Subarashii Boarding School (Sign up)

ShadowWang said:
Would music be ending for Elouise and Hasashi then? I think they started around the same time as Culinary Arts did...
Nope, since you guys didn't exactly start it. This'll make things go faster and easier.
Still accepting as far as I know. I think it's safe to say go ahead and make a character, and when Akihito is online he'll be able to look it over.
I AM BACK!! I was typing something and then a power outage came (there was this crazy storm outside) and yeah. :3 Hai.
I was actually typing up some scientific notes for this new roleplay I was going to do.....and then the power outage came....all my research was gone.... *sighs* Oh well.
Well, I got really angry at first, I had almost 20 pages of just information. But in the end I just rocked out to some Shakira. ^^" 
Now I'm only at 12 pages. :P
Name: Ashling Demos

Age(15-18): 17

Gender: Female


Despite her entire upbringing to be a lady, Ash loves to do the opposite of what people expect. She is an intelligent, fierce, and confident girl who tends to be a little boy crazy. Although she won't directly go after them, a telltale blush will usually grace her cheeks if she likes someone. Her sweet and outgoing nature allows her to become fast friends with people. She is by no means graceful, tending to be extremely clumsy and accident prone. She tends to be overly friendly, which some might take as flirting even if it isn't intentional. Ash will never back down from a challenge and will hold a grudge if you make her angry, which is extremely hard to do.



Country: Greece

Classes (Max 2): Music and Art

Future Career Interest: A violinist/flutist or Fashion Designer


Born into an old aristocratic family in Greece, she grew up wanting for nothing. The pride and joy of her parents, the heiress of her father's technological empire, and one of the most sought after contracts by other Greek nobles for their heirs. With ties to the displaced Greek Royal family and distant cousins to English Nobility, her family held a lot of power in the country. However, Ashling wanted none of it.

With little to no interest in her father's empire, Ashling went against her parents wishes to pursue the arts. An avid fashion lover from a young age, she loved to design and sew her own outfits despite the items in her closet worth thousands. Her love of music made her a bit of a musical prodigy with her early mastery of the piano, flute, and violin. Her voice wasn't bad either, although nothing like the famous opera divas her mother loved.

She would do everything possible to ruin any potential matches with suitors. She had no interest in remaining with the Greek nobility, wishing to leave the country in the future. She sabotaged her lessons, acted out at parties, and refused to learn anything about her father's empire. At their wits end and not used to their sweet daughter being a brat, they gave in. They allowed her to apply for Subarashii Boarding School in hopes that her attitude would change.

Receiving a scholarship for music, her parents agreed to allow her to attend if she promised to return with a fiancee with similar ideals and nobility as them to be the company's heir. Not able to find a way out of the agreement, she gave her approval although silently plotting how to get out of her parents grasp. She has no intention of fulfilling the agreement, making its hard for her to date and not reveal the deal she has that will form her future and theirs.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None at the moment although soon knowing old habits die hard and that deal...


She hates the color pink.

She loves learning new instruments and music.

She tends to sing when she thinks people aren't around.

She can be a bit of a brat if she doesn't get her way.

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