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Fantasy Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy - Main


Justice stood up and looked at the new people. Her back popped once, but she paid it no mind. She smoothed her pink crop top over her very flat chest and smiled up at the strangers.
"How ya doin?! My name's Justice! This is my best and first friend ever, Fenris! It's always a pleasure to meet new people! At least in my book it is! Why do I have a book? I never knew I had a book. I don't know! But it's so lovely to meet you!"
She spoke so rapidly, never even losing her breath still.
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Remus117 Remus117
Ilya.pngmentioned: Remus117 Remus117 @AnyoneElse
Noticing the potential embarrassment of being linked with Angela, Ilya attempted to sneak out the room. She got up and started walking towards the exit rather casually hoping to hide in plain sight, Although if somebody looked carefully at her they could notice her eyes darting about checking for any reactions or attention she has gained.
Worm exhaled, surprised by Fenris's lack of hostility... but then they tensed up again. If Fenris was acting casually, something supremely strange was happening. It was then Worm looked over Fenris's shoulder, seeing a young girl with brown hair leaving, as in the cafeteria itself, Angela seemed to be screaming about something, wildly gesticulating. They also saw Louis, who seemed to be smoking slightly.
This was unexpected. Worm responded to the contortionist, as Worm widened their smile again, unnaturally seeming to extend ear to ear. "A pleasure to meet you, Justice. I am Worm."
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6
Fenris: Oh. Worm. I knew that voice sounded familiar. I wondered what Justice would do with the knowledge that Worm was an expendable. If I could somehow work it into conversation.... If I were still a part of the conversation, anyway.
I took a step backwards, looking over my shoulder towards the cafeteria, my stomach growling. I still hadn't had a real chance to eat.
Remus117 Remus117
Bishop slowly crept out of the lunchroom, away from everyone. He wasn't really sure what Angela was doing, but he didn't really want a part of it. Worm.. He wasn't sure where they were, but thought he'd seen them a bit earlier. Whatever. He walked off, back toward the area with hedges before he sat down, pulling a small bag out of his back pocket that had a small rubber toy, smaller than his mouth, in it with teeth marks. He placed it in his mouth and chewed on it, laying on his back and looking up at the sky. He knew he should interact more with others, but it really didn't feel worth it.
Angela stood there, pointing dramatically for several more seconds... strangely, it seemed there was no response. Suddenly, realization hit Angela's mind. The cowardly creature had fled before the power of God! That's why there had been no response, it must have left long ago! She tried to look for Ilya to confirm her hypothesis, but she didn't seem to see the poor thing... she hoped she wasn't straying again. She stepped away, her smile broad. "THERE IS NO NEED TO WORRY! I, ANGELA VALOIS, HAVE BANISHED THE DEMON BY MY HEAVENLY POWER."
Louis shook his head. He honestly didn't believe Angela could get more deluded.
Xio Xio Random42 Random42
Phil: Today was a new day. A new term. A new chance to do...something. Phil had overslept. A not uncommon occurrence. Being a naturally nocturnal being, adjusting to a sleep schedule that allowed for interaction with the students, and opportunities to mess with that pompous tabby, was a bit of an effort. No matter how many times he had done it over the years. Oh well, such are the sacrifices made in the name of vice and whimsy. Phil walked into the cafeteria, making eye contact with a few of the seniors, who quickly looked away. Most students learned after a few years not to ask questions or gossip about Phil. A habit he encouraged rather...enthusiastically. He scanned the large room, making note of the various new-comers and relatively new-comers. Ah, Angela was at it again. Phil felt an uncomfortable sensation, like the static in one's hair after having a balloon rubbed on it. He looked up and saw the seal on the roof beam. A bit irritated, he made his way over to Angela, his voice practically oozing honey, he said, "Angela, Sweetie. I think you've scared away all the unholy beasts. Don't you think it'd be a good idea to tone it down now? Wouldn't want them getting used to the effects of your divine powers now, would we?"
He had learned how to deal with the delusional human a long time ago. He had plenty of experience dealing with ones like her in the past. Still, it was fun to rile her up and encourage her disruptive behavior every now and again.

Donny: Donny finished his morning work out and headed back to his dorm, his bare back and brow covered in sweat. Had to keep it up this semester. He couldn't risk having some unranked freshman show him up afterall. After showering off and getting changed, he set out his gear for tomorrow. He'd get in a good run later today, and maybe beat up an expendable. Not much else to do until classes and team tryouts started. He would be expected to judge any potential recruits this year, as last year's rookie star, they made him co-captain of two different extracurricular teams this year.
Mentioned: Cadenach Cadenach

Bishop paused as he heard distant footsteps, sitting up to see Donny walking nearby. He studied hin from afar, watching him with eyes narrowed in thought. He looked athletic, and a bit older.. Perhaps a senior or a junior. He didn't feel too threatened by him, but then again, Bishop usually didn't feel threatened by anybody. While he didn't have an interest in giving a friendly hello, he was definitely fine with observing. Talking wasn't his thing anyways.
mentioned: Xio Xio Remus117 Remus117
Ilya was just at the door when she heard Angela scream out that she had won, Worried about the demon her eyes turned blue and momentarily looked for her, Noticing the fact that said demon was seemingly fine, she walked out the cafeteria, and hopefully away from Angela's view. After a couple of seconds of walking away, Ilya got bored of all the quiet and decided to watch everybody's reactions to Angela's fake win against a demon. It would make her laugh more if anything, plus maybe she'd end up fighting her again and not fall for her trickery for once...Wouldnt that be fun.

She poked her head around the door frame, Hopefully not in view of anyone since she still didn't want any chance of being linked to that cultist idiot...

Justice giggled.
"Worm is a silly name! I don't mean to be rude but a worm is wiggly creature in the dirt! You don't look like a wiggly creature in the dirt to me! I'm not going to judge in the slightest, but Worm doesn't sound like a name!"
She approached...whatever Worm was...and pretended to inspect them.


Juliet only watched in silence. She couldn't have any new friends. She was lucky Worm understood her, but that was only because he went through similar things.
"Worm, I'm- uh....I'm gonna step outside....for some air."
She muttered something to herself and went to place her hand on Worm's shoulder. She hesitated for a second before simply resting her hand on his arm. She figured he would appreciate it. She knew what it felt like to be touch starved. The last time she had been touched before that day was a year ago when teachers restrained her after she killed a student and tried to kill more. She dropped her hand and walked outside, sitting on the ground.
Remus117 Remus117 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Cadenach Cadenach

Bishop watched Donny for a bit longer before turning his attention over to Juliet as she sat down. He watched her for a moment, tilting his head slowly with a curious look in his eyes. It seemed like some students were starting to finish lunch now. Maybe this hadn't been the best time to try to relax.
Fenris: "Yeah, how did you get a name like that?" Honestly, I didn't know, but I figured it had something to do with him being an expendable. Which by now, I desperately wanted Justice to know, just out of curiosity.
Worm seemed displeased Juliet was leaving, but if they were they didn’t voice it. Instead, they continued their unnatural smile, addressing Justice. “I’m rather good at wriggling, actually, though I’m not too fond of the dirt. A name is what you are called, yeah? If so, then I can’t be anything else but Worm. Nobody has called me anything different.”
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

juliet simply watched the ground. Don't be noticeable and you won't make any friends. That was her goal. She took deep breaths to try and calm herself.


"That's ridiculous! How can someone be called Worm not like the dirt! worms live in the dirt! They live in the dirt! Wiggle around in the dirt! Eat the dirt! You can't be a worm if you don't like dirt!"
She tutted and then giggled. She reached up and fluffed out her pink hair for absolutely no reason.
"But I like you, Worm! You look like a consumer! Are you a consumer!? My friend Fenris is a consumer!"
She reached over and pulled Fenris into a hug.
Remus117 Remus117 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Worm kept up their grin. This one, it was difficult to imagine could be of much use, but there was no point in antagonizing them. “Heart worms don’t particularly like dirt.”
“That’s smart of you. I am a consumer, in fact.” Worm’s eyes seemed to get a hint of panic seeing Fenris. “Well, isn’t that cool?” They started to look for Juliet. They were still surprised by her touch.
Luckily, it was then Worm saw Louis emerging from the cafeteria. It seemed their clothes were doing better. “How you been, Louis? Angela make another scene?”
Louis was about to reply, but stopped upon seeing Fenris and the new consumer.

Angela looked around, not seeming to see Ilya or feel the demon. Well, she smiled to herself, this was another benefit of the necklace. She turned her thoughts towards it, picturing it in her head. Where are you, little Ilya? She thought, activating the wards bound to the crucifix.
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Random42 Random42 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Remus117 Remus117 Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Bishop stared over at Juliet for a moment longer before shaking his head, realizing that was who Worm had been with last. Which meant they were alone. He got up slowly, not wanting to make much noise, and passed by Juliet, opening the cafeteria door a bit to peer in at everyone. He saw Fenris, Angela, someone else he hadn't seen yet....

His pupils widened and he looked a bit more canine-esque as he listened in on Justice and Fenris, tilting his head toward them slightly before setting his sights on Worm, then back to the other two with narrowed eyes before slowly slipping to Worm's side."Hello," he began, glancing side to side and meeting eyes with Louis before looking back down at Worm. "Been a few hours, eh?" He asked with a small smile.
Francis: I debated whether to leave or not. On one hand, I didn't seem welcome around this table, and I could still feel an evil presence. On the other hand, when somebody comes near and you immediately go away, it could be considered rude. Ah, anxiety!
Fenris: I tensed, resisting the instinct to fight. "Um, yeah." I said, putting my air of toughness back on, looking right at Worm.
More and more were joining the conversation. Did everyone know what they were getting into?
Well, my new archenemy came by. Isn't that "lovely."
Worm tensed, surveying the situation that seemed to be escalating rather quickly. They had to admit, it might be a good thing Juliet wasn’t there. Worm had their jaw thing, and the teeth, but that required getting a mouthful first. Louis has serious power, but Worm knew they also had difficulty controlling it. Bishop... Worm still wasn’t sure about Bishop. He was a big guy, though. Still... Fenris was Fenris.
And the new-comer? What about them? They had called Fenris friend, but they didn’t seem to exactly have what you’d call a stable mindset. They were the wildcard. Worm tried to break the ice. “Five supervillians walked into a bar..”
Zorukia Zorukia Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus

Justice perked up at the sound of a joke being told. She let go of Fenris a beamed at Worm.
"And shot everyone!? Did they tell jokes like you, Worm!?"
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Remus117 Remus117
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 Remus117 Remus117

Bishop could feel the intensity of the situation, but he brushed it off fairly quickly, seeming to have a bit of a protective aura over Worm. Once the joke was started, he gave a small chuckle, but truth be told he wasn't paying attention. He was too busy scoping out possible threats at this moment, his eyes sitting on Justice for a moment. She had an unnerving, oddly cheerful demeanor and that made him a bit uncomfortable. Definitely a threat, though he wasn't really sure what the ranking meant, a Consumer didn't sound especially good. After her, his eyes trailed to Fenris. He seemed tense, ready to jump at any moment. His pupils got a bit bigger again, the canine-esque look reappearing as he gave a small sniff in his direction, using his temporarily heightened sense of smell to try to tell what exactly Fenris was. A bit of a scent of dog, possibly. He wasn't really sure, especially since he wasn't well-versed in, well.. Any of this.
Fenris: I noticed the one who appeared to be some friend of Worm's seem to slightly morph into a more canine appearance. Either he was a werewolf, or some cheap imitation. My face practically lit up.
"Are you by any chance a werewolf?"
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Bishop perked as the one he was focused on talked to him. He made a 'tch' sound, unsure if he should answer that or not. He decided to answer... Halfway. "...No. But... Uh, similar." He said with a bit of a frown, wishing he hadn't noticed. He hadn't been expecting for anyone to be watching him, since everything was so tense right now, so that was a bit unnerving. But, his question had been answered. Fenris was a werewolf.
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