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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Vix sighed and then says in a gentle voice" I know i'm not always the nicest but what you said isn't true, it's not i don't notice you it's because out of the three your the strongest and most dependable that is why i don't have to praise you as much as i do them directly, and i do small things around you in secret because i'm trying my best to be fair to you in my own round about way".

"I didn't have to tell you why i'm the way i'm and that wasn't a lie i've only just started to feel alive again". You actions and words proves my points that you want me to look and praise you more among other reasons and here i was trying to make it up to you properly you don't understand me nearly as well as you think".
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Alex had finally made it to the School. He was tired and dirty and in real need of a shower. He had been trekking on foot in order to get here. He pushed open the gates to the main section of the school and began walking around. He was looking for a main office or something that looked like a main building.

'You should look for a tavern!!' Said Asger. He sighed as he thought 'Im under age. And why would there be a Tavern in a school?"

'That does not hold any wait. Find one and celebrate! Maybe you could find yourself a young wench!'

Alex sighed and continued to walk around the school.


What a beautiful day to go hit some shit!!!


Erm…I mean, what a beautiful day to be alive!! Absolutely nothing fun has happened since he woke up and honestly, that was very upsetting. These days were just…not fun. He expected something more from the bad side of town, where the supposed ‘bad crowd’ was. But there were just a bunch of homeless people! And even when Chester tried threatening some of them, they would run away!

He didnt have a drop of desire to go to school…or class. He didn’t drop out of his regular one for nothing! But he GUESSED it was necessary with all the champion shit, which, he couldn’t understand yet. Were they like…little Pokemon he caught or something? Who knows, but that’s exactly why he needed to attend. So, even if the man was reluctant about it, he ended up at the school gates—eyes half lidded and back a little slouched in boredom. He still had his nailed bat pressed against his shoulder, tapping it once in a while. He SWORE if there wasn’t anything interesting happening today, he’ll just skip…again…for like the tenth time.

Chester, once he mentally prepared himself to walk inside, let out a sigh and made his way to the front entrance of the school. There were lots of people here already—Some weird looking, some normal…But he cared about none of them. Yet, he cared about ALL of them. His eyes narrowed behind the shades in mischief, falling on some cute faces that passed by. This was probably the best and only part about going to school: He got to check out people. What? Don’t judge! It’s just who he was. He had to find another kind of motivation to attend school, and this was it.

Okay, okay, going back to the academic crap…Where was he going? God, he never paid any attention in class or…at all. He was afraid of like, walking in the wrong class by mistake…Perhaps he should just go to the office or something and ask for his schedule again.

@ anyone i guess. Feel free to approach.

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As Nyx finished the last chapter, she closed the novel and sighed. What is she going to do now? Looking around, a small librarian called out to her with several papers floating above its hand. "Hey! Hey Spirit!" He called out as he went towards her. Nyx could only tilt her head in confusion. "Good....Now, Could you be a dear and bring these to the office for me?" After a minute of silence, she nodded her head and took the papers before exiting the Library and made her short journey towards the office.
While Alex was looking for an office building he noticed a young, pale little girl walking with a stack of papers.

'She looks like she knows where she's going' he thought to himself.

He made a little jog over to her before he entered lock step beside her.

"Uh... Excuse me?"

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As Nyx was walking, she suddenly walked slower when a man called out for her on her way to the office. Slowing down, she looked up at him and tilted her head in confusion. Waiting for him to ask.



“hmmm hmmm~ ♥” The cheerful man hummed a tune as he walked through the halls. Office, office where was the office?….Aha! Right when he turned around the corner, his eyes landed on a glass door that had a “Main Office” tag on the door. Though he spotted two people—A girl dressed in white(Was she a ghost or what was her deal?) And some muscular dude standing in front of the door,“Uh, ‘scuse me. People are trying to go through” He said, in a sassy sort of way as he glared at the two behind his sunglasses.

Uh, RUDE? Chester hated when people got in his way. Especially when he needed to go somewhere.

He stood there, hand tucked inside his pocket as he waited for these people to get the hell out of the way, and once they did, he stomped passed them and pulled open the door. The old lady behind the counter picked up her head and spun around to face him, the smile that she previously had falling into a frown, “Young man! What is that in your hand!? Weapons aren’t allowed in the school hallways!” She exclaimed, making him raise an eyebrow at her tone. She freaking wanted her head smashed or what? “Lady, are you serious?”

“Very!” A hand smacked the counter, “I’m going to have to ask you to had it over, or I will call security”

“Security? How old do you think I am—Five!?” The other faculty members that sat at their desks turned their attention towards the scene, even the few people waiting around. Chester felt the stares and he clicked his tongue in annoyance, lowering the bat from his shoulder.

And this is why he fucking hated school.​
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Vix is on his way back to his room down the hall when he hears an annoying loud human voice and then says" It's standard school policy for all students, but yes they can be a bit abrasive if they weren't they wouldn't be doing their job".



“Huh? And who asked you to butt in, pretty boy?” By this point, Chester had already given his bat to the swarm of angry, old ladies. But then this guy had to go ahead and comment when it wasn’t even his business. That certainly made the brunet spin around and glare back at whoever said those words, eyes falling on a blond man. Oh he was effing cute—But he should keep his mouth shut. Chester was irritated at the moment, and just a tiny spark of fire was going to ignite the fuel. “Young man! Is there something you need?” The woman behind the counter barked at him, not wanting the troublemaker to…hit somebody or something. “Yeah, I need my schedule”


“Chester Everill” The man said, leaning against the counter as the woman typed up the information in the computer.

@Leo Radomir
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Cervus heard the individual's reply, scanning him with his non-existent eyes. By the time Cervus got what the boy said, he was extremely excited. He thought that the boy was a summoner, not a champion, so a reply quickly came from the thousand-year old man's mouth. He hadn't been this excited in a long time-- but at the same time, he felt nervous. The long-haired individual hasn't talked to another person in a while now, let alone a summoner now.

"I would love a contract. Do I have to beat you for it?"

Cervus grabbed his unsheathed sword, preparing for a match. He hoped that the boy would be a strong opponent-- He would love a strong summoner.
Sagitarius said:


“Huh? And who asked you to butt in, pretty boy?” By this point, Chester had already given his bat to the swarm of angry, old ladies. But then this guy had to go ahead and comment when it wasn’t even his business. That certainly made the brunet spin around and glare back at whoever said those words, eyes falling on a blond man. Oh he was effing cute—But he should keep his mouth shut. Chester was irritated at the moment, and just a tiny spark of fire was going to ignite the fuel. “Young man! Is there something you need?” The woman behind the counter barked at him, not wanting the troublemaker to…hit somebody or something. “Yeah, I need my schedule”


“Chester Everill” The man said, leaning against the counter as the woman typed up the information in the computer.

@Leo Radomir
Vix smirked and retors" I'm Vix megaphone and that's the name i'm going to stick with since your voice is annoying loud and if you don't want to people to say something about the way you do things then simple don't draw unwanted attention to yourself".
"Uhhh...would you be able to point me to the main office?" He tried to appear as least intimidating as possible but with his claymore strapped to his back and tattoos he looked like a delinquent. He gave her a small smile before holding out his hands "Would you like me to carry those for you?"

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Nyx looked at him in a warm gaze as she nodded silently and gave him some of the papers before leading towards to the Main office. As she was walking, she felt the heat of Meteor while he was sleeping on top of her head. She let out a silent purr as the two of them took a short journey to their destination.


@Federen Mason (btw Meteor is still on her head during the journey for some reason '-' is he??)
Alex took the papers happily and followed her. He hadn't been in a school before so he was trying to take everything in. There where girls in groups but there was also girls with boys some where holding hands some where just talking and some girls where holding hands and some students where running to classes while others where walking. This was all making his head spin so he decided he would concentrate his efforts into finding a summoner. That was his first task, but he would also try to make friends. He then turned to the little girl he was following "The names Alex by the way" he said still following her "You wouldn't be a summoner by chance, would you?"

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As Alex asked her, Nyx could only shake her head no indicating that she was a champion just like him. But then she remembered that he introduced himself. Staring at him, the both of them have already entered the main office. 'Im......Nyx...' She said in his mind, her voice soft and warm.

Alex didn't move as he was used to hearing other peoples voices in his head, mainly Asger's "Pleasure too meet you Nyx" He said to her. Asger spoke up in his head 'Ahhh! This one may be able to read minds!! Dont trust a woman who can read you minds Lad' Alex ignored Asger and walked into the office.

@CandidFox (Is that where we are? If not just ignore and i will edit)
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Embaga Elder]Osamu walks up behind Roy drinking some mango pineapple slushy. He looks at his bowl of ramen. [COLOR=#b30000]I'm guessing that's mine? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He said while pointing towards the ramen. He sits down at the table grabbing the ramen. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]Thank you. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He says towards Loka. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]So what are we talking about? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He looks at Roy and illyanna. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22231-oceanbunny/ said:
@OceanBunny[/URL] @Leo Radomir
@OceanBunny @Leo Radomir
As the two of them entered, she ignored the other students who were arguing and placed the papers on a spare table beside some old books what seems to be old photo books. "You can place them there..." She said, fixing a flower from her horn as she looked around, noticing the staff going back to work while the others chatter away. Making the Main Office quite silent once again.

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Alex placed the papers on the table and turned around "So is there a teacher here or someone i can talk to?" He adjusted the claymore strapped to his back and leaned against the table.

"Sooooo...How long have you been here for?" he asked picking up one of the photo books and flipping through it.

"You can talk to the receptionist if its the schedule you're looking for..." She said while looking at the photo book he picked up. As he flipped through, she could see her last year's photo. A calm emotionless face with happiness dancing over her eyes. "I have been here for....a year and a half. Haven't found a summoner yet sadly.." Nyx stated.

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Vix then got a magic call from the kio's parents and the mom says" Hi vix kun hows my daughter doing i hope she isn't causing you too many problems i know she can get the wrong end of the stick when she's wrapped up in her emotions or doesn't think someone is sincerely trying to reach out to her even if not always direct and such".

Vix sighed and then says" Sadly we just had a fall out, that's partly fault for sometimes being cold and such, but it bugs me that she doesn't think i notice her effort when it's not true i'm just not as direct with her as i'm the other girls because she's the strongest and most reliable, maybe i should be more direct but i'm not sure how i should feel about her as far as the whole love thing goes".

She gently sighs and then says" Yeah i've meet guys like you and it's hard for you to open up and when you do people often don't take you seriously, you're the kind of guy that does lot of little things for the women or girls her cares about but it's sometimes hard for them see your good nature and get the wrong end of the stick when you flirt or are kind to other girls and will hide behind all kind of reasons and such. "Thanks for picking my kio i know there are a lot of girls that wanted to be your champion and probably better suited to it".

Vix rubbing his head and says" I was going to tell her why i'm like that towards her but she stormed before i could explain, she's more important to me than she knows i just up till recently i didn't think i had a right to love anyone so i always tease or i'm cold and keep them at a distance as a rule".
Alex's sighed at the words 'Year and a half'

'She hasn't got a summoner and shes been here for more than a year?' he thought to himself. This wasn't going to help him.

Asger spoke again 'The girl has been here for more than two seasons and she doesn't have one of these summoners either?! I told you this was no way to seek glory boy! We should head north and look for battles in my homeland!'

Alex ignored him before turning to the receptionist "Can i get a timetable?"

"Name?" She responded

"Alex Raske" He responded.

She gave him a piece of paper with all his times on it. He turned back towards Nyx "Could you help me find my dorm please?"

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