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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Jack sighs, sitting in his room. "That was completely humiliating.... Well, at least Katy's probably not going to try and kill me anymore... hopefully." He mutters just as somebody knocks on his door. "Hmm?" Jack gets up, unlocking his door and slowly opening it. It was...Cathy? Jack was more than a bit surprised. "Cathy?! You go here too?!" He yells. Cathy merely sighs. "Stop yelling, Jack. It's been quite a while. When my summoner, Chell, mentioned a person named Jack, I decided to see if it was you. I presume you two have already met. We haven't talked in, what, eight years?" Jack nods. "Yep, about eight years. We used to be best friends, but then you just...disappeared. I'll be honest, at first I assumed you were, well, dead." Cathy smiles. "Come on Jack, you should know me better than that. Anyway, I just came to check up on you. How are things going? Katy still being a trouble maker?" Jack sighs. "Other than Katy, and being poisoned on a mission a couple of days ago, things have been going great. Katy's still going out of her way to torment me." Cathy sighs. "She never changes, does she? Anyway, I just decided to stop by for a bit. I'll see you around, Jack." She says before heading back to her room. Jack frowns. "Crap, forgot to ask why she disappeared about eight years ago. Oh well, I'll ask later." He mutters before shutting the door to his room and locking it once again, laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling.
"Tis Possible, we can be partners. . protecting our summoner as he or she does the same for us" The spirit showed a secret smile by the idea. "Someone who cares. . ." Nyx kissed the top of the feline's head with her soft pink lips.

@Federen Mason
Meanwhile, Katy was wandering the halls, looking for her champions. "Where the hell are they? You'd think they'd be easy to find, especially Doom." She mutters to herself.
JackOfHearts said:
Meanwhile, Katy was wandering the halls, looking for her champions. "Where the hell are they? You'd think they'd be easy to find, especially Doom." She mutters to herself.
Runa and laz show up and say" Yes mistress did you need us for something, we figured you need a bit of time to cool down after your run in with your brother".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Runa and laz show up and say" Yes mistress did you need us for something, we figured you need a bit of time to cool down after your run in with your brother".

Katy rolls her eyes. "We're going on a mission. Now. I'm getting bored around here." She says, crossing her arms.
JackOfHearts said:
Katy rolls her eyes. "We're going on a mission. Now. I'm getting bored around here." She says, crossing her arms.

Sure but you really should stop trying to kill him even though he is a bit of a dick it makes you look like bad one when it's him that doesn't know when not to prank you".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Sure but you really should stop trying to kill him even though he is a bit of a dick it makes you look like bad one when it's him that doesn't know when not to prank you".

Katy sighs. "I'll do what I want. When I want."
Nyx stares at him as she places him on her head between her horns. Grabbing the book from the desk, she walked out off the library and continued to walk in a graceful manner on her tip toes.
Placed on top of her head and with an agreement of companionship, Meteor thinks he can now rest easy as he slowly closes his eyes.

"I'm glad I met you, Miss Nyx..." and with that, he dozed off on top of her head.
Zialic Frinta snaps and says" I've been trying to be somewhat nice but between you and your stupid brother i'm not sure which one of you i hate the most, when you're done acting like a spoiled brat then i'll come back to your side and this is why many summoners get pissed off with you both". With that he quickly began to walk off not giving a rat's ass what she thought of him.

Rune deeply sighs and says" Mistress i'm grateful you're my master but at the same time i can understand why he did what he did it hurts him greatly to see you in pain and then carry on like nothing matters and knowing him he'll probably feel guilty about it, i don't fully understand why you and your brother fight and such so much if you don't ever let us try and help you how are we going make things as an over become any better to salvage to what seems a very messed up family bond". Rune goes silent and looks into his mistresses eyes with a pure look of this isn't me just saying this, i'm sincerely concerned the groups going to be ripped apart.
Nyx purred quietly in response as she walks outside to explore the forest. With her new companion sleeping on her head, she becomes cautious to where she walks so that he wouldn't have to wake up.

As Nyx entered a clearing, she sees a bunch of colorful leaves underneath the tree as she places him there. Taking a step back, she began to stretch until she started to do a simple handstand while her legs held the bow and arrow ready to shoot the hand made dummy she did.
As he was put down, Meteor felt really drowsy and knew he was awake but didn't move nor opened his eyes. He didn't even bother moving a single voluntary muscle until, with the natural enhanced hearing of felines, heard something that wasn't supposed to be in the library; a few leaves rustled under him as he was laid down. He lazily peeked with his right eye so that no one would notice he woke up and was quite surprise with his post-nap view:

Nyx was doing a graceful handstand with her legs holding a bow and arrow seemingly as beautiful as her, ready to strike a dummy. He tilted his head to the left and saw unsorted colors of leaves beside him. A tree also loomed above him as he looked upwards. Knowing he did not need to act asleep any further, he opened both eyes and opened his mouth for a yawn. He didn't stand up and watched Nyx silently.
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As Nyx shoots, the arrow left a flurry of white feathers as it stabbed the head with speed. She then stood up instantly and gracefully as her bow flew up in the air until it landed on her hand once more. Her long silver silky hair danced as some of the faded leaves got stuck at the ends of her hair. Shooting another arrow behind her, she turned to look at Meteor while the sounds of fruits fell down from the tree.

"You're awake. . . " She said softly.
It was an excellent sight as Meteor watched Nyx shoot the dummy and after she did. It was marvelous in his opinion and would have clapped but knew better than to do that in this occasion. Meteor wasn't surprised at the other arrow she shot behind her. As fruits fell from the tree, Meteor answered.

"Hmm? Oh, don't worry, you didn't wake me up. Twas just my natural nap schedule. About that archery, did you train doing that or is it a natural gift of archery that was given to you?" the curious cat asked.
"A Gift. . . All willow spirits are born with it. . ." Nyx replied as she gathered several fruits and walked towards him. "After all we have souls to guide through. . ." She sat down without her heels touching the floor as she pets him.
Meteor purred at her comfortable petting. She was really kind to be with him.

"Miss Nyx, may I ask what I just need to know of willows aside from sending unfortunate souls to the purgatory. Just a bit shed of light would be enough?" his curiosity again asked.
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Nyx chuckles and thinks. "Well....we celebrate the birth of a new spirit by decorating our homes with stars and orchids, making it glow and twinkle in the dark when the night comes. A new born willow spirit means goodluck which is why we celebrate by singing. However.... Our species are not born through a mother's womb...." She explained while carrying him to her lap carefully.
Meteor felt drowsy again but kept on listening to her small description of willows. He felt more comfortable as she placed him on her lap. Again, he felt mellow.

"That's really interesting to know. Forgive my curiosity, its my childhood habit that I never grew away from."
Nyx softly kissed the top of his head as she purred softly. "It's alright my dear Meteor, You curiosity reminds me of my younger days. . ." She whispered softly like a mother lulling her child to sleep as her voice is warm and mellow. She then shifted so that he was comfortably laid on her lap while her long slender pale legs lied on the ground.
Meteor purred too as he was kissed by Nyx on the head, giving a feeling of safety. Her sweet voice was also calming and soft. Try as he might, Meteor helplessly became sleepy until he slept.

"Good night... nyaw..." and with that, he dozed off.
Nyx could only give a small smile as she watches him sleep. Sighing, she pulled her hand out and petted him softly as she takes a nap until night falls....
@NoeruAraevain (open for RP?)

It just so happened that Cervus was somewhere around Dexius' area. Cervus was a wanderer; he lived anywhere and everywhere. At night, he would sleep in streets, or inside forests, literally everywhere. From a child, Cervus was trained to survive in any situation, and his battle prowess makes him unafraid of any danger in store for him. If it was his time to go, he would go, that was his principle. Cervus was blind-- He couldn't exactly see Dexius, but he could feel his presence. If Dexius stared back with hostility; or simply ignored him, Cervus would notice.
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Echo walked briskly with a map tinted yellow from wear, traveling down the corridors of the school and occasionally glancing at the map so he could know whether or not he was going in the right direction. He sported tarnished shoes, disheveled, short black hair, and a plain, tight fitting black hoodie that made his pale complexion and physique apparent. Echo looked frail and was of average height. His red eyes glinted as he stared forward, coming to a stop. He contemplated at a door with letters that spelled out Library, a light smile playing on his face. Looks like I've arrived at my destination, he thought. He extended his hand and turned the knob, entering. I'd better do some research before I go around doing things. The hermit never taught me much about angels and demons. With this in mind, he traveled over to the book shelves and looked for the book with information relevant to what he needed. Not paying attention to his surroundings, he settled down once he found the book and began to read.

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