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I'm going to make Mira love pink just for the heck of it. What's so bad about the colour pink anyway? xD
Sure, it's stereotyped to be a "girly" colour, but I think it's a very pretty colour! Perhaps it's because girls don't want to be "girly" and want to be seen as more of an independent woman, but why take it out on pink? Poor poor pink, being hated by many because it was stereotyped. I personally like the colour, although I like all colours :P

Suddenly has the urge to write something about Ancient Rome.
ShadowWang said:
What paipai said. And currently they're just wondering around the school grounds after class, they could be anywhere really. xD
What Shao-Shao said, I don't know about Shita or Hasashi though. :)
Name: Destrey Hagane

Age(15-18): 17

Gender: Female


Destrey's the quiet type. She doesn't really talk much, but she's quite talkative when you get to know her. She's caring and would never hurt anyone.

Appearance: (Her eyes are red though)



Country: England

Classes (Max 2):Culinary Arts and Music

Future Career Interest: A chef or Composer

History/Bio: Destrey was born in London, England. The only child in her family, she had grown up with the example of her parents to look after and became a very sophisticated young woman. As time went on her parents where never home, always on business trips. So Destrey had to live on her own.

Crush: Akihito J. DiGaetano

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