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Fantasy Summoners Journey (Accepting Champions)

JackOfHearts said:
Cathy smiles. "She seems nice. And it's more than obvious that she's your sister."
Chell just gave her a thumbs up. "I saw a cute guy earlier...." she said as she laid down on the bed. "Might hit on him... I don't know...." she giggled at that. "Found anyone yet?"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Chell just gave her a thumbs up. "I saw a cute guy earlier...." she said as she laid down on the bed. "Might hit on him... I don't know...." she giggled at that. "Found anyone yet?"

Cathy frowned. "No...Not yet." She says, sighing. "You know I'm not like that. I don't go out of my way to find people to hit on."
"Yeah...... I have to understand everyone isn't like me...." she said with a laugh. She had heard it so many times. "Anyway..... the guys name is Jack..... saw him this morning all alone..." She said with a grin
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Yeah...... I have to understand everyone isn't like me...." she said with a laugh. She had heard it so many times. "Anyway..... the guys name is Jack..... saw him this morning all alone..." She said with a grin

Cathy shrugs. "I'd try to dissuade you, but you'll probably try and hit on him either way." She says, sighing. She knew how useless it was to try and convince Chell to not try and hit on someone.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Not sure if I will.... I will stand back to see if he has a girlfriend..." she said with a grin

Cathy smiles. "That would be a smart idea. Wouldn't want to go and get somebody mad at you."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Heh... yeah......" Chell said

Cathy sighs. "I'm going to...head to my room real quick. There's...something I need to take care of." She says, standing up.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"Okay see ya" Chell said

Cathy left Chell's room in a bit of a hurry, practically sprinting to her own room. She entered her room, locking the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Jack had just escaped from Katy, and dug the icicle out of his leg. "Need somewhere to hide. Can't go to my room, too obvious. What the hell is her problem, anyway? All I did was attempt to scare her..."
Jack ran up to Chell's room, which to him was just some random person's room, and started knocking on the door frantically. "Is anyone in there? Please let me in!" He asks, seeming a bit scared. He heard Katy yelling not too far away, and was starting to panic.

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Jack ran up to Chell's room, which to him was just some random person's room, and started knocking on the door frantically. "Is anyone in there? Please let me in!" He asks, seeming a bit scared. He heard Katy yelling not too far away, and was starting to panic.
@The Unamed Character
Chell opened the door. "Yes?" she asked and then saw Jack. "Come in"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Chell opened the door. "Yes?" she asked and then saw Jack. "Come in"

Jack quickly ran into Chell's room. "Shut the door, quick!" He yells.
Rune and lazica sighed and swiftly followed and laz grabs katty and holds her back and says" For the love of pete yes he's a bit of a dick but your trying to kill him the way your carrying on and yes you do need help with people skills and seriously stop being freaking stubborn we didn't accept the contract on a whim were here to make your a stronger and better person". Rune sighs and says" I admit he's hot headed and bad at expressing himself at times like you, but in this case i can't argue things will only get worst and worst if you continue so please even if not for us think of what will happen to you if you do kill him by accident".

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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Rune and lazica sighed and swiftly followed and laz grabs katty and holds her back and says" For the love of pete yes he's a bit of a dick but your trying to kill him the way your carrying on and yes you do need help with people skills and seriously stop being freaking stubborn we didn't accept the contract on a whim were here to make your a stronger and better person". Rune sighs and says" I admit he's hot headed and bad at expressing himself at times like you, but in this case i can't argue things will only get worst and worst if you continue so please even if not for us think of what will happen to you if you do kill him by accident".

[/QUOTE]Katy mutters a few curse words under her breath, seeming more than a bit pissed off that her rampage had been stopped.
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The White Wizard was very late. She wasn't usually like this but her mode of transportation had crashed and so she had proceeded on foot. She smiled as she entered. "So this should be fun..." She muttered, smirking under her breath. 'I wonder how my Champions are' She thought to herself. Then, The White Wizard decided to summon all 3 of her Champions. @djinnamon @Zeldafangirl

Nias appeared, smiling. "Hey, Lila!" She exclaimed excitedly. "We're finally here!" She smiled, calming down only ever so slightly.

@The Unamed Character (Can you maybe summon Liz so I post for her?)
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OceanBunny said:
"Yes, you are." Ilyanna said. "What mission are we going on?" She gave the other champion a concerned look when she noticed his nose bleed. "Food sounds good." She said, turning back to Roy with a smile.
Roy smiles and says" We're going to kill some triple a dread dread knights and for the love of pepe , i swear for someone so old you sure are a perv and get puppy love nosebleeds". Roy pauses for a minute then starts heading down the halls, ' yes she's a stunner but dude a noise bleed just by looking and hearing voice, i clearly need to get you some action, but i can't do that with ilyanna right here it's time like this i really worry'.
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(looks long buts its spaced out! @Fluffykitty9000)

A warm breeze came off of the bay as the Grinning Matriarch sailed into port like some bloated whale, the only difference was that this one was stuffed to the gunwales with exotic pelts, gems, spices and silk in place of blubber and organs. She had been sailing for a record of five weeks, unheard of from a trading galley of such enormous stature, but then again not every tradeship had a powerful storm-caller at their disposal.

"Captain Watts, it appears we have made it to the city -as I promised- and not a single day lost to foul weather." Elaria said whilst leaning languidly against the railing. "I believe it is time you shared some of that fortune."

The captain was a portly fellow with graying hair and sea-green eyes that seemed to glitter with childlike laughter every time he looked at you. Although age was beginning to show itself in the creases of his salted face, those eyes weren't a day above seven.

"Aye, I believe the lady is right!" he bellowed with a hearty chuckle. He ran a hand against his luscious mustache as he regarded the sorceress. "I believe our agreed payment was 6000 gold pieces for the entire journey, yes?"

Elaria inclined her head. "Indeed, and 1000 more for the two storms I tamed."

A smile appeared on the captain's face, something that was a common sight "Ah, the lady is a businesswoman, eh? Alright you shall have your gold." He turned towards the men scrubbing the deck and shouted down a couple words that made them run off below decks. When they returned two were supporting a heavy oaken chest and the third held a bundle of dark blue cloth. The captain motioned over to the goods. "7000 gold pieces as promised. You will also find a token of our gratitude, a lovely cloak I personally hand picked from the Ghost Isles."

The slave holding the bundle of cloth unfurled the bindings and deftly placed the cloak upon Elaria's shoulders. "Storm-drake hide from the Blue Peaks..." the captain continued. "...with a silken underbelly and complete with a Ghostfeng fur mantle. Do you like?"

Elaria fastened the cloak with the sea-dragon brooch and smiled at the captain. "Oh, you spoil me captain!" she said. She turned to the silent half-angel beside her. "What do you think Silver Wing? I could be mistaken for a queen with such garment!" It was not unusual for captains to bring her gifts in hopes of her favor. They made a lovely pile at her manor.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Chell quickly closed her door. 'either wants me badly...... or he is running from someone....' She thought

Jack sighs, taking a moment to catch his breath. "T-thanks for letting me in. My sister, Katy, was trying to kill me, again." He says, pulling slivers of ice out of his arm.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sighs, taking a moment to catch his breath. "T-thanks for letting me in. My sister, Katy, was trying to kill me, again." He says, pulling slivers of ice out of his arm.
"Huh? Why?" Chell asked her as she tilted her head in confusion.

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