Subarashii Boarding School (Sign up)

Actually...I think I won't be playing Red I mean Rai, I'm going to get very busy soon and will probably only be able to handle one character. ^^" I'll delete his CS now. (RIP Rai Chu, we could've had it all. *Adele starts singing*)
All accepted! Glad you all could join.

I will be making the actual thread once I have made a list of all the students. 

[QUOTE="Angel Evans]any other perverts? they usually come in 3's

What about my second character? D:
Hehe, if you check out his Crush you'll see.

Okay the female to male ratio is 5:4 which is just about right for me. More people might join as well so we don't have to worry about it.

I'm off to make the actual thread.
[QUOTE="Flip Jester Boy]I'm trying to make a character, but having a little bit of a hard time

What part are you having difficulty with? Any way that I can help you?
[QUOTE="Flip Jester Boy]It's mainly just the background part, and a little bit of the personality

Ah alright, but if you need some help don't hesitate to ask ^^ 
Actual thread is up! I will be posting first in a few seconds to set the plot.

  • Name : Itami Quinn Hiratoshikukubara

    Nicknames: Males: Senpai, Master... Females: Hentai, Pervert. Other: I.Q , Onii-chan

    Age :16 1/2

    Class :

    Class role :Vice-President

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Itami.png.902eb60dbdbb68e980ea624910974f6b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Itami.png.902eb60dbdbb68e980ea624910974f6b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Height : 6'

    Personality : Lazy on the outside he is a normal high school boy to onlookers, but those that know him know different. Saying the hormones affected the way he acted and the things he did would be a gross understatement. A frivolous skirt chaser. A masochist that borderlines an extreme note. He has gained the respect of all the boys being a secretive voyeur. If you like a girl and you want pictures you come to this man. To girls he is an overly flirtatious pervert.


    Classes (Max 2): Physical Education

    Future Career Interest: Head of Evil Organization. (CEO of EA games)

    Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: MIRA!!!! DEAR GOD MIRA!

    Likes : Women, cheese, candy, Miyu and movies

    Dislikes : Traps, spiders... you know what bugs in general.

    Connections : The man is the vice president of the school he knows most of the student bodies names. If you have been in this school longer than a week you know who this boy is. And if you don't you soon will.


    The Hiratoshikukubara is a family of well known people. Their children are stand outs among the rest of their generation all except for Itami. He used to apply himself in school in which he showed an amazing aptitude blowing all of his sisters scores out of the water. That was until his father brought home the first video game console in the Hiratoshikukubara household. Almost immediately Itami took to the machine loving every second of it. Using all of his allowance money on monthly subscriptions for video games or buying them, the boy has a seriously unhealthy addiction. His sisters told him to hide his obsessive nature so that those around him wont think of him as a freak. Following their advice he over compensates his nerdy nature with that of a pervert. He does in fact like girls but not to the magnitude that he displays. His actions have back fired as video games have become more and more popular with the youth. He is now the god of perversion in the school. Men revere him and women scorn him.

    Growing up in the household you could say was a walking hell hole for the young man as he and his father were out matched in the hormone department. His sisters would pick on him daily either beating him up or dressing him up in girls clothing and taking pictures of it. To survive the onslaught of punishment his brain has become accustomed to extreme pain and violence, in fact it finds pleasure in it.

    There is a full year that no one speaks of in the entire house... The year of.... it is to unspeakable to list here.

    All the information you need is the cycles synced up.

    His Father and Mother are usually busy with work nowadays as there have been more requests for film and theater in japan. Leaving Itami alone to get abused by his loving sisters who take full advantage of him as the temporary man of the house till his father gets home.

    Mira,Mira,Mira,Mira.... Mira. What teenage boy does not have a girl he overly obsesses about. Some pick the head cheer leader others pick the school idol. Itami is more prone to pick the girl who loves what she loves. While trying to snap a picture of the young girl while changing he saw a manga fall out of her locker and it was in that instant he instantly fell in love with her. Mira pictures are off the market as no boy can order them from his extensive catalog. He borderline stalks the girl on some days as he dresses in strange costumes and disguises and follows her around after school, when she goes shopping at the mall or eating crepes with friends he is there. If her body is dripping with sweat and a scantily clad outfit you better damn well believe Itami is there. Itami goes to the gym following her and never works out once. One day he followed her for 16 hours... Pathetic is what he would like to call himself but the radiant beauty in his eyes blind him to all actions that involve her. He knows he may never get the girl of his dreams, so he continues to flirt with the female populace.

    No friend has ever been to his house and he would like to keep it that way.

  • Mother :

    Kristin Quinn Hiratoshikukubara: A woman that has golden blonde hair and a beauty at that, she was once an actress on stage performances earning critical acclaim in all her performances. She traveled to Tokyo where she met a talented young director and fell in love.

    Father :

    Sanado Hiratoshikukubara: A man who graduated at the top of his class became enraptured in all things film studying all the classics he wanted to start his own. Now a big name screen writer and director he produces many of the Japanese blockbusters.

    Siblings :

    Misaki Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The eldest of the children she is the pride and joy of the family currently attending a university with top grades and honors as a junior. The mastermind of the estrogenious members of the house used to co-ordinates attacks on her brother.

    Chiziru Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The greatest female athlete to ever walk the halls of Kenekai High. She is starting her first year at a university with a full ride on a track and field scholarship. She on a regular occasion tortures and causes great pain to Itami.

    Rei Hiratoshikukubara: (F) An artist and a sculptor her works have attended art fairs since the early age of 12 she is talented quiet and shy to all others but at the house she is quite the devious child. Currently a senior at Kenekai High.

    Saiya Hiratoshikukubara: (F) A freshman at Kenekai High, she is making her way as an internet pop idol sensation with her picture and songs overflowing from teenagers laptops and phones. She is currently on the fast train to popularity. She uses her brothers Siscon affection to get him to do whatever she wants.

    Hinata Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The Youngest of the family she is the adorable and loveable little sister everyone wants. Her entire heart belongs to her brother who she constantly claims as her future husband.

    Character's role in the family : Middle child



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Humor said:

  • Name : Itami Quinn Hiratoshikukubara

    Nicknames: Males: Senpai, Master... Females: Hentai, Pervert. Other: I.Q , Onii-chan

    Age :16 1/2

    Class :

    Class role :Vice-President

    View attachment 22020

    Height : 6'

    Personality : Lazy on the outside he is a normal high school boy to onlookers, but those that know him know different. Saying the hormones affected the way he acted and the things he did would be a gross understatement. A frivolous skirt chaser. A masochist that borderlines an extreme note. He has gained the respect of all the boys being a secretive voyeur. If you like a girl and you want pictures you come to this man. To girls he is an overly flirtatious pervert.


    Classes (Max 2): Physical Education

    Future Career Interest: Head of Evil Organization. (CEO of EA games)

    Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: MIRA!!!! DEAR GOD MIRA!

    Likes : Women, cheese, candy, Miyu and movies

    Dislikes : Traps, spiders... you know what bugs in general.

    Connections : The man is the vice president of the school he knows most of the student bodies names. If you have been in this school longer than a week you know who this boy is. And if you don't you soon will.


    The Hiratoshikukubara is a family of well known people. Their children are stand outs among the rest of their generation all except for Itami. He used to apply himself in school in which he showed an amazing aptitude blowing all of his sisters scores out of the water. That was until his father brought home the first video game console in the Hiratoshikukubara household. Almost immediately Itami took to the machine loving every second of it. Using all of his allowance money on monthly subscriptions for video games or buying them, the boy has a seriously unhealthy addiction. His sisters told him to hide his obsessive nature so that those around him wont think of him as a freak. Following their advice he over compensates his nerdy nature with that of a pervert. He does in fact like girls but not to the magnitude that he displays. His actions have back fired as video games have become more and more popular with the youth. He is now the god of perversion in the school. Men revere him and women scorn him.

    Growing up in the household you could say was a walking hell hole for the young man as he and his father were out matched in the hormone department. His sisters would pick on him daily either beating him up or dressing him up in girls clothing and taking pictures of it. To survive the onslaught of punishment his brain has become accustomed to extreme pain and violence, in fact it finds pleasure in it.

    There is a full year that no one speaks of in the entire house... The year of.... it is to unspeakable to list here.

    All the information you need is the cycles synced up.

    His Father and Mother are usually busy with work nowadays as there have been more requests for film and theater in japan. Leaving Itami alone to get abused by his loving sisters who take full advantage of him as the temporary man of the house till his father gets home.

    Mira,Mira,Mira,Mira.... Mira. What teenage boy does not have a girl he overly obsesses about. Some pick the head cheer leader others pick the school idol. Itami is more prone to pick the girl who loves what she loves. While trying to snap a picture of the young girl while changing he saw a manga fall out of her locker and it was in that instant he instantly fell in love with her. Mira pictures are off the market as no boy can order them from his extensive catalog. He borderline stalks the girl on some days as he dresses in strange costumes and disguises and follows her around after school, when she goes shopping at the mall or eating crepes with friends he is there. If her body is dripping with sweat and a scantily clad outfit you better damn well believe Itami is there. Itami goes to the gym following her and never works out once. One day he followed her for 16 hours... Pathetic is what he would like to call himself but the radiant beauty in his eyes blind him to all actions that involve her. He knows he may never get the girl of his dreams, so he continues to flirt with the female populace.

    No friend has ever been to his house and he would like to keep it that way.

  • Mother :

    Kristin Quinn Hiratoshikukubara: A woman that has golden blonde hair and a beauty at that, she was once an actress on stage performances earning critical acclaim in all her performances. She traveled to Tokyo where she met a talented young director and fell in love.

    Father :

    Sanado Hiratoshikukubara: A man who graduated at the top of his class became enraptured in all things film studying all the classics he wanted to start his own. Now a big name screen writer and director he produces many of the Japanese blockbusters.

    Siblings :

    Misaki Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The eldest of the children she is the pride and joy of the family currently attending a university with top grades and honors as a junior. The mastermind of the estrogenious members of the house used to co-ordinates attacks on her brother.

    Chiziru Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The greatest female athlete to ever walk the halls of Kenekai High. She is starting her first year at a university with a full ride on a track and field scholarship. She on a regular occasion tortures and causes great pain to Itami.

    Rei Hiratoshikukubara: (F) An artist and a sculptor her works have attended art fairs since the early age of 12 she is talented quiet and shy to all others but at the house she is quite the devious child. Currently a senior at Kenekai High.

    Saiya Hiratoshikukubara: (F) A freshman at Kenekai High, she is making her way as an internet pop idol sensation with her picture and songs overflowing from teenagers laptops and phones. She is currently on the fast train to popularity. She uses her brothers Siscon affection to get him to do whatever she wants.

    Hinata Hiratoshikukubara: (F) The Youngest of the family she is the adorable and loveable little sister everyone wants. Her entire heart belongs to her brother who she constantly claims as her future husband.

    Character's role in the family : Middle child

omg I'm laughing at his obssession with Mira! xD

Awesome character. Accepted!
Name: Rena Yovic

Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, Hardworking, Shy, Friendly


Country: Russia

Classes (Max 2): Science, History

Future Career Interest: Science Teacher

History/Bio: Rena was born to a famous Russian Scientist father and Historian mother. As she was growing up, she grew closer to her father than her mother because she was more interested in the sciences then history. When she was old enough, she begged her parents to let her go to Subarashii because she wanted to be like them. Her parents happily agreed and sent her off on her own, knowing that she can take care of herself.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment.

Other: She plays violin in her spare time, and loves reading.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-30_0-56-40.png.77450a1d55badd2ce6ffbd9c06971887.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-30_0-56-40.png.77450a1d55badd2ce6ffbd9c06971887.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Flip Jester Boy]Name: Rena Yovic
Age(15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, Hardworking, Shy, Friendly


Country: Russia

Classes (Max 2): Science, History

Future Career Interest: Science Teacher

History/Bio: Rena was born to a famous Russian Scientist father and Historian mother. As she was growing up, she grew closer to her father than her mother because she was more interested in the sciences then history. When she was old enough, she begged her parents to let her go to Subarashii because she wanted to be like them. Her parents happily agreed and sent her off on her own, knowing that she can take care of herself.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment.

Other: She plays violin in her spare time, and loves reading.

Accepted! Awesome character! Adding your character to the rosters.
(If your still accepting) -- I'll add her picture later--

Name: Exeonia, Everglade

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classes: Culinary Arts & Art

Future Career: Manga Artist or Gourmet Chef

Country: Canada

Personality: Exeonia loves to soak in the beauty all around her, she can have sudden moodswings and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, she gets all nervous around an attractive guy

Bio: Exeonia was raised in a broken home her father and mother used to fight all the time and would often lash out at her she learned how to cook at a local restaurant and found she was pretty good at it drawing Manga comics is also a good hobby of hers that she spends alot of time doing, when she was 12 her mom died of lung cancer she was a heavy smoker, Exeonia was left with her alchoholic depressed dad that ended up commiting sucide right in front of her, despite her past she always hides all her sorrows behind a smile like a curtain

Crushes/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment

Link to picture---> -anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg'> xD -anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Jon_14]If you still need females I can make one.

Please feel free! Although we have equal amount of boys and girls now so you can make either boy or girl. :)  

MattieLee said:
(If your still accepting) -- I'll add her picture later--
Name: Exeonia, Everglade

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classes: Culinary Arts & Art

Future Career: Manga Artist or Gourmet Chef

Country: Canada

Personality: Exeonia loves to soak in the beauty all around her, she can have sudden moodswings and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, she gets all nervous around an attractive guy

Bio: Exeonia was raised in a broken home her father and mother used to fight all the time and would often lash out at her she learned how to cook at a local restaurant and found she was pretty good at it drawing Manga comics is also a good hobby of hers that she spends alot of time doing, when she was 12 her mom died of lung cancer she was a heavy smoker, Exeonia was left with her alchoholic depressed dad that ended up commiting sucide right in front of her, despite her past she always hides all her sorrows behind a smile like a curtain

Crushes/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment
Once the picture is place, your accepted! I think her and Akihito will get along well since they are both are aspiring to become Gourmet Chef's and are in Culinary Arts class together ^^
MattieLee said:
(If your still accepting) -- I'll add her picture later--
Name: Exeonia, Everglade

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classes: Culinary Arts & Art

Future Career: Manga Artist or Gourmet Chef

Country: Canada

Personality: Exeonia loves to soak in the beauty all around her, she can have sudden moodswings and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, she gets all nervous around an attractive guy

Bio: Exeonia was raised in a broken home her father and mother used to fight all the time and would often lash out at her she learned how to cook at a local restaurant and found she was pretty good at it drawing Manga comics is also a good hobby of hers that she spends alot of time doing, when she was 12 her mom died of lung cancer she was a heavy smoker, Exeonia was left with her alchoholic depressed dad that ended up commiting sucide right in front of her, despite her past she always hides all her sorrows behind a smile like a curtain

Crushes/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment
MattieLee said:
(If your still accepting) -- I'll add her picture later--
Name: Exeonia, Everglade

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classes: Culinary Arts & Art

Future Career: Manga Artist or Gourmet Chef

Country: Canada

Personality: Exeonia loves to soak in the beauty all around her, she can have sudden moodswings and is a bit of a hopeless romantic, she gets all nervous around an attractive guy

Bio: Exeonia was raised in a broken home her father and mother used to fight all the time and would often lash out at her she learned how to cook at a local restaurant and found she was pretty good at it drawing Manga comics is also a good hobby of hers that she spends alot of time doing, when she was 12 her mom died of lung cancer she was a heavy smoker, Exeonia was left with her alchoholic depressed dad that ended up commiting sucide right in front of her, despite her past she always hides all her sorrows behind a smile like a curtain

Crushes/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment

Link to picture---> -anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg'> xD -anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg
I edited it sorry I can't upload her pic so there's a link

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