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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Echo then looked at the two other people; Why are there so many people? He wondered. His gaze landed on Khan, and upon seeing the crude metal bat that laid resting upon his back, he smirked inwardly. A brute, huh? Perfect meat shield. He could just use the guy to take the brunt of all the damage, and the mission would be even more leisurely. "Hey, want to join me?" He asked, holding up the mission in his right hand.
As Kelvian was about to leave and find the dorms he stopped. Something kept bugging him about the fox eared man, He couldn't quite figure it out. I Should probably figure him out when I can... Maybe a mission... He thought for a moment. I Haven't fought anything in a while anyway Kelvian looked at thee board once more. Preferably an easy one as I don't know how strong this guy is, That is only if agree's to come anyway He turned towards the foxed eared man "If your about to go out on a job, Mind if I join you?" @LuciferDemetris
Okidragon said:
Echo then looked at the two other people; Why are there so many people? He wondered. His gaze landed on Khan, and upon seeing the crude metal bat that laid resting upon his back, he smirked inwardly. A brute, huh? Perfect meat shield. He could just use the guy to take the brunt of all the damage, and the mission would be even more leisurely. "Hey, want to join me?" He asked, holding up the mission in his right hand.
From the mini crowd, Khan heard the voice of the Echo. He got excited at the idea of a mission, so excited in fact, that the box instantly showed a yes on the front.
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"Huh? Sure kid." He would grin a toothy one and extend his hand towards the male, "I'm Crescendo, nice to meet you." He would look at the job board once more and pick out an A class mission, "How about this one? I've heard the A class can make you look pretty great when it comes to being summoned."

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Good, he thought to himself. Khan looked like a dunce; Echo assumed that he could easily snatch most of the reward from him. He extended his crystal with his palm faced upwards. "Are you ready to go, then?" Echo curiously awaited his response, wondering if Khan might change his mind. Most likely not. He looks like a lost dog who found a chew toy with his expression.
Okidragon said:
Good, he thought to himself. Khan looked like a dunce; Echo assumed that he could easily snatch most of the reward from him. He extended his crystal with his palm faced upwards. "Are you ready to go, then?" Echo curiously awaited his response, wondering if Khan might change his mind. Most likely not. He looks like a lost dog who found a chew toy with his expression.
Khan felt like it was now or never, he took a peak at what the mission actually was. He took an inference that because it said "infestation", its an extermination. Noticing this, he got even more exciting that the box was just flashing yes in different colors and fonts
'How interesting this one is, already summoned too. How lucky.'' Crescendo would think, "I like the name, but where is your summoner? Will he be going on this mission as well?" He spoke while already walking away from the job board, his ears twitching rapidly from different noises all around him.

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After hanging the portrait, Aries went down to the job board, trying to find herself a easy job to waste some time. Once down at the board, she wiggles her way through the boys, looking around for the perfect job.
Crescendo would notice Aries and begin to grow pink, he would shift so no one could see it, quickly reading over the mission again. Killing fallen angels should be easy.
"He's probably in our dorm room, I suppose he could come. But I don't think he'll mind to much if I run off for a bit" Kelvian laughed a little.

"Is that so?" Gryphon said as he walked towards them. "As a matter of fact I'm in the mood for a job"

Kelvian sighed. "Shall we get going then?"
"Alright then, let's go." A light flashed within the crystal. This'll be my second time using this thing, he thought to himself as they began to warp out of the school. "Make sure you're prepared," He muttered to Khan. It had a double meaning; he would be the meat shield, and most likely not be accustomed to the teleportation.
"Alright, let's go!" Crescendo would smile widely, "I haven't fought in a while so it'd be great to start going!" He would hand the job poster over to Kelvian and the summoner, "I'm Crescendo, by the way," He would introduce himself to the summoner, "pleased to meet you."

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Gryphon smiled. "My name is Gryphon" He scanned over the job Just killing fallen angels hm? Shouldn't be that bad. He remembered Jack telling him about fallen angels usually swarming with each other As long as we don't get overwhelmed we should be fine He looked at his crystal Never used this thing before. Not sure exactly how it works He looked over at Crescendo. "Sounds good to me. However do you know how to use these crystals? Haven't used them yet" He asked
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Scanning the board, she finds nothing that really appeals to her, she quickly grabs one about some trolls terrorizing a local town. Seeming somewhat easy, she turns around finally noticing Crescendo, "Hi Crescendo!" She calls out as she begins to walk towards them.
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"Mm, Never heard about the crysta-" Crescendo would stop mid sentence and would have to shift again due to a dark shade of red tint his cheeks, "Hello, Aries!" He would call out to her, "B-But anyways, I-uh never heard about the crystals.." He explained a little quietly to Gryphon, his heart racing. What was he feeling? Was it the feelings he had read about in the books? He couldn't stop having the butterflies for a girl, for once, "Maybe they're activated through willpower or something like most spells or object that are dormant do."


They arrived at a clearing in a dense forest; ahead of them lay a cave that reeked of a pungent smell. Demons, he concluded. The cave emit a dark aura, and it looked like it was seldom visited. If not for the bloodstains, it would be unblemished in physical nature. The rock was smooth and without fractures, making it look as if it were polished. Echo noticed a paper pinned to a nearby tree; upon it were words as to where to go once they finished the mission. Apparently, they needed the head of the cause of the infestation; A queen of some sort. He looked at Khan. "You alright?" He asked, unsheathing his light weight sword.
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She looks between them, "What mission did you guys pick?" she asks, holding the paper behind her, but she tried not to pry into it too much. She hoped they found something more interesting than her.

Kelvian studied the little girl She's not carrying a weapon? Then again Gryphon doesn't use a weapon either so I probably shouldn't be to quick to judge He noticed Crescendo slightly stutter and slowly smiled. Interesting... He looked at Gryphon "I'm pretty sure I read about those things in one of those stupid required reads we had to go through before coming here. Just think of where you want to go and it should warp you from the school to that destination"

"Ah I see" Gryphon turned to Crescendo "What about you? You have a crystal as well right?"
He read her mind unintentionally and found out her mission, however he continued and acted clueless, "Oh, we picked an A-class mission to wreck some fallen angels, would you like to come along?" Crescendo would ask, acting as if he didn't know about Aries' mission.
Okidragon said:
They arrived at a clearing in a dense forest; ahead of them lay a cave that reeked of a pungent smell. Demons, he concluded. The cave emit a dark aura, and it looked like it was seldom visited. If not for the bloodstains, it would be unblemished in physical nature. The rock was smooth and without fractures, making it look as if it were polished. Echo noticed a paper pinned to a nearby tree; upon it were words as to where to go once they finished the mission. Apparently, they needed the head of the cause of the infestation; A queen of some sorts. He looked at Khan. "You alright?" He asked, unsheathing his light weight sword.
Khan began to internally laugh after reading that the mission askes for "the head of the cause". His laughter ceased after asked him if he was alright. He began to nod in response to his question and reach for the bat on his back, he took a few practice swings in the air before dragging it along the floor with him. He think dragging it makes him look cool in the eyes of others.
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Kelvian elbowed Gryphon "Can't you see the girl was talking to him, Wait a little would you"

Gryphon grunted "Yeah... Sorry" He said as he scratched the back of his head.
Crescendo checks his pocket and finds a small bag with a crystal in it, "Oh-wait, when did this get here?" He questioned, studying it, "Now I feel stupid." He would laugh at himself.
She smiled, "If it's fine with all three of you I'd love to join! I'd have go grab my actual stuff first If I may." She stands up straighter, pushing the troll quest into the back of her pockets.

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