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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]ok but it would still be nice to do something special for her otherwise i'm left with nothing since i'm waiting for ocean bunny, and yeah we need to put something about each of their birthdays for the future

(And the fact you are having us talk in the IC)
Gryphon walked down the halls of the school by himself. He groaned 'I have no idea where my dorm is and Kelvian ran off. Ugh' He continued walking trying to find where he was
NoeruAraevain said:
"Of course you do." Dexius wondered why the male drew a sword instead of summoning a champion to fight him. Most Summoners when trying to acquire Dexius's contract make the mistake of bringing a fire wielding champion, oblivious to the fact that his ice was impervious to the element and thus, they lose the moment Dexius recognized what they intended to fight him with.
This would be the first time anyone had drawn a sword to fight him before which he had to admit, was brave if unbelievably stupid but also weird. The thought thqt the person before him might be a champion did not cross his mind as that was an extremely rare venture.

He thrust his hand out towards the male and flexed his palm upwards in a swift gesture,"Cataclysm," Ice rose from the ground from underneath the male, intending to knock him up into the air whilst he swung his other arm downwards in a small motion, summoning ice from above. It created a two pronged attack where he could crush him in between the ice.
Cervus felt a cold feeling rising up to his feet; he recognized it a bit too late, getting knocked up to the sky. By a split second, he managed to draw his sword and slashed it upwards by feeling. Cervus could tell that his fight was not going to be easy, but he himself had also had tricks up his sleeve. Cervus was now atop the eyes, wielding his invisible sword. He patiently waited for the next attack-- at least that is what, to the naked eye, he seemed to be doing.
Jack was wandering around the school, quietly contemplating whether to go on a mission or not. Once again the routine boredom of school had been setting in, and he felt the need for excitement, dangerous or not.

Cathy yawned, just waking up from a quick, impromptu nap that was most likely caused by her lack of actual sleep at night. This lack of sleep was most likely caused by her constant nightmares which woke her up about every thirty minutes. It was quite the annoyance.
Aries awoken from her sleep, realizing the time she got up, and grabbed the picture as she quickly skirted out of the room. Going down the halls, she was tempted to stop at every person who she passed by to greet but held in the urge. Eventually, she left the main building in search of the dorms to put the picture in, so she isn't carry a giant portrait of a landscape all day.
"Don't worry, hes fine with it" he said

'Asger. Be nice' he thought

'Dont worry boy. Lasses are different these days' he responded

Finally Alex said "Vallhalla take me!" There was a loud boom of thunder and a blinding light. Then Alex had disappeared to be replaced by a bear of a man who was a full foot taller than Alex and three of for more times built. He stood there for a second before he looked down at Nyx "Well little one! I am Asger!"

Gryphon turned a corner feeling pissed off at Kelvian for ditching him when he saw a guy about his age maybe a bit older walking by himself. 'Please god let him know where the dorms are' He thought to himself. He waved hello and walked up. "Hey, Do you happen to know where the dorms are? I can't seem to find them"

Xelvere said:
Gryphon turned a corner feeling pissed off at Kelvian for ditching him when he saw a guy about his age maybe a bit older walking by himself. 'Please god let him know where the dorms are' He thought to himself. He waved hello and walked up. "Hey, Do you happen to know where the dorms are? I can't seem to find them"
Jack smiles. "Oh? Yeah, I can show you to the dorms. Do you know what room you're in? If you don't, it'll be kinda hard for you to find your room, but I can help you either way. I've got pretty much the ENTIRE layout of this school memorized."
Xelvere said:
"Thank you, Yeah I'm pretty sure they said I was supposed to be in room 13. Gryphon by the way" Gryphon said as he reached out to shake his hand
Jack gives Gryphon a handshake. "And I'm Jack. Nice to meet you Gryphon. Room 13 you say? That's only a few doors down from my room. Anyway, follow me. Oh, and if you see a girl flinging icicles at somebody at any point, that would probably be my sister, Katy. She's a real jerk, and likes to solve everything with completely unnecessary violence. Best to steer clear of her. Oh, and if you do somehow manage to catch her attention she usually goes for the eyes first. Try to remember that."

Meanwhile Katy abruptly awoke from her mid-day nap. "...What the hell? I have a weird feeling that someone's talking about me... Meh." She shrugs, going back to sleep.
Aries finally found the dorm, she quickly climbed the steps, carrying the portrait above her head as she rushed down the hall. Almost running into the two boys walking casually, "Sorry!" She says as she quickly went up to a room, budging it open with her shoulder.
Xelvere said:
Gryphon locked pace with Jack "She sounds vicious" He laughed. "I'll try to remember not to piss her off" @JackOfHearts
Jack smiles. "Doesn't take much to. I'm pretty much obligated to tell you about her, by the way. Somehow she seems to figure out who every single person I've ever interacted with is. It's creepy as hell. Anyway, I should really show the way to the dorms." He says, heading off in the direction of the dorms.
Crescendo would walk into the library, looking around at the large stacks and walls filled with books. He would give his fox-like smirk and begin to look for a book that would catch his interest.
Gryphon laughed again "I'm slightly intimidated then, Sounds super creepy" 'I feel like there was something else...' He thought to himself. 'Oh right!'

"Hey I was wondering, Is there anything else to do here other than classes and training? I thought I heard about something involving jobs... But I'm not to sure" @JackOfHearts
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Xelvere said:
Gryphon laughed again "I'm slightly intimidated then, Sounds super creepy" 'I feel like there was something else...' He thought to himself. 'Oh right!'
"Hey I was wondering, Is there anything else to do here other than classes and training? I thought I heard about something involving jobs... But I'm not to sure" @JackOfHearts
Jack smiles. "Oh, yeah! You can take on missions for rewards and stuff. They can get pretty damn difficult though, especially the ones involving demons or fallen angels. I wouldn't recommend taking those on first, despite the rewards being pretty damn good. Demons are really damn hard to kill, and hit like a truck. Fallen Angels aren't as powerful, but as soon as you attack one a whole fucking horde comes at you. It's easy to get overwhelmed. I'd start with a few of the easier missions."
Crescendo would finally find 5 books, one about feelings and affections another about being summoned and three others about art. He smiled and smelled the old books, gaining satisfaction. He quickly sat down and began to skim the feelings and affections book, blushing slightly at what he had been reading. He quickly shifted so that no one had seen his blush.
Xelvere said:
"Oh I see... Well, I'll give one a shot, Maybe tomorrow. Thanks" @JackOfHearts
Jack shrugs. "No problem. Stay safe out there though. There HAVE been cases of students dying. Not many, of course, but every once in a while some newbie takes on a mission they can't handle, or something goes wrong."
JackOfHearts said:
Jack shrugs. "No problem. Stay safe out there though. There HAVE been cases of students dying. Not many, of course, but every once in a while some newbie takes on a mission they can't handle, or something goes wrong."
"I'll Keep that in mind. I am pretty confident in my skills but I havent fought a demon before so I'm not planning on running in and getting myself killed with overconfidence" Gryphon noticed dorm numbers as they turned the corner and sighed with relief @JackOfHearts
Xelvere said:
"I'll Keep that in mind. I am pretty confident in my skills but I havent fought a demon before so I'm not planning on running in and getting myself killed with overconfidence" Gryphon noticed dorm numbers as they turned the corner and sighed with relief @JackOfHearts
Jack smiles. "Sorry for bringing up the whole cautionary advice stuff. Anyway, room 13 is just a few doors down that way." He says, pointing down the hallway. "I'm in room 10, so if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask!"
Dropping the picture on the bed, Aries would open the door, looking around to see if anyone was around the halls. Slowly, she stepped out and closed the door behind her. She hoped that she could find a summoner today, so she wouldn't be behind the others.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack smiles. "Sorry for bringing up the whole cautionary advice stuff. Anyway, room 13 is just a few doors down that way." He says, pointing down the hallway. "I'm in room 10, so if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask!"
"Thank you so much for the help! I appreciate it. I'll see you later then" Gryphon waved as he started down the hallway towards his room
Xelvere said:
"Thank you so much for the help! I appreciate it. I'll see you later then" Gryphon waved as he started down the hallway towards his room
Jack smiles. "Well, another person helped. Good job Jack!" He says to himself quietly before heading back to his room to think.

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