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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

Echo rolled his eyes as Khan fumbled about with his bat. Well, atleast he's trying, he thought to himself. "Alright, let's go in." He says as he strides into the cave. With a cautious expression on his face, Echo held his sword in a ready position so he wouldn't be caught off guard by any attacks. He wondered what the demons would look like; it wouldn't be any good if they were small spiders. Suddenly, a calloused hand shot towards him, and an impish face flickered by. Seeing the imp, he sidestepped and decapitated it swiftly. His eyes glimmered with delight as the blood sprayed out. "Be on guard," He told Khan.
"My name is Aries, pleasure to meet the both of you!" She smiles brightly, she quickly turns towards the halls, "I'll be right back." She quickly walks back towards the dorms to grab her supplies.


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Crescendo would blush, staying still and petrified as if he was stone, "Im such a loser.." He would whisper to himself, getting angry for losing his cool over a girl.
Okidragon said:
Echo rolled his eyes as Khan fumbled about with his bat. Well, atleast he's trying, he thought to himself. "Alright, let's go in." He says as he strides into the cave. With a cautious expression on his face, Echo held his sword in a ready position so he wouldn't be caught off guard by any attacks. He wondered what the demons would look like; it wouldn't be any good if they were small spiders. Suddenly, a calloused hand shot towards him, and an impish face flickered by. Seeing the imp, he sidestepped and decapitated it swiftly. His eyes glimmered with delight as the blood sprayed out. "Be on guard," He told Khan.
Khan decided to listen to the kid, he seemed to know what he was doing so there really was no reason to doubt him. His slightly changed up his posture and the box portrayed a sketched out, serious face.
Once out of view, Aries ran into full sprint, jumping on the rails of the stairway, and up onto her floor. Upon getting to her floor, she bolted down to her room and slammed it open. She quickly begin to grab her weapons and her actual armor that she was usually too lazy to wear normally.
Echo sliced at a few more imps; he was amazed by how much they adapted. Now, it took more effort to kill them. After enough blood accumulated, he smirked, jumping behind Khan. "You can take over," He said, lifting his palm up as a blood puddle rose up and formed into a spike, impaling an imp. He let Khan take most of the attacks, and leisurely attacked from behind with his ability.
Gryphon stood with Kelvian looking at the job poster. Where does it say the location..? Gryphon thought to himself as he scanned over the poster. A couple miles off... Seems like they've been swarming outside a smaller town. Odd He looked up as Aries came back and waved. "So are we all ready?" He asked

@LuciferDemetris @SocialDestruction
Okidragon said:
Echo sliced at a few more imps; he was amazed by how much they adapted. Now, it took more effort to kill them. After enough blood accumulated, he smirked, jumping behind Khan. "You can take over," He said, lifting his palm up as a blood puddle rose up and formed into a spike, impaling an imp. He let Khan take most of the attacks, and leisurely attacked from behind with his ability.
Khan began to swing at the imps and the more and more he knocked them away, they came in bigger numbers and began scratching at him. He began flailing around him and his aura started to show. The imps backed off for a second as he felt his fighting spirit swell up inside of him. He slammed his bat into the ground creating a shock wave in the ground. After knocking the imps away, he began to swiftly finish them off. He began to turn towards Echo but was soon cut off by a loud screech echoing throughout the cave.
They appeared just on the outskirts of the small town mentioned in the poster. Facing a large plains, Gryphon counted about 9 fallen angels just 600 meters ahead of them. "Not a whole lot of them from what I can see" Kelvian spoke

"I talked to another guy at the school and he told me they usually swarm you when you kill one, So more may show up" Gryphon said

"Well... Shall we wait for the other two before we go engage them? I am kind of eager so I wouldn't mind starting now" Kelvian turned towards him.

"It would probably be polite to wait" Gryphon answered him.

@LuciferDemetris @SocialDestruction
Echo continued to summon multiple constructs, killing imps from afar, until he heard a screech. He flinched at the screech, covering his ears and jumping back. Instantly, a giant hand smashed down at where he was previously. Looks like the Queen has come out, He thought to himself. He really underestimated what the boss would look like. The Queen was around the size of an elephant, with an imposing stature. It didn't look feminine in the slightest, contrary to it's name. It looked as if it were born from an imp and an ogre. Echo gathered all the spilled blood into a large spear, refining it with multiple layers before thrusting it towards the large imp's chest at a high speed. Echo knew he would suffer from recoil, but he didn't really care. The Queen tried to move out of the way, but blood chains shackled her down, delaying his movement just enough for the spear to impale her. "Now!" He ordered to Khan.
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Crescendo would then warp, appearing beside Kelvian and Gryphon. His ears would twitch and he would see the fallen angels ahead, "Hmm, not many it looks like." He would say, examining the situation, already preparing a battle plan.

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"Apparently more swarm when you kill one" Kelvian said. "We might want to try killing one first to see if that brings anymore of them here before we just start killing all of them"

"I agree" Gryphon said with a nod.

Aries would wrap beside them, staring at the fallen angels, "They're like hydras, you kill one, another appears to take their place." She mutters, she really disliked angels due to being compared to them time to time.
Okidragon said:
Echo continued to summon multiple constructs, killing imps from afar, until he heard a screech. He flinched at the screech, covering his ears and jumping back. Instantly, a giant hand smashed down at where he was previously. Looks like the Queen has come out, He thought to himself. He really underestimated what the boss would look like. The Queen was around the size of an elephant, with an imposing stature. It didn't look feminine in the slightest, contrary to it's name. It looked as if it were born from an imp and an ogre. Echo gathered all the spilled blood into a large spear, refining it with multiple layers before thrusting it towards the large imp's chest at a high speed. Echo knew he would suffer from recoil, but he didn't really care. The Queen tried to move out of the way, but blood chains shackled him down, delaying his movement just enough for the spear to impale her. "Now!" He ordered to Khan.
Khan ran almost immediately, he position his bat for the perfect swing at the queen. He imagined a baseball field, with the crowd roaring his name as he lines up the swing. He threw all his weight into it and his spirit began to follow suit by empowering it. The slam against the queen echoed harder than the screech, she flung into the wall and fell to ground. All that baseball practice really gave him what he was looking for. "Out of the Park" appeared on the box. He knew He knew this would be short lived, Demons have thicker skulls than regular people. They need something defining to end this and he couldn't muster up that strength after that swing. He began to look over to Echo, signaling to do whatever he was doing quick.
NoeruAraevain said:
Dexius tilted his head as he watched the ice above the male be sliced into pieces when he swung his arm towards it. Perhaps he manipulated air waves? It was rare to find someone who could refine air to such a degree that it could cut through ice. However, the domain of ice was his and he felt no shift in air so perhaps that wasn't it?
Still, that didn't matter. "Aversic Icicle," Using the block of ice that he had created from the ground through 'Cataclysm', he shattered it into fragments of sharp ice that encircled and encroached upon the man who stood in the middle of the small tornado of swirling ice shard. Using the closer proximity of already existing ice to the male, it left for less time to react.

Dexius intended to shred the male and embed ice deep into his skin. Not really enough to kill anyone but typically enough to send people packing. He looked at the male, intrigued. He was so calm, it was quite unlike the others before him. He found that very interesting.
True, the ice controller's attack didn't leave much room to react, let alone to counterattack. Cervus' clothes were sheredded, his feet were injured-- though they were scratches at best. The blind man didn't feel like he wanted to be shredded to pieces. Quickly grabbing the prayer beads that were attached to his left arm, and it was only moments before the prayer beads were multiplying. It kept growing, destroying any shard pieces that touched the pearl, before the prayer beads were enough to cover Cervus. He spun it rather quickly, warding off anymore ice shards.

Cervus' blood was boiling. Judging by experience, it was clear who would have won, but as the battle went on, he started having doubts. Dexius was a powerful opponent, and the blind man somehow felt like he was still toying with him. . .
Echo removed the spear and the broken shackles, recollecting all the blood into a giant sword. He flicked his palm downwards into the Queen's neck, aiming on cleaving through it. If only I could use this ability always, he thought to himself as he frowned. The only thing it was good during was for surprise attacks or massacres, in which lots of blood accumulated. After the Queen was decapitated with some resistance, he dispersed the construct. He knew that he would soon suffer the recoil of Anemia; Echo could only hope that it would be after they got the reward. He nodded at Khan, saying, "You should be the one to drag it back." He didn't suggest using his own constructs to do it, and his gaze signaled not to ask.
Hmm... There doesn't seem to be one that seems different which means they will have to keep track of the current nine fallen angels and use eliminationt o figure out which is the leader of this small group. Problem is they may get confused and lose track with more swarming them... Kelvian sighed "We should probably just start killing them then" He started towards the fallen angesl with Gryphon quickly walking behind him

"I can get behind that" He said

@LuciferDemetris @SocialDestruction
Okidragon said:
Echo removed the spear and the broken shackles, recollecting all the blood into a giant sword. He flicked his palm downwards into the Queen's neck, aiming on cleaving through it. If only I could use this ability always, he thought to himself as he frowned. The only thing it was good during was for surprise attacks or massacres, in which lots of blood accumulated. After the Queen was decapitated with some resistance, he dispersed the construct. He knew that he would soon suffer the recoil of Anemia; Echo could only hope that it would be after they got the reward. He nodded at Khan, saying, "You should be the one to drag it back." He didn't suggest using his own constructs to do it, and his gaze signaled not to ask.
Khan's box showed the picture of a face grunting. He wanted to ask why he couldn't do it but he seemed to be a little tired after that. He cant blame him, he literally made a sword to cut off the head of something he couldn't bash in. He used the amount of fighting spirit equal to getting hit by a train. He heaved the head over his shoulder and started to walk out, beckoning Echo to come along

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