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Fantasy Super Hero Academy

Angel Black
Classroom - studyhall

"I can take him" Angel says, in all honesty she didn't know the true extend of Adam's powers, but that's fine, she learns quickly, though she really hoped she wouldn't have to spar with Adam, since she's not sure if she's able to hold back. "Three qualities" she mumbles with a sigh "Weren't they all couragous?" she mumbles, she didn't even thank Flower Girl for helping yesterday, she'll do that later, she guessed that Flower Girl has the noble qualities and Missile Man the courage, leaving the third one with outstanding achievements, however Flower Girl might have those too "Ugh, my brains not working" she says with a sigh.
John nods at Angels reply. “Ok, well if you ever need a human shield just let me know.” He says the last part playfully. When he hears her mumbling he blushes a little thinking it’s cute. Then when she says her brains not working he chuckles. “Awww” is all he could think to himself. “Maybe some candy will jump start it?” He says playfully, while pulling out a cherry sucker, green apple jolly rancher and tootsie roll out of his schools jacket pocket. He got some candy before school started on the way to the dry cleaners for a certain someone. “Sorry if you don’t like them I don’t really know what candy you like so I just got these, by the way what’s stumping you? Maybe I could help if you wanted.” John says earnestly.
Maria Mallette

Visibly dazed from the commotion that Adam caused the night prior, Maria's attention was somewhere else. Sitting next to Angel and John, Maria didn't write a single thing down about who the worst hero was. This wasn't because she thought that they were all equal, she just couldn't bring herself to write anything down. She couldn't that someone could do something like that, how could someone who attends this school try to kill Angel and her family. She saw death first hand already, she surely did not want to see it again. Just the thought of her friends ending up the same way her parents did was enough to put her off for the rest of the day. She tried to focus on other things, mostly for everybody else's sake. She knew if she thought about what could have happened if Flowergirl had not shown up when she did, she would end up a crying mess. So, to keep her mind away from such thoughts she would go over every single aspect of her costume that Angel and John helped her design when she was over for the night.

Looking over her costume for the fifth time, she realized that the door was opening, looking up she noticed that Ms. Abdu had instructed the class to head to the study hall. She packed up her notebook, and pencils and made her way towards the Studyhall alongside her two best friends. Listening to their conversation but not paying very close attention, she knew what they were talking about just not all of the exact details. She decided to stay quiet, thinking it would be best if she didn't say anything at all. When they reached the study hall, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, "So, where do you guys want to sit?" she inquired.
Ms. Abdu's classroom/Study hall
Flame Demon Flame Demon Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
When they arrived at He study hall he looked to Maria. “Umm here.” He takes a seat at a table with 4 seats near the center of the room. “Can you put up a sound proof barrier so no one can hear us?” He asks his friend. If she does it he will ask her “Hey your usually more talkative, is something wrong? It’s not what happened is it?” After asking that he clenched his fists under the table in anger, Thinking it was Adam and he ruined not only a house but tried to ruin a life as well. “Please don’t worry about him, I’ll make sure he won’t be able to hurt anyone ever again.” He says with a serious reassuring tone to his voice. And his eyes showed no emotion for Adam as if he viewed it as saying you were going to take a trash to the curb.

John after that being said asks “Hey... also can I read your mind too?” Wanting to see what she’s thinking. His eyes became normal again with the emotion back in them.
Angel Black - Study hall

Angel glances at Maria "Hey Maria" she says and she smiles slightly "It all ended well didn't it? If someone had died or gotten hurt I assure you that he'd be six feet underground, buried alive in the smallest coffin that he fits into the very same day" she says, she didn't know if Maria made a sound barrier already, but she doesn't care "And I would've restricted him from moving as well", Angel is a very simple person when it comes to that, you can hurt her if she deserves it, but involve her family and friends who did nothing wrong, she'd make their lifes a living hell. She raises an eyebrow at the fact John got sweets and she smiles "I like a lot of candy don't worry" she says, her tone back to normal as if she hadn't just threatened to bury someone alive "Also Maria, I didn't forget it, but sometimes you have to be patience if you want payback and he will get his payback of I have to face him in training", she hasn't used her powers since yesterday, besides the hover board but that barely cost any energy to make.

Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Evelyn Eden

Evelyn was glad to see Bernice in higher spirits than compared to yesterday. She’s definitely going to come out of her shell, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure that happens! Eve thought to herself, wanting to support those around her whose intentions were just.

When Portia had asked earlier what she’d put down for an answer, Evelyn had checked out in terms of focus. She’d been so preoccupied with her thoughts she couldn’t quite recall Portia’s question at present, which was why she hadn’t replied. Evelyn liked to think it had something to do with her ability—that somehow, having the genes of every living thing encoded in each of her cells made it so that, the minds of all those creatures dwelt within her head. She didn’t know if that was actually true, but she liked to believe it. It was better than her drug addicted mother telling her she couldn’t focus because she had an attention disorder at any rate.

When Miss Abdu didn’t directly respond to her question earlier during class, Evelyn couldn’t help but to frown a bit. Crestfallen, she had secretly hoped for a more personalized answer. In her wildest hopes, she’d have gotten a specific set of instructions from the great Genie herself—on how to be just like her!

But then again... Maybe she did exactly that! Evelyn put a finger to her chin as her mind did wander. Courage, achievement, and nobility, Eve thought. All I have to do to be as awesome as Genie is to be brave; to accomplish great deeds and see them through; and to be true to my virtues! I can do this. I can be a great hero!

Evelyn couldn’t wait to come back to class after study hall and hear more of Miss Abdu’s advice. She would cling to everything her teacher had to say and be great, just like her. Portia walking toward Zaxen seemed to snap Evelyn out of her bubble. Despite herself, when she saw Portia working on the restraints of the fire breather, she couldn’t help but wonder if that was wise. However she learned from yesterday that the more unwise thing to do would be to come between them again—at least, not between two teenagers who could both burn her to a crisp in two different ways.

So, Evelyn held her tongue as Portia visibly hurt and burned herself to free him. In a way, it was sweet, but her instincts told her that this was quite possibly the beginnings to a potentially toxic relationship. Then she saw how thankful Zaxen had been... how gently he seemed to touch her, Evelyn thought it was a stark difference to the behavior of the boy who burned the bathroom. Maybe he wasn’t drunk today?No matter, Evelyn would support her friends. She did however, make a mental note to speak to Zaxen at some point about treating people nicely, and maybe even burning people less if at all possible. When Portia came back and bid them all head to study hall together, she nodded in cheery agreement. She mentioned costumes, and Evelyn sighed.

“I don’t wanna rain on my own parade here, but I can’t seem to get anywhere with a costume. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on giving up, but we’ll... everything I’ve tried leads to the same result. What in the world possibly fits when using your superpower changes your size 97 percent of the time? It’s like the universe wants me to be a naked superhero—and if that’s the case, maybe I should rethink my career choice!”

As they head to study hall, Evelyn thinks about Adam. She wondered if he planned on continuing to ride the shy train, if that’s what it was. Maybe the other girls wouldn’t mind him joining them? She wasn’t positive if that was alright, but before she could express that to Bernice and Portia, Bernice suddenly stopped, having apparently forgotten something, and went to Adam herself. It seemed like the timid girl from yesterday was more courageous than she was!

Location: Abdu’s Class
Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm G4hardcore G4hardcore L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel


Adam Antium

Adam watched, intrigued with the flaming display in the back of the class, as Zaxen burned his restraints into a molten slag. Clearly he was glad to be free, regardless to who that might be that free him. The smell of the metal burning was not an entirely unfamiliar smell to Adam. When Zaxen, now gloriously muzzle-free, asked if ‘please’ was the magic word, he couldn’t restrain his amusement and a smirk played on his face. He hadn’t really needed a specific word from him, so much as a gesture or sign in good faith that Zaxen wouldn’t make Adam regret helping him.

But it didn’t matter, for as he said, he already had a hero. It didn’t take a genius to see Zaxen was a villain. Why else would he walk into class so restricted and bound? Adam could practically smell the blood on his aura, not literally, but intuitively. And when he saw how he treated Portia... the delicacy in his touches screamed his affections.

When Portia spun on her heels and rejoined Bernice and Eve, Adam turned to Zaxen. “You may not give a care for what I’m going to tell you, but you’re playing at a dangerous game with that girl. Love... it’s for heroes. Guys like us? We don’t get the girl. And as for what I can do?” Adam glances at his two hands studiously, turning them over with scrutiny. “I’m no locksmith, but... I haven’t seen a cell or prison that can keep me. Let alone a pair of handcuffs. I’m Adam, by the way.”

It was then that Bernice came back, making a beeline for Adam. A single white eyebrow rose with curiosity. She spoke first, “H-hello.”

“Hi,” Adam responded skeptically.

As Bernice explained herself, Adam felt his guard drop. He didn’t think she was a threat, and clearly she was being genuine in her concern. He couldn’t believe she was actually apologizing on behalf of Angel’s actions yesterday. Little did she know it was John’s probing he found far more offensive, but he didn’t bring it up. He did however cast a glance at JAM as they departed the classroom.

“You don’t need to apologize for them, they aren’t your responsibility. Karma is... unkind.” Adam crossed his arms for a moment, thinking about what he’d done last night. It wasn’t his first crime, and yet... it didn’t feel quite right either. His revenge had been swift, but rather reckless. Messy, even. Adam could clearly see Bernice was trying to treat him like an actual person. Humanely.

“I... appreciate you for what you did yesterday.” Adam pushed the hair out of his eyes so he could look her in hers. He couldn’t help but notice they were a deep, rich brown; not unlike earth. “That was kind of you. Thank you.” With that, Adam grabbed his book bag and slung it over one shoulder. “Guess you’d better get to study hall. You don’t want to keep your friends waiting, I imagine.”

Location: Abdu’s Class
Tagged: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel Pumpkid Pumpkid
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Mrs. Abdu's class/ Tagged: G4hardcore G4hardcore & thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )

Confusion plastered on Bernice's face tilted head a few degrees when Adam mentioned karma. She couldn't understand how he could even think that. He seemed like a decent person and so far has seen nothing wrong. She wondered if he too is hard on himself over something. The bruenette smiles bashful of Adam's thanks rubbing the back of her head with a small blush. When it came to praises she always felt shy. It was merely a simple instinct to help others as her nature insists. "Awe it's no big deal really. I love helping others who need them regardless of anything." She chirped. "Although, I don't quite agree you deserve karma if you were refering to yourself. You seem like a nice person to me so far. None that should have happened to you. I just can't believe people would be so cruel as to turn the other cheek." She huffed irritated about yesterday. "Anyways, I'm glad you're doing okay." When he mentioned about reporting back to her friends, she looks over her shoulders supposing she should. "Yeah I really should." Bernice rummages through her messenger bag revealing a cute, fudge pop wrapped up in pastel colors with a ribbon reserving the treat. The pop itself in the shape of a polar bear along with its eyes nose and a smile. "Here. I hope this brightens your day." With that, the girl spins on her heel returning to her friends overhearing Evelyn about her suit.

"I think you should wear elastic clothing Evelyn. No matter how small or big you shape into the elastisity will be sturdy and snap to whatever form you take." She commented. "Back! Sorry about that. I thought I'd check up that boy that was caged yesterday to see how he's doing. He seems fine now. I just gave him one my special treats I have been wanting to share with you two. I whipped up a batch of fudge pops last night. I hope you like them." Again Bernice rummages for more of her homeade fudge pops to share with her two new friends. Each one handed with different specs like eye color or ribbon color. "They were originally an apology for you Portia but today just seems sweeter than a popsicle."
Portia Lovelace
Portia gave a reassuring pat on Evelyn's shoulder hoping it'd cheer her up. "We'll come up with something don't worry. Something like a morph suit so you won't be butt naked when you shift. If we have all this computer science technology surely there's got to be something that'll help you out." She only partially knew what she was talking about from reading up on these things online for her own costume. Even though she wasn't allowed to bring in or work on her costume, Portia still looked up stuff for it at home. She wanted something that regulated her own temperature as well as managed her powers so her clothes didn't burn off. The longer she kept up conduction the more likely it was for her clothes and skin to supercharge. "Hey Bernice-" Before she could finish the statement the brunette was gone. It appeared everyone in her circle of friends wanted to befriend the more villainous classmates seeing how Bernice chose to walk right up to Adam. The two have never shared words before but Portia could tell Adam wasn't someone she wanted to get on the bad side of. That look in his eye when he spoke to Zaxen sent a chill down her spine. Where Zaxen felt more broken and unstable, Adam was more refined and in control. His surefire will and intent to kill without a shadow of a doubt was what made her nervous. Nonetheless, Portia still found herself wanting to mess with him just to see how far she could push him. He seemed like an interesting person at the very least.

While watching Bernice from the doorway with Evelyn she caught glimpse of Zaxen, turning her face a dusted rose color. Something about him made her heart race faster than she could blink. It was not a feeling she wanted to become accustomed to. Get it together Portia! He's just a boy! He's just like everyone else- oh god look at the way the light hits his hair... his probably soft red hair... and those puppy eyes... SHUT UP! Portia internally battled herself in annoyance from her emotions. When she realized she was staring her body abruptly turned around letting her hair smack her in the face to cover her shame. Why are you like this? When did you become such a punk?? "Did you see how he touched me? He was so gentle.. it's making progress." Her heart beat loudly in her chest just thinking about it. Although she was addressing Evelyn through her soft-spoken tone it was more like she was just thinking out loud. The girl was snapped back into reality from her little mumbles having a cute popsicle shubbed in her face. "This was for me?" She had big puppy eyes taking the popsicle and admiring its design. It was so cute she could die. "Thank you so much wow."

LOCATION:: The doorway?
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore Pumpkid Pumpkid mentions:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Zaxen let out a soft chuckle at Adam. He respected him. He was a solid villain, that was someone Zaxen could get behind.
The red-head stood up and headed for the door. He saw Bernice handing out Fudge pops and stopped dead. Sugar. The Devil’s only weakness. Zaxen tore his eyes away from the heavenly snack and backed slowly out the door as to not hit any of the girls, “ ‘scuse me, ladies.” He grinned as he brushed past Portia.
Zaxen ran a hand through his hair, coaxing out the knots. His hair was nice but damn it was high maintenance. He groaned, giving up with his unruly curls.
Zaxen spied Adam and Bernice talking. A slow grin krept up his face. As the girl walked away, Zaxen sidled up to Adam, “Hey hey hey dirt boy, you gunna eat that?” Zaxen gestured to the fudge pop, “I assumed sweet stuff wasn’t your thing.” He raised an eyebrow, “not that it’s inherently my thing buuuuut,” his ruby eyes smacked into him, “I like candy so.” He made a grabbing motion with his hands as if he were a toddler.

||Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm G4hardcore G4hardcore ||​
Kama Unboko
Location: Ms. Abdu's class

Since they were supposed to choose a hero and rate them on courage, achievements, and noble qualities, Kama chose Lightweight. He always thought their quirks had some similarities plus he thought the hero was cool.

Courage - 10/10
Achievements - 7/10
Noble Qualities - 10/10​
Evelyn Eden

“Elastic? Yeah, I guess that might work,” Evelyn replied, nodding at Bernice. As Portia put her opinion forward, Evelyn couldn’t help but think that the idea of a morph suit sounded amazing. Even the name morph suit sounded cool. “Elastic definitely is stretchy, that’s for sure. I don’t know what kind of tech can help, but I guess we could find out together! I’m not really caught up with the newest fashion-tech, but maybe I could find something about it in the library...”

When Portia began commenting about Zaxen’s touch, Evelyn couldn’t help but blush a bit. It was kind of adorable to watch the blue-haired girl fawn over Zaxen. She wanted to tell her friend to be careful with her heart, but it was so hard... She looks so happy... maybe I should just hush.

When Bernice handed out the fudge pops, “Oh! Thanks! Aw look, it’s a wittle bear!” Evelyn marveled at the craftsmanship of the treat. “That was super nice of you to do. I mean, not just for us, but Adam too! I don’t think he’s used to that. Did you see his face when you handed it to him?” Evelyn smiled, heading toward study hall with her elemental friends.

“I felt bad for him yesterday too. I’m happy you said something for him. You know I rode the bus today, and he totally paid for my fare. It was so sweet, I didn’t know he had that in him. He’s sweet, but so distant y’know? Like he’s here, but in his own little world at the same time.” Evelyn stopped talking, suddenly self conscious. “Am I gushing? I don’t mean to gush!” She occupied herself by unwrapping the delicious looking polar bear with deft fingers and trying out a few licks. Evelyn’s eyes glazed over. “Oh, yum! Bernice, what’s your secret?!”

Evelyn held the door to the study hall room open for her friends, thoroughly enjoying her scrumptious, home made snack.

Location: Hallway > Study Hall
Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm

Adam Antium

She’s glad I’m okay? I seem like a nice person? But...

If Adam wasn’t conflicted before, he was now. She barely knows me. Yet she stuck out her neck for me. And now here she is today, trying to brighten my day. Adam had, for years, thought of his life as more of a cruel joke, his very presence a blemish upon society. He didn’t know how to process someone being kind to him for no other reason besides the sake of kindness. In a way, he envied John for being able to read minds, even if he had found it offensive. Adam knew one thing for sure though, as he watched Bernice rejoin her group of friends.

He knew Bernice was a good person. The world needed more of that. Adam shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind. He realized he was still staring at the doorway she had departed from, which already felt like a lifetime ago. He glanced at the fudge pop in his hand, turning it this way and that.

Adam finally found his legs and walked methodically toward the door, treat in hand. When Zaxen approached, it made him feel comfortable. Maybe some people didn’t like him for being the way he was, but Adam could tell this villain had to have a sort of honor code. Many villains did.

...Until the crimson-eyed bandit made a grab for his candy bear. “Dirt boy?” Adam grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Phenomenal nick name, brimstone breath. I’ll thank you not to snatch things that don’t belong to you. Besides, wouldn’t the thing just melt before you could get it in your mouth anyway?” Adam was half joking, knowing Zaxen probably had more control over his ability than that. He had to wonder how Zaxen knew he could control dirt. Maybe he knew Adam has caused the tremor yesterday. Maybe he’d seen him impale the box after school. Or maybe he could read minds too? Adam shrugged, deciding it didn’t really matter.

If Adam was being honest with himself, he didn’t want to share his bear with Zaxen. However, it had nothing to do with an innate love for all things fudge. In all reality, Adam had assigned sentimental value to the treat, and once he was aware of it, he frowned. He decided if that was the case, he had better start training his mind to be less clingy. After all, if Bernice knew what Adam’s past really consisted of, he highly doubted she’d feel the same way about him. Sighing dejectedly, Adam broke the bear in half and gave the slightly bigger piece to Zaxen.

“Here.” He ate his portion without further contest. It was wonderful, and he didn’t even care much for fudge. Yet, if it was so good... why did he feel so numb? He saved the head for last, savoring the pop before it was gone. “Are you actually going to study hall?” Adam asked Zaxen, heavily considering skipping the class.

Location: Abdu’s Class > Hallway
Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
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Bernice Allister
(Location: Doorway>Study hall/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm & G4hardcore G4hardcore )

"You are both welcome." Once again Bernice is sheepish over Evelyn's praise when it came to comforting Adam. "Yeah, it felt like the right thing to do. I'm just a very worrisome person as my home town told me. It's actually just a natural instinct to care for others. That's all." The bruenette scratches her cheek with a light sweat drop posing out. "U-um no actually. I'm too shy to make eye contact when it comes to boys, sadly." Now it's Bernice who's turn to be surprised about Evelyn riding the bus with him. "No way! I knew he was nice. That's so sweet. He does seem a bit distant to me as well. Perhaps he's just lonely? I haven't seen him converse with anyone, but I could be wrong." The minute Evelyn questioned out loud if she was gushing is the moment when the idea of Evelyn crushing on Adam became a possibility to Bernice causing her eyes to shape into stars once more. Her beaming smile stretching wider than ever. She squealed in front of the girl finding it adorable.

"Awe~! Evelyn are you crushing on Adam for his kind act?" Bernice nudged teasing her. The subject is quickly changed leading to the assumption Evelyn nonlonger wanted to linger on the subject. It was probably embarassing to her to admit. "No secret. Just a simple recepie. If I had to add one it would be a cliche of love. Just as your small love crush on Adam." She continued snickering. There was one question left. How did Adam know Bernice's name? She never even revealed her name to anyone besides Evelyn and Portia. The two having no one else to talk to than each other seeing as it's the second day. The girl hums in thought. How did she even know Adam's name? That was an easy one. When logging into one's desk, there is a column dedicated to the students attending her class and hers alone. It dis not take a genius to find out who is who especially since she belonged in Mr. Fuji's class just yesterday as everyone introduced themselves. She even recalled Jhon and Angel talking to each other yesterday before approaching them and ackowledging their names. Adam was no Maria leaving only that name to belong to the mysterious whit haired teen. Still, she'd be sure to approach him properly this time with a name. She never was great with introductions. An example being when she first encountered Portia and again with Evelyn.
Portia Lovelace
The poor girl almost internally died as Zaxen brushed up against her. Was it entirely necessary? Probably not. Did she secretly enjoy it anyway? Absolutely. She wished he would just openly talk to her since she considered them friends but she didn't think that would ever happen. Portia snickered hearing Bernice make jokes about Evelyn's newfound crush. She was glad that she wasn't the only one who had a little thing for the bad boys. "Now we just have to get a boyfriend for you B. You look like the type of girl to like someone tall, dark, and handsome with an air of mystery," She chuckled as she opened up the wrapping for the chocolate treat. It was so well made that it looked like it could've been made in an ice cream shop. She took a bite out of the ear savoring the taste of fudge before taking another. The trio walked into study hall but Portia stayed silent enjoying the delicacy in her hands until it was all finished. Her eyes glanced around looking for an open seat spotting the JAM trio already there. As much as she liked Maria she figured it best to let her be with her friends. "Let's sit over there." She points to a seat out of the way by a bookshelf, a small round table with four seats. She took the seat to the far left before throwing her hair out of her face. "Alright, first order of business costumes then love life. Or would you rather the other way around?" Portia giggled twirling the popsicle stick in her fingers as small currents of electricity followed after it.

LOCATION:: study hall
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore Pumpkid Pumpkid mentions:: L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Location study hall

Flame Demon Flame Demon Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism G4hardcore G4hardcore

John having never taken his mind off of Adams heard every thought. Not wanting to invade his friends thoughts and not trusting Adam he always wanted to keep it on his.

“HAHAHAHA!” John laughs historically out of nowhere in Maria’s soundproof bubble. “Hey get this guys, Adam has a crush... on Bernice! He didn’t think the name but he was thinking cheesy things like awww she’s so nice to me, awww if she knew my past she wouldn’t like me.” John says with a sappy sad and overly romantic voice, With hand gestures. “She’s the ONLY one who was nice to him, Ok so I think we should tell her in front of him maybe, just ruin his chances and COMPLETELY break him. You guys in?” He asks whipping a tear from his eye. “I could do it by myself if you guys don’t want to be the bad guys, I’m totally ok with making him suffer before he dies and be labled the bad guy.” He says with a indifferent tone in his voice. He leans his face in his hand on the table looking at his friends.
Evelyn Eden

“What? No. No!” Evelyn reassured Bernice as she shook her head in unashamed denial. “Trust me, it’s not like that. I mean, he seems like a cool guy and all, but well...” Evelyn shook her head again. When Bernice nudged her teasingly, Evelyn put her hands on her hips as she made her way toward an empty table in study hall. She took a moment to gawk at all the books in the library, so many diverse volumes all in one place! While she preferred videos to books, she appreciated them for what they were in a time when books were becoming quite antiquated; a thing of the past.

She took a seat to the left of Portia as Bernice joking admitted to her secret ingredient having been inspired by a love crush of fictitious proportions. Evelyn sighed, apparently exasperated. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Adam as a person. She had to admit to herself he had his appeal, and there wasn’t exactly anything blatantly wrong about him. It was something else. Something she didn’t know how to articulate to her friends. As Portia snickered along with the jokes, Evelyn sunk in her seat, lips pursed.

“C’mon guys, it’s not like that at all. He’s cute, kind of nice, and he seems strong in a lot of ways. But really, I’m just not that into him. And besides, he wasn’t giving me the doe eyes, if you ask me.” She thought back to Adam taking the pop from Bernice like he was in a hazy daze. “If I’m being totally honest, he wouldn’t even walk with me to class, so I don’t really get the feeling he’s into me either. Look, let’s talk about our costumes or something,” Evelyn gave her best shot at changing the subject, hoping either Portia or Bernice would bite. If not, well, it was worth a shot.

She was almost done with her fudge pop, and all this talk about crushes made Evelyn think about some of the other boys in class. She never did ask the boy who had served lunch yesterday what his name was. He smiled kindly enough when he’d served her, and she wished she could go back to that moment and talk to him some more. She wasn’t a huge fan of red hair on guys, but it worked for him in her eyes.

Evelyn’s wandering contemplations were interrupted by a burst of rather maniacal laughter. She turned to see John talking to his friends at the table, and as he explained what he thought was so funny, Evelyn paled. “Oh my god.” From the context alone, Evelyn was able to gather quite a few things.

One, that John could read thoughts as easily as she might pick up a book and read it. Two, apparently Adam had something of a crush, if Johns ability was accurate. Three, this telepath was planning something horrible against Adam, and Evelyn had no clue why. It was only obvious that he wanted to destroy Adam emotionally... And also physically? Before he dies? What on earth are they plotting to do?!

Location: Study Hall
Tagged: Pumpkid Pumpkid L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel G4hardcore G4hardcore The Hero The Hero Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
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Kama Unboko
Location: Ms. Abdu's class > Study Hall

Kama got up from the desk he was sitting at and exited the classroom. He walked to the study hall and when he entered he noticed there was multiple teachers and there was constant teacher movement around the room. The instructors were also enthusiastic and their enthusiasm was evident and contagious. As to be expected from Super Hero Academy. When he walked in he also noticed his classmates but he didn't pay too much attention to them. He walked over to a bright red beanbag and flopped onto it.

Leaning back and waiting for his teacher to come get them. Kama was bored and he could overhear the other students talking about crushes which, as of now, he had no interest in because he didn't know anybody yet. He would've joined their conversation but he had nothing to say about crushes. He shut his eyes and just chilled.​
Angel Black - Study hall

Angel sinks down in her seat as John starts laughing, she frowns and quietly stands up while her friend is too busy laughing, also quietly walking off and she spots Portia and her friends "Uh can I sit with you? I swear I don't want to hurt anyone, despite the fact Adam decided to sink my house in the ground yesterday" she says "And well... I understand if you don't want me here" she mumbles as she looks down, she glances back at John and then looks back at Portia, Bernice and Eve "Oh right, haven't introduced myself to two of you. My name's Angel" she says, she would hold out her hand to shake, but she's not sure they even want her around. But in all honesty, she didn't want to be around John right now because she has no idea where that came from, but she absolutely hated it and it made her feel uncomfortable as hell, so if she would have to sit alone then she'd do that.

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Pumpkid Pumpkid G4hardcore G4hardcore
John notices Angel get up and leave, his heart stings like being stung by a hornet. It was the table with Portia or Angel all over again. He brushes it off not wanting to choose between her or his past. “...maybe she’s just not interested in talking? She did say she wanted more friends, yea that’s it.” Knowing deep down it wasn’t.

He catches a glance of the new girl staring right at him like a deer in headlights. “What... OH NO DID SHE NOT PUT UP THE BUBBLE!!??” He swiftly moves his head to Maria to find her not paying attention to him.

John looks at the new girl and sighs “ok ok, so... this looks bad, BUT here.” He throws her his phone with the news about Angels house on it. “The tremors in class was Adam, he also caused this innocent girls family suffer and attempted to murder them with us in it.” He gestures to Maria. “He will try and harm more people unless I stop him, now yes ruining his social life won’t help BUT it will make me feel better before he is stopped for good. This girl deserves none of his wrath and he tried to do to her what his kind did to me as a kid so I want him to suffer.” John says to the girl keeping his mind tuned into Adams in case he decides to try and sneak attack him.

John didn’t expect her to believe him at all but he did want her to know so she didn’t become to friendly with Adam and get hurt.
Portia Lovelace
Portia listened to everything Evelyn said picking up on her subtle cues to divert the attention from her. It was cute how she tried to hide her feelings when in the end Portia would drag them out eventually. Both her friends were so interesting and clearly awful when it came to boys. It made her laugh but deep down she was glad they all had that in common. "Right right costumes," She said in between giggles.

Her ear caught something interesting making her stop playing with the popsicle stick. So Adam likes Bernice? How cute. She thought as she placed her head down onto her hand. This puts a damper on things for Evelyn but I can still work with this. She smirks thinking about ways she could 'accidentally' set them up. That is until she hears the next part of what John says. Death? And here I thought John was a good little boy. Looks can be quite deceiving these days. I wonder if Adam or Zaxen aren't how they appear... If it's all just a facade. She ponders these questions carefully in her head, taking a strand of hair into her fingers and twirling it around as she concentrated. "Interesting..." Portia was no fool, she knew what would happen if John were to follow through on his actions. She could easily stop the both of them if she so pleased by smiting them down but it depended on if she felt like doing so. So far, if it hasn't directly involved her or her friends she didn't care to get involved in the drama of others. She preferred to mind her business when it came to things like this.

"Uh can I sit with you? I swear I don't want to hurt anyone, despite the fact Adam decided to sink my house in the ground yesterday," A soft and clearly distressed voice pulled her from thinking as she looked up to see Angel standing before her. "Pop a squat Angel, we welcome all here." Portia pats the open seat next to her for her classmate to sit but before the girl could get the chance John came running over. "He what... I don't mean to gossip or put my own two cents in but umm... that sounds pretty serious and maybe you shouldn't play vigilante. This school doesn't really like that you know, prime example right here." She pointed to herself and the bandages on her arms. "If anything I think this girl, she has a name you know, should get to choose for herself whether she wants to tackle this or not. As much as I'd like to agree with you mind-reader, I don't think you have the skill to back it up against the boy who could literally crush you with the ground you're standing on." Portia didn't want to sound harsh but she was never one to beat around the bush. She looked straight at him with a serious expression. "I'm telling you, classmate to classmate, don't pursue this. The only ones that will get hurt while you try to antagonize him are the people around you, even if he did try to do something as criminal as that." She didn't want to see her classmates get hurt in a fight that could be avoided like how she was injured the day before. He might not listen to what she had to say and do his own thing anyway but, she felt like she had to say it anyway. There was no way she saw this ending well for any of them.

LOCATION:: study hall
INTERACTIONS:: G4hardcore G4hardcore Pumpkid Pumpkid Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Flame Demon Flame Demon
Lisas x2
L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel G4hardcore G4hardcore
thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Pumpkid Pumpkid Flame Demon Flame Demon

Lisas trailed behind Zaxen holding each other’s hands. She did not pay much attention to the conversation going on with the other students,as she was too busy talking to herself. Both heads popped up when Adam brought up the study hall. Was Zaxen going to skip, last time they got in so much trouble,and if Zaxen lost any more points he would be kicked out. She looked back and forth between the two boys frantically. If Zaxen was going than she was going. One of the Lisas turned her head, her eyes following the two girls who walked into the study hall. Without thinking one Lisa grabbed on to Adam shirt letting out a nervous “Hey” while the other began to follow after Portia. They both looked back at each other as of confused on why each chose the path that they did. Lisa quickly got over the momentary confusion. Sometimes when she was indecisive her brain would act out both impulses. This behavior is not common with the other clones,but since these two have been together for so long it was almost natural.

Lisa with the bad boys

Lisa turned her focus back onto the boy’s shirt she was grabbing. She looked down at her hand and let go,nervously backing towards Zaxen. “If y-your skipping I want to go too” she shuffled her feet paying more attention to her fidgety hands then the one she was speaking to.

Lisa with the good girls

Lisa made herself known as she sat down with the group. Her feet swayed back and forth as she looked between the girls faces eager to join in the conversation. This particular conversation involving costumes and match making was right up her ally. “I had a dethigner for my cothtume.” Despite her very open display she was still cautious. This was the same girl that attacked Zaxen and almost hit her in the process. “I am tho exthited for when I get to wear it.” She was still down about the punishment but was down crying about it. She looked up as angel spoke, this was getting even better. She got to hang out with two of th coolest people in her class.
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Angel, clearly feeling uncomfortable around John right now, sits down with Portia "Look John" she says "In all honesty Portia is right. However what you wanna do is your choice, don't drag me in it, because as much as I want to hurt him too I won't" she says "I'm not going to help you kill someone, heroes don't kill" she adds looking down. Why did it go this way, sure she knew John was an anti-hero or something, but she didn't want anything to do with that "Uh if any of you need costume ideas, I have some left" she says, changing the subject to something less negative "Of course if you want to look at them anyway" she says showing her sketchbook, she has tons of ideas, but already made her choice, so she didn't the costume designs anymore and classmates who might not have some could use them for their own ideas.

She then notices one of the Lisa's, but she refrains from saying anything, she didn't know if this was the clone or the real one and she didn't care about it, instead she decides to add the finishing touch to her design in her notebbook, she hadn't decided on a name yet, but she has a logo for the back, she should do something with that.

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise G4hardcore G4hardcore Pumpkid Pumpkid

Bernice Allister
(Location: Study Hall/ Tagged: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm G4hardcore G4hardcore Flame Demon Flame Demon / Mentioned: Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise Dumplingboy Dumplingboy )

Bernice let out one more chuckle while taking a seat opposite of Portia. It only made her giggle more when Evelyn denied her crush on Adam thus changing the subject. It was indeed high time to focus with their assignment, unfortunately there was always something keeping them from doing so. Not that it bothered Bernice. In fact it was a new experience she quite enjoys. Back home she was always alone, nose stuck in her poetry books.

The guest introduced herself as "Angel". The same girl whom bullied Adam. Sure Bernice had a chance ro reject her proposal, but she was the type to forgive and forget. Giving people the benefit of the doubt. "Of course! Have a seat." The next part to Angel's explaination was not something she could fathom. Revealing of what Adam had done to Angel's home. John providing proof, or so he "claims". Portia stepping in throwing in some wisdom. All of it is jaw dropping, difficult to process all at once.

How could it be that such a sweet boy could cause such a destruction? What's a destructive boy like him even doing in a heroic academy in the first place? Did he have something up his sleeve? If so this meant danger for everyone. Confliction engulfing the bruenette trying to oversee or at least find an answer. How could she? She barely knew a thing about the guy let alone Angel and John. There was only one possibility, yet that shouldn't have been the reason to gain revenge rather be bigger about the situation. A hint of anger mixed with fear distorted her logic. Bernice bas always been the calm one taking a deep breath then releasing for clarity. This is all too much for her to handle. She didn't know how to feel except in that moment. She shot up from her sear slamming her hands on the table agitated, "Maybe this wouldn't have happened if whatever you said or did yesterday was done. Perhaps if you approached the problem in a much better manner then all of it could have been avoided. I'm not picking sides, but its clear your actions had a consequence just as every hero does. That's why heroes must think quick and refrain their emotions for clarity. Excessive consequence yes, so it does need to be justified by an experienced hero. There is nothing you two should do. Portia is right about taking matters into one's own hands. Taking this route will lead to you turning into a villain yourself. I wouldn't do it." She lectured dropping down back to her seat. To think her judgement was wrong, she didn't know what to make of it. She supposed the best thing to do is stay away and observe his actions. If this were true, Bernice can only avoid what is to come. Thoughts bubbled in her head as the tension slowly fades. Another voice piped up. A chipper one coming from one of the Lisa's. The bruenetre couldn't help but awe at the adorable girl. The atmosphere lightened up as she innocently inserts her comment about her costume.

"Designer? Didn't you wish to pick the color or design?"
Location study hall

Flame Demon Flame Demon G4hardcore G4hardcore thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dumplingboy Dumplingboy Pumpkid Pumpkid Japanime Japanime

John looks at all the people at the table speaking and feels unimaginable pain from all sides. Especially from the one he opened up to the most his Angel. “Bernice, he threatened her and she stood up for herself, he started it. Portia I don’t care, everyone has to sleep, eat, etc I have many options not just brute force. Angel, ... everyone the next time you think about your “hero” sparing the bad guy thing I want you to think about looking a 10 year old boy in the eyes and saying your family died because I can’t kill. I want you all to think about all the lives ended because 1 life was spared. My family’s dead and the animal that did it is eating 3 meals a day and has air conditioning, I LIVED in a box with no family, and true friends. I won’t let anyone else go through that torment just because I have stupid standards, if animals like him don’t have any why should I?” He says matter of factly then as they start to ignore him he feels more pain.

He doesn’t say anything he just leaves to read with Kama, “maybe just reading some stuff it will ease the pain.” He thinks to himself.

“Hey Kama Im going to read here if you don’t mind.” He says to Kama
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Kama Unboko
Location: Study Hall

Hearing another voice near him, Kama opened one eye and looked at the other student. "I don't mind. What're you gonna read?" He sat up a little, opening both eyes. He was hoping maybe to have a conversation with the boy or at least for a little bit before he started reading. Kama didn't have any friends yet and he only had like one acquaintance so it was time to speak up.

Mackenzie wise Mackenzie wise
Zaxen shoved the entire thing in his mouth. “Thanks buddy.” Zaxen snickered, slightly muffled.
As he mentioned bunking, the red head tutted, “my dear dirt boy, bunking makes you miss opportunity.” He nodded wisely, a smear of fudge on his pale cheek, “for example, I don’t know how flammable the study hall is.” He turned to make his way towards the doors when he eyed Lisa as she bumped into him. He chuckled. It was funny how her first instinct when she was scared was to come to him. Zaxen crouched down to her level and turned her around to face him, “you’re too young to bunk class.” He ruffled her hair before frowning, “Besides, you’re too squishy to be a villain.”
(Might add to this later)

||Interactions: G4hardcore G4hardcore Dumplingboy Dumplingboy ||​

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