Subarashii Boarding School (Sign up)

For once, I'm not in a role play with an overflow I women... 
I'll have a character up after a quick shower.
Name:Ashton Amore



Personality:Ashton is kind and gentlemanly,he loves sweets and all things cute,He is a himedere of sorts but means well at the end of the day.Ash is incredibly smart,but only uses it to benefit himself Hes a huge flirt/ His red hair earned him the fireball of nyc. He's rather popular and he loves all of the attnetion and finds it good practice for his future career. But watch out ash is a pervert and not afraid to show it



Classes (Max 2):Music,Culinary Arts

Future Career Interest:singer/Actor/Pastry Chef

History/Bio:Ash comes from a rich family,so he was always taught by the best tutors and went to the best school and now he's here. Ash hopes tha the can better fulfill his dreams at this school and generally have a good time

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend:(does anybody want Ash to have a crush on them?)

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Name: Hal Bernstein

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Hal's the cool type. He doesn't take much of anything literally, he's aloof, funny, a flirt and pervert, but most of all a good friend. He sticks by those whom he cares about, and despite his extremely outgoing and goofy personality, he can be sincere and honest; though, Subarashii has yet to see the day when Hal Bernstein actually is.



Classes: Culinary Arts and P.E.

Future Career Interest: Undecided, at the moment multiple careers intrigue him.

History/Bio: Hal traveled around the world regularly with his father, who was part of a flight agency, at a young age. He spent only two years in Germany as a child before moving to Belgium, and even then he was rarely ever at home. Throughout all of his travels as a child, the one place he always looked forward to visiting again was Japan. Everything about it fascinated him, and it wasn't long before he even began to adapt to their cultural style while visiting. After another few years the Bernstein family moved again, this time to Denmark, but after another year they finally settled down in Japan. It was Hal's dream come true. From there he developed a whole variety of hobbies and interests, some lasting no more than a month. At one point the young German born, only 14 at the time, set out to draw and write his own manga. That lasted two weeks. At yet another time he found great interest in brewing tea, but after realizing it was more of a Chinese thing he quickly dropped that too. In this way Hal spent his time goofing off and jumping from thing to thing until he was 15, and that's when things began to finally capture his full attention. Boarding school was like a whole new experience, filled with charming girls, rocking dudes, annoying teachers, and strict rules. Within a day he fit right in.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriends are nonsense, and there are too many pretty girls to be in a relationship with just one.

Other: He has a pet scorpion called Teto.

Name: Amion Kerectus

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Amion worries a lot about the future. There's not a moment he doesn't try to plan ahead and make the most profitable decisions. As a result, he has a habit of overanalyzing things to no extent. His over analysis can sometimes land him in hot water or bring him to the wrong conclusion. In truth, he's at his best where he doesn't think at all. Whatever he does and says that comes naturally to him is most often the best answer.

He doesn't have a lot of times to form relationships, so he's a little off in the friend making department. In fact, friends had never even crossed his mind. Sure he'd like to have at least one friend, but he's too busy trying to plan for the future. His worrying and planning has completely taken over his life.

If he actually sticks around long enough to talk to people, instead of running off to attend to other things, he's actually quite fun to be around. As a result of the upbringing he had, he often puts others before himself or not consider himself at all. He's an extremely dedicated son, believing everything is for the family and he comes second or not at all.

He suffered through some depression in his earlier years and is still at risk of it happening again. He tries to keep up his calm and collected disposition at all times by using a few relaxation exercises. Things like playing the violin and piano, observing nature, and drawing are some of the things that have always calmed him down and helped relieve some of the stress from thinking about the future.

He's really caring when it comes to children. Being an older brother has given him a lot of exposure to children and helped him become an excellent caretaker. As he stands right now, he's practically a father. Children always seem to brighten up his day for some reason. Perhaps it's their cheerful disposition and naivety to the outside world.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c9eaeddecb2d097869e0a91f8ffd48fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.c9eaeddecb2d097869e0a91f8ffd48fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Country: He never knew his birthplace. As a result of traveling a lot, his parents forgot the actual place of his birth. They always gave him a different answer and his father had even told him he was Japanese last week.

Classes: Music and Art

Future Career Interest: Amion really doesn't have a career interest at this point in his life. He'll take anything as long as it pays well.

History/Bio: Growing up, Amion was always traveling. His father didn't have the best of jobs, so he was always being relocated. How they could afford to send him across the globe and not give him a decent salary, he would never understand.

Amion was forced to grow up pretty fast with the life he had. There was no play time, toys, or any form of entertainment. As a child, all he knew was work. He didn't have the luxury of going to school, so he studied by himself when he wasn't working. He eventually developed a high IQ and moved onto way more advanced subjects, since there were no restrictions.

Things eventually grew worse for the family when the economy took a hit. The traveling eventually stopped and worse pay soon came. His mother and father would've quit, but there weren't enough job openings anywhere and there were more expenses each day, especially with another child along the way.

After his sibling was born, Amion only knew how to do three things. He would work, study, and raise his sibling. His parents worked late hours, so child duty was left to him. He didn't mind it or anything at all really. He learned to accept things as they were, especially after being forced to live in a house where the walls were practically collapsing.

When Amion reached the age where he could work in public places, he went kinda crazy. He took anything he could get and any amount he could get. That's where things got insanely stressful, but they needed the money.

His mind eventually went into a dark place when his mother got laid off. However, music and drawing brought him out of this. There was just something about the activities that were soothing. They gave him a sense that everything would be okay.

Eventually, Amion got into Subarashii Academy and was determined to earn a decent living for his family.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Amion's never had the time for relationships, so they've never crossed his mind. He's never had a crush and the only love he's ever had is the love for his family. Besides, he doesn't think he'd be really good at it anyway.

Other: His favorite instruments are the violin and piano.

He's a pretty good singer, but he really doesn't have the time for that.



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I'm pretty sure seven guys aren't going to go after three girls... If there's going to be romance at all, I say let the female characters make the choices.
I could always make another female (but they're not as fun xD ) maybe....OMG I should make a manly female! :D  
I'm focusing on character development than romance, romance is just for character development. xD
Don't worry about it, This RP would probably be too fast paced anyway. In about a day, it'll go from page 1 to page 5-6 or something. I'm RPing not about the romance, it never has been. Besides, Mike is a Loner anyway. His friends will be an NPC. I'll just delete Mike's CS .
I never really cared about romance either, which is why the ratio things doesn't really bug me. Unless I'm the only guy...
For me, romance is the worst way to develop characters. Things like picking yourself up after a tragic event, developing a sense of comradery, or even having a plain good laugh works best in my opinion.
I like to think "REBOUND!!!" then again, I did that once. *shudders as she looks back at old rps* I don't know what I was thinking or doing....oh well. :P

I'm going to go ahead and make that male character I wanted to make, if there's going to be more males, might as well make it an even number.
Its the opposite for me I excel at romance character development is iffy maybe we can teach each other a few things pai
Oh no... this is just too good. xD Also, female character coming up in a second here... brace yourselves. 

(Edited her classes a bit so she isn't totally alone.

xD )​

Shita Hitachi






There are things about Shita's personality that stand out a lot more than others, whether she intends them to or not. She's very pessimistic and lets that show quite often at school, whether it's studying for an exam or 'offering' help to a friend currently in a relationship. This at least helps her not to be disappointed if the outcome of something isn't the way she hoped it to be, but be warned, she still isn't very encouraging. She also has a tendency to show off in front of others without meaning to. These things make her seem quite annoying to many, but really once you get to know her you see that everything else about her makes up for these things. She's very down-to-earth and loving, and besides some of her personality setbacks, a very good and loyal friend. One of her greatest pleasures is hearing her friends laugh. Not necessarily at a joke she made, but anything in general. Remaining happy and confident is a staple to her.






Culinary Arts and English/Grammar

Future Career Interest:

A journalist


A Japanese born and bred, she's lived in the mainland all her life. Always interested in writing and cooking even from a young age, Shita excelled in school far beyond her peers. She was hardworking and determined with most of what she did, but never did she let something school related become more important than the other things within her life. Sadly, throughout her life, she had no one to rely on except herself and her friends. Her parents were both awful people, more than often coming home late and drunk. Shita's father worked at a number of racy clubs, and her mother's line of work was just about on the same page. Neither adult even seemed to care for their child, let alone each other. At times it made it very hard for Shita, probably the reason she began to be so pessimistic.


When she first attended the school her gaze was set on Ashton, but after spending a little more time at Subarashii she began to notice someone else...


Hates the color pink.
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