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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

CandidFox said:
Nyx looked up and silently poked Meteor's ear. Just looking at his sleeping fluffy face makes her almost squeal in such adorableness, and yet she didn't. Instead, she scratched his head softly before nodding at the young man infront of her before walking towards her novel.
Seeing this, Echo got out of the way, feeling an urge to find out whether she was a part of his kind. With a physique like hers, I don't think she could have survived if she was. Echo pondered upon this. If I'm wrong..... Echo sighed heavily, mustering up enough courage to ask her. "Hey, are you related to vampires by any chance?" Echo could only hope in dread that, if she wasn't related, she wouldn't spread the information with others.
Nyx could only stare at him in amusement before shaking her head no. " Willow Spirit..." She whispered faintly in his mind. She could not quite understand how he was identifying her as a Vampire. She knew that vampires do not posses such horns and are not mute most of the time...
CandidFox said:
Nyx could only stare at him in amusement before shaking her head no. " Willow Spirit..." She whispered faintly in his mind. She could not quite understand how he was identifying her as a Vampire. She knew that vampires do not posses such horns and are not mute most of the time...
Seeing Nyx shake her head, his expression darkened. He took her stare as one of ridicule. Since he was raised in a small village, and his teacher never told him about vampires, he could only rely on the folktales of them being monsters. I screwed myself over, he thought. Upon hearing her speak telepathically, he showed no surprise, as if he had already heard of creatures who were mute. "I see. Sorry for troubling you with my question then. He proceeded to pick up the romance novel, his hand curling around it slowly as if it were a strenuous task. After giving it to her, he shooed her off in a rude gesture. (going to school)
Nyx tilted her head silently and nodded her head before taking a short bow as she walked towards the myth section. Looking down, she sighed terribly and went to one of the couches beside the window and reads quietly. She could have helped him if she wanted to, but she wasn't able to since she didn't want to hurt him further. . . maybe she'll do that later. Nyx closed her eyes and purred quietly.
Echo picked his book back up and casually walked towards a corner darker in contrast to the area around him, sitting down and pulling his black hoodie over his head to be more inconspicuous. He then began to read as he shut off his surroundings, diligently studying. If one were to just barely glance at his direction, they would have trouble picking out his shape against the wall. After what seemed like several hours, he finished the book. His red eyes were strained from reading for a long period of time. He got up, beginning to walk back to the shelf he grabbed the book from. After placing the book back, he headed out of the Library.
(ffing because at this point vix spent time with alixia and saw chan for most of the day)

Vix is in the garden pruning the roses and other flowers and puts some aside for kio thinking,'I don't want her to hate me it's just sometimes i'm not really sure how i should feel about her so i find it easier to be cold and keep her at a distance or tease her, but the fact i made her cry and she shouted through the door makes me wonder maybe she is in love with me if so i should treat her better than i have done recently'.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Kio sat outside and seemed upset. She was near Vix

Vix picks up the flowers and says in a gentle voice" I know things have been up and down between us but truth be told, i'm not sure how i should feel about you not because you're a good women to me, i've just grown numb for the most part to the thing they call love because of my past and losing two very special people my wife and daughter in the war". " Does a monster like even deserve to be given a second chance is the question i often ask my self so i tease remain cold and distant because if most knew how many i killed during that war i doubt they could love me".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix picks up the flowers and says in a gentle voice" I know things have been up and down between us but truth be told, i'm not sure how i should feel about you not because you're a good women to me, i've just grown numb for the most part to the thing they call love because of my past and losing two very special people my wife and daughter in the war". " Does a monster like even deserve to be given a second chance is the question i often ask my self so i tease remain cold and distant because if most knew how many i killed during that war i doubt they could love me".

"it is not you that has me upset Vix....." she said with a sigh. "My heart is broken because of a man back home..." she said as she looked down. "I got a letter that he did not think it would work long distance and he did not want to go through the pain of it...."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"it is not you that has me upset Vix....." she said with a sigh. "My heart is broken because of a man back home..." she said as she looked down. "I got a letter that he did not think it would work long distance and he did not want to go through the pain of it...."

Vix smiled softly and says" Is that the only reason in your heart of hearts because it seems sometimes when i don't look or pay attention to you i get your anger on the spot or later on, do you remember when we first meet after i found you getting ganged up on the battlefield you asked me why did you save a women like me"?
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix smiled softly and says" Is that the only reason in your heart of hearts because it seems sometimes when i don't look or pay attention to you i get your anger on the spot or later on, do you remember when we first meet after i found you getting ganged up on the battlefield you asked me why did you save a women like me"?

"Yea yea yea..... you don't need to take me down memory lane....." she said with a bit of a sigh. "We don't need that same speech again."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Yea yea yea..... you don't need to take me down memory lane....." she said with a bit of a sigh. "We don't need that same speech again."

Vix gently laughs and says" This time i wasn't going to i was just wondering if you remembered, i don't always tease or give you a hard time kio please remember that, and there's others reason why i look out for you but i'll let you figured that out". Vix gently places the flowers in kio's hand then the stands up and stretches his arms, a mysterious but kind smile on his face.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix gently laughs and says" This time i wasn't going to i was just wondering if you remembered, i don't always tease or give you a hard time kio please remember that, and there's others reason why i look out for you but i'll let you figured that out". Vix gently places the flowers in kio's hand then the stands up and stretches his arms, a mysterious but kind smile on his face.

"Whatever...." Kio said and then looked up at him. She smiled a bit and looked him in the eyes. "I know about you two."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Whatever...." Kio said and then looked up at him. She smiled a bit and looked him in the eyes. "I know about you two."

Vix playfully rest his hand on kio's back and then grins and says" Is that so or are you just saying because you really don't know but your secretly curious".
LuciferDemetris said:
"Aha, I can tell. Defense is a great thing to have, especially against the major offense opponents." Crescendo would nod in agreement, "I'm on the offense side but what qualifies me for it is my strength, speed and quick wit." He would look at her twirling on the stool, "And I'm sure our summoners will treat us the way we wish to be treated. Just wait and see!" He would clean up after himself and gives Aries the finished painting, "By the way you can keep this."
Her eyes widened at the gift, smiling as she took the painting, "Thank you!" She repeated several times as she looked over it excitedly. After a few seconds, she turned and sighed, "I hope you're read on how we'll be treated though..But I'm positive it'll work out anyways!" She kept positive as she kept tilting the picture to get different perspectives of it.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix playfully rest his hand on kio's back and then grins and says" Is that so or are you just saying because you really don't know but your secretly curious".

"You guys act pretty obvious" Kio said with a chuckle. "You guys always act weird around me."
Khan felt sick at the display laid out before his eyes, and although he didn't actually have any eyes, he was still able to see what was going on. And that was nothing at all. He felt a little disappointed; he thought this was going to be a good day. The job board was filled up of some boring quests and, in his opinion, he should've just stayed in bed.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"You guys act pretty obvious" Kio said with a chuckle. "You guys always act weird around me."

Vix gently laughed and says" I like to tease and yes she has a good body and she's my childhood friend but that doesn't mean i'm in love with her and i remember recently you got fairy upset when i teased you about her being at the door, so who's really the weird one ay".
LuciferDemetris said:
"Oh I did, but I know people are better than that." He would smile, "I'll see you around then?" Crescendo would head towards the door, preparing to leave the art room.
She nods, giving a thumbs up, "See you soon! Bye Crescendo!" she pushes the stool towards the window to get some more sleep.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix gently laughed and says" I like to tease and yes she has a good body and she's my childhood friend but that doesn't mean i'm in love with her and i remember recently you got fairy upset when i teased you about her being at the door, so who's really the weird one ay".

"Oh come on...... it is bloody obvious." She then looked at him seriously. "You honestly think I have a crush on you?" she said and then bursted out laughing as she tried to hold it in.
SocialDestruction said:
She nods, giving a thumbs up, "See you soon! Bye Crescendo!" she pushes the stool towards the window to get some more sleep.
"See ya!" He would wave her off and open the door to the class room, leaving silently and strolling in the hallways of the large school once again, deciding to head to the library to catch up on his reading.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Oh come on...... it is bloody obvious." She then looked at him seriously. "You honestly think I have a crush on you?" she said and then bursted out laughing as she tried to hold it in.

Vix says with a calm air" i'm a flirt and perv at times and right now you're evading the question kio why did you get jelly if you have no feelings for me what's ever and you haven't pushed me away yet , and during that big battle i felt your energy shift from indifferent to a strong positive energy flow, so are you going to tell me just happened on a whim ay".
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Vix says with a calm air" i'm a flirt and perv at times and right now you're evading the question kio why did you get jelly if you have no feelings for me what's ever, and during that big battle i felt your energy shift from indifferent to a strong positive energy flow, so are you going to tell me just happened on a whim ay".

"Just for you to know... I only do that shit so you will accept me okay." she said angrily. "You seem to care for the others more than me so I try my hardest to get the slightest bit of acceptance." with that she stormed off.

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