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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Nyx woke up when she realized that she forgot her romance novel. Her face suddenly became grey as if she was blushing. Standing up, she placed Meteor on top of her head again and walked towards the school where she entered the library in a graceful manner before spotting her novel almost beside a young man reading.
Echo detected the slight disturbance of the door opening, but paid no attention to it, continuing to read, until he felt a gaze land near him. His face grew cold, and he placed his thumb in the book to save his page. Echo stood up from the chair he had been reading in, looking over at Nyx. His gaze shifted to the cat laying upon her head, and then back to her. Seeing her pale skin color, his facial expression softened, mistaking her to be related to his kind. Could she be like me? He thought to himself, deciding on a less shunning approach. "Do you need something?" He asked softly, his red eyes full of woe as if pitying her.
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Crescendo would take a calming stroll throughout the hallways, admiring the interior of the large school that he had recently been accepted to, 'Not bad,' he would think to himself, 'Much wealthier looking than most schools I had been to.' Crescendo would then stop his stroll in front of the art room and give a fox-like grin. He would peek through the window of the door, seeing no one in particular. Art had been a hobby of Crescendo's, never once would you see the young adult without a few paint splotches on his face or his clothing. He would peek through the classroom window, seeing no one in particular. He would open the door quietly and enter, shutting the door behind him. His smile would grow wider as he looked at all the fantastic art materials and paintings that had been in the room. Quickly, he began to paint an image seemingly coming from the imagination, however, it had come from a memory of someone's who he had passed in the hallways.
Aries would walk into a class room,to have a peaceful nap in an classroom, ignoring any of her surroundings to have a single peaceful moment before anything started up. She would walk straight to the window seal, taking in the sight below her, the school was beautiful in her eyes. She was one to think everything had it's purpose, so she accepted the school for it's personal beauty as she laid on the seal to fall asleep, as quickly as she entered.

The peace of the moment was broken however by a foreign presence. In his domain of cold, those warm of blood stood out like a sore thumb and he called out to it.

"Seeking a contract?" Dexius asked, a frown on his face as he looked into the general direction where he felt the person to be. "I hope you're familiar with the rules of mine." He was considering to not fight altogether but he supposed he could tone down the difficulty level of his test. He actually wanted to leave the frozen mountain.
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After taking a short nap, Aries had awoken to the empty room that had an usual air to it. Eyeing her surroundings, she shrugged it off and left the room.

After several minutes of walking down the halls, she comes upon a room slightly ajar, peaking in she sees an young adult painting. Quietly, she watches as he progresses with the art piece.
Nyx would stare at the young man sensing her presence as he stood up and asked her. Looking down, she nodded her head and silently pointed the romance novel behind him..
Aries smiled brightly, trotting in to look over his shoulder. "It's actually quite the opposite! I think it's beautiful!" She stops speaking, "I mean.. in my opinion atleast." She smiled as she stared at the painting intently.
Crescendo would chuckle, "Thank you," He would look back at her and a small red would creep to his cheeks, "Ah, may I ask your name?" He would quickly shift so it was hidden and he'd try to make himself look more appealing by trying to wipe off the smudges of paint on his face.
"It's Aries." Her eyes kept trained on the painting, her smile widened as if it was her first time seeing a painting. In reality, it was first time watching something be created, but she wouldn't speak that, but turning her attention back to the man she speaks to him, "What is your name sir?" She says formally, not knowing what she should say after that.
"Crescendo." He would look at her and give her a gentle smile, "I see it's your first time seeing something in the work of creation?" He would chuckle slightly, surely knowing she'd be shocked by him knowing her thoughts.
Her eyes widen at that, but quickly returned to the squinted smile, "Kinda, I usually never had the time to see anything be created.." She drones off.
"Mmm, shocking." He would say, "From what I'm seeing you've been through quite a lot, but really have never had the time to see. Im glad I got to help you witness something beautiful." He would grin at her, reading her like an open book.
"You can read minds, that's quite a good talent.." She catches on quickly, even with her airy attitude, she can read clues very easily. "Thank you though, it's nice to have times like these now..So.. what are you creating?" she asks.
"This painting was from someone else's memory." Crescendo would answer calmly, adding the last few touches before setting it against the wall to dry, "Nice wit, usually people think I'm quite the stalker." He would attempt to be humorous, chuckling quietly at his own joke.
"Thank you, well.. it seems that they had a beautiful memory." She smiles, quickly going to find a stool to sit on. Once grabbing it she drags it over to sit beside him. "I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, it's great to have some company once in a while," He would smile at the picture himself and look over to the woman, "But yes, the memory was truly beautiful. I had to present it, if only they were to present it." Crescendo's ears would twitch again, gathering information about the girl that had been sitting next to him.
She spaces out at the picture, trying to keep her mind blank as she stared at it with her eyes. She dwindles in the quiet atmosphere, trying take in the style of the picture.
"Mm, I didn't get to see if you have a summoner, do you by chance?" Crescendo would stand up and dust himself off and examine the stains on his clothing before looking back Aries.
"Sadly I haven't been summoned yet. My fighting style is quite complicated anyways and requires one who is cunning enough to direct it." Crescendo would sigh, "It would be great to be summoned though, I often wonder which class I will be placed into and who'll I'll be fighting in the future. How do you feel about being summoned?" He would fire a question back at her and give a small smile.
Aries eyes brighten at the question, "I would love to be summoned! But.. I'm mainly defensive and most summoners want people who are mainly offense.." She seems down for a moment, but quickly brightens up, "Well, anyone who wants me will make a wise decision!" She grins as she twirls around on the stool. She tried not to think much about who will pick her, but if they will accept her as if they were close friends or even family.
"Aha, I can tell. Defense is a great thing to have, especially against the major offense opponents." Crescendo would nod in agreement, "I'm on the offense side but what qualifies me for it is my strength, speed and quick wit." He would look at her twirling on the stool, "And I'm sure our summoners will treat us the way we wish to be treated. Just wait and see!" He would clean up after himself and gives Aries the finished painting, "By the way you can keep this."
Nyx looked up and silently poked Meteor's ear. Just looking at his sleeping fluffy face makes her almost squeal in such adorableness, and yet she didn't. Instead, she scratched his head softly before nodding at the young man infront of her before walking towards her novel.

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