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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

"Yes. You may follow me..." She replied. Leading him outside the school towards the dorms. "Don't be worried about what I said...Many Champions have found their summoners this season i think. . . From what I remember the number of summoners has increased unlike before. . ." She stated as she tucked her hair behind her face due to the cold wind what made the other students shiver. "The reason why I don't have a summoner is because there's no one that suits or has interest in me....". Nyx looked behind to see if he was following her. Nodding, she took a left turn towards another building with several boards in it that showed the progress in the battle. "It's hard getting a summoner who has interest in defensive champions......What they really want is a strong champion." She said.

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The cold shill didn't bother Alex. He followed behind her before responding "I reckon there would be someone in need of a defensive champion"

Asger spoke up 'If there looking for strength then they may look no further!'

"So how exactly are you talking to me in my head?" He asked her "And can you hear my thoughts?"



"I'm Vix megaphone and that's the name i'm going to stick with since your voice is annoying loud and if you don't want to people to say something about the way you do things then simple don't draw unwanted attention to yourself".

Chester raised an eyebrow; Did this guy really think he cared about what other people thought? As long as little bitches like him didn’t start running off their mouth, he had no problem. People could think whatever they wanted.

The brunet simply ignored the man when the woman tapped his arm and handed him his schedule. “Sweet, thank you lady” He purred before pushing himself off the counter. Chester spun and began to walk out of the door, not even looking at the blond or directing another word at him. Bah, waste of time. If he wanted to fuck, then Chester would be glad to help him out—If not, then he could vanish from his world, for all that he cared.

Just then, when he stepped out into the hall, his stomach begun to growl and Chester sighed as his pink eyes analyzed the print out; He should get something to eat first. He didn’t have any classes right now…Missed all of them actually. “Figures…” The man mumbled, folding the paper in half and shoved it back in his pocket.
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Nyx thought about it as she stared at him. "My people are.....mute...We may speak telepathically but we do not have the ability to read minds..." She answered as they entered the dorm. It was spacious for other large champions to walk as well while many other champions chattered away while some creating a tense atmosphere by the corner to start a fight. "May I see your room number?" Nyx asked.

A small wave of relief washed over him 'That means she cant hear Asger' He thought to himself.

He looked down at his time table and noticed he had no classes today and shrugged "Sure. If you wish" He began walking down the the halls looking for room 9.

As they where walking he asked "Are these unisex dorms?" He asked her as they walked past a few girls. They didn't really faze him but Asger was having a field day.

'Look at all these wenches boy!! My, all of Valhalla would be satisfied for years to come!! Change with me boy! You have no chance with them!"

He ignored him, as per usual.

"Yes....Although you can ask for a single room if you are uncomfortable with a room mate..." She said as they continued to reach his room. Room 9 if she remembered awhile ago. This meant that they would be neighbors as her's would be a couple rooms away.

Walking through the hallways she finally found his number as they stood over a wooden door with gold linings just like every other room.
"It seems that we might be neighbors.." She said.

FinalStraw said:
Cervus heard the individual's reply, scanning him with his non-existent eyes. By the time Cervus got what the boy said, he was extremely excited. He thought that the boy was a summoner, not a champion, so a reply quickly came from the thousand-year old man's mouth. He hadn't been this excited in a long time-- but at the same time, he felt nervous. The long-haired individual hasn't talked to another person in a while now, let alone a summoner now.

"I would love a contract. Do I have to beat you for it?"

Cervus grabbed his unsheathed sword, preparing for a match. He hoped that the boy would be a strong opponent-- He would love a strong summoner.
"Of course you do." Dexius wondered why the male drew a sword instead of summoning a champion to fight him. Most Summoners when trying to acquire Dexius's contract make the mistake of bringing a fire wielding champion, oblivious to the fact that his ice was impervious to the element and thus, they lose the moment Dexius recognized what they intended to fight him with.

This would be the first time anyone had drawn a sword to fight him before which he had to admit, was brave if unbelievably stupid but also weird. The thought thqt the person before him might be a champion did not cross his mind as that was an extremely rare venture.

He thrust his hand out towards the male and flexed his palm upwards in a swift gesture,"Cataclysm," Ice rose from the ground from underneath the male, intending to knock him up into the air whilst he swung his other arm downwards in a small motion, summoning ice from above. It created a two pronged attack where he could crush him in between the ice.
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Alex smiled and said "Well, you seem pleasant enough so im sure we'll get along"

He opened the door to the room. There was two beds with two desks next to them. There is also two cupboards as well on either side of the room. He walked over to the one on the right and dumped his gear onto his bed before pulling his sword off his back and laying it across the desk. He sat down on the bed before gesturing towards the other bed he was facing "Please! Take a seat in my office" He smiled at himself slightly "I don't appear to have a roommate as of yet so it should be fine"

Nyx nodded as she went in and took a seat on the opposite bed. Her hands on top of each other by her lap "Office huh?..." She mused and giggled slightly before showing a smile as she kept her natural posture. "May I ask what kind of Champion are you?" She asked softly.

Alex lent back a little bit before he said "Well as you can see" He motioned towards the huge claymore on the desk "I am a combat champion, or as Asger would say..." He stood up on the bed and pulled both his arms up in a victory pose "I am a grand warrior who will soon have ballads of himself sung throughout the ages!" He relaxed and sat back down on the bed "I can switch spots with a long dead Nordic warrior in Valhalla" he said plainly "What about you? What type of champion are you?"

Nyx chuckled as she listened to him "What an interesting champion..." She said as she silently took out her bow from her back and placed it on her lap. "Well... One might say I am a defensive long-ranged champion. But some think of me as a hunter...." She smiled at him and continued "I am a champion who is fast and graceful. I mainly defeat my opponents with a swift silent kill using my bow and arrow.." Nyx left out the flexible part as she thought it wasn't needed to be explained.

Alex smiled at her clear enjoyment of his antics "We are basically polar opposites" He said rummaging through his pack.

"So tell me. No summoner but do you have any friends? Maybe a boyfriend?" He asked pulling clothes out of his bag. He was placing them on a open space on his bed.

"We clearly are.." Nyx smiled back as she answered his question. "I have friends...lots of acquaintances...unfortunately I don't have a boyfriend(or mate)...." She said as she placed her bow back and looked back at him. "How about you?" She asked and blew a strand of hair that went to her face.

Alex put his feet up on the bed so he was sort of crouching "Nah. ive been moving around to much to make any friends" He scratched the back of his head before adding "How about family?" he asked unbuckling the straps on his pants and pulling his boots off. He then pulled his knee pads of followed by his shirt. He then kept rummaging through his pack looking for a shirt.

Nyx stared as his back while he was finding his shirt slightly admiring his build when her mind stopped when he asked her about 'Family'. "Umm...." She shifted on her seat and scratched her hand softly. "I...don't think I have one...even my race..." She said softly, her cheeks becoming slightly grey from slight embarrassment as she doesn't know what to say about the topic.

He finally found a plain brown shirt and put it on. He then sat back down on the bed and placed the rest of his gear in his bag.

"Im sorry i asked" He said with an apologetic smile. He began rocking himself back and forth on his bed slowly looking out the window.

"So! What do you guys do for fun around here?" He asked finally smiling down at her.

"It's alright.." She smiled and shifted until her back is on the wall. Looking out of the window, she remembered some events and stuff that have been going around. "We have mission boards around the school. . . You can take many as you want but must finish them in a certain amount of time. I myself take about 2-4 missions a week..." She said and continued. "There are also arenas both summoners and champions train in however there are several other competitions happening.....and I think there's a bar somewhere here in this school....just right outside the arena.." She explained while brushing her hair with her fingers.

Asger let out a cheer of joy at the mention of a bar.

"I wouldn't mind taking some jobs..." he sat there thinking about his trip to the school. He had to do a few jobs per town in order to make up enough money to get here. He laid back on the bed letting his feet stay on the ground "So.....now what?"

'Head for the tavern boy!!! We have had a long journey!!'

Nyx stared at him in amusement before smiling. "Do you want to check the bar? or take missions?" She asked and fixed her dress. But then she remembered him saying about a warrior. "You mentioned a warrior.......What is he ... like?" She tilted her head interested in hearing about this warrior for a short while.

Alex sighed "He is a long dead viking warrior so all he talks about is drinking, fighting and women" He say up and faced her "He comes directly from Valhalla so is defiantly a great warrior" He stood up before adding "Would you like to meet him?"

"If he agrees then it's fine although I don't really want to force you to switch.." She said and chuckled softly. "But he does remind me of past warriors that dwell into my homeland....Loud...but friendly in a weird way..."

Leo Radomir] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL] how do you feel about helping make a birthday cake for kio but keep it a secret from her
(Considering it isn't close to her birthday.......)
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character](Considering it isn't close to her birthday.......)

ok but it would still be nice to do something special for her otherwise i'm left with nothing since i'm waiting for ocean bunny, and yeah we need to put something about each of their birthdays for the future

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