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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Japanime Japanime
“Excuse me?” Two girls spoke in unison looking up at taller man. They appeared to be twins, extremely identical twins. “Are you Mr. Fuji?” The two girls were holding hands, it was a rather childish thing to do but one could assume they were very close. “I haven’t the darnthest clue on where to find anything “ They both had a strong lisps, probably the fault of the head gear more than her jaw structure. “I have kinda just been popping into random clatheth....claaaatheeeth.” The one the left let out a sigh before they both began to speak in unison again. “ I juth need to know if I’m in the right place”

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Flame Demon Flame Demon
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Mooniee Mooniee
Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
The Hero The Hero

Ms. Abdu Hummed her way into the classroom. The only thing she brought with her was a sparkling rainbow folder decorated with colorful stickers. She leaned back on her desk looking at the glass with blissful admiration. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t know what to say, she had so many things she did want to say.
“Hello.” Her voice was warm and filled with joy. “I am Miss Abdu, though must of you would know me by the name of Genie” Genie was a successful superhero, an international name. She was young when she first started, of course where she was from adulthood reach people a lot faster than others. “I don’t have a secret identity, my friends call me Genie, I hope we can be friends” despite how generic of an introduction she gave it was obvious that she meant it. The look in her eyes gave away her eagerness, she could see the potential in all of them. Hopefully they would see it in themselves as well.
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Angel Black

Angel looks at the teacher, this was honestly not what she expected, then again, she wasn't sure what to expect from this entire school and she wasn't even sure if she wanted to be a hero or not "Then again, if I finish here then I could pretty much start whenever" she thinks, not that her home town has much opportunities for a hero, it wasn't like she wasn't prepared or anything, but she hopes that going to this school will also help her make up her mind about several things, her father was ecstatic when she got accepted, since she could finally show off her self made gadgets. "Excuse me, but what's the planning for the day?" she asks, she didn't want to be stuck in a classroom all day long.
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Zaxen smirked at her expense. He chose his next words carefully, “I was uhhh misbehaving.” He shrugged as if being detained was a normal occurrence, “Just a precaution I suppose.” He grinned at her, “I don’t bite.” He looked up, a memory resurfacing in his mind, “well I have been muzzled before.”He winked like the devil and ran a hand through his messy hair, fingers catching on the tangles.

As teacher walked in, a feeling rushed over him. Resentment? No, something more strong. He squinted. Without missing a beat, he sneezed. Flames shot out of his nose. He sniffed. Nevermind. It was sneeze. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Zaxen grinned at the woman, “Mornin’ teach! No pop quizzes I hope. They make my teeth hurt.”

Dog-faced whore.’ The voice in his head again.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Flame Demon Flame Demon
Abdu’s Chipper demeanor faded and a look of panic washed over her face in response to angel’s question. “Danget Aalia, that’s what that reminder was about!” How could she have forgotten to plan something. She left herself a reminder early that week to discuss lesson plans amongst the other instructors. But she remembered that the note looked so boring and dull so she decided to spice it up with glitter and stickers and before long she had covered the entire message. “ Oh you guys must hate me, I’m failing you on my first day. The bonds of our friendship are tearing before our very eyes” tears began to swell in her oddly golden eyes as she began her usual melodramatic tendencies. “Oh wait!” Her smile appeared again as she pinched the cheeks of Zanex smiling immensely. “ Teeth, quizzes,pops. You genius boy what a marvelous idea... a school tour!” It made sense in her head to go from pop quizzes to a tour, it would take a miracle to really try to understand what was going on in her head

“A school tour is an amazing opportunity for me to teach you what the school expects from you, and what you should expect from the school.”
Zaxen winced as she pinched his cheek and swatted her away, “hey lady, no touching the merchandise.” He pouted, “my cheeks are very sensitive.” Sure enough, a small red blotch was forming on his cheek. He scowled at her, “I know I’m a genius I don’t need reminding.” He said this all in a childish and playful manner but it couldn’t be more different than to raging obscenities whirling around in his head. ‘Stay calm.’ He told himself. Zaxen leaned back in his chair, “Also I’m not allowed to go around site with out security.” He tried to say this as casually as he could as to not make his peers ask questions. He eyed the teacher. She knew who he was, she knew what he’d done. Sweat dripped down his temple. Was she going to out him? ‘Nononononono.’ He thought, biting his lip. A drop of blood dripped down his chin, promenent on his porcelain skin, ‘She wouldn’t. Right?’

||talking to: Dumplingboy Dumplingboy ||
||location: Miss abdu’s class||
||mood: Scared, tense||
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Angel Black

Angel facepalms at their teacher "How on Earth is she qualified to teach us?" she thinks "Didn't most of us already have the tour?" she asks sinking down into her seat, she had done it, she already made their teacher panic "Really a great start of the year, though it was really funny" she thinks, that was something she would never ever say out loud, but she quite enjoyed seeing people panic.

She raises an eyebrow at Zaxen's comment, she knew something was off now, she'd have to do some research at home, she didn't really follow the news, but she could probably find something, she hides a yawn and rests her head on her hand, bored out of her mind already, she eyes the teachers desk "Nope, nothing worth knocking over" she thinks.

L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Chloe listened intently to the teacher. She actually liked her upbeat personality, even if she could be melodramatic. She had so many teachers in the past that couldn’t care less about the students. It was refreshing having a teacher who actually seemed to care about what she was doing. Her attention was only pulled away by Zaxen’s comment. Security? That explained the handcuffs earlier. Maybe she should distance herself a little from that guy. Besides, she would prefer not to have to spend hours and tons of energy trying to heal burns.

A tour of the school sounded fun though. Or at least useful. That way she wouldn’t have to blindly walk around like today. Besides barely knowing how to find Ms. Abdu’s room, she didn’t know where anything was. If this school was actually as large as it looked, she would need all the help she could get. After seeing her teacher’s overall positive attitude, Chloe couldn’t help but feel excited about the upcoming year.​
~Ella Ross~
Ella faced the guy as he responded and nodded her head.Ella waved back,really it was like she was fanning her hand at him.When he asked her name she was hesitant to reply,"I should say my name or not,It doesn't affect anything.."Since Ella was trying to fix her image this year she kindly said "I'm Ella,Ella Ross.And you are?"
Ella waited for her response as she was blowing a strand of hair from her head."Ugh..why did she do my hair like this."
~Ella Ross~
Ella faced the guy as he responded and nodded her head.Ella waved back,really it was like she was fanning her hand at him.When he asked her name she was hesitant to reply,"I should say my name or not,It doesn't affect anything.."Since Ella was trying to fix her image this year she kindly said "I'm Ella,Ella Ross.And you are?"
Ella waited for her response as she was blowing a strand of hair from her head."Ugh..why did she do my hair like this."
Sven (Mr.Fuji class)
"The name is Sven, Sven Vetter." He replied with a relaxed look at her, wondering what that weird hand gesture was. I'm not gonna ask her what her power is, juuusstt yet. Sven thought to himself while he eyed Ella out of his peripheral vision.

~Ella Ross~
Ella that name was kind of cool and wasn't hard to spell when she wrote a letter to her grandmother.Ella looked up and could tell he wasn't great at hiding his emotions because the confusion filled his whole face like water in a water balloon.This made Ella grin and kinda chuckle to herself."Nice to meet you,Sven!"Ella said trying to hide the chuckles she was giving.

Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Sven Vetter (Mr.Fuji class)
"A pleasure to meet you too, Ella." Sven replied as he did a small bow while he was sitting at his desk, he sounded a bit cold there but not in a rude manner.Where is the teacher already?
Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-;

She finds a seat in the back and sits there for the time being. She looks around the classroom analyzing everyone, wandering what their powers are. Despite her thinking, she leans back in her seat, listening to the near conversations. She has the urge to introduce herself but neglects it as no one is paying attention to her.
Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-; Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian

The door flew open with a blast of cold air, and the floor crackled as it froze over, creating a path for another student to slide ungracefully into the other side of the classroom.

"What the hell was that for?!" Shouted the mystery student, towards the wide-open door.

"I wanted to make an entrance," comes a voice from the hallway.

"You're not even in the same class, Yuki!" The student retorts.

"Oh. Right. Sorry, Lexi!"

Lexi stood up, hugging the wall. He was tall enough to be mistaken for a teacher, with unkempt brown hair cascading to his thighs and a cloth mask covering his lower face. He turned towards the other students and said, "Oh, he- Shit," as he lost his balance.
John turned from Maria to his new teacher and greeted her as she walked in “hello.” When she starts talking about a tour he reads her mind and sure enough, she forgot to plan something for this class. “I would love a school tour thank you.”

As she pinched the cheeks of Zaxen he holds in a chuckle. He takes a minute to search her mind and found that she’s a real hero. She honestly wanted the best for her students. A true hero finally, “When will we leave?” He asks with a happy tone.

John tunes his mind reading to Zaxen remembering he thought of sabotaging the school. He has no intention of stopping him he just want to not be caught in it, and he want to gather more info on the heroes.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Sven Vetter Mr. Fuji class room.
Sven had the look of someone that is so unimpressed, so disappointed in what he just saw that room temperature changed because Sven sent a gust of wind strong enough to push a person off their feet at this new person.
taking class on a tour

"Well you haven't had my tour?" Her tone was almost song like as she poked the nose of the questioning female before turning her focus back onto Zaxen. She tried to hide her frown at the mention of security and walked back over to her to pic up her file. She flipped through a couple of sheets before finding the information belonging to the fire breather. She looked down at the paper and back up to him, she then scanned the whole classroom who seem to be waiting on a response. "Well um.." she cleared her throat turning away from the class. She looked around her desk before focusing in on a pencil holder. Without warning she swatted it sending pencil and holder behind her desk. "Oooh myyy clumssy meee, I better go clean that uuup" She awkwardly ducked behind her desk out of view of the students. She formed a key shaped object with the use of a shield and opened a draw shoving the colorful folder in and shutting it. She opened a middle drawer and took out a journal that was just has heavy decorated as the last one. She hopped back, forgetting that she was suppose to be picking up pencils, and opened a journal scribbling something down.

"You know its funny..." she positioned herself in the front of the class, looking up from her journal towards Zaxen. "They only thing I seem to have written down here..'Zaxen is a firm believer that rules were meant to be broken for the sake of the greater good.' This tour seems to be for the greater good, but of course if you really do believe that every rule must be followed then I think they put you in the wrong class" She gave a smile of encouragement before focusing her attention on the others. She did not read there files, she read there powers, known weakness, shot records, but did not bother to read anything else before hand. What she saw before her was the potential greatness, no, what she saw before her WAS greatness. This was her biggest downfall. To think that a person who's greatest strength was making walls, biggest weakness was vulnerability. They hadn't said two words to her and she was already fully invested in there lives and future endeavors. She even went against the other facilities suggestion on how to deal with her mind reader. Could she block it? Yes. Was she going to? No. She could not expect these kids to trust her if she did not trust them. So a few of them have some...bad habits it didn't change how she felt about them, about any of her students.
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Zaxen burst into hysterical laugher, “you...they-“ He could barely breathe. Tears were running down his snow-white cheeks, “Oh my god. That’s what they put did they?” He slammed his hand on the table, not even laughing anymore just shaking, “Oh thats a good one. Oh man.” He wiped his tears but they were quickly replaced as a fresh wave of euphoria hit him, “I can’t- I’m sorry.” Zaxen kicked his legs and howled, slipping onto the floor and rolling around in hysterics.

||location: Miss Abdu’s room||
||Talking to: Miss Abdu||
||Interactions: open||
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Mr. Fuji
Mr. Fuji strolled down the school hallways with his hands in his pockets. He began thinking about what they were gonna do today as he neared the class. When he reached his room, he was met with a strong gust of wind that could've knocked the average person over but Mr. Fuji just stood there as his clothes flapped in the wind. When they came to a stop he scanned the students in his class. "Off to a great start, huh?" He asked sarcastically.

Walking over to his desk he clapped his hands twice in an attempt to get his class attention. "Quiet down guys." He said. Then he flipped through a few pages on his desk and set them down. "Why don't we start by introducing ourselves?" Mr. Fuji asked. "When I call on you, tell the class anything. Your likes and dislikes, what kind of hobbies you do and your goal." Mr. Fuji gave the class an encouraging smile. "Why don't we start with..." He took a second to glance at the list of students that were in his class or supposed to be. "Lisa Grande."

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
Ungifted ;-; Ungifted ;-;
Pumpkid Pumpkid
omninova omninova
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
SimeaseKitten SimeaseKitten
Lexi managed to catch his balance on the already-melting floor, but he immediately got buffeted by a blast of air and once again at risk of falling. He was already holding onto the wall, so he wasn't at that much risk, but the unexpected gust caught him off guard.

The only other students in the room were a pseudo-goth girl and an average-looking guy, and neither looked like obvious culprits. It was possible that whoever did it just wasn't capable of controlling their powers, so Lexi didn't try to call either of them out.

"As I was trying to say before, hi, I'm Lexi, and I guess I'm in your class," Lexi introduced himself, trying to suppress the venom in his tone.

((Pretend this was before the teacher post))
Maria Mallette

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Ms. Abdu's classroom
1548714244415.pngTalking to John was easy for Maria, it seemed as though he knew what she was thinking and made the conversation go that way. When he made the face seemingly showing off his powers, she couldn't help but laugh. She knew that he was kidding, and appreciated the description of his powers. "Well, you see, I can control the sound waves around me," she explained to the best of her ability. And when the teacher walked in and started a conversation with one of the students, she knew it was going to be a long year, the teacher forgot to plan the first day of school. The teacher proceeded to knock a pencil holder off her desk which seemed to thought out to be accidental. However, she was excited to take a tour of the place since she has not had the chance to properly tour the school.
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Angel Black
ms. Abdu's classroom

Angel's face shows obvious distaste when her nose is poked "Hasn't she heard of personal space before?" she thinks slightly annoyed, her red eyes narrowing slightly at the teacher "Why me?" she thinks with a sigh, obviously she found the teacher amusing, but she wasn't fond of people she didn't know get that close to her, she groans quietly when she knocks over the pencil holder "I could've done that" she thinks. "I suppose we could take the tour" she finally mumbles, it was better then being stuck in the classroom all day since she forgot to plan the first day of school, she grins slightly making an arm out of darkness and she moves the desk towards the wall away from the teacher.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy
There were currently three Lisas in the class. She was not sure were to sit so she figured a seat in the front back and middle would be perfect. The original was sitting in the back next to Ashely. She desperately wanted to talk to her, but her attention span was very difficult with two extra of hers right now. If she wanted to she could zone out of her clones, letting them do what they do, but she looses semi control over them. The clones were not there own beings, they were different parts of her. Physically identical but mentally similar. It was hard to create clones that were all on the same accord. A couple of years ago her clones were always naked when she duplicated, thank goodness she figured that one out. Yet at the age of 13 she had no grip over her own emotions, she can't help if one comes out slightly moodier than the other one. As she got older and her brain developed more she will have mastered her power. Unlike most other students it was not a lack of skill an practice, just simple impossibilities due to the underdevelopment of her mind. All three stood talking in unison.

"Hello...im Litha. I juth turned thirteen and I really want to be a thuper hero" she sat back down each one of her grinning from ear to ear with excitement.

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