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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

The hallways were filled with people that Khan knew nothing about. It felt as if Khan was forcefully dragging himself around because he was so bored; thus further proving that the title of "zombie" suited no one better than it did him. He couldn't help but groan inwardly as another person took a nice mission. Who wanted to go and help with the small stuff when you could hunt things down and, you know, hit things with a bat? He decided to go to the library for a little R and R on their couches to waste some time.

Kelvian yawned as he casually walked through the grounds getting his bearings of the school. 'Gryphon probably took care of all the annoying little details of starting at this school so I should be fine, Although he's definetly going to be annoying with me' He headed inside the school to see if he could find where the training grounds were
Crescendo's ears would happen to twitch at the young man entering the library with the box upon his head, he would look up from what he was reading and analyze the man.
LuciferDemetris said:
Crescendo's ears would happen to twitch at the young man entering the library with the box upon his head, he would look up from what he was reading and analyze the man.
Khan felt a little uncomfortable as the men's choice to analyze him. The blank box slowly became a question mark the more and more he decided to stare at him. He couldn't ask him to stop, which sucked because he really wanted him to. His emotions projected, once again, onto the box which now became a stop sign. For a little bit more of a signal, he motioned cutting off his neck with his finger for the male to cut it out.
Crescendo would smirk and wink at the box-boy. He would collect a few minor things from his memories and continue his reading, "Interesting..." Crescendo would whisper to himself.
LuciferDemetris said:
Crescendo would smirk and wink at the box-boy. He would collect a few minor things from his memories and continue his reading, "Interesting..." Crescendo would whisper to himself.
Khan decided to quickly shrug it off and the stop sign left from his face. He couldn't help it when his aura showed a bit after being stared at like that, he felt unsafe around this person. Maybe the library wasn't the best place to be at the moment, at least something weird happened to make the day a little less boring.
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Crescendo would make his way to the check out, and leave the library, looking for his new dorm to finish his reading. Maybe he could even work on another piece of artwork for the woman he had caught the butterflies for.
LuciferDemetris said:
Crescendo would make his way to the check out, and leave the library, looking for his new dorm to finish his reading. Maybe he could even work on another piece of artwork for the woman he had caught the butterflies for.
Just as Khan was about to leave, the fox-eared male walked out before him! He decided that this was his signal to just relax in the library and let the day go by. Nothing left to worry about other than the librarian, but what was she really gonna do? Librarians barely do their own jobs correctly. He decided to just lay down and hope for the best. The box changed one last time to show a sleeping emoticon and the box began to shuffle slightly to simulate snoring.
Aries sighed as she left her door open as she quickly skirted down the hall to the main desk, to finds some tools to hang the painting on the wall. Dodging any person on her way back up, she quickly ran into her room to with the supplies and began to pushing her all of the boxes out of the way. Standing on the brand new desk, she began to hang the picture.
"U-um...Hello...." She said, after staring at him with slightly widened eyes. He's much more bigger than Alex just like any other viking... "You're...quite what I have not expected...." She chuckled weakly and managed to bow down slightly before leaning back to the wall.

'I supposed I'll check in the office' Kelvian thought as he walked through the school looking for the training grounds
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Asger bellowed like a mountain and got down on one knee. He pressed his right fist to his chest while resting his other hand on his knee.

"I am at you service little one" He said before standing back up. He let his arms dangle by his side as he eyed the young girl.

"If theres anything you wish too know now would be the time to ask!"

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"What is your homeland like? Is it true that women also have the same built as you? How many wars have you've been before? How did you meet him? Wh-" Nyx stopped as she placed a hand on her mouth to stop herself from asking continuously. "I'm apologize for my constant questioning. I am just curious to know what they're like...." She said as a faint grey blush flushed across her face.

Asger smiled and chuckled at the young girls questions "My home land was a cold bitter mistress. But the land would help us in our battles. We had crystal clear lakes and mountains that stood taller than the gods! The women where beautiful and strong! There skin was as fair and white as the snow!" He sighed as he stared out the window. He then sat down on the bed when the next topic came up. War. "I have fought in many wars but non of them hold any wait to them. I was such a good fighter that i was called upon by Odin himself to fight the rivaling giants in my time. But that is all old stories for long dead men"

"So many years..." She stared at him in interest as she was clearly enjoying his story. "But how were you able to switch with Alex then? Shouldn't you be able to rest in haven?" She asked as she tilted her head slightly.

Asger chuckled "We Vikings don't go to heaven Lass! We go to the great mead hall of Valhalla! Where we drink, swap old war stories and sing songs of victory!" He stroked his beard before adding "As to how me and the young boy named Alex can swap. Well..I wouldn't know. We just can" He gave a slight shrug "I dont know what trials the gods have set for this boy. All i know is i am to guide him"

FinalStraw said:
Cervus felt a cold feeling rising up to his feet; he recognized it a bit too late, getting knocked up to the sky. By a split second, he managed to draw his sword and slashed it upwards by feeling. Cervus could tell that his fight was not going to be easy, but he himself had also had tricks up his sleeve. Cervus was now atop the eyes, wielding his invisible sword. He patiently waited for the next attack-- at least that is what, to the naked eye, he seemed to be doing.
Dexius tilted his head as he watched the ice above the male be sliced into pieces when he swung his arm towards it. Perhaps he manipulated air waves? It was rare to find someone who could refine air to such a degree that it could cut through ice. However, the domain of ice was his and he felt no shift in air so perhaps that wasn't it?

Still, that didn't matter. "Aversic Icicle," Using the block of ice that he had created from the ground through 'Cataclysm', he shattered it into fragments of sharp ice that encircled and encroached upon the man who stood in the middle of the small tornado of swirling ice shard. Using the closer proximity of already existing ice to the male, it left for less time to react.

Dexius intended to shred the male and embed ice deep into his skin. Not really enough to kill anyone but typically enough to send people packing. He looked at the male, intrigued. He was so calm, it was quite unlike the others before him. He found that very interesting.
Echo swaggered over to the job board, and his gleaming red eyes darted across it. Anything good? He pondered, as he subconsciously glanced at the missions until something caught his eye. A massacre mission? Echo was intrigued. Those were his specialty; massacre missions usually involved multiple unskilled assailants who fought recklessly. His ability was perfect for these types of things; Echo savored watching them be slaughtered, because it was a way to cool off. Echo smiled in delight, his slender hand grasping the paper pinned to the board. Demon infestations....
As Kelvian was headed towards the office he noticed a dark haired boy looking at the mission board 'Interesting, He seems quite young' Kelvian thought. He stepped over to the board and looked for anything that peaked his interest.

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Crescendo would finally finish unpacking his room, cleaning up everything and organizing it perfectly. "Hmm, since I'm so bored I might as well go check out the job board." He would decide, making his way throughout the school in search of the job board.
Echo caught Kelvian's furtive gaze and turned around. He then inspected him; it was a habit developed from years of being shunned. He would judge a person's characteristics by their looks, and then decide how to treat them, and from the way Kelvian looked, he didn't seem like one of those clowns. He seemed more like an assassin; and from his experience, they usually refrained from dallying with people. Echo turned back away and pocketed out his crystal.
Finally finding his way to the job board, he would notice a stare down between a young dark haired man and a silver haired man. He would give a fox grin and walk over to the job board. He would quietly look at jobs as he read the both of the males minds, chuckling to himself at the thoughts of both of them.
Khan walked out his homeroom and noticed people swarming around the message board. He was pondering what was going on and hastily moves towards them before they disperse. His box shuffling on his faceless head echoed around the hallway, it almost fell off a few times.
Kelvian noticed the fox eared man and narrowed his eyes as the man chuckled. He looked at the job board and noticed something Demons... Interesting, Seems as if most of these are just exterminating a group of different monsters. Kelvian looked at a few more missions From what I can tell. They grade the missions based on difficulty. However it seems almost every mission involving Demons or Fallen angels is ranked at A. He assumed graded A missions were of a higher difficulty. Maybe I'll just talk to Gryphon about it. @LuciferDemetris @Okidragon

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