowed to eat in the library" she says with a sigh, she wondered where the other students are hanging out, since she could only see two of them "How am I not going to get attention drawn to myself anyway? I kinda stand out with my appearance" she thinks glancing at John, even if she was quiet she looked like a vampire with her red eyes, black hair and pale skin.
“Probably not *sigh” he says aloud “you look really good actually don’t worry, think about it there are girls in this school who have different color skin like green and some who looks like animals. Your ok you won’t draw any attention. Your basically one of the more normal looking ones in this school probably.” He writes down reassuring her she’s normal looking.

He started blushing a little when she smiled. Not sure why.

“By the way I was thinking about telling Maria, do you think she is trustworthy? Or keep it between us for now?” He writes down on the paper running out of room.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Angel Black
Library - ms. Abdu's class

Angel shrugs and she blushes slightly when she reads the first thing he wrote "Thanks" she thinks and she thinks for a while "If she threatens to tell anyone you can always blackmail her, right?", which isn't something she usually suggests, but hey if ever needed it's always a good option if all else fails "Bummer, I brought sweets for the drive here, but mom wouldn't have anything of it, she said 'A young lady shouldn't eat sweets so early in the mornings, so put those away or I'll take them back home', so yeah", sometimes she found her parents really annoying, but they only want what's best for her and her siblings. She rummages around in her laptop bag and takes a piece of paper from it and hands it to John.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
John accepts the piece of paper and writes on it “your welcome, your right I could blackmail her good idea. Only if she threatened though.” He hesitates when she mentioned parents. “Yea that’s funny, I’m glad you have loving parents.” He writes and shows his new friend.
Angel Black
Library - ms. Abdu's class

"Well it's a relief when they have a business trip for a week" Angel mumbles "They can get... pushy and annoying from time to time" she explains "Especially when my brother decides he knows the perfect prank and drags me into it" she thinks slightly annoyed, their pranks never work because it's always expected "I'm gonna go and get Maria" she says and walks towards the girl after double checking her shoe laces, she was not falling flat on her face on day one.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism

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