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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

John eats some apples and other fruits with a water out of preference. “Well I think she’s going to talk about peoples past, for Zaxen trying to sympathize with him then something for you about being more social and how to overcome them both I think personally.” He answers Angel Then Maria comes and he lets Angel talk to her.

John having never tuned out of Zaxen’s mind hears distress like fighting and annoyance, but he heard the annoyance earlier but ignored it because he didn’t want to personally hurt the annoyance. But this was different.

John stands up. “Hey guys Zaxen is doing something I heard his thoughts and it isn’t good. Something about fire in bathroom, little girl, two other more annoying girls I’m going to go check it out.” He says then leaves

When he arrived at the bathrooms he sees Portia with a Afro and lightning around her. Her burnt bruised arms troubles John greatly he ignores the little girl pleading for mercy for her someone he couldn’t really tell. “Hey Portia can I (or JAM if they came) take care of him for you? Not because I don’t think you are strong it’s because of what you told me earlier.” Hinting at the fact she can’t fully control her powers.


Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
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Evelyn was having a good day thus far. Yes, she had showed up late to school on her first day, but it wasn’t too late to make a good first impression! Nobody had been rude to her, and at lunch a boy who she could have sworn was a student had served her a generously portioned serving of food with an amiable smile that warmed her bones. She ate quickly enough—her metabolism demanded that she eat more food in fact, but she ignored her stomach to find the bathroom.

That’s when she heard the crackling. There was a gathering of students in the hallway by the boys bathroom, and Evelyn couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. She wanted to help—her instincts demanded her to, but looking around... the hallway stunk of liquor, and smoke was billowing out from under the bathroom door. A girl with bruises and burns on her arms glared down the hallway at another boy who was walking away with a little girl. And were those twins? Two little redheads that looked exactly the same... the girl with the bruises and burns had electricity crackling and dancing around her person. Evelyn didn’t think getting close to her was a good idea. There was another girl and a guy standing nearby as well.

Then the girl with the thunder hands decided to hurl an energy bolt toward the back of another boy further down the hallway.
“Stop!” Evelyn shrieked, perceiving the girl with the afro as the aggressor. Her hand covered her mouth as if she didn’t mean to say anything. What was she going to do if this girl wanted to hit her with lightning or something? She didn’t want to get hurt, but she wanted to see another be harmed even less. She resolved herself not to touch the electric girl, even though the red headed twin got pretty darn close. Points for boldness!

“You can’t just go around...um, you know, throwing lightning... someone could get really hurt!!” She said a silent prayer to Zeus that his daughter wouldn’t try and smite her. Not very many creatures in the animal kingdom would appreciate that.


Location: Cafeteria > Hallway
The Hero The Hero
thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Pumpkid Pumpkid
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
"Wait" Angel says, but John's already gone "And you're not fine Maria" she says looking at the girl, she wasn't stupid or something, however leave it to John to leave them out on something fun, she holds out some sweets and asks "Want some? I brought too many and eating sweets usually helps when I'm feeling down".

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Location bathroom

G4hardcore G4hardcore thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

John turns to the new girl telling Portia to stop. “She shouldn’t and I plan to help put that animal down.” He points to Zaxen. “He hurt Portia and tried others too. Weeding out a problem is the only way to get rid of evil, not let it fester and grow until it hurts someone.” John says to the girl not trying to scare her only to get his point across.

John pulls his hand through his hair just to see what Portia’s reaction is. Remembering her thoughts earlier in class and wondering what would happen.
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Maria Mallette

1549098391302.pngTaking her head off of John's shoulder when he announced that Zaxen had gotten himself into even more trouble, she couldn't help but get involved. Looking at the sweets, they really did tempt Maria, "I don't think I should," she looked up at Angel, her eyes losing the redness that Maria was desperately trying to hide. Even though she said she shouldn't have any of the Candy the other was offering, she couldn't help herself sliding one out of Angel's hand and immediately popping it into her mouth. Walking out towards the hallway, she already knew what was happening, she heard everything that happened, she just decided not to act upon it, this is until John brought it up. What she heard and what she saw were two very different things, for one Maria was unable to hear the bolt of lightning that caused a burn in the wall, and she was not able to hear the electricity that was basically flying off of Portia. Seeing as though things had escalated far beyond her liking, Maria clapped her hands, sending enough soundwaves around the hallway to make everybody's ears ring. "Now, I know you guys have gotten into a little disagreement, but we should really head back to class as lunch has just ended," as she was talking she nodded her head towards the clock that showed lunch had just ended.
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Ms. Abdu

Two small circled shields appeared around Portica's hand. "Starlight...." there was no joy in her voice, no chipper tone. There wasn't even anger, her tone was disappointed, it almost even sound hurt. She turned around to look at Zaxen, taking no protest from as she examined his cheek. "You are going down to the infirmary, Lisa knows were it is. You are to stay there, I will send Bubbles to come fetch you after class so we can conduct a meeting. Go..." She looked over at the others and down to the crying girl clingy on to Portica's leg. She knelt down her warm smile and usual demeanor returning. She covered the little girls ears as the sound waves rung out to the other students. I need to remind myself to update her heroism. She let the girl's ears go and helped her up. "I know you want to join Lisa but in need you in class okay, run along." She watched as Lisa walked off in the opposite direction. She turned to the others not to sure what to say to them.

" I...." she stopped her voice almost sounding like she was gonna scold. "Lets head back to class, we don't want to be late do we." Her smile returned with her positive nature, but it all seemed forced. She kept the shield around Portica's hand even as she walked away. This was a sign that her trust has been broken, for all of them. Class was going to be very different from now on.
Portia Lovelace
Portia looked around seeing the crowd that had gathered. It went from two to four to a crowd in moments. She didn't like being in crowds and she didn't like being the center of everyone's attention. A soundwave made her ears feel like they were bleeding, an annoying little girl kept begging her to stop, a stranger she didn't recognize was yelling at her from down the hall, it was all too much. To top it off John was trying to act nice to her offering his help even. Again there he was saying he would assist her rather than overreact like the others. Her heart started racing causing her lightning to jut out from her body in erratic spurts like it was discharging from a conduit. Portia felt angry and flustered from the conflicting emotions running through her head. She wanted it to stop.

To make matters worse she watched John play with his own hair, something she wanted to do because of how soft it looked. Her cheeks became a bright red spanning across her nose and little volts of electricity bounced around her. "J-Just.. He-" She couldn't get the words out. It was as if someone was choking her, forcing the words back down her throat. Tears began to well up in her eyes from the unbearable strain of expressing more than one emotion at a time and the tender burns that graced her flesh. I hate it here. She thought looking down at her now useless hands.

LOCATION:: Hallway back to class
INTERACTIONS:: pretty much everyone
Angel wanders to class and she gets in, seeing she's one of the first ones there she sits down near the door in the back, after grabbing her bag and checking no one else sits there, she just hoped her friends would sit close to her, she didn't want people she doesn't know to sit next to her "Glad I skipped out on the drama" she mumbles she had wanted to do something, but decided not to, not wanting to get in more trouble then she already was by messing up her teamwork score.
Location hallway

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

John tries to stop Abdu. “Hey she’s innocent look at her arms Zaxen struck first I read his thoughts the whole time she did it in self defense!” John not caring about blurting his real power with everyone around him. All that mattered was Zaxen was punsished and Portia was free because he saw nothing but a villain walking free while the hero gets cuffed.

“She’s ok now too see? She didn’t want this if she did she would have got more aggressive instead of cooling down. You have to see Zaxen started it all. Especially with the fire marks on the floor.” He pleaded to Abdu.
Ms. Abdu
walking down hall
Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise

"What do you want me to do Gummybear, punish the villain, because that worked sooo well in the past." she did not look back at him as she walked to her class room, but left her thoughts open. "He is a villain, you know that I know that. He is not the only one at this school. The reform program is here to help these lost souls. Your protective friend needs to know what happens when she takes things in her own hands, if she wants to walk around like a vigilantes then thats how I will treat her. I can see you all's screen John I know you show interest in the anti heroes. You think I and Mr Fuji run around making laws and printing out news stories. The people we have sworn to protect , the innocent and unable fear these people. They are scared of people like Deathbalde. Lisa had already ran and told me what was going on. Its a school for superheros, you think there hasn't been a fire or two to break out." She reached the class going to the board and turning it on. The desk would remain turned off . She typed on the keypad waiting for everyone to file in.
Angel glances at the teacher, yep, she's glad she didn't do or say anything "Miss Abdu, will we get seats for the rest of the year?" she asks, she liked the seat she's sitting in now, she looks at John and puffs her cheeks, for some reason it bothers her he decided to help Portia, who honestly was asking for some trouble by aiming at another student, as much as she had wanted to see it she preferred to be stuck in a classroom with a not pissed off firebreather.

Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Bernice Allister
(Location: Hallway/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & Dumplingboy Dumplingboy / Mentioned: Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism G4hardcore G4hardcore )

Bernice was relieved when Lisa came to and beg her and to not tell as she clung onto Portia. Bernice wanted to assure her when students started crowding around watching the scene. A boy stepped in asking to assist Portia. Next the sudden ringing of her ears from someone and then an announcment added by a teacher. Bernice watches as Portia is lectured by her. Disappointment and pain lingering in the poor girls eyes. The same boy called out to the teacher stating his claims of what happened. He was right. She didn't do anything wrong and it was only up to Bernice to persuade the teacher. She stood up pained to see Portia distraught. "Portia..." She mumbled softly walking up to the girl as she self loathes herself and rhe school. Bernice emits a puddle of water from her hands setting them onto Portia's burned arms. Everyone must see her as the bad guy. She was not. She was...spicy but a kind girl so far. Portia wa sonly defending herself. The waters on Portia's arms soothe the girl.

"It's okay. I won't let them think wrong of you." She whispered. "You're a wonderful person and I will make her see your innocnet." With that Bernice disipates her puddle of water to rush over to Mrs. Abdu standing in front of her halting her from stepping forward. "Wait! Please! I'm an eye witness to what's happened here. Portia did nnothing wrong. It was an act of self defence. Zaxen started the fight. Well...he didn't try but he did harm her. That alone is reason to act. He tossed Lisa into the hallway, spilled booze and lit the bathroom on fire causing Portia to get burned by the flames. Please. Didn't heroes start out as vigilantes?"
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John walks into the classroom, failed attempt getting justice. “You can’t rely on the broken system made by broken people.” John thinks to himself.

He walks up to Angel. “Sorry I left you, hey can I ask you for a... weird personal favor? When Portia comes into class can you please rub my hair? Not weird, ok it’s weird but she likes me, If you do that it should kill any hope of her getting with me. If you do it I’ll owe you BIG time, like I can buy you your favorite candy if you want.” He asks Angel blushing from the embarrassment of asking for such a big request.
Angel stares blankly at John "Fine" she says "Only if you sit next to me though" she says, still slightly annoyed "Why are you always trying to be the hero?" she asks, she really hoped he had a good answer, oh well, if John's plan works it works, if not she's gonna have a pissed of Portia, so it could go both ways really "And I'd rather not get hit by a bolt of lightning"
Bernice Allister
(Location: Hallway/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & Dumplingboy Dumplingboy / Mentioned: Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism G4hardcore G4hardcore )

Bernice was relieved when Lisa came to and beg her and to not tell as she clung onto Portia. Bernice wanted to assure her when students started crowding around watching the scene. A boy stepped in asking to assist Portia. Next the sudden ringing of her ears from someone and then an announcment added by a teacher. Bernice watches as Portia is lectured by her. Disappointment and pain lingering in the poor girls eyes. The same boy called out to the teacher stating his claims of what happened. He was right. She didn't do anything wrong and it was only up to Bernice to persuade the teacher. She stood up pained to see Portia distraught. "Portia..." She mumbled softly walking up to the girl as she self loathes herself and rhe school. Bernice emits a puddle of water from her hands setting them onto Portia's burned arms. Everyone must see her as the bad guy. She was not. She was...spicy but a kind girl so far. Portia wa sonly defending herself. The waters on Portia's arms soothe the girl.

"It's okay. I won't let them think wrong of you." She whispered. "You're a wonderful person and I will make her see your innocnet." With that Bernice disipates her puddle of water to rush over to Mrs. Abdu standing in front of her halting her from stepping forward. "Wait! Please! I'm an eye witness to what's happened here. Portia did nnothing wrong. It was an act of self defence. Zaxen started the fight. Well...he didn't try but he did harm her. That alone is reason to act. He tossed Lisa into the hallway, spilled booze and lit the bathroom on fire causing Portia to get burned by the flames. Please. Didn't heroes start out as vigilantes?"

Ms Abdu.
Front of class

She looked down at the sudden boldness of Bernice deciding on a nickname for her. "No...actually" There was an authentic happy tone to her voice, her bad mood seeming to go away. "Hereros follow laws, and when they break them they turn themselves rather than running away . Take your seat now"
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John sighs “thank you so much.” John takes a seat next to Angel. “Well the truth is, I was orphaned because of a so called hero following the rules letting a villain go and my family died. The hero wasn’t even sorry. I will make sure that justice is served, good get good and bad get bad, no matter the cost.” He says opening up to his friend.

“If she tries bolting you I’ll take the hit for you.” He says smiling to his best friend. “By the way what do you want in return?”
Eve took a seat in the classroom, having followed the teacher Ms.Abdu. She was glad that the force field conjuring instructor had shown up when she did, because from where she had been standing things had escalated quicker than she could have thought possible. Her ears still rung from the display of power of one of the girls, though Eve wasn’t entirely sure why that was necessary.

At least things have dialed down a notch... Eve thought to herself as she looked around. She didn’t mean to choose a seat all by herself, but the classroom was still empty. She tried her best to look non-threatening as she pondered what had just happened. Though the sound wave had messed with her ears, she still remembered the words of the boy who claimed to be able to read minds. I can’t believe how wrong I was back there... me and my big mouth... those poor girls... She decided she would apologize to Portia when she showed up to class. It wasn’t fair what happened, but she certainly didn’t mean to make things worse. She had only been listening to her gut.

Eve found herself staring out the window, wishing she could fly away from the confusion with the wings of an eagle. She shook herself out of it and snapped back to the present. She didn’t come all the way here just to fly away! Hopefully the girl with the pretty white hair didn’t hate her though.


Adam Antium walked into the classroom with a stoic expression written on his face. On the way to the classroom he had seen evidence that this school and it’s students were, so far, quite the unruly bunch. He had no desire to join in the shenanigans, but so help anyone if he had to. There were certain things he could ignore, and certain things he wouldn’t.

He found a seat in the back of the classroom where he could keep an eye on the exits and windows. He studied Ms.Abdu the way a lion would study a gazelle for a few long moments. Now is not the time, he reminded himself calmly. Remember your mission. Remember your purpose, Adam. Only you can bring true justice.

Adam felt comforted by the fact that his two feet were planted firmly upon the ground. If he closed his eyes, he could feel the earth underground, ever present, ever reassuring.
Portia Lovelace
Portia watched the girl soothe her wounds before standing up for her. The pain went away but the scar was still evident. Following her into the class she chose a seat close to the window so she could look at the clouds, something she usually does when she's upset. "It's fine Bernice. I accept my punishment because this was how the world's justice works. There's no use fighting a losing battle... but thank you..." Just as quickly as the pain left it was back again stinging when she pressed her arms against the desk's cold surface. The sight of John and Angel being so friendly almost made her sad because she hadn't any friends like that yet. I bet he'd let her touch his hair... I can't even use my hands... Why would someone as nice as him ever let someone as unpredictable as me even get close to him... Portia thought before adverting her eyes from the two. She looked down at the force fields around her hands before dropping her head to the desk. Tears started to roll down her warm blushed cheeks in a silent cry from frustration. She was annoyed, angry, and mostly disappointed with herself for allowing her emotions to get the better of her. She knew better, she was raised better but she chose to act on impulse rather than logic. She used her arms to cover her face so no one would see her hoping that Ms. Abdu would release her hands sooner than later.

LOCATION:: Abdu's classroom
"I don't know" Angel mumbles, she looks at Adam "Who the hell is that?" she asks, distaste clear on her face, she couldn't stand overly confident people, they usually said they weren't afraid of anything and that had been her father's mistake once. She turns back to John and hesitates for a moment when Portia walks in, but she stands up and rubs John's hair before the other girl turns away, once his hair is messed up enough she sits back down and laughs quietly at how bad it looks now "I hope you have a hair brush" she says before covering her mouth with her hands, it looks hilarious.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Location class

Flame Demon Flame Demon

John seeing Angel stand up is nervous not knowing what Portia will do. Then when Angel rubs his head he feels, relaxed And soothed by her rubbing. Not even noticing the new students walking into the classroom. When she stops he feels a little bit sad she stoped but says nothing.

When she says she hopes he has a hairbrush he looks to Angel, and sees her holding in a laugh. “What?.... oh, OH how messed up did you make it? Oi that‘ wasn’t a part of the deal.” He says playfully while trying to fix his hair with his hands.

“Thank you I owe you BIG TIME... wait when did those people arrive here?” he tunes into Portia’s mind to see what she’s thinking to see if his plan worked.
Evelyn Eden

It was hard not to notice Portia walking into the classroom, what with the spherical orbs of energy around her hands. It gave Evelyn the impression that this girl was being chained up like an unruly pet, and that tugged at her heartstrings harder than she thought. When Portia took a seat near the window, just like she had, Eve took it as a sign that maybe this burned girl didn’t totally hate her... maybe. She looked so sad... Evelyn decided to throw the dice anyway.

“Portia? Listen, I am so sorry about, you know, what I said? I just thought—I mean when I saw you, it looked like—well...” Eve felt like she was butchering her first impression. Perhaps she already had.
“My names is Evelyn. My friends call me Eve. It’s nice to meet you,” she extended her hand, then pulled it back just as quickly, having forgotten about the force fields for a split second.

196AE8FA-E2A3-4E97-83FB-B4E1A1313188.jpeg thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm


Adam Antium

Adam studied the girl who had asked who he was. The contempt was dripping from her expression and she made no attempt to hide it. Adam leaned back in his desk and tilted his head to one side, just slightly. The girl ignored him and went on talking to another boy, not so much as glancing his way again.

“If you aren’t careful, I might be your reckoning, girl. As it is now, I’m going to let that one slide. You’re welcome.”

Adam thought the girls rudeness was a lousy reception, but if he let her walk on him like that, others might get bold too. He was here to make no enemies, but neither would he allow others to look down on him suchly.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
Lisa Grande
Ms. Abdu's class.

Lisa appeared to be in a much better mood than the crying shit show she was moments ago. She did not understand the preexisting politics of the classroom of who was on what side. She was not a complex thinker, obviously, and would not understand the drama even if it was explained to her. She did know that she did not want to sit next to Portica. She takes her seat next to Adam. She noticed her feet did not touch the ground, much to her disliking. She turned on her desk and went to settings adjusting the hight of the seat and table. Lisa lived in a very wealthy family, there entire house was incorporated with this technology.
Angel instantly stops laughing and she slowly stands up "Did you just threaten me?" she asks turning to Adam, her quiet demeaner gone in a instant, she walks over to Adam and stops in front of him "I'm going to say this loud and clearly, just this once" she says narrowing her eyes as shadows form around her "I don't like it when people threaten me and I absolutely hate people who are overconfident, so if you have a problem with me. I suggest you go about that very very carefully" she says, the shadows becoming bigger with each word "Do I make myself clear? Also the 'good boys' sit in the front so piss off".
Portia was one thing, but Angel being treated this way was too much. It infuriated him to his core but when he was going to say something Angel stood up for herself. He stays silent. “She doesn’t need my help like she said before, especially now If I say something he might think of her as a girl Who relys on support then make belittle her.” John thinks to himself.

John stays in his seat ready to jump him if he touches Angel in any way, even a poke he’s on high alert take no prisoners.

John tunes his mind to Adams
Bernice Allister
(Locations: Hallway>Mrs. Abdu's Class/ Mentioned: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

Bernice wished to argue further about being a hero knowing well all heroes have their own judgement and have their own rules as well. Unfortunately, Portia said not to worry about it. To deal with the consequences. It was unfair. Students already making their way to class, sad to say Bernice must do the same ending the subject. Her chest squeezed as a feeling of failure engulfs her. The bruenette hung her head low heading into Mrs. Abdu's class. So bummed she had forgotten she had transferred to a new class with new faces. Excepr for a familiar one being that mind reading boy. Her purple orbs shift over to her white haired acquaintance. She seemed so bothered by everything. Bernice wanted the urge to walk over to her. Apologize and comfort her, however there was a sense of something telling her not to. To give the girl space. That's what most wanted and so with a heavy heart decided to take a lonely seat staring at her lap just as bothered. Fists tighten till the whites of her knuckles are visible. "I'm sorry Portia." She utters under her breath somberly.

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